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Obama creates world's largest marine protected area


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16 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Well I hate to admit it but most of you who think you are eating tuna are not eating tuna at all. Especially in a 7/11 sarnie ;) and very little sushi that you think is tuna is in fact tuna.



If it's not tuna, then please enlighten us to what it is?:wai:

Edited by Si Thea01
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14 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Yep...just blame all the problems of the world on us old angry Christian white guys. 


We've got big shoulders...we can take it.


Thats why they called us the Greatest Generation ;-)


We've been shaping the world we live in since before the Boston Tea Party. 





You are not the "Greatest Generation". That is reserved for those who were adults during WWII.


The term "The Greatest Generation" is the title of Tom Brokaw's 1998 book profiling members of this generation, stemming from his attendance at the D-Day 40th anniversary celebrations. In the book, Brokaw wrote, "it is, I believe, the greatest generation any society has ever produced." He argued that these men and women fought not for fame and recognition, but because it was the "right thing to do."



From previous post I suspect you were born about 1935 or so and did not participate in the war. You are between the Greatest Generation and the baby boomers.  As you likely actually remember the war from your childhood,  I guess you can claim honorary membership in the Greatest Generation.  Most of the people I knew from that time would be appalled at Trump, just as they were when Goldwater ran in 1964.


The majority of Trump supporters are male baby boomers and Generation X.  Any surviving Greatest Generation are over 90 at this point and very few remain. 



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