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Police: Man shouts 'Allahu akbar' in Australian knife attack 


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9 hours ago, jaidam said:

quote " Police were still investigating the motive behind the attack and will consider whether mental health issues or drug use was a factor. "


Mental health? Drug issues?? Well it looks like a real tough one to solve. Could the "Allahu Akbar" be some sort of clue as to the motive?????


Is the media trying to tell people that Islam is a mental disorder? Aren't they the ones being Islamophobic then? ;)

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44 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

Same in the USA. Gotta start calling 'em as they really are. PC is BS and has been taken to ridiculous extremes. The White House (is that racist?) won't even use the term Islamic Extremists.


Just recently Good Morning America hostess apologized for using the term "colored people". W-T-F?!? WHY?!? This is offensive? This is a racial slur? NOT!!!


The NAACP is the largest African-American civil rights group in the USA. It stands for... National Association for the Advancement of Colored People :crazy:


Without skin pigmentation one would be Albino, isn't it?

So why 'coloured' is considered a slur? It's normal skin :)

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I think it's really sad that almost all of us are concentrating on the terrorist, his possible jihadi connections, and even some international relations, etc etc.

We often sadly forget about the victims and their loved ones. It would be nice to hear/read more about them too _ lives suddenly cut short.

We forget almost all about such incidents 1-2 days afterwards (a week maximum, if the attack is a big-scale one), but the victims' loved ones often never forget about them .

Anyway, I've just wanted to mention this aspect.

As for this fanaticism/barbarism, sadly, I don't see it decreasing, let alone ending, in our lifetime.

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9 hours ago, SgtRock said:


Then you will be very happy to provide a link to the relevant legislative rules and regulations that covers this:



As an Aussie cop. They are alleged to have committed a crime.  We don't dare mine guilt, we allege to the court what a person may have done.

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But police were “not ruling out any motivations at this early stage, whether they be criminal or political”.

Investigators would also consider whether “mental health or drug misuse” issues were a factor in the attack alongside any “indication of an extremist slant or he was radicalised”, Gollschewski said at a press conference in Brisbane.

“This is not about race or religion, it is about individual criminal behaviour,” he said.


From: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2016/aug/24/british-woman-allegedly-stabbed-to-death-by-frenchman-at-australian-backpackers-hostel


So, on the one hand: "police were not ruling out any motivations"

and yet: "This is not about race or religion"


Laughable logic.


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Well, I have to admit when it comes to Muslim, I am racist.


I don't have a lot of good things to say about America, but perhaps we should take a leaf out of their history book and gather all Muslims together and place them in a fertile spot where they can harvest their own food and perhaps do knitting or macrame.


Any people caught trying to escape or enter without authorisation would be shot on sight. All men would have a vasectomy and in about 80 or so years......problem solved!


Just a thought.

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1 hour ago, ebonykap said:

Well, I have to admit when it comes to Muslim, I am racist.


I don't have a lot of good things to say about America, but perhaps we should take a leaf out of their history book and gather all Muslims together and place them in a fertile spot where they can harvest their own food and perhaps do knitting or macrame.


Any people caught trying to escape or enter without authorisation would be shot on sight. All men would have a vasectomy and in about 80 or so years......problem solved!


Just a thought.


An "Escape from New York" style prison, but somewhere in the Middle East. :P

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From french press " Le Figaro" - extract :  "Ali Kadri, a Muslim Council of Queensland spokesman was speaking at a conference in Brisbane. In its comments reported by the Guardian, he said he talked to the police and confirmed the doubts about the religious motivations of the perpetrator. Kadri then asked not to make hasty conclusions "before all the facts are known," asserting that speculation "was the game of terror." "We must be careful not to link all the murders committed by Muslims to terrorism" has he said, adding, "If we speculate  whether an act is linked to terrorism or not, what will happen is that Daech will seize this opportunity to  appear stronger than he is. "

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5 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:




From: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2016/aug/24/british-woman-allegedly-stabbed-to-death-by-frenchman-at-australian-backpackers-hostel


So, on the one hand: "police were not ruling out any motivations"

and yet: "This is not about race or religion"


Laughable logic.


No its laughable political correctness and the extreme fear of being labeled racist.  Police are not allowed to speak of Islam as it may offend muslims.  Just like the Apex gang who  are terrorising citizens in Melbourne, everyone knows they are Sudanese refugees but mentioning their race and colour is strictly taboo.

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9 hours ago, ravip said:

Without skin pigmentation one would be Albino, isn't it?

So why 'coloured' is considered a slur? It's normal skin :)



Same in Australia, PC gone mad.


A state police commissioner recently referred to a Sudanese, or maybe Somali, not sure which, but an ALLEGED offender, as a darkly coloured man.  He was as black as your boot, but 'black man' can't be uttered.  If he was a Caucasian, he would be described as a 'white man'.  <deleted> is going one here???


TheChook, post above, I saw a news item on TV recently referring to the Apex gang, and some PC wan**r was saying they come from all ethnic groups, but in the footage, every single one was black, oops, sorry, 'darkly coloured'.

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1 hour ago, F4UCorsair said:



Same in Australia, PC gone mad.


A state police commissioner recently referred to a Sudanese, or maybe Somali, not sure which, but an ALLEGED offender, as a darkly coloured man.  He was as black as your boot, but 'black man' can't be uttered.  If he was a Caucasian, he would be described as a 'white man'.  <deleted> is going one here???


TheChook, post above, I saw a news item on TV recently referring to the Apex gang, and some PC wan**r was saying they come from all ethnic groups, but in the footage, every single one was black, oops, sorry, 'darkly coloured'.


Although it's off topic VIC police have confirmed APEX gang membership comprises different ethnic groups e.g. Somali, M.E. and Polynesian backgrounds

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It has now been confirmed the murderer, prior to traveling to Oz, was a resident of Chiang Mai. Some media reports claim the attacker had been singing the French National Anthem prior to the attack & had been in a argument with the victim and the two wounded men. Addition it is claimed the victim had the murderer as a Facebook 'friend' and the killer was obsessed with the victim. Queensland Police, in conjunction with AFP. are researching if there is any link to radical Islamic ideology, in parallel investigating whether the killer was motivated by other reasons.


Personally I have no doubt whatsoever if Islamist ideology is the motivation for the attack Police will confirm with relevant charges.

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11 minutes ago, simple1 said:

It has now been confirmed the murderer, prior to traveling to Oz, was a resident of Chiang Mai. Some media reports claim the attacker had been singing the French National Anthem prior to the attack & had been in a argument with the victim and the two wounded men. Addition it is claimed the victim had the murderer as a Facebook 'friend' and the killer was obsessed with the victim. Queensland Police, in conjunction with AFP. are researching if there is any link to radical Islamic ideology, in parallel investigating whether the killer was motivated by other reasons.


Personally I have no doubt whatsoever if Islamist ideology is the motivation for the attack Police will confirm with relevant charges.

 In light of the difficulty of predicting when the call to jihad comes, it is worth taking precautionary measures(rather safe than sorry).


Same principle as when driving to expect the vehicle in front to do something daft and be prepared for it, giving a wide berth when seeing a dog with foam coming out of its mouth, not going swimming when the surf is 2 meters high etc etc. Basic common sense.

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An Australian politician, Bob Katter, overnight called for a stop to 'refugees', from the middle east and North Africa, from entering Australia.  


Part of the reasoning was that Saudi Arabia and the Emirates won't permit so called refugees into their countries, and they are muslim!!!




Some time ago when the hordes were sweeping into Europe, an announcement from Saudi Arabia said that they would not permit any of the hordes in because "there could be terrorists among them".  That would be the pot calling the kettle black!

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1 hour ago, jaidam said:

 In light of the difficulty of predicting when the call to jihad comes, it is worth taking precautionary measures(rather safe than sorry).


Same principle as when driving to expect the vehicle in front to do something daft and be prepared for it, giving a wide berth when seeing a dog with foam coming out of its mouth, not going swimming when the surf is 2 meters high etc etc. Basic common sense.


Perhaps the poor victim simply hugged her boyfriend within eyeshot of the POS.


A precedent has been set.



Muslim convert guilty of assaulting teen who was hugging girlfriend




Not his first conviction for the same offence.


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Clearly it's all the woman's fault; the Frenchman was simply acting like a normal, red blooded Moslem man.  She should have known that by not being covered head to foot by a loose black bag she could cause any nearby Moslem male to lose any semblance of self control.


European countries should take note:  rather than banning the niqab and burka, they should make wearing them compulsory for all women.  That way our women will be safe from sexual assault and murder by Moslems.

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2 hours ago, simple1 said:

It has now been confirmed the murderer, prior to traveling to Oz, was a resident of Chiang Mai. Some media reports claim the attacker had been singing the French National Anthem prior to the attack & had been in a argument with the victim and the two wounded men. Addition it is claimed the victim had the murderer as a Facebook 'friend' and the killer was obsessed with the victim. Queensland Police, in conjunction with AFP. are researching if there is any link to radical Islamic ideology, in parallel investigating whether the killer was motivated by other reasons.


Personally I have no doubt whatsoever if Islamist ideology is the motivation for the attack Police will confirm with relevant charges.


I bet that the police find that this has nothing to do with his being a muslim ,but it will be , insanity ,a love thing , anything but , and shouting allah akbar , well sort of thing anyone would say as they knife you to death .

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Frenchman Smail Ayad, 29, who was living with the victims at the hostel, was charged on Thursday afternoon with one count of murder, two counts of attempted murder, one count of serious animal cruelty and 12 counts of assaulting police officers.


So far no charges related to anti terrorism legislation.






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56 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Frenchman Smail Ayad, 29, who was living with the victims at the hostel, was charged on Thursday afternoon with one count of murder, two counts of attempted murder, one count of serious animal cruelty and 12 counts of assaulting police officers.


So far no charges related to anti terrorism legislation.











1 x Count of murder

2 x Counts of attempted murder

1 x Count of serious animal cruelty


12 x Counts of assaulting Police officers


It might just be deemed unnecessary to rile up the religion of perpetually offended. Notwithstanding that 24 - 48 hours is hardly a massive timescale to investigate and identify any potential terrorist links.

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23 hours ago, Oxx said:


I was a tad surprised to learn that the victim is a British woman named "Mia Ayliffe-Chung".


Not the sort of British name I encountered when I was young.


And do your children all have blond hair and blue eyes?  What a silly comment,  especially on a Thai Forum.  Where mixed race children prevail.

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