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A record number of Americans now dislike Hillary Clinton


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It is said that a country gets the government it deserves.

Heaven help the USA, and God Bless America. They will need all the

good luck and help that they can get.

  I still think that Donald Trump will be okay as a leader, after all he will only

be the President, and it is the republican party that will be in power.

  My opinion of Hillary is a lot lower. I was not a Bill Clinton fan as well,

and his personal choices were not the greatest, neither is Hillary's

especially her stubbornness about private servers etc. I have been told

by a lot of Americans that she was not  all that great as

Secretary of State either.


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If trump is president, he will be in total charge of the executive branch of government.

The clown himself. 

Not the republican party.

The U.S. presidency is the most powerful office on the planet.

Especially in foreign relations and war making.
The fascist clown trump has never served in a public office for even one day.

His record as a businessman has left a trail of victims of his con artist ways.

Electing such a person to the presidency would be self destructive madness. 

Edited by Jingthing
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The BBC has the most thorough explanation of the Clinton Private Email details that I found anywhere:




i highly recommend everyone read this and draw your own conclusions instead of the hype. Personally, I found it much worse than what the media has released in bits & pieces.


Does it pass your own personal "sniff test? 

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12 hours ago, Ireland32 said:

If I hear Benghazi , one more time, she's Untouchable, Get over it..,

No one is 'untouchable' 

She'll get smoked out sooner or later...:)


BREAKING NEWS Donald Trump has now held more press conferences in Mexico than Hillary has held in the USA. And that's the way it is...





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On 9/1/2016 at 7:53 AM, KarenBravo said:

Yup....she's very unpopular and yet, she's a shoo-in for your next president due to the other candidate being even more unpopular.

The Progressive Left and apologists have exploited citizens to the point that Republicans were willing to tear down the system itself, and try for a completely fresh start. It is one reason why I left the country.  I got tired of paying for policies that cater to undeserving segments of the citizenry.  The culture has declined significantly over the past couple of decades. If Republicans had offered even a reasonable alternative to Clinton, the candidate could have walked away with the election.  Instead, the stupid electorate selected the two worst candidates imaginable. Whoever wins, the American public loses. 

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On ‎1‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 7:43 AM, boomerangutang said:

The Republican Attack Machine is getting some of their desired results.  If they repeat lies and attacks often and forcefully enough, some of it will stick.


You shouldn't be worried about her ratings, Trump's rating is even lower.  Maybe that can be credited to the Democratic Attack machine or don't they have one? :wai:

Edited by Si Thea01
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"If Clinton wonders why so many voters consider her to be graspy and question her trustworthiness, she need look no further than the tangled, lucrative ties among Laureate, its owners, the Clinton family and the Clinton Foundation."


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On 9/1/2016 at 0:43 PM, boomerangutang said:

The Republican Attack Machine is getting some of their desired results.  If they repeat lies and attacks often and forcefully enough, some of it will stick.


Hey c'mon Boomer are you living in a coal cellar with the lights out wearing a blindfold and earplugs?

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On 9/1/2016 at 1:49 PM, boomerangutang said:


You're proving my point.  You want to see the worst, and multiply it 1000 times.  That's the only way you can make Trump look better.   Talking about issues and policy proposals won't help Trump, because he's always screwing up and/or changing his ideas.   


Have you seen the interviews with Trump's doctor? ....and the ridiculous doctor's letter?    Is that yet another joke thrown at the American people.  Do Trump fans really want a not-funny clown as president?   Apparently so.


Boomer I would prefer a not funny clown as President to a serial liar lining her pockets and putting national security at risk. Why would she bleach her emails with Bleachbit where God can't even restore them if all they were was yoga lessons, wedding arrangements and emails to Bill when he said he never does emails, on the only one devise she said she has ever possessed?


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22 hours ago, bassman said:

^^Like I said, you are just blaming HRC for being better at it than anyone else. Sour grapes really.


You leftest are so distorted on right and wrong, legally or ethically.  Corruption is always a problem that will continue forever and needs continued monitoring...forever.


That folk brag about their candidates scamming abilities is worrisome....to say the least.


Left corruption is not as bad as right corruption. Did you not know that Bass?

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Lot of gutter verbiage and just outright lies from the far right TV wingnuts. They really really hate Hillary. Good! She must be doing something right. 


Couple of months till she's elected in a landslide. No matter how much lipstick you put on that pig, the Republican party is going down...and down hard. 


Som nom na 

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25 minutes ago, Pinot said:

Lot of gutter verbiage and just outright lies from the far right TV wingnuts. They really really hate Hillary. Good! She must be doing something right. 


Couple of months till she's elected in a landslide. No matter how much lipstick you put on that pig, the Republican party is going down...and down hard. 


Som nom na 

She's been hated for decades.  This is the culmination of all the legitimate grievances that have built up against her over the years. :coffee1:

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