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Paris restaurant 'refuses to serve Muslim women'


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2 hours ago, MissAndry said:


You could make the same argument for smokers ...............

When someone else's bad (or extreme) behaviour impinges on me, their 'rights' need to be curtailed. This is what civilization is all about.


How about if they wanted to wear Nazi Uniforms ...... bet you'd be telling a different story then!


But they didn't have bad or extreme behavior and they weren't wearing a uniform, they were just covering their hair, you are being completely ludicrous just because they are Muslims.

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32 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I am opposed to ALL religions that require people to wear uniforms, whether it's the preachers wearing silly hats, or the congregation having to wear any particulat item of dress or a particular hair style. They should all be banned.

God only cares as to what is in a persons heart.


So you are opposed to this

Image result for thai buddhist monks

I believe in the freedom of people wear what they wish within the law of whatever country they are in.

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2 hours ago, MissAndry said:



How about if they wanted to wear Nazi Uniforms ...... bet you'd be telling a different story then!


Wearing a Nazi uniform is illegal in France;


In France, it is illegal to display Nazi flags, uniforms and insignia in public, unless for the purpose of a historical film, show or spectacle (source)


Nazi stag night in French Alps lands Briton with €1,500 fine


Fournier, 33, wore the Nazi uniform and insignia – outlawed in France – at a dinner in the ski resort of Val Thorens during December 2011.........

Fournier was charged with "wearing a uniform or insignia of an organisation guilty of crime against humanity" and given the maximum fine possible under French law.


A headscarf is not a uniform and wearing one is not illegal in France.


If these women had entered the restaurant displaying an ISIS flag or carrying placards supporting ISIS or other terrorists I would be fully behind the actions of the owner.


But they didn't; they were simply two innocent women who wanted something to eat.

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3 hours ago, 7by7 said:


Problem for him is, he'd find Muslims either working, eating or both in most McDonalds!


He's going to need to find a place that only serves pork.


Newsflash: I know muslims that eat pork and drink beer.



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3 hours ago, MissAndry said:


When someone else's bad (or extreme) behaviour impinges on me, their 'rights' need to be curtailed. This is what civilization is all about.



How on earth does someone wearing a headscarf "impinge" on you?

How utterly absurd.



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8 minutes ago, MissAndry said:


Newsflash: They aren't really Muslims.


Newsflash: catholics are not suppose to eat fish on Friday.  Christians are not suppose to live together before marriage in a church. Christians are not allowed to get divorce and marry again in a Church, etc, etc, etc, etc.


Who are you,  your bigoted anti Muslim prejudices, to decide who is a Muslim? 


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4 minutes ago, thaihome said:


Newsflash: catholics are not suppose to eat fish on Friday.  Christians are not suppose to live together before marriage in a church. Christians are not allowed to get divorce and marry again in a Church, etc, etc, etc, etc.


Who are you,  your bigoted anti Muslim prejudices, to decide who is a Muslim? 



I'm happy for religious fruitcakes to live by whatever silly rules their manuals state.

But if they are going to pick and choose from their written rules, then they aren't really believers. (and their pals would probably want to stone them to death)


Believers play by the rules!


Catholics don't use birth control, what flavour Christians are we talking about? Baptists don't live together before marriage but Anglicans can. Not sure of the rules for Methodists, I suspect they can as I lived with one for a while and we weren't married.

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34 minutes ago, MissAndry said:


I'm happy for religious fruitcakes to live by whatever silly rules their manuals state.

But if they are going to pick and choose from their written rules, then they aren't really believers. (and their pals would probably want to stone them to death)


Believers play by the rules!


Catholics don't use birth control, what flavour Christians are we talking about? Baptists don't live together before marriage but Anglicans can. Not sure of the rules for Methodists, I suspect they can as I lived with one for a while and we weren't married.


All very nice, but you all you did was reinforce my point.


Who are you to say if they are Muslim or not.


Do you think there is only one all encompassing Muslim belief or is it actually similar to Christianity and Judaism and might have many sects and variations of a core belief (which in fact shares many values and beliefs of all 3 Abraham based religons)? 



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1 minute ago, MissAndry said:


There are different Muslim sects, and they usually want to kill each other more than they want to kill us. That's the 'religion of peace' for you.


Nice diversion.  But you still have not answered my response  to who are you to say "Newsflash: They aren't really Muslims." 





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34 minutes ago, MissAndry said:


I'm happy for religious fruitcakes to live by whatever silly rules their manuals state.

But if they are going to pick and choose from their written rules, then they aren't really believers. (and their pals would probably want to stone them to death)


Believers play by the rules!


Catholics don't use birth control, what flavour Christians are we talking about? Baptists don't live together before marriage but Anglicans can. Not sure of the rules for Methodists, I suspect they can as I lived with one for a while and we weren't married.


It is also you who is picking and choosing, Christians are also banned from eating pork by the verse in Leviticus so why are you stating that Muslims should obey this rule but not Christians?  Most Muslims may choose to obey this rule while most Christians may choose to ignore it, but the big question is why do you care?  and of course you can be a believer in a philosophy and also aware of the fact that the old Jewish rules that were carried over into Islam and Christianity regarding what not to eat were made for health reasons in a time when there was no cold storage, no food hygiene nor knowledge of bacteria, we can eat shellfish and pork safely now through the knowledge we have acquired since and those old food rules become redundant.

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3 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


It is also you who is picking and choosing, Christians are also banned from eating pork by the verse in Leviticus so why are you stating that Muslims should obey this rule but not Christians?  


Well if you're gonna be silly, according to Leveticus Christians should be stoning people to death for wearing poly-cotton shirts. Not to mention gays and shellfish being an abomination .... I always wondered which was the worse abomination?

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9 minutes ago, MissAndry said:


Well if you're gonna be silly, according to Leveticus Christians should be stoning people to death for wearing poly-cotton shirts. Not to mention gays and shellfish being an abomination .... I always wondered which was the worse abomination?


Oh, so I am silly for pointing out that it is perfectly normal for followers of a religion to ignore some of the rules but you I guess are perfectly sensible for insisting that one religion must follow theirs or not call themselves followers at all?

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12 hours ago, MissAndry said:


I'm happy for religious fruitcakes to live by whatever silly rules their manuals state.

But if they are going to pick and choose from their written rules, then they aren't really believers. (and their pals would probably want to stone them to death)


Believers play by the rules!


Catholics don't use birth control, what flavour Christians are we talking about? Baptists don't live together before marriage but Anglicans can. Not sure of the rules for Methodists, I suspect they can as I lived with one for a while and we weren't married.


So Christians who don't smite people who work on the sabbath aren't proper Christians then?



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9 hours ago, Chicog said:


So Christians who don't smite people who work on the sabbath aren't proper Christians then?



A lot of us 'Christians' are into smiting, but some of us have different Sabbaths, so it requires some investigating before the smiting can begin.  Smiting is easier if everyone has a special uniform that makes it recognizable.  

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18 hours ago, thaihome said:


Newsflash: catholics are not suppose to eat fish on Friday.  Christians are not suppose to live together before marriage in a church. Christians are not allowed to get divorce and marry again in a Church, etc, etc, etc, etc.


Who are you,  your bigoted anti Muslim prejudices, to decide who is a Muslim?


Only people that abide by the rules of their religion qualify as a true believer. Given that most people that profess to be Christian don't abide by any of the rules of Christianity how can they say they are? Same goes for any religion. One can say they are such and such, but saying doesn't make it so.

The proof of the pudding, as they say, is in the eating.

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17 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


It is also you who is picking and choosing, Christians are also banned from eating pork by the verse in Leviticus so why are you stating that Muslims should obey this rule but not Christians?  Most Muslims may choose to obey this rule while most Christians may choose to ignore it, but the big question is why do you care?  and of course you can be a believer in a philosophy and also aware of the fact that the old Jewish rules that were carried over into Islam and Christianity regarding what not to eat were made for health reasons in a time when there was no cold storage, no food hygiene nor knowledge of bacteria, we can eat shellfish and pork safely now through the knowledge we have acquired since and those old food rules become redundant.

Isn't Leviticus OLD testament? That would make it the rule book for Jews, not Christians, and Jews aren't supposed to eat pork either.

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Isn't Leviticus OLD testament? That would make it the rule book for Jews, not Christians, and Jews aren't supposed to eat pork either.


As someone brought up as an Anglican, we certainly did the story of creation from the old Testament, and Moses. But nobody ever mentioned Leviticus. Sorry, I never paid that much attention in my youth.

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4 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Yes, it takes a special kind of idiot to claim something as ridiculous as this to someone who has lived in the Arabian Gulf for decades without ever once having someone "try their best to kill me".

Frankly, you have no idea what you are blabbering on about, you're just a bigot, and not a very well educated one at that.

Well, I worked in a hospital in Saudi and they told me that if I went in a female's room their husband/ father had the right to kill me.

I was also threatened on a lift for standing too close to a woman.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Well, I worked in a hospital in Saudi and they told me that if I went in a female's room their husband/ father had the right to kill me.

I was also threatened on a lift for standing too close to a woman.


One of which is nonsense, and what was the "threat" in the other?

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On ‎8‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 4:35 PM, Chicog said:


Yes, because I'm pretty certain they wouldn't have eaten a salad unless it was slaughtered in the traditional Islamic fashion.




Muslims I worked with would not use plates, glasses and cutlery which may have been tainted with dead swine or alcohol, regardless of allegedly being cleaned. They would insist on washing these items themselves before they would use them.

Was the knife used to slaughter the salad halal?

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2 hours ago, MissAndry said:


As someone brought up as an Anglican, we certainly did the story of creation from the old Testament, and Moses. But nobody ever mentioned Leviticus. Sorry, I never paid that much attention in my youth.


Maybe you should have done.


Jesus and his followers were Jews; they followed Jewish religious law. For some time those who wished to join them were required to do the same; which as most of them were Jewish was not a problem. It was only when the religion began to grow and attract more and more Gentiles that the dietary rules were relaxed in what today would be labelled a cynical marketing tool.


Some fundamental Christians believe that they should not have been and follow the schecita and kosher rules from Leviticus and Deuteronomy.




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46 minutes ago, NeilSA1 said:


Muslims I worked with would not use plates, glasses and cutlery which may have been tainted with dead swine or alcohol, regardless of allegedly being cleaned. They would insist on washing these items themselves before they would use them.

Was the knife used to slaughter the salad halal?


Did she even bring any of this stuff up?

I was being sarcastic mind you, just in case you missed the "Doh!" emoticon.







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Being Christian is not being a catholic, Jesus was a hippy, not the first one of course, 3000 years ago there was Shiva !


Anyway, Jesus was known as a master (in spiritual term) and right after his death the religion begins.. religion is ALWAYS BAD because it's made by people who didn't understand any word of what the master said :


- Jesus had a prostitute friend :  they did not allowed women to be egal as men

- Jesus talk about love : they talk about war and domination

- Jesus talk about spiritual treasures : they collect more and more gold and assets

etc... etc...


Well ok he was just a man.. and also said stupid things like every men does sometimes : like the time he talk about this fig tree


The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again." And his disciples heard him say it.


You see it happens even to the best of us..  :)


Anyway my favorite version of  the life of Jesus  has been FILMED by the Monthy Python and it looks so true :

1979 Life of Brian


enjoy   :)

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19 hours ago, Chicog said:


One of which is nonsense, and what was the "threat" in the other?

Who are you to say it's nonsense? When the hospital management tell all of us on our orientation that a male can be killed as of right by a Saudi husband or male family member if we go in a female's room I believe them over you.

The threat on the other was of assault, and he was prepared to carry it out.


I have to wonder just which M E country you claim to be in. Certainly not in wahabi territory.

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