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Been Offered A Senior Job Back In The Uk


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If your private life doesn't hold you back, go for it I'd say!



Have you any lady friend holding you back?

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The changes we have been seeing in Thailand over the past few months saw me sticking my CV out to the world at large (just out of curiosity) and woe and behold I go and get two Senior blue chip company job offers this week. One is for 70k GBP plus plus and the other is 90k GBP plus plus. The only problem is I have to go back to the UK to work on a full time basis. :o

I have a good crack here in Thailand (job, lifestyle etc...) but currently only managing to save about 6k GBP per year which isn't enough for a long term retirement plan. If I go back to the UK I could save enough in 3 to 4 years to top up my current offshore funds to allow me to comfortably come back and retire in Thailand. I am however only 39 and currently too young to retire in LOS properly as I have to wait until I am 50 for that.

Given the choice, what would you do? Would you stick it out and maintain a static once a year visa type lifestyle here in LOS or go back to blightly for a few more years and top up the retirement plan wonger?

i am in exactly the same situation (now 32) and am very tempted to go back, life is good here but the money on offer in Europe is far better and gives you chance to save for the future which i find impossible here!!

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So that "itch" has finally caught up with you again, hasn't it?

Tough call this is!

If your private life doesn't hold you back, go for it I'd say!


Yup, Akulka, as you know I get an itch in my feet to move on to pastures new in my career ever two years and my two years in Thailand is here... :D

To answer the question many have posted. Yes I do have a Thai wife but no obligations back to anyone or anything other than her. She is doing an MBA right now and has her own career and so it would be a shame to ask her to get up and leave before she finishes her studies... however, you know how it is with Thai ladies; leave them alone for 10 minutes and they whine a lot :o and leave lots of wee puddles on the carpet.

Still... decision time tonight at 6:30pm as I discuss the package for return with one of the companies involved

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As an expat working in LOS, you should be careful of career stagnation here. A lot of local companies do not have any sort of "on the job" training given to staff, and with the laid-back social life here; its easy to take your foot off the pedal and get left behind, career-wise.

Thailand is a fine holiday / retirement destination really, but working here is a different story.

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What difference does it make what I would do? Surely as it's your life, wouldn't it make more sense for you to decide???

Of course it's ultimately my decision, but it's always good in a free society to get an alternative point of view especially when lifestyle is involved.

For example, is a cheap easy lifestyle and warm weather preferable to money, cold weather and a hum drum fast paced existence back in the UK. Short term plans versus long term plans etc...

I am sure if I asked "What money would it take for you to consider leaving Thailand" then I would probably have got some stupid answers in response with many saying things like a million trillion gadzillion dollars!

Ok Point taken ... I gave up my career in UK 22 yrs ago for the sun, sand and freer life over here so

maybe that's what you should do (I hate the cold by the way)

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90k jobs are not growing on trees even these days but a warning - the taxes will make your eyes water unless you make plans.

The tax brackets for the UK 2004/2005 are as follows (if under the age of 65:

up to £4,745 tax free

between £4,745 - £6,765 10%

between £6,765 - £36,145 22%

over £36,145 - 40% :o:D

i pay nearly 40% in Thailand, would probably be better off in the UK!!

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The tax brackets for the UK 2004/2005 are as follows (if under the age of 65:

up to £4,745 tax free

between £4,745 - £6,765 10%

between £6,765 - £36,145 22%

over £36,145 - 40% :o:D

Wow! Those figures...

I wonder what would happen to the economy/spending if there were no tax for anything under 25,000...

Anyway, lucky you! I hope you take the higher paying job and save your money quickly, live there cheaply, and return to Thailand soon.

I haven't read all the thread yet, but I wonder which part of your CV most attracted the companies. Did you have to go for interviews in the UK, or did they just offer the job?

You must be an in demand specialist!

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The changes we have been seeing in Thailand over the past few months saw me sticking my CV out to the world at large (just out of curiosity) and woe and behold I go and get two Senior blue chip company job offers this week. One is for 70k GBP plus plus and the other is 90k GBP plus plus. The only problem is I have to go back to the UK to work on a full time basis.

Don't be seduced by the big numbers. Your income will be much lower after tax and your outgoings much greater.

Go back for a few weeks holiday, check out current housing, living etc costs carefully and estimate your prospective outgoings because many people on these 'big' salaries in the UK still save next to nothing.

If you are not going to be able to save a lot you are trading years of potential life in Thailand for a few extra thousand baht a month pension income.

Only you can do the figures and make the final decision.

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Many people on these 'big' salaries in the UK still save next to nothing.

I guess these are the same people who come to Thailand and spend 150k a month and then complain that they are having it so hard as well :o


Message for Mucky Pups aka Pete A:

"At least I still have a full head of hair big nose" :D

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In a somewhat related story. I retired after school to enjoy my life (some of that time was spent in Japan) but got tired of it after about 11 years. Went back to the UK to attend university and became an engineer. Got a lucky break with a small company (in UK) after being unemployed for a year after graduation. Next lucky break was being headhunted for a company (in Japan), didn't like it, left after after 3 years and found another R&D engineering job also within Japan.

I (think I) see two things from your post:

1. You're looking for reassurance from others to say that you are doing the 'right thing'

2. You're not sure whether you should follow your heart or not as you have built up a comfortable life in Thailand and afraid you'll never get it back again

Such a big decision is never easy, follow your heart, happiness and success comes from within and not from reassurances from others.

Do let us know what you decide. After all, all stories need an ending of some sort.

The changes we have been seeing in Thailand over the past few months saw me sticking my CV out to the world at large (just out of curiosity) and woe and behold I go and get two Senior blue chip company job offers this week. One is for 70k GBP plus plus and the other is 90k GBP plus plus. The only problem is I have to go back to the UK to work on a full time basis. :o

I have a good crack here in Thailand (job, lifestyle etc...) but currently only managing to save about 6k GBP per year which isn't enough for a long term retirement plan. If I go back to the UK I could save enough in 3 to 4 years to top up my current offshore funds to allow me to comfortably come back and retire in Thailand. I am however only 39 and currently too young to retire in LOS properly as I have to wait until I am 50 for that.

Given the choice, what would you do? Would you stick it out and maintain a static once a year visa type lifestyle here in LOS or go back to blightly for a few more years and top up the retirement plan wonger?

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i say STAY! don't be caught in the headlights of the cash figure. next thing you know, you'll be waking up on a cold, rainy morning going to work and doing 12 stressful hours a day.

take life easy when you can and enjoy thailand now.

i had a simliar offer earlier this year and ended up saying no, after initially thinking yes.

my life here is good and easy. it wouldnt be the same working in the uk.

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Stay where you are. I'm on my way back to england but without a job yet.

So we can mix talents. I'll do your job in england (sending you a little backsheesh of course) and you can stay in LOS!

YAY! Everybody's happy!

PM me with the job contract :o

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Scribble down 5 things on a piece of paper that you want to have done or obtained or be doing when you are 65.

Which path would allow you to realise those goals? That is the one you should take.

I liked the post regarding career stagnation. There is often no on-the-job training leading to career progression if that is what you want. I've been here 10 years. I'm stuffed! I'd have to a fertile imagination to consider myself in your earning league though.

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