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UKIP's Nigel Farage to speak at Donald Trump rally


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1 hour ago, NongKhaiKid said:

He must have thought he'd died and gone to heaven having his every word cheered by an audience that didn't challenge anything he said,  laugh at or mock him.

He'll still keep a low profile in Britain for a while though I suspect but people like him need the limelight so he'll resurface sometime.

Are you sure you don't want to include Ying and Takky in that group as well or do you think they are a better class of moron?

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1 hour ago, NongKhaiKid said:

He must have thought he'd died and gone to heaven having his every word cheered by an audience that didn't challenge anything he said,  laugh at or mock him.

He'll still keep a low profile in Britain for a while though I suspect but people like him need the limelight so he'll resurface sometime.


I sincerely hope he doesn't re-surface or if and when he does everyone still remembers the lies he glibbly trotted out.


Wouldn't be surprised to find him back with the Tories and Unionists at some point though. Slimy enough,

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

My post made perfect sense. Both Brexit and trumpism are white racist, xenophobic movements. 


Absolutely. Not a shred of racism, religionism or xenophobia exhibited by anyone or group in the UK, right? How could Nigel get it so wrong w/r to control of Britain's borders and, implicitly, who is allowed to enter and who is not?:



Edited by MaxYakov
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31 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I assume you are a US citizen from your previous posts. You obviously know little about the UK to think that. In my 10 years there, I experienced virtually ZERO racism.

It was about how the EU is destroying the UK as a country. If you want to abolish countries, that is one thing, but that is not what the UK signed up to.

The EU "government" is certainly very bad for the citizens that suffer from it's policies, such as unfettered illegal immigration.


Although I voted to remain, there are indeed some serious issues in the EU. The federalists, led by the likes of Merkel, Juncke and Hollande want to crated an EU Super State with a high degree of central control through appointed bureaucrats. More like DDR than GDR. Their pseudo liberal PC policies and behavior means their quite happy to believe they know what's best and not really worry about what the electorate think or want. Those issues have one obstacle on the way out as Britain exits.

Britain has a proud common law heritage, the right of trial by jury for everyone and the presumption of innocence unless proven otherwise. That't not the same in all member countries where codified law systems with trial by judges and where innocence has to be proven are more widely the norm.

These issues were widely ignored with focus being put on immigration and Britain's EU financial contributions. In both cases many lies, exaggerations were presented as facts. 


There is not and never has been a policy of unfettered immigration. But some EU members have failed to police their borders, fail to enforce their own immigration rules, fail to deport illegal immigrants and fail to uphold their responsibilities under international law. Some politicians aggravated that situation by then announcing additional "refugees" would be welcomed.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Farage is to address supporters of Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Mississippi

Obama created EU and the US needs to exit the organization.

It would come as no suprise if Trump makes such claims to demonstrate the importance of his knowledge of US foreign policy.

His hardcore supporters wouldn't know the truth anyways.

Edited by Srikcir
EU not UE
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Donald Trump has outfoxed those who call him a racist by hiring the least racist person in the UK to share a stage with him.

Trump hopes to win back the US ethnic vote by standing next to Nigel Farage, a man seen by many as a harmless moderate. The Republican nominee handpicked the non-racist, former UKIP leader after carefully listening to his speeches to ensure there were no dodgy comments about immigrants in them.

Trump also scanned Farage’s recent campaign literature, which, it was widely agreed, was level-headed, proportionate and steered well clear of echoing any Nazi sentiments from the late 1930s.


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57 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I assume you are a US citizen from your previous posts. You obviously know little about the UK to think that. In my 10 years there, I experienced virtually ZERO racism.

It was about how the EU is destroying the UK as a country. If you want to abolish countries, that is one thing, but that is not what the UK signed up to.

The EU "government" is certainly very bad for the citizens that suffer from it's policies, such as unfettered illegal immigration.


Of course you didn't experience racism. You are white. Jeez.


British racism is rooted in classism and the cultural arrogance of a former imperial power. It is very different from anti African American sentiments in the US. A completely different historical context.


The Brexiters who are shamed by Farage and his cohorts racism try to argue the EU Super State defense. They do not acknowledge the base racism against Eastern Europeans and their perceived 'lesser' culture not to mention the absolute racism against brown skinned persons whose faith happens to not be of the lily white Anglican sort. Such people have no qualms about hiding behind this deception.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

My post made perfect sense. Both Brexit and trumpism are white racist, xenophobic movements. 

Get a grip man, you have just labeled 52% of the U.K. Population as white racists. I will take it as read you will affix a similar label to the majority of U.S citizens when Trump wins.

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58 minutes ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

Are you sure you don't want to include Ying and Takky in that group as well or do you think they are a better class of moron?

Just what does Ying and Takky have to do with a failed British politician giving a speech at a trump rally   ?

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Niger F. not a registered charity ..so expenses have to be covered and appearance money ..like the Muslim family said to have received $50k from Hillary 'I deleted 30k email' Clinton

6 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

How much  money did Trump pay Farage to make  the appearance? Who paid the airfare and lodging expenses?   Farage says he wouldn't vote for   Candidate Clinton if he was paid. Ok. He's being paid by Trump  now isn't he?


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1 hour ago, MaxYakov said:


Racism is not illegal and these days everyone seems to be playing their race or religion cards and the game is getting very old.


I do a bit of survivalist xenophobia as anyone with common sense should. Especially w/r to those that tend go homicidal at the drop of a cartoon.


Perhaps you should visit the American Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial Site?


Maybe Racism is not illegal in US, but it is in Europe

Is there any Alien victims of American memorial site?

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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44 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

Get a grip man, you have just labeled 52% of the U.K. Population as white racists. I will take it as read you will affix a similar label to the majority of U.S citizens when Trump wins.

Not all of them. A significant percentage. Also, your credibility is rather suspect if sincerely think trump will win. It's possible, but highly unlikely.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Not all of them. A significant percentage. Also, your credibility is rather suspect if sincerely think trump will win. It's possible, but highly unlikely.

The credibility of the pollsters was rather suspect after they predicted a clear win for Remain. The pollsters are indeed part of the establishment, they are doing their bit by trying to demoralize those opposing the establishment to not bother voting.

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14 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

The credibility of the pollsters was rather suspect after they predicted a clear win for Remain. The pollsters are indeed part of the establishment, they are doing their bit by trying to demoralize those opposing the establishment to not bother voting.

The pollsters did not predict a clear win for Brexit,. It was pundits who did that. They ignored the polls and instead indulged in wishful thinking.


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38 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

The pollsters did not predict a clear win for Brexit,. It was pundits who did that. They ignored the polls and instead indulged in wishful thinking.


I stand corrected, yes it was the pundits and bookmakers who got it wrong. Just prior to the first counts being announced you could have got long odds on Brexit. Our own Thaivisa pundits have similarly written off the anti-establishment figure. 

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Odd to see Nigel without his trademark "pint in one hand, fag in the other and slurring his words".  Still as Trump says  "What have you got to lose?".  Seriously though Farage fits fairly well with the Trump set-up, quite similar fan base and no interest in the truth.    

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7 hours ago, PTC said:

Farage bases his career on preying on the dispossessed angry racists in the UK. He is a failed business person whose only claim to fame is playing the enfant terrible in the European Parliament. The fit with Donald is uncanny.


Most people now valise that Farage's God Complex is now out of control. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-recession-economy-what-happens-nigel-farage-speech-a7099301.html


He was despised by thinking people before, now he has become a caricature.


I know he was or is a trader therefore he is probably more in touch with economics and finance than your bogstandard career politician, but I can't find anywhere about him being a failed businessman. Can you provide a link please to your declaration? 

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I'll refrain from passing comment on the many backstabbing remarks against Mr Farage by 'Remainians'


Sticking to the the upcoming USA elections, an American pal contacted me yesterday emphasizing what a terrible choice the USA electorate has to make in 3 months time.


At the risk of going slightly off-topic, he reminded me of a recent quote that he suggested sums things up nicely when trying to choose between Trump and HC...


"This election might be a choice between cholera and gonorrhea." Julian Assange



OK – So lets analyze the 2 diseases mentioned in Assange's quote to assist us on making an informed decision as to who is the lesser of two evils.

(Statistics from the World Health Organization)


·         Cholera

o   Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal disease that can kill within hours if left untreated.

o   Can be contracted easily by simply drinking contaminated water.

o   Researchers have estimated that there are 1.4 to 4.3 million cases, and 28 000 to 142 000 deaths worldwide1 due to cholera every year.

o   Up to 80% of cases can be successfully treated with oral rehydration salts.

o   Provision of safe water and sanitation is critical to control cholera and other waterborne diseases.

o   Oral cholera vaccines are an additional way to control cholera, but should not replace conventional control measures.

·         Gonorrhea

o   Not normally fatal

o   Some pleasure usually involved in contracting it.

    • More than 1 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are acquired every day worldwide.

    • Each year, there are an estimated 357 million new infections with 1 of 4 STIs: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis.

    • The majority of STIs have no symptoms or only mild symptoms that may not be recognized as an STI.


Accordingly, based on the afore mentioned principle of choosing between 'the lessor of two evils' 

One should chose Gonorrhea…which has to be Trump :w00t:

I rest my case. :wai2:

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2 minutes ago, SteveB2 said:

I'll refrain from passing comment on the many backstabbing remarks against Mr Farage by 'Remainians'


Sticking to the the upcoming USA elections, an American pal contacted me yesterday emphasizing what a terrible choice the USA electorate has to make in 3 months time.


At the risk of going slightly off-topic, he reminded me of a recent quote that he suggested sums things up nicely when trying to choose between Trump and HC...


"This election might be a choice between cholera and gonorrhea." Julian Assange






OK – So lets analyze the 2 diseases mentioned in Assange's quote to assist us on making an informed decision as to who is the lesser of two evils.

(Statistics from the World Health Organization)




·         Cholera


o   Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal disease that can kill within hours if left untreated.


o   Can be contracted easily by simply drinking contaminated water.


o   Researchers have estimated that there are 1.4 to 4.3 million cases, and 28 000 to 142 000 deaths worldwide1 due to cholera every year.


o   Up to 80% of cases can be successfully treated with oral rehydration salts.


o   Provision of safe water and sanitation is critical to control cholera and other waterborne diseases.


o   Oral cholera vaccines are an additional way to control cholera, but should not replace conventional control measures.


·         Gonorrhea


o   Not normally fatal


o   Some pleasure usually involved in contracting it.


    • More than 1 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are acquired every day worldwide.


    • Each year, there are an estimated 357 million new infections with 1 of 4 STIs: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis.


    • The majority of STIs have no symptoms or only mild symptoms that may not be recognized as an STI.




Accordingly, based on the afore mentioned principle of choosing between 'the lessor of two evils' 


One should chose Gonorrhea…which has to be Trump :w00t:

I rest my case. :wai2:


And we rest our case!


what a load of codswallop! No doubt who you support

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Yes I don't recollect him being a failed businessman.  Failed political wannabe certainly and although he was leader of UKip he couldn't actually win any seat in Parliament at all.  According to Trump he led the brexit campaign but I am afraid that too is false.  He did trigger the government to call a referendum and kudos to him for that.  When it came to the campaigning his group were kicked into touch and the team running brexit was run by Johnson and Gove.  In fact they refused to share a platform with Farage and distanced themselves from him.

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Not sure about Cholera or Gonorrhea.  I would have thought that gangrene or Alzheimer's would be more appropriate.  Given that Clinton would be gangrene we could expect America to develop an awful smell and  bits of it rotting away and falling off. Not terminal but certainly not functioning properly at all.


If then Trump was Alzheimer's we could expect not much to change.  In other words not a clue of anything he said an hour ago or how anything works.  A complete inability to form an opinion that made any sense and an American that simply disintegrated and disappeared into the abyss.

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1 hour ago, Linzz said:


I know he was or is a trader therefore he is probably more in touch with economics and finance than your bogstandard career politician, but I can't find anywhere about him being a failed businessman. Can you provide a link please to your declaration? 


Well the FT says it was a 'modest' career so they are more generous than I. If you are unable to perform internet searches adequately yourself, perhaps you should seek assistance.

Edited by PTC
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2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Yes I don't recollect him being a failed businessman.  Failed political wannabe certainly and although he was leader of UKip he couldn't actually win any seat in Parliament at all.  According to Trump he led the brexit campaign but I am afraid that too is false.  He did trigger the government to call a referendum and kudos to him for that.  When it came to the campaigning his group were kicked into touch and the team running brexit was run by Johnson and Gove.  In fact they refused to share a platform with Farage and distanced themselves from him.

EVERYONE KNOWS IT WAS FARAGE that spearheaded the Brexit 16 years he worked for that and to try and take it away from him and give it to goad and the other clown is pathetic give credit where it is due

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Well if Farage was a failed business man, probably the 30 pieces of silver he will pick up from appearing with Tump will go some way to paying off his creditors.


What a stupid thing to do. Trump must be the most hated man in the world outside of small groups of redneck Americans.


It is Trump not Obama that is fuelling recruits to ISIS.


This will guarantee a swift exit from British politics for Farage. Very few will support him now, even if they might like to reduce the number of immigrants and many would consider that Hadian had the best idea on wall building, they will not support the idea of this moron being encouraged to stick his finger in British Politics.


By By Nige




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4 hours ago, MiKT said:

Well if Farage was a failed business man, probably the 30 pieces of silver he will pick up from appearing with Tump will go some way to paying off his creditors.


What a stupid thing to do. Trump must be the most hated man in the world outside of small groups of redneck Americans.


It is Trump not Obama that is fuelling recruits to ISIS.


This will guarantee a swift exit from British politics for Farage. Very few will support him now, even if they might like to reduce the number of immigrants and many would consider that Hadian had the best idea on wall building, they will not support the idea of this moron being encouraged to stick his finger in British Politics.


By By Nige





Actually it is just a rumour that Farage is a failed business person started on here by someone who couldn't back it up when asked, but could only admit to being his own personal spin

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