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A record number of Americans now dislike Hillary Clinton


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4 minutes ago, Linzz said:


While not granting addressing anything stated in the post


Colin Powell had a private email account as did others. My understanding is that Hillary had a personal server.


Hillary employed a private firm to Bleachbit her emails about yoga sessions, wedding arrangements and to Bill who doesn't do emails.


So no matter how you slice it, it's still baloney. I agree with your last sentence. You really stretch the bounds of credibility in your loyalty to Hillary. Love is blind I guess.


There are only a few that still like her.  I do admire his loyalty, in the face of such dire circumstances.   Very few Hillary adorers....the Cheeto Jeezus Queen.


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The right are really running out to the deep end at this point as we enter the final stretch of the campaign. 


Once the right stretches it long enough and hard enough it will snap. 


Looking at the Electoral College Vote, everyone is doing addition for HRC while also doing subtraction for Trump. The Trump camp is the only one doing the opposite.


No surprise as he is the champion of the fringe right.

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41 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

So what happens if Hillary is too ill to continue to run and has to quit the race ? Does it go to Bernie Sanders and he runs on the democratic ticket ?

That's a good question, though very unlikely to happen.

There is no constitutional rule about this. It's up to the party's rules and I'm not sure what they are. I would guess it would go to Tim Kaine though as he was nominated as her backup. 

Very theoretical, but Kaine has very little dirt on him, he's perceived as rather moderate, has an incredible depth of experience in government ... so I think except for the name recognition problem he'd be quite a strong candidate.

The main reason Hillary Clinton still has to work hard to beat trump is because of her strong negatives (as trump also has very strong negatives). Kaine's negatives are not significant. The worse thing people say about him is that he is boring.

To add, a reason I don't think the right wing Clinton health smear campaign really matters except to the trump base (already converted) is that Kaine is understood to be totally ready and competent to be president himself. If she had picked a rookie, that might be different. 

Edited by Jingthing
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Further evidence that Crooked Hillary isn't connecting with the 'folks' any longer.  Has to beg for a dollar! :lol:


Hillary’s Sad Fundraising Email: We’ve Missed Our Goal Every Day This Month, Please Donate $1



Hillary is losing in the latest polls, she’s going off on Twitter tirades with Reince Priebus and now she’s out begging for dollars.

Hillary sent out this very sad email today begging for a dollar



I'd give old Grandma a buck just to shut her up! :thumbsup:

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That's a good question, though very unlikely to happen.

There is no constitutional rule about this. It's up to the party's rules and I'm not sure what they are. I would guess it would go to Tim Kaine though as he was nominated as her backup. 

Very theoretical, but Kaine has very little dirt on him, he's perceived as rather moderate, has an incredible depth of experience in government ... so I think except for the name recognition problem he'd be quite a strong candidate.

The main reason Hillary Clinton still has to work hard to beat trump is because of her strong negatives (as trump also has very strong negatives). Kaine's negatives are not significant. The worse thing people say about him is that he is boring.

To add, a reason I don't think the right wing Clinton health smear campaign really matters except to the trump base (already converted) is that Kaine is understood to be totally ready and competent to be president himself. If she had picked a rookie, that might be different. 

If they selected Kaine that would basically invalidate the voting process as no one voted for him. Hillary picked him, so what ! It would not however surprise me as the DNC cheated Bernie once so why not again. Terrible system we have in America. Should get rid of both parties and start over....
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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Like Sergeant Joe Friday on Dragnet used to say:  "Just the facts..."

Big negitivo on a so-called 'smear' campaign.:whistling:


We are all hoping for a speedy recovery.

Perhaps more rest, will help.


It sure wouldn't hurt.  A benefit would be less exposure to questioning. I think we all know now how terribly inept she is about safeguarding classified documents.  Perhaps she can just admit that.  Her supporters don't really care...they seem to be fine with whatever she does.  She is female...and that makes her a shoe in for the democrats.



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33 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Further evidence that Crooked Hillary isn't connecting with the 'folks' any longer.  Has to beg for a dollar! :lol:


Hillary’s Sad Fundraising Email: We’ve Missed Our Goal Every Day This Month, Please Donate $1



Hillary is losing in the latest polls, she’s going off on Twitter tirades with Reince Priebus and now she’s out begging for dollars.

Hillary sent out this very sad email today begging for a dollar



I'd give old Grandma a buck just to shut her up! :thumbsup:


Really.  I feel great pity for Hillary.  So many tragedies...and now financial disaster for her campaign.  


I would like to send flowers, instead of a buck.  Get Well, Hillary....I forgive you.


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If they selected Kaine that would basically invalidate the voting process as no one voted for him. Hillary picked him, so what ! It would not however surprise me as the DNC cheated Bernie once so why not again. Terrible system we have in America. Should get rid of both parties and start over....
Again not sure about the process. Don't get your panties in a bunch. It's not going to happen. To add parties are free to select candidates any way they choose. No requirement for popular voting.
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Here's from yesterday guyz. 


Read 'em and weep. 


South Carolina: Trump 50%, Clinton 38% (First Tuesday)  Red State

Arizona: Clinton 35%, Trump 34% (Arizona Republic)  Red State

New Hampshire: Clinton 46%, Trump 41% (PPP)  Swing State

Pennsylvania: Clinton 47%, Trump 42% (PPP)  Blue State

Iowa: Clinton 45%, Trump 43% (PPP)  Blue State

Florida: Trump 44%, Clinton 43% (PPP)  Swing State 



The people who do the Electoral College Vote counts are doing addition for Clinton and subtraction for Trump. As follows....


First Read: “Sure, the 2016 presidential race is closer than it was a month ago, when Donald Trump was battling with the Khan family, Paul Ryan, and Barack Obama. Still, Hillary Clinton holds a significant battleground lead over Trump, according to the newest NBC News battleground map. Clinton stands at 272 electoral votes, Trump is at 174, and 92 are in the tossup column.”


So Clinton isn’t ahead by as much as she was last month, but she still exceeds the 270 electoral votes needed for victory. And perhaps more notably, Trump hasn’t added anything to his column here.”



And there's this....


A new 50-state Washington Post/SurveyMonkey poll shows Donald Trump is within striking distance in the Upper Midwest, but Hillary Clinton’s strength in many battlegrounds and some traditional Republican strongholds gives her a big electoral college advantage.


“Clinton leads by four points or more in 20 states plus the District of Columbia. Together they add up to 244 electoral votes, 26 shy of the 270 needed to win. Trump leads by at least four points in 20 states as well, but those add up to just 126 electoral votes. In the 10 remaining states, which hold 168 electoral votes, neither candidate has a lead of four percentage points or better.”


Also interesting: “The poll finds Gary Johnson is poised to garner significant support. He is currently receiving at least 15 percent support in 15 states.”


All from this week. 


So Donald Trump has to prove he's smarter than a 5th grader by doing some simple and basic addition. All he's done to date is subtraction cause it's all he knows.

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3 hours ago, Publicus said:


The right are really running out to the deep end at this point as we enter the final stretch of the campaign. 


Once the right stretches it long enough and hard enough it will snap. 


Looking at the Electoral College Vote, everyone is doing addition for HRC while also doing subtraction for Trump. The Trump camp is the only one doing the opposite.


No surprise as he is the champion of the fringe right.


You're the one stretching your credibility while Hillary stretches the truth. Lie after lie, and that's just the emails. Bleachbit and hammers.

Trump said people would still follow him even if he shot someone in the street in Manhattan. That kind of devotion extends to Hillary supporters too. Problem is when the left have made so many mocking statements about Trump losing and welcoming Mrs. President (get used to it boyz) compared to any predictions from the right, it's very hard to withdraw. It's real commitment. But when in a hole it pays to stop digging.


It's simply amazing that after all the lies, the national security risks and the funding this "feminists" Foundation received from misogynistic countries like Saudi Arabia , it's Jill Stein who gets served an arrest warrant for paint spraying a bulldozer

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Here are the facts and the reality guyz...


“Donald Trump has run head-first into an electoral wall, Politico reports.


“In poll after poll, Trump isn’t even close to winning a majority of the vote. While he’s narrowed the gap between his campaign and Hillary Clinton in recent weeks, in the past 21 national polls conducted using conventional phone or internet methodologies over the last five weeks, Trump’s high-water mark in a head-to-head matchup with Clinton is 45 percent.”


“And when third-party candidates — Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein — are included, Trump’s highest poll score is only 40 percent, well below Clinton’s high of 50 percent.”


Clinton knows how to add. Trump does not. 

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27 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Here are the facts and the reality guyz...


“Donald Trump has run head-first into an electoral wall, Politico reports.


“In poll after poll, Trump isn’t even close to winning a majority of the vote. While he’s narrowed the gap between his campaign and Hillary Clinton in recent weeks, in the past 21 national polls conducted using conventional phone or internet methodologies over the last five weeks, Trump’s high-water mark in a head-to-head matchup with Clinton is 45 percent.”


“And when third-party candidates — Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein — are included, Trump’s highest poll score is only 40 percent, well below Clinton’s high of 50 percent.”


Clinton knows how to add. Trump does not. 


Haven't you heard?   Hillary has trouble remembering things.  I am sure her math scores are low as well.  She confessed her memory loss on record.


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42 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:


Haven't you heard?   Hillary has trouble remembering things.  I am sure her math scores are low as well.  She confessed her memory loss on record.



I heard that, yes.


She wuz however speaking to youse guyz over there not to me or to anyone I know.

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21 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


 She does not have bother with the Koolaid drinkers. They ignore her many failures.


Haven't touched the stuff for several decades.


HRC as with anyone else has her strengths and her weaknesses. A great public persona is certainly not one of her strengths. It's her resume' overall.


Donald Trump's greatest weakness is his mouth.


Perhaps Trump can learn to communicate instead by body language or sign language -- y'know, using his hands. Imagine Trump gesturing and doing pantomime....


"Believe me."


"They love me."


"I'm gonna build a wall. A big orange wall"!  :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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7 hours ago, Publicus said:


Haven't touched the stuff for several decades.


HRC as with anyone else has her strengths and her weaknesses. A great public persona is certainly not one of her strengths. It's her resume' overall.


Donald Trump's greatest weakness is his mouth.


Perhaps Trump can learn to communicate instead by body language or sign language -- y'know, using his hands. Imagine Trump gesturing and doing pantomime....


"Believe me."


"They love me."


"I'm gonna build a wall. A big orange wall"!  :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Trump's shooting from the hip, lack of knowledge, lack of sophistication is well known. Let's hope if he gets in he surrounds himself with some good advice and a haircut.


But your reply is weak  compared to your many countless detailed and predictive posts of the past.

I would say equally Hillary's greatest weakness is her mouth. The contradictions, cover ups, lies and perjury are  manifest and endless.Her body language also does her no credit. The fake smile when she enters the stage with her jaw dropped batting her eyelashes is something to behold. She also visibly tenses up when she is lying, covering with assertiveness, as per the Commander in Chief debates. On the one hand she quotes her vast knowledge and experience handling classified material and on the other she thinks (C) means a follow on from a non existent A and B.

Go figure.

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50 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Trump's shooting from the hip, lack of knowledge, lack of sophistication is well known. Let's hope if he gets in he surrounds himself with some good advice and a haircut.


But your reply is weak  compared to your many countless detailed and predictive posts of the past.

I would say equally Hillary's greatest weakness is her mouth. The contradictions, cover ups, lies and perjury are  manifest and endless.Her body language also does her no credit. The fake smile when she enters the stage with her jaw dropped batting her eyelashes is something to behold. She also visibly tenses up when she is lying, covering with assertiveness, as per the Commander in Chief debates. On the one hand she quotes her vast knowledge and experience handling classified material and on the other she thinks (C) means a follow on from a non existent A and B.

Go figure.


Not too much to figure. It's all politics, politics, politics. Nothing but.


Some are better at it such as the Bush family, others are simply winners at it, such as the Clintons. Bill is smooth and comfortable, Hillary is the wife following up in a man's world. I worked for a woman member of the US House in Washington so I see a lot from what I experienced working in her office, working with her and as she worked with other woman members of the House, and in her campaigns and much more -- the whole nine yards. None of 'em have it easy, none of 'em are comfortable trying to succeed at it -- and succeeding at it is so very important to 'em.


I'd already posted that the 'c' stuff was created as the response for youse guyz over there on that side and not to me or for us over on this side. You're all confounded by it which is what you were intended to be -- you're all off your game because of it. Frustrated. Resigned. Defeated. Again, it's all politics, politics, politics. We're either going to vote for her or we're not going to vote for her. It's all politics.


It's about winning elections and we've got one going on now. Of all the women in government and politics I've known, worked with or since observed with a knowing eye that sees through every one of 'em, HRC is the single one who I'd say to be actually prepared, competent, qualified for this office.


Madam President.

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14 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Not too much to figure. It's all politics, politics, politics. Nothing but.


Some are better at it such as the Bush family, others are simply winners at it, such as the Clintons. Bill is smooth and comfortable, Hillary is the wife following up in a man's world. I worked for a woman member of the US House in Washington so I see a lot from what I experienced working in her office, working with her and as she worked with other woman members of the House, and in her campaigns and much more -- the whole nine yards. None of 'em have it easy, none of 'em are comfortable trying to succeed at it -- and succeeding at it is so very important to 'em.


I'd already posted that the 'c' stuff was created as the response for youse guyz over there on that side and not to me or for us over on this side. Again, it's all politics, politics, politics. We're either going to vote for her or we're not going to vote for her. It's all politics.


It's about winning elections and we've got one going on now. Of all the women in government and politics I've known, worked with or since observed with a knowing eye that sees through every one of 'em, HRC is the single one who I'd say to be actually prepared, competent, qualified for this office.


Madam President.


She is the best at deceiving you and the public at large.

I will give her credit for that!


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Every day we see further evidence of the abject dislike Americans display towards Crooked Hillary.

To wit:


Wow! Baptist Convention Cuts Room Down by a Third After Nobody Shows Up to See Hillary


National Baptist Convention organizers shrunk the room by one-third after fewer people turned out than expected to hear Hillary Clinton.

Frank Morris, national correspondent for KCUR, tweeted a photo showing a worker moving walls to shrink the meeting room in Kansas City.






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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Every day we see further evidence of the abject dislike Americans display towards Crooked Hillary.

To wit:


Wow! Baptist Convention Cuts Room Down by a Third After Nobody Shows Up to See Hillary


National Baptist Convention organizers shrunk the room by one-third after fewer people turned out than expected to hear Hillary Clinton.

Frank Morris, national correspondent for KCUR, tweeted a photo showing a worker moving walls to shrink the meeting room in Kansas City.







That is certainly one amazing looking audience.  I bet they brought ear devices as well.  Certainly not of the induction type...but, rather...the reduction type.  :coffee1:



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