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UK and France hold Calais talks


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UK and France hold Calais talks




PARIS: -- Amid pressure to scrap UK border checks in France, British home secretary Amber Rudd has held talks with her French counterpart Bernard Cazeneuve in Paris.


Presenting a united front, the two ministers pledged to improve the migrant situation in the port of Calais and ordered a fresh security review there.


The talks came after several French politicians on the right, including French Presidential hopeful Nicolas Sarkozy, called for the current UK-French border deal, known as Le Touquet, to be torn up.


‘‘For all those, who are here in Calais and want to go to the UK, then it should be for the British to examine their claims in Britain. It shouldn’t be France’s job to decide whether they have a right to enter the UK.’‘


Other politicians in France have raised the prospect of setting up a so-called ‘hotspot’ processing centre in Calais to lodge UK asylum claims.


But British officials seeking to resist changes to the current arrangement are said to have dismissed that plan as a ‘‘complete non-starter’‘.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-08-31
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37 minutes ago, bangon04 said:

It does seem that

a) many would be migrants cannot stomach the idea of settling in France at any cost.

b - the French are only too happy to facilitate migration, illegal or legal, to England.


You are spot on. The migrants see the UK has having a lot more opportunities work wise, so these are illegal economic migrants as well as a good mix of criminals from African nations hoping to enter the UK and engage in illegal activities as has been proven in the past. You only need to look in Amsterdam's Dam square and Rembrandt square to see the occupations of these Africans and Arabs.


The argument from the French is nonsense. As the so called Dublin treaty stated that any migrants must seek asylum in the first ' safe country ' they arrive in and guess what? It isn't the U.K.,who incidentally contributes millions of pounds to French coffers to assist  the migrant security problem at Calais.


The British being an island nation, (however our nation has taken its fair share of refugees and migrants over the past decades), is fortunate not to have land borders with Europe.


The French should be destroying and bulldozing the camps and deporting the migrants, but No, they want as usual to ' pass the buck '


These people are not refugees fleeing from war torn states, they are simply guys who want an easier life in a liberal country where there is a fair rule of law and then to arrive and not wanting to work ( AT LEAST NOT IN THE LEGAL SENSE OF GAINFUL TAXPAYING EMPLOYMENT ), claim benefits and import their versions of Islam with them.


Idiots in the EU governments of France and Germany, this is what caused the Brexit vote in the first place, not European professionals and skilled workers migrating within Europe!


Middle Eastern and African nations will probably adopt the Fidel Castro method of emptying their prisons and sending all the misfits, radicals and terrorists to Europe, if they haven't already.


It is also breathtakingly glaring that Middle Eastern nations are refusing these migrants as they ' don't want to dilute their culture '  These are supposedly their ' Muslim brethren ' but they wish to export them to Christian Europe.

Edited by Scouse123
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None of them have a 'right' to come to UK. Repatriate them all to the land of their birth. Let them apply from there in writing or online. Anyone who tries to circumvent the correct immigration procedures should be banned for life from entering or gaining residency in the UK


Why do honest and hard working people have to have passports and visas while these riff raff are able to just arrive and live rough. Are they too stupid to understand that nobody wants them ?

Edited by Pdaz
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1 minute ago, Pdaz said:

None of them have a 'right' to come to UK. Repatriate them all to the land of their birth. Let them apply ftom their in writing or online. Anyone who tries to circumvent the correct immigration procedures should be banned for life from entering or gaining residency in the UK


Why do honest and hard working people have to have passports and visas while these riff raff are able to just arrive and live rough. Are they too stupid to understand that nobody wants them ?


No, they are too thick skinned to care that they are neither wanted nor welcome.

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Sick to death of the BBC droning on about poor hard done by Africans and Middle Easterners. When is it going to stop ? Are they all going to keep coming until Britain sinks into the sea ? Why do they deserve our way of life ? If they want it, let them build it in their own country. What to they bring that we could possibly want ? Violence, crime, disease, backward tribal beliefs, religion, female genital mutilalation, gang violence, honour killings and ex child soldiers with mental problems and stress.

None can expect more than poorly paid unqualified work. They will creat yet more ghettos and cost the taxpayer millions thoughout their lives. 

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"It shouldn’t be France’s job to decide whether they have a right to enter the UK.’‘



How spineless can the French government get?


They are illegally in your country, France and trying to break further laws by illegally entering another country.


Will France ever man-up and deal with it as per their laws? Nope, apparently.

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1 hour ago, Pdaz said:

None of them have a 'right' to come to UK. Repatriate them all to the land of their birth. Let them apply from there in writing or online. Anyone who tries to circumvent the correct immigration procedures should be banned for life from entering or gaining residency in the UK


Why do honest and hard working people have to have passports and visas while these riff raff are able to just arrive and live rough. Are they too stupid to understand that nobody wants them ?

Yep, clearly they are too stupid 

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

"It shouldn’t be France’s job to decide whether they have a right to enter the UK.’‘



How spineless can the French government get?


They are illegally in your country, France and trying to break further laws by illegally entering another country.


Will France ever man-up and deal with it as per their laws? Nope, apparently.

The French camps in Calais etc are presumably full of undocumented migrants. Every time the French police are handed a truckload of would be immigrants, they allow them to go free to try again the next day. No detention, no prosecution, even a token one. If I commited a petty crime in France and refuse to show valid ID, I would be detained at least.


How can this be a tolerated legal procedure, even by French standards in France?

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

None of those illegals has any right to enter Britain. Under the "rules" they have to apply at the first border they come to, and that isn't the British border.


I just hope the Brits don't give in.


You need to start hoping the French don't give in.


The rightwing French political parties have all stated they intend to move the British boarder back to were it belongs in Kent.

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3 hours ago, Scouse123 said:



It is also breathtakingly glaring that Middle Eastern nations are refusing these migrants as they ' don't want to dilute their culture '  These are supposedly their ' Muslim brethren ' but they wish to export them to Christian Europe.


It's only westerners that lump them all together as 'Muslim brethren'. 

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3 hours ago, KhaoNiaw said:


It's only westerners that lump them all together as 'Muslim brethren'. 




You can't lump them together with us, we are infidels in their view, we are apostates of the true religion, we are the lowest form of life in their view!          It must be true because their ' mullahs ' told them. These are the people that think Muslims are better than anybody else in the world yet cannot even co exist when left to their own devices. They are Muslim brothers when there is a Christian or Jew involved but hate each other when we are not around to hate.


What's was wrong in setting up refugee camps with no fly zones in their own countries instead of inviting every man and his camel to Europe as Merkel basically did?


I and many others still say the most vulnerable are the ones still stuck on the borders of their own countries or trapped in town and city battle zones as human shields by ISIS. Only the ' opportunists ' and economic migrants, (which many openly admit they are and see nothing wrong in what they are doing}, are in Calais.

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6 hours ago, GuestHouse said:


You need to start hoping the French don't give in.


The rightwing French political parties have all stated they intend to move the British boarder back to were it belongs in Kent.


Thank God for the English Channel.. Hope they can swim. We just need to convince the dopey politicians not to send the navy to "rescue" them. Let the French Navy do that and take them back to France. The border starts at the beach in Calais not the beach in Kent.

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