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My ultra reliable maid of 6 years, now stealing cash.


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15 minutes ago, JJGreen said:

Seems like a basic life chore you do. You would be one of those guys who cant use a kitchen either i expect

Seems you're wrong again. Just because most people do it, doesn't mean all have to. I do what I want, when I want; within reason, of course. I enjoy doing the things I like to do; cooking is one of those things. So, your record for being wrong is still untarnished, congratulations. 

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Seems you're wrong again. Just because most people do it, doesn't mean all have to. I do what I want, when I want; within reason, of course. I enjoy doing the things I like to do; cooking is one of those things. So, your record for being wrong is still untarnished, congratulations. 

No really dude...knowing how to wash your own clothes is a basic life chore
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1 minute ago, JJGreen said:

No really dude...knowing how to wash your own clothes is a basic life chore

Where are you going with this, or are you just wasting my time again? Washing clothes is nothing to brag about; even the great heaps of unskilled and uneducated can do it. Things I do not like to do I have done for me. It seems to me that is the way life should be. The problem, of course, is that most simply cannot manage it done for them.

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Where are you going with this, or are you just wasting my time again? Washing clothes is nothing to brag about; even the great heaps of unskilled and uneducated can do it. Things I do not like to do I have done for me. It seems to me that is the way life should be. The problem, of course, is that most simply cannot manage it done for them.

Frankly i am just bewildered how guys at your age havent learnt basic life skills. Place poweder in machine...turn machine to ON. Remove clothes when finished. Hang or place in drying machine
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To those couple who don't grasp maids and hookers come from the same cloth, well what can we say? The only thing I can think of is "live and learn". Both are from poor and impoverished backgrounds, under educated, and in the case of the maid willing and expecting to work vs. the hooker who doesn't really want to work, just be paid for being there. I won't digress. As I said, you will "live and learn" what you are unfortunately dealing with. The six years of dependable good maid service is no different than six years of marriage to a bargirl. At the end, you still have a lying cheating under educated person. Next time get her in school and out of here. ps: Anyone with a former bargirl willing to clean house and do her mans laundry please post said experience. "Hire a maid" is the normal attitude, and the maid is going to despise working while the bargirl sips her rice wine and reads comics. 

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I have a very nice lady who comes to clean my house once a week for just 4 hours.  She has worked for me for 9 years.  I can trust her.. but I still would never leave money sitting around the house... that is just careless and a temptation to anyone...  family, gardener, even the dogs might eat it!  She is a great help to me as she will also took after my pets when I go away.  She also like to take away all the plastic bottles and other things to get recycled.. saves me a job.  If I have any old things I no longer need I can see if she wants them for herself of her family, rather then thrown them away. 


Also, what's with everyone saying they have 'maids'?   Do they have butlers and footmen also, or perhaps a housekeeper and cook?   Maybe they are just trying to be snobby... they don't have a maid, they have a cleaning lady.





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9 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:


Also, what's with everyone saying they have 'maids'?  



The term "maid" has sex appeal, makes the person feel like they've achieved something in life. If you just say "cleaning lady" you appear lazy. But "maid", that means you've made it, you are not like the rest. 

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Good people go bad sometimes, usually when they run into personal problems or over commit themselves financially. I just had to fire an employee of many years good service because she had started fiddling money out of the company - small amounts on a regular basis and carefully trying to cover her tracks. When caught, the only reason she gave was that she had run into recent financial problems. She worked in a position of trust, so we sadly had to dismiss her.

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9 hours ago, JJGreen said:

Another hilariously helpless farang! Ask your wife how long it takes to clean the house? You just assume he hasnt done it himself? That only the wife can do it?

I am a Man and My Wife is a Woman. We both have jobs to do. We both know what our role in life is, where with a Western Woman most do not. We both do our part to help each other out as a strong couple. It just so happens my wife stays home and cooks and cleans. I certainly don't see this as making me helpless. 


But when the day comes where My Wife can make more money than me working, I will be glad to stay home and cook and clean instead. 

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43 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

I have a very nice lady who comes to clean my house once a week for just 4 hours.  She has worked for me for 9 years.  I can trust her.. but I still would never leave money sitting around the house... that is just careless and a temptation to anyone...  family, gardener, even the dogs might eat it!  She is a great help to me as she will also took after my pets when I go away.  She also like to take away all the plastic bottles and other things to get recycled.. saves me a job.  If I have any old things I no longer need I can see if she wants them for herself of her family, rather then thrown them away. 


Also, what's with everyone saying they have 'maids'?   Do they have butlers and footmen also, or perhaps a housekeeper and cook?   Maybe they are just trying to be snobby... they don't have a maid, they have a cleaning lady.





Thank you for your honest post and explaining it takes at least 4 hours to clean a house, and not 2 hours. Would you also be so kind as to share with us what you pay your Cleaning Lady? It seems many people here think 500 Baht and hour is what the Op Pays. I personally don't buy that. 


I can't speak for everyone else but for me I don't have a Maid, or Butler, or Gardener, or Footman, or Carriage Driver, or Housekeeper, or even Cook. To be honest I couldn't afford all these people. So I got married to a Thai Woman instead. So far this has worked out fine for me, although I can't really tell you right now if this was the cheaper way to go. As I am still married.  

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12 hours ago, Bender said:

i got exactly the same experience than the OP.

A long term maid that i paid generously. Once i was away... at the hospital. Few days later when i was back, i found my maid competely stressed. Later

i found "some money" was gone...


I really didnt care about the money, but what hurt me was the betrayal. I know her for years. I really did trusted her.

You really shouldn't feel betrayed as you never should have put her in a situation where she could take your money. I trust my brothers and sister more than I trust a cleaning lady, but with a large amount of money, and in a time of need, I wouldn't trust them either. Just look at all the families fighting over the Will. Especially Rich Families! 


I have had dogs all my life. I found them to be very loyal and faithful, obedient, loving, reliable, and at times My Best Friend. But I still wouldn't put a BBQ T-Bone Steak on the kitchen floor with any of these dogs in my house, and say: "Don't Touch", then leave my house for a few hours expecting my Steak to still be their when I got back. If it was then I would suspect he was sick. But I certainly wouldn't feel betrayed if it was gone.  


No a Cleaning Lady isn't a dog and I am not implying that. I am talking about putting your trust into someone or something. It really surprises me how so many people are willing to trust a woman who cleans houses for a living for small wages, yet so careful when going out or spending a night in a hotel. 

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20 minutes ago, MJP said:

Yikes! We're not even talking a tenner here. Perhaps you need to pay these people a living wage.


Tight or what?!

I know what you mean, but 'a living wage' is relative to the country.


Paying 500 bht per hour, when the minimum wage is 300 bht per day - is taking being generous a touch too far and, (IMO) likely to lead to problems.



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11 hours ago, xvend said:


You get only 1 chance with me. She is gone forever.


Replacement already found, as that's was happens when you develop personal connections over the years.


In my business, I've only had to fire one person in 8 years. incompetence, not stealing.



To bad you weren't living in Iran. You could have charged her for steeling your 5 Bucks then gone down on Friday and watch her scream in pain as they cut her hand off at the elbow with a sword for steeling. 


I can only truly hope that all other people you meet and associate with throughout your life only give you one chance in your life for your mistakes to. If that was the case your parents would have disowned you years ago. 

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I find it incredible that people are blaming the OP for leaving cash in his own home.

In your own home you should be able to do as you wish.

What else? Can't leave your car keys out or you are tempting the maid to steal it? What about jewellry, handbags, tv, laptops, clothes? They all have value. Should you have a walk in vault.

The maid is at fault. She should be fired immediately because she has shown she cannot be trusted.

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14 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:

I find it incredible that people are blaming the OP for leaving cash in his own home.

In your own home you should be able to do as you wish.

What else? Can't leave your car keys out or you are tempting the maid to steal it? What about jewellry, handbags, tv, laptops, clothes? They all have value. Should you have a walk in vault.

The maid is at fault. She should be fired immediately because she has shown she cannot be trusted.

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Yes! I understood the story!


Ultra, Reliable, Maid with 6 years of Good Service, fired for steeling 5 Bucks she may have needed badly, and left on the desk on purpose to tempt her and test her honesty.  


Is that about right? 

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Just now, transam said:

Do YOU know what cash went missing before the OP's "light" came on...?

No! Do You?


I do know he never found his TV or Lap Top Computer missing in 6 years, which is maybe more than you can say about his next cleaning lady so far. 


Have you notice that the people who have had Cleaning Ladies in the past and have never had a problem with them, are the ones who are their when they are cleaning, or put their valuable away? 


Whereas the one that do have problems, whether it be 1 year or 10, are the ones who leave money and valuables lying around when they are not home?


Does this suggest something to you?

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Just now, transam said:

Yes, an employed thief that was thought to be trusted.....



Leaving money and setting a trap for an employee means to you that you trust them? Since when? We don't even know that if she didn't take this 5 Bucks he would have trusted her then. He probably would have put 10 Bucks on his desk next time, and keep going up until it went missing, to test her breaking point. 


You still never answered my question as to why some people have trouble with cleaning ladies, and some don't. I gave you a hint. One who puts valuables away, and one who does not. 

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On 8/27/2016 at 10:56 AM, GOLDBUGGY said:





This thread if nothing else gives invaluable insight to some of the most warped minds on TV. People have really out done themselves on this one. You can see people thinking in circles to make the OP somehow become the bad guy. 



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Exactly right. I'll bet the OP is very happy she only stole pocket change. He could have lost a lot more. People are making a huge deal about 570 baht left out... which he actually got back. Who doesn't leave that amount of money laying around?

English teachers, backpackers and balloon chasers to name a few.. [emoji324]

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2 minutes ago, anotheruser said:



This thread if nothing else gives invaluable insight to some of the most warped minds on TV. People have really out done themselves on this one. You can see people thinking in circles to make the OP somehow become the bad guy. 



You just read things the wrong way and why it seems crazy to you. 


Nobody has made claim the Op was the Bad Guy and the Maid the Good Guy! Some people are just saying he could have handled this situation a lot differently, since he was the guy in control of all this test plan. Personally I think he was rather cruel in how he handled her afterwards. A person in his employment for 6 years and he talks like she is nothing but a thief and could care less about her now. That to me is a Cold Heart!


So he has now started all over again with a new maid who may not be ultra reliable, trusting, or do a good job. The Maid now has to find a new employer. 


Who wins here?

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FYI, the "Gogo" and "Escort" girls are making much more than 1000Baht for two hours work. And, they are in fact grateful but at the same time, ask for more which is biting the hand that feeds them. It's a tough world out there, only a few fools on stools. 



Some of us pay 1000 still.

The rate goes up depending on your physical appearance.

If your waist measurement is about the same as your height you will find yourself paying upper bracket prices.

After all, an obese 60 year old man whose only exercise is occasionally playing the harmonica could well pop a valve during coitus and potentially suffocate said demi-mondaine.

It's basically like riding a motorbike without a helmet whilst eating a rotten fish. More dangerous, less savoury so more expensive.

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Just now, GOLDBUGGY said:

You just read things the wrong way and why it seems crazy to you. 


Nobody has made claim the Op was the Bad Guy and the Maid the Good Guy! Some people are just saying he could have handled this situation a lot differently, since he was the guy in control of all this test plan. Personally I think he was rather cruel in how he handled her afterwards. A person in his employment for 6 years and he talks like she is nothing but a thief and could care less about her now. That to me is a Cold Heart!


So he has now started all over again with a new maid who may not be ultra reliable, trusting, or do a good job. The Maid now has to find a new employer. 


Who wins here?


The OP was very reasonable in his actions. I have had to test a member of staff working in my guesthouse before the very same way. He perhaps could have talked to her about it but normally at least where I come from stealing from your employer is grounds for dismissal. It is that simple.

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Yes! I understood the story!


Ultra, Reliable, Maid with 6 years of Good Service, fired for steeling 5 Bucks she may have needed badly, and left on the desk on purpose to tempt her and test her honesty.  


Is that about right? 

'May have needed badly' - or may have thought she'd get away with.

Both conjecture.

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38 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Yes! I understood the story!


Ultra, Reliable, Maid with 6 years of Good Service, fired for steeling 5 Bucks she may have needed badly, and left on the desk on purpose to tempt her and test her honesty.  


Is that about right? 

The cleaner was fired because the OP was fairly sure money had gone missing, and so 'set a trap' (if you like) to check his suspicions.


Sounds reasonable to me, as I too would wonder if I was right the first time - and so check to be sure.  We went through the same process one time back in the UK when an employee was stealing.  Proof is required.


Its a shame, but for whatever reasons the cleaner stole at least once - and so was no longer trusted.

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2 minutes ago, anotheruser said:


The OP was very reasonable in his actions. I have had to test a member of staff working in my guesthouse before the very same way. He perhaps could have talked to her about it but normally at least where I come from stealing from your employer is grounds for dismissal. It is that simple.

I agree with staff at a guest house. But then you don't give a person who cleans off the dinner table access to a cash drawer filled with 1,000 Baht Notes either. You also don't give the Cleaning Lady access to the money box. Usually one person is responsible for the Till, and has their own key.


So by removing temptation, you are in a way keeping your employees honest. No?


That has been my biggest beef about this post. Setting a trap for a long time employee instead of keeping the temptation away.


With proper security, it would have been difficult to walk out with his TV or big ticket items. This whole idea of counting his pennies, then way over paying his maid, then crying about 5 bucks missing also doesn't seem right to me either. I wouldn't even noticed if 5 Bucks was missing and if I did I notice it was I would feel partly to blame for leaving it out like that. Just like I would in a hotel room. 


Should you be able to trust your maid with money lying around?




Ever been to a Thai House and see them leaving money lying around on a tale or desk? You would have better luck looking under some rock in the garden then finding this money in there house. So Thais don't do this and they expect you not to either. It really is that simple. This is Thailand and not the Americas, Europe, or Australia.   

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44 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

No! Do You?


I do know he never found his TV or Lap Top Computer missing in 6 years, which is maybe more than you can say about his next cleaning lady so far. 


Have you notice that the people who have had Cleaning Ladies in the past and have never had a problem with them, are the ones who are their when they are cleaning, or put their valuable away? 


Whereas the one that do have problems, whether it be 1 year or 10, are the ones who leave money and valuables lying around when they are not home?


Does this suggest something to you?

Not necessarily.


I had one cleaner for approx. 4 years who was lovely and trustworthy.  Unfortunately she decided to stop when I went through temporary financial problems and had to reduce her hours.


My cleaner since (for about 6 years) isn't a great cleaner :lol:, but she's entirely trustworthy and it wouldn't cross my mind to hide away money/valuables etc.


Paying for a cleaner wouldn't be worth the effort if I had to worry about hiding jewelry/money away whilst she was there....


Mind you, perhaps its the 'six year mark'!  Joking obviously.

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