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Campaign, party officials insist Trump getting back on track


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Campaign, party officials insist Trump getting back on track



WASHINGTON (AP) — After a tumultuous stretch of gaffes and falling poll numbers for Donald Trump, top GOP campaign and party officials insisted Sunday that their presidential nominee is getting back on track and will catch up with Democrat Hillary Clinton by around Labor Day.


Clinton campaign officials dismissed the idea of a changed Trump as nonsense.


"Donald Trump has been disciplined and mature. And I think he's going to get this thing back on track," said Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman.


Polls now mostly show Trump lagging Clinton by 5 percentage points or more nationally, but Priebus predicted they will tighten up and Trump will be "ahead as we move through September."


Trump's new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, echoed Priebus' optimism, contending that the candidate just had the best week of his campaign, "mostly because he's able to be himself, the authentic Donald Trump" and "the pivot that he's made is on substance."


Conway, who supported Trump rival Ted Cruz during the primaries, was named to her post this past week in a shake-up in which the campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, resigned and conservative media firebrand Stephen Bannon, who led Breitbart News, took over as campaign chief executive.


A new style was immediately evident as Trump, in a first, offered regrets for any remarks that had caused offense, stuck with his teleprompter at a series of events, and paid a visit to flood-ravaged Louisiana, where he briefly helped unload a truck of supplies. That type of one-on-one interaction with voters is a staple of most political campaigning, yet something Trump had mostly avoided in favor of large rallies.


Trump also announced his first ad buys of the campaign — more evidence of an acceptance of the traditional campaign elements most experts believe he will need in order to have a shot at winning. He made a direct appeal to African-American voters, who strongly support Clinton, and insisted he wants the GOP to become their political home as it was in the era of Abraham Lincoln.


Trump also met on Saturday with Hispanic supporters, representatives of a community that has been wary of the billionaire businessman's proposals to build a giant wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and deport the 11 million people living in this country illegally. Questioned on whether Trump still intends to deploy a "deportation force" to carry that out, Conway said Sunday: "To be determined."


Conway, whose background is as a pollster, said the campaign wants to get away from a focus on Trump's personality and onto the Obama administration's record, and Clinton as a continuation of what it describes as unpopular policies such as the Obama's health care law.


"The Hillary people want this to all be about tone and temperament. We also want to it be about facts and figures," Conway said.

She said that the campaign would work more closely with RNC officials and try to expand the map of competitive swing states from seven or eight to 10 or 11. "Donald Trump is back in Hillary Clinton's head," Conway said.


Clinton's campaign manager, Robby Mook, disputed such claims. "We're not seeing a pivot. Donald Trump himself said this was not a pivot. He wants to double down on letting Donald Trump be Donald Trump," Mook said.


Mook kept up his criticism over Trump's connections with Russia, arguing that despite the departure of Manafort amid questions over his work for a pro-Russia political party in Ukraine, Trump should offer an accounting about his own ties to Russia.


"There are real questions being raised about whether Donald Trump himself is just a puppet for the Kremlin in this race," Mook said.

Trump officials criticized the Clintons' charitable foundation in the wake of its announcement that it would not accept donations from foreign contributors if Clinton were elected president.


"The fact the Clinton Foundation is still taking foreign contributions until the election, but not after, is a sign they know those donations lead to conflicts of interest," Trump spokesman Jason Miller said in a statement, calling for the foundation to immediately cease taking foreign contributions.


Mook defended the foundation's work, insisting it is saving lives around the globe through vaccine work.


Conway, Mook and Priebus were interviewed on ABC's "This Week." and Conway also spoke on CNN's "State of the Union."

-- © Associated Press 2016-08-22
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He did give a pretty good speech the other day. It was disciplined and sensible. He ripped Hillary and Obama to shreds, but no silly conspiracy stuff. It is probably too late to save him, but I hope not. I do not like him much, but he is not as bad as Mrs Clinton.

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Wow! See how easy that was! So simple to change years of career-ending gaffes! Just make one publicity whoring appearance that helped no one and a non-specific apology and presto! Trump has erased every bad thing he's ever done. He has matured because a few days passed that he hasn't said or tweeted some insane bullshit. Well, good for you, Bucky. 


Now it's on to Victory! Victory! Victory! :cheesy:


You guys are hilarious. The demise of the RNC is delicious!


I'm assuming that Reince is medicated. That much self-loathing can't go untreated. I hope he has a real job lined up for after November. 


Yes, Trump has had a great week of maturation said Priebus. He's not spitting out the strained peaches on the tray of his high chair. Also when we put him on the changing table, if we say yes it's yuuge, he doesn't pee straight up in the air. 555


Everybody sing:

"Oh to live on, Bullshit Mountain,
with the barkers and hair-colored buffoons
your IQ's twenty on Bullshit Mountain,
though you've given up
on thinkin' way too soon . . .
(apologies to Neil Young)



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6 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

He did give a pretty good speech the other day. It was disciplined and sensible. He ripped Hillary and Obama to shreds, but no silly conspiracy stuff. It is probably too late to save him, but I hope not. I do not like him much, but he is not as bad as Mrs Clinton.

From the look of those nude statutes put up around the country it must have taken a pretty big crane to get him back on the track. I would be more worried about how he detracked himself in the first place. If and when he becomes president will he be reading off of teleprompters for 4 years and possibly 8? If he attains the white house I am just afraid visitors important and otherwise will be greeted by a sign "Sorry out to check on my business ventures will return in 3 days" Make yourself to home. 

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

"Donald Trump has been disciplined and mature. And I think he's going to get this thing back on track," said Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman.



God help us.


The head of the GOP feels it's necessary to state that his party's nominee for the highest office in the land is "disciplined and mature".


It's almost as if he's talking about a high school junior who is going to end up at a community college because he's been acting like an idiot the last 3 years.


What a fiasco.


Serious people need to step in and fire Priebus and stop funding the Trump "campaign".  

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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9 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, day before yesterday he was up 1/2 a percentage point and now today we see he's up 2 points over Crooked Hillary.


On a roll!  :)

Nope it is not...

Just look at this poll aggregator website:


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On the day after the results of the election for the President of the USA in November I will on site to eat my hat if Trump has won.  I will be ready to say that I was wrong and the American people have voted and got the president that they deserve and good luck to them.  God bless America.


I just hope if the result goes the other way then the Trump supporters will be around as well or will they be mysteriously absent.  It is known as taking it on the chin and admitting that you got it wrong.  Time will tell but it will be interesting to see whether the Trumpsters will hold their hands up or rummage around for excuses as to why their boy lost.

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16 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

He did give a pretty good speech the other day. It was disciplined and sensible. He ripped Hillary and Obama to shreds, but no silly conspiracy stuff. It is probably too late to save him, but I hope not. I do not like him much, but he is not as bad as Mrs Clinton.


Mrs Clinton? Lovely lady...

Hillary Devil.JPG

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He's back ALREADY to the insults!

Nobody is surprised.


That man as president?

He'd be scary as president of my condo board.

  1. Some day, when things calm down, I'll tell the real story of @JoeNBC and his very insecure long-time girlfriend, @morningmika. Two clowns!

    4,710 retweets12,914 likes

    Tried watching low-rated @Morning_Joe this morning, unwatchable! @morningmika is off the wall, a neurotic and not very bright mess!

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