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Thai provinces across nation step up measures against Zika


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Provinces across nation step up measures against Zika




ANG THONG, 31 August 2016 (NNT) – Local administrative offices across the country have enacted measures against the spread of Zika virus after a slew of infections were reported. 

Ang Thong Municipality has begun spraying against mosquitoes following news 94 people in the province of Bueng Kan contracted the disease with one still recovering. 

According to Bueng Kan public health officer Dr. Wissanu Wittayabumrung, the 94 were found in 5 districts of the province. He affirmed 93 are completely recovered and that monitoring practices are being maintained in all susceptible areas. 

Ang Thong public health officer Dr. Songwuth Hutamai let on that an order has been issued for all public health offices to enact precautionary measures against Zika, including in areas where no infections have yet been found. 

The action comes ahead of a World Health Organization emergency meeting prompted by an outbreak of Zika in Singapore, which also led to travel warnings against the country being issued by nations such as Australia, Taiwan and the US. 

While Zika is relatively minor among other viruses, it has been tied to a fetal condition seen when pregnant mothers contract the illness. 

-- nnt 2016-08-31
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In our area in Bangna you find a million breeding spots for mosquitoes everywhere. 


I would say it would be a good start to inform Thais how they can avoid providing breeding spots. They not even know it and pointing these spots out just bring you back a smile, of course without them to change anything. They would loose face. 

So it seems it is better to loose life then to change sth...

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Don't panic!


Despite the fact that the Disease Control and Prevention Centre of the European Union identifies Thailand as a country with widespread Zika infection in the last three months, the DG of Thailand's Disease Control Department assures us that, "...since Thailand had never submitted any report about Zika infection to the European Union, it was assumed that the report might be based on press reports which were not accurate..."!


So, regardless of whether Thailand had submitted a report about Zika infection or not, maybe the DCP should be starting to worry about the "...slew of infections...reported...".


See my earlier post on this http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/940442-zika-infection-in-thailand-is-not-widespread-disease-control-department/#comment-11102186



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As mentioned earlier, we have noticed a big drop in the number of mosquitoes around the house since installing a 100 litre GUPPY FISH POND. The guppy fish eat the mosquito eggs and larvae. Problem solved!


Larvae-eating guppy fish can help combat the spread of mosquito-borne illnesses

Biological control of mosquito larvae by Guppy fish




Here's a guppy fish eating mosquito larvae

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