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No 'Arab Spring' in Zimbabwe, Mugabe warns protesters


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No 'Arab Spring' in Zimbabwe, Mugabe warns protesters




President Robert Mugabe has warned there will be no ‘Arab Spring’ in Zimbabwe after protests against his decades-long rule descended into violence on Friday.


A so-called ‘mega demonstration’ was held in the capital Harare amid opponents’ outrage that the 92-year-old is standing for re-election.


“You don’t know when it will evolve into what,” said opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai.


“But what I can assure you is that the people’s anger is very deep. People’s desperation is very deep. And I think in my view it must not relent.”


Protesters want international observers to monitor the ballot in 2018, fearing it will be rigged.


Despite tear gas and water cannon that forced opposition leaders and demonstrators to flee, activists have warned that this was just the first in a series of protests.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-08-27
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Bah - the West has done NOTHING about Mugabe ever since he first took over as Prime Minister in 1980. Some minor sanctions here and there and a few travel restrictions after he started showing his true colours and that's about it.


Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) used to have an excellent agricultural system, but many of the most productive farms were "white owned and managed". Starting in 2000, Mugabe started (officially) taking those farms (often by force) and giving them to people in his inner circle (generals and political allies) who knew NOTHING about farming and raising crops. Most of the "white" farmers had to flee. (As of 2006 Mugabe apparently "owns" 3 large farms, all of which were taken by force from their rightful owners.)

(Basically what would often happen is General so-and-so or some political ally of Mugabe would decide that he wanted someone's farm. His thugs would go in to force the white owners off (or murder them) and scare off/kill the workers. He'd then hand the farm over to family members or trusted subordinates to run, who would then try to run it using people that had no idea about farming. It was a very common story back then).


(" In the late 1990s, the government instituted land reforms intended to evict white landowners and place their holdings in the hands of black farmers. However, many of these "farmers" had no experience or training in farming. From 1999 to 2009, the country experienced a sharp drop in food production and in all other sectors. The banking sector also collapsed, with farmers unable to obtain loans for capital development. Food output capacity fell 45%, manufacturing output 29% in 2005, 26% in 2006 and 28% in 2007, and unemployment rose to 80% "

" On 6 April 2000, Parliament pushed through an amendment, taken word for word from the draft constitution that was rejected by voters, allowing the seizure of white-owned farmlands without due reimbursement or payment. "

The government actually amended the constitution to make it legal to seize white farms at will ! (Land grabs had already started before 1999. The Government held a referendum on proposed constitutional  changes. One of the changes was the land seizure and another was granting immunity to Mugabe's government and military for any acts committed while in office !!!!! The referendum failed (55% voted against it) but the voter turnout was only 20% of the eligible voters.)


Meanwhile, in Zimbabwe, those formerly productive farms stopped being productive. The generals and politicians thought they would just magically keep producing the way they had been before they ran off/murdered the people who knew what they were doing.

Ever since Mugabe has taken over, life for the people in Zimbabwe has gotten worse and worse. (Mugabe was Prime Minister from 1980 to 1987 and has been President since 1987.) Here are the Zimbabwe inflation rates while Mugabe has been in charge:

Date Rate   Date Rate   Date Rate   Date Rate   Date Rate   Date Rate
1980 7% 1986 15% 1992 40% 1998 48% 2004 132.75%
1981 14% 1987 10% 1993 20% 1999 56.9% 2005 585.84% 2008 Mid-Nov. 79,600,000,000%
1982 15% 1988 7.3% 1994 25% 2000 55.22% 2006 1,281.11%
1983 19% 1989 14% 1995 28% 2001 112.1% 2007 66,212.3%
1984 10% 1990 17% 1996 16% 2002 198.93% 2008 Jul. 231,150,888.87%
1985 10% 1991 48% 1997 20% 2003 598.75%

Note the huge surge in the rates from 1999 onwards, when the land grabs started going into full swing. After 2008 Mugabe's government stopped reporting inflation rates. At one point they simply decided to print an additional 21 trillion Zimbabwe dollars so they could make a payment to the IMF. 3 times they decided to just cut zeros from the end of their currency to make it more "manageable". 3 zeros were cut in 2006, 10 more in 2008 and 12 in 2009 ! Cutting 25 zeros means the "fourth" Zimbabwe dollar was worth 10 trillion trillion dollars ! (10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000)


The West watches and does nothing whenever there's an "election" and Mugabe's forces beat, torture and murder political opponents. Funny how they send in the bombers against Qaddafi in Libya and support the rebels in Syria, but turn a blind eye to Mugabe, isn't it ? 


A guy I worked with in Kandahar (Willie) was from Zimbabwe. We kept trying to get him to bring us some of those "100 billion dollar" bills that the government kept printing but he told us they only sold those to tourists. (Huh ?) Apparently the citizens only used US currency or Euros and black market currency traders.

(Nice guy, said he wouldn't introduce me to any of his single sisters because "I was too white", but did offer to sell me 3 legged cows I could use as a dowry if I found someone else to marry. The joke was the cows had 3 legs because the owners had cut one leg off to eat. Another guy we had was from Kenya but apparently all his cows only had 2 legs and had to have someone push them around in a wheelbarrow.)


Any ways, when the West decided to go after Qaddafi (which was somewhat of a surprise all things considered) we talked about why him and not some of the other "dictators" in the region, like Mugabe.

You know what the guy from Zimbabwe said ? His words:

"What do you expect ? We export potatoes, not oil. No one cares what happens to us."


Yep. Zimbabwe doesn't export oil so who cares what their dictator does to his own people. A bunch of "Westerners" were talking about Syria when Obama was rattling his sword and the question of Zimbabwe came up again and why no one cared and one guy (a pilot) said that he figured NATO wouldn't intervene in Zimbabwe because "it wasn't worth it to them". 


And that is pretty much it. No oil so it's not worth the West's effort to do anything.





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4 hours ago, Kerryd said:

Bah - the West has done NOTHING about Mugabe ever since he first took over as Prime Minister in 1980. Some minor sanctions here and there and a few travel restrictions after he started showing his true colours and that's about it.


Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) used to have an excellent agricultural system, but many of the most productive farms were "white owned and managed". Starting in 2000, Mugabe started (officially) taking those farms (often by force) and giving them to people in his inner circle (generals and political allies) who knew NOTHING about farming and raising crops. Most of the "white" farmers had to flee. (As of 2006 Mugabe apparently "owns" 3 large farms, all of which were taken by force from their rightful owners.)

(Basically what would often happen is General so-and-so or some political ally of Mugabe would decide that he wanted someone's farm. His thugs would go in to force the white owners off (or murder them) and scare off/kill the workers. He'd then hand the farm over to family members or trusted subordinates to run, who would then try to run it using people that had no idea about farming. It was a very common story back then).


(" In the late 1990s, the government instituted land reforms intended to evict white landowners and place their holdings in the hands of black farmers. However, many of these "farmers" had no experience or training in farming. From 1999 to 2009, the country experienced a sharp drop in food production and in all other sectors. The banking sector also collapsed, with farmers unable to obtain loans for capital development. Food output capacity fell 45%, manufacturing output 29% in 2005, 26% in 2006 and 28% in 2007, and unemployment rose to 80% "

" On 6 April 2000, Parliament pushed through an amendment, taken word for word from the draft constitution that was rejected by voters, allowing the seizure of white-owned farmlands without due reimbursement or payment. "

The government actually amended the constitution to make it legal to seize white farms at will ! (Land grabs had already started before 1999. The Government held a referendum on proposed constitutional  changes. One of the changes was the land seizure and another was granting immunity to Mugabe's government and military for any acts committed while in office !!!!! The referendum failed (55% voted against it) but the voter turnout was only 20% of the eligible voters.)


Meanwhile, in Zimbabwe, those formerly productive farms stopped being productive. The generals and politicians thought they would just magically keep producing the way they had been before they ran off/murdered the people who knew what they were doing.

Ever since Mugabe has taken over, life for the people in Zimbabwe has gotten worse and worse. (Mugabe was Prime Minister from 1980 to 1987 and has been President since 1987.) Here are the Zimbabwe inflation rates while Mugabe has been in charge:

Date Rate   Date Rate   Date Rate   Date Rate   Date Rate   Date Rate
1980 7% 1986 15% 1992 40% 1998 48% 2004 132.75%
1981 14% 1987 10% 1993 20% 1999 56.9% 2005 585.84% 2008 Mid-Nov. 79,600,000,000%
1982 15% 1988 7.3% 1994 25% 2000 55.22% 2006 1,281.11%
1983 19% 1989 14% 1995 28% 2001 112.1% 2007 66,212.3%
1984 10% 1990 17% 1996 16% 2002 198.93% 2008 Jul. 231,150,888.87%
1985 10% 1991 48% 1997 20% 2003 598.75%

Note the huge surge in the rates from 1999 onwards, when the land grabs started going into full swing. After 2008 Mugabe's government stopped reporting inflation rates. At one point they simply decided to print an additional 21 trillion Zimbabwe dollars so they could make a payment to the IMF. 3 times they decided to just cut zeros from the end of their currency to make it more "manageable". 3 zeros were cut in 2006, 10 more in 2008 and 12 in 2009 ! Cutting 25 zeros means the "fourth" Zimbabwe dollar was worth 10 trillion trillion dollars ! (10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000)


The West watches and does nothing whenever there's an "election" and Mugabe's forces beat, torture and murder political opponents. Funny how they send in the bombers against Qaddafi in Libya and support the rebels in Syria, but turn a blind eye to Mugabe, isn't it ? 


A guy I worked with in Kandahar (Willie) was from Zimbabwe. We kept trying to get him to bring us some of those "100 billion dollar" bills that the government kept printing but he told us they only sold those to tourists. (Huh ?) Apparently the citizens only used US currency or Euros and black market currency traders.

(Nice guy, said he wouldn't introduce me to any of his single sisters because "I was too white", but did offer to sell me 3 legged cows I could use as a dowry if I found someone else to marry. The joke was the cows had 3 legs because the owners had cut one leg off to eat. Another guy we had was from Kenya but apparently all his cows only had 2 legs and had to have someone push them around in a wheelbarrow.)


Any ways, when the West decided to go after Qaddafi (which was somewhat of a surprise all things considered) we talked about why him and not some of the other "dictators" in the region, like Mugabe.

You know what the guy from Zimbabwe said ? His words:

"What do you expect ? We export potatoes, not oil. No one cares what happens to us."


Yep. Zimbabwe doesn't export oil so who cares what their dictator does to his own people. A bunch of "Westerners" were talking about Syria when Obama was rattling his sword and the question of Zimbabwe came up again and why no one cared and one guy (a pilot) said that he figured NATO wouldn't intervene in Zimbabwe because "it wasn't worth it to them". 


And that is pretty much it. No oil so it's not worth the West's effort to do anything.





And the West is supposed to solve the problems of the world?  The US, yes I am from there, has done that way too much and we need to stop,

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Bah - the West has done NOTHING about Mugabe ever since he first took over as Prime Minister in 1980. 


And Britain did nothing when Ian Smith declared UDI (unilateral declaration of independence) in 1965. And when the handover to Mugabe took place he asked Lord Soames to stay on during the transition, but no he just dumped the reins of power (which Britain had abdicated to Smith) and ran. At least in Northern Rhodesia there was a reasonable transition from Sir Evelyn Hone to Kaunda.


Not saying any of these issues caused all the mayhem created by Mugabe, but they certainly didn't help.

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2 hours ago, HappyinNE said:

And the West is supposed to solve the problems of the world?  The US, yes I am from there, has done that way too much and we need to stop,

not sure if the US has ever solved any of the "Worlds'  problems

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Come on guys get real.....there is nothing there anyone wants.......let alone is the country anywhere it would make a difference, of course there will be no spring uprising, no oil no nothing.....just goes to show you what is on the minds of the world police....

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10 hours ago, Ace of Pop said:

Who cares they got independence ,and lost , just like Burma

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


He's been democratically elected, don't you know. And re-elected. It's the peoples' choice. So must be alright - well according to certain posters on TVF. You know who you are.


Another democratically elected dictator whose has enriched himself, his family, cronies and lackies whilst running the country to bankruptcy, poverty and blaming anyone but himself.



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2 hours ago, jhonnie said:

not sure if the US has ever solved any of the "Worlds'  problems


Mugabe turned a prosperous nice country, known as Africa's breadbasket, into the dire economic disaster it now is. But hey, he and his family and cronies are all very very rich.


No one bothered because as you say they don't have oil and aren't geographically strategic. 

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I have a 100 Trillion Z-Buck note, and a few 500 Billion notes with "Expiration Dates" on them  you had to use them by a certain date or they were worthless...............most of it was worthless anyway - Zimbabwan stores wouldn't even count the money, they weighed it!!!

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One of his wives was detained in Hong Kong for carrying in a package of uncut Diamonds, was seen purchasing several Hong Kong properties in the tens of Millions of dollars - upon departure, was again detained for slapping a Hong Kong Airport policeman for trying to search her carry-on luggage, it was found to contain 500,000 Euros in it.



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8 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

One of his wives was detained in Hong Kong for carrying in a package of uncut Diamonds, was seen purchasing several Hong Kong properties in the tens of Millions of dollars - upon departure, was again detained for slapping a Hong Kong Airport policeman for trying to search her carry-on luggage, it was found to contain 500,000 Euros in it.



She must have been frugal with her housekeeping-money ! :rolleyes:


Zim is just sad, they fought for freedom but got a dictator instead, many of the people must regret that.



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