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Melania Trump sues Daily Mail and US blogger for $150m over sex worker claims


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5 hours ago, MisterTee said:

Where there's smoke, there's fire... just like with Hillary.

If Melania really was a paid escort that would explain how she first met him.

If there's smoke there's fire.


This idiom you refer to. Does this also entail running commentary, theory, accusations and so on  here in TV forums? If so, God help us :coffee1:

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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


I am sure the media WILL dig into it and if it is true, every guy that ever sampled the delights or any girl that worked alongside her will see their 6 figure cheque looming for their story.


Imagine the voting dichotomy facing the Bible belters on Nov7/8 when we have "clinton email scandal' and 'Trumps wife was a working girl' press releases. You couldn't make this stuff up. The next Presidential election will be more boring than watching paint dry.

I would think that it presents a golden opportunity for Trump and Melania. Become born again and repent the sins of prostitution. The belters would lap it up. Get her up on stage teary eyed to tell the story of how she initially went after the prince for his money, but upon finding god and becoming in him born again - whilst Donald was in her- she found her way, the way of the Lord, and bore him a man-child. Since that time of rebirth, she has prayed to the lord and talked in tongues daily - like she did on stage at the convention -  and thought of nothing but serving the lord above and the lord at home....Donald J Trump



Edited by Neurath
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I wouldn't kick her out of bed if she farted, but being an expensive escort doesn't really reflect too well on the dignity of America's first hooker lady. For that matter, Donald does not reflect well on America's collective intellect......... in case he is elected.


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37 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Then again how would any of us feel if someone accused our wife of being a whore? 


I certainly can't speak for yours but you are sure quick to call it on another without any more proof.




Now lets not get carried away Clutch. WHERE have I called her a 'whore' (it pains me to type such a word). I believe all I said was



Imagine the voting dichotomy facing the Bible belters on Nov7/8 when we have "clinton email scandal' and 'Trumps wife was a working girl' press releases. You couldn't make this stuff up. The next Presidential election will be more boring than watching paint dry.


Edited by Andaman Al
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27 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


Well if Michelle Obama had done nude modelling like this: (Careful now old timer, don't let that there ticker get racing too much ;)  )




Oh and she did that in Manhattan in 1995! Green card anybody!


or this - ra ra America, this should get the NRA vote!  Then Michelle Obama would have her past questioned by the media.


BY the way never be so vulgar or misguided to assume anything about anyone else's salary ;)



Yeah, right.


The internet forum resume...Please enlighten me as to your past occupation. 


If you include some proof then I will apologize--meanwhile, I stick by my assertion that any fellow escort would have been seeing clients who make your wages in a couple of days.



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6 minutes ago, Neurath said:

I would think that it presents a golden opportunity for Trump and Melania. Become born again and repent the sins of prostitution. The belters would lap it up. Get her up on stage teary eyed to tell the story of how she initially went after the prince for his money, but upon finding god and becoming in him born again - whilst Donald was in her- she found her way, the way of the Lord, and bore him a man-child. Since that time of rebirth, she has prayed to the lord and talked in tongues daily - like she did on stage at the convention -  and thought of nothing but serving the lord above and the lord at home....Donald J Trump




You Sir are fully deserve-ed of a paid slot on Trumps advisory board. Genius, pure genius.

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4 minutes ago, eddie61 said:

I wouldn't kick her out of bed if she farted, but being an expensive escort doesn't really reflect too well on the dignity of America's first hooker lady. For that matter, Donald does not reflect well on America's collective intellect......... in case he is elected.



Personally, an escort would bring some legitimacy to the place since all these politicians today sell themselves to whomever pays the price--just look at the Clinton Foundation. They just don't call themselves what they are.


As for dignity, I fear Monica Lewinski took the last shred of that with her.

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3 minutes ago, Rob13 said:



Yes, LOL, you guys could have had QE 2 as a dignified head of state, if George III had not lost his marbles at a crucial moment. I suppose that Donald Trump will be a worthy successor. Caveat emptor

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56 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


Well if Michelle Obama had done nude modelling like this: (Careful now old timer, don't let that there ticker get racing too much ;)  )




Oh and she did that in Manhattan in 1995! Green card anybody!


or this - ra ra America, this should get the NRA vote!  Then Michelle Obama would have her past questioned by the media.


BY the way never be so vulgar or misguided to assume anything about anyone else's salary ;)


put this one on the wing and the plane would tip over!



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3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


I am sure the media WILL dig into it and if it is true, every guy that ever sampled the delights or any girl that worked alongside her will see their 6 figure cheque looming for their story.


Imagine the voting dichotomy facing the Bible belters on Nov7/8 when we have "clinton email scandal' and 'Trumps wife was a working girl' press releases. You couldn't make this stuff up. The next Presidential election will be more boring than watching paint dry.

Sorry. Seems I double posted

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31 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


You Sir are fully deserve-ed of a paid slot on Trumps advisory board. Genius, pure genius.

They offered, but I had to decline. I could not in all good conscience work for someone who obviously flouts our sacred visa and immigration laws. Nothing against Slovenians mind you, - I suppose some of them aren't escorts.

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The Daily Mail is all shook up over this, as shown by the retraction and apology.  Malania's lawyer is the Charles Harder, that just won a massive slander lawsuit against Gawker, which put them out of business:


Harder is best known for representing Hulk Hogan in the lawsuit that bankrupted Gawker Media and forced its sale to Univision last month. That suit was funded by the Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel, a vocal Trump supporter.



And just thank of the Daily Mail's cost to defend the lawsuit, even if no judgement is awarded.  Media should be held accountable for slanderous and unproven news garbage, IF this lawsuit is proven.

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15 minutes ago, DDbkh said:

There's no comment about her nude modeling photos - particularly the lesbian scenes she took part in.

Obviously she had a proper work permit for that important work. 

Will Drumpf prevent foreign models working in USA and create jobs for all the good wholesome all American girls, who pay their taxes ????

Good point. Very good point. Foreign fashion models are taking our jobs. Good jobs from good Americans.

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There is a lesson to be learned here.


Think before you post!


If you violate new, Worldwide Internet laws you could end up as a Defendant, or a Political Prisoner for life, without the benefit of a trial or even being sentenced!


Posting negative content about Governments,  politicians, public officials is asking for trouble.


Promoting any sex industry with written content or photos now could get you a life sentence in Prison in many countries.  


If you don't believe that Google, Cuba Dave in Costa Rica.  He has been in prison for one year now, without a trial the last I heard. He is also wanted in other counties for similar alleged, sex promotions. He told the media he is a political prisoner. As I recall he is 67 years old.


I knew him and warned him about his content several years ago.  I recently called his web master and recommended they stop writing about the Judges and the legal system in their web site as they are making matters worse for Dave.


Many writers are getting charged now who suffer from normalcy bias. Times have changed and nothing is normal now. New laws and orders are in place you aren't even aware of.


Be very careful.  Don't put your future, your savings, family and visa extension at risk.

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well defamation is defamation and the gartbage these tabloids writes deserves a slap sometimes...
However if its true its a worthy mention... but its not fair to just assume it...
Nonetheless she certainly didnt marry him for his good looks and charm... but 90% of women never do anyway.. thank god!

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4 minutes ago, Kabula said:

There is a lesson to be learned here.


Think before you post!


If you violate new, Worldwide Internet laws you could end up as a Defendant, or a Political Prisoner for life, without the benefit of a trial or even being sentenced!


Posting negative content about Governments,  politicians, public officials is asking for trouble.


Promoting any sex industry with written content or photos now could get you a life sentence in Prison in many countries.  


If you don't believe that Google, Cuba Dave in Costa Rica.  He has been in prison for one year now, without a trial the last I heard. He is also wanted in other counties for similar alleged, sex promotions. He told the media he is a political prisoner. As I recall he is 67 years old.


I knew him and warned him about his content several years ago.  I recently called his web master and recommended they stop writing about the Judges and the legal system in their web site as they are making matters worse for Dave.


Many writers are getting charged now who suffer from normalcy bias. Times have changed and nothing is normal now. New laws and orders are in place you aren't even aware of.


Be very careful.  Don't put your future, your savings, family and visa extension at risk.

What's the connection here, man? Are you saying that Cuba Dave was one of Melania's clients? What an assertion. Not that you're making that assertion. Not that anyone is making that assertion, but people are wondering, and if they're wondering, well, there must be questions to be answered? Not that I'm saying that there are. But there could be. There could be some people wondering if there are questions to be answered and if there are, should it be proved that there is nothing to be answered?  I don't know, I suppose there should be.

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7 hours ago, iReason said:

Melania Trump was a hooker?

A Gold Digger?

Who, was allegedly working illegally in the U.S. on a Tourist Visa without a work permit?


And now the third wife of a Presidential candidate who has been well documented as cheating on the first two?


This is Shocking. Truly disturbing.


What has happened to family values?


This certainly should be investigated and exposed.


It's just plain Un a 'murican.


And likely an Illegal Alien no less. Despicable.


Any reasonable person surely would want to get to the bottom of this.


Justice should be served.


How can we, as a country survive, if this tawdry behavior is tolerated?


What will be left to our children?


Who will be their role models?


We must stand up to this vulger immorality.


While she may not have been a former escort, or hooker, she is a con woman, who lied about her education and background. That is for certain. 

The Huffington Post points to the book Melania Trump—The Inside Story: From a Slovenian Communist Village to the White House, by authors Bojan Pozar and Igor Omerza, which indicates the FLOTUS contender dropped out of college after her freshman year. The two Slovenian journalists write that Melania "became - and remained- a college dropout" just one year into her time at the University of Ljubljana. Huffington Post quotes relevant sections from the book: 

In her freshman year, the 19-year old Melanija Knavs attended lectures on the following subjects: elements of architecture, fine arts, fundamentals of technical mechanics, architectural construction, descriptive geometry, mathematics, and an ideological (read “communist”) elective credit called “General Partisan Resistance and Social Self-protection.” Melanija would have made it to her sophomore year, even having failed two exams, but she was supposed to have gotten and held a one-month internship and kept a journal about it.
Later, in America, after meeting Donald Trump and officially becoming his partner, Melania Knauss told the media that she got her degree in architecture and design. This was almost certainly done in consultation with Trump and his advisers, as they were desperate to give off the impression that the Slovenian model was not just beautiful, but also smart and well-educated.

according to Trump:

“I saw Melania and I said, ‘Who is that?’ She was a very successful model. She was terrific. I tried to get her number, and she wouldn’t give it to me.” Melania continued the story: “He came to the party with a date! I had heard he was a ladies’ man, and so I said, ‘I’m not one of the ladies.’ He said later that he sent her to the ladies’ room so he could get my number. I was like, ‘Oh, what a sneaky way!’” Melania told People magazine she liked Trump’s “sparkle” and took his number.


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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


Yeah, right.


The internet forum resume...Please enlighten me as to your past occupation. 


If you include some proof then I will apologize--meanwhile, I stick by my assertion that any fellow escort would have been seeing clients who make your wages in a couple of days.




A notice to all forum members:


I called Andaman Al's bluff on his reported annual income and that was a big mistake on my part. 


Al has actually been trusting and kind enough to send me proof and I am left eating a very large slice of humble pie...more like the entire pie. 


Sorry about that Al.






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2 hours ago, mesterm said:

Trump, if you get elected, just don't have sex with your secretary in the White House. That can get pretty messy ;)


He did not have sex with that woman.

He simply inserted a cigar into her vagina and knocked one out over her dress.



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2 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


A notice to all forum members:


I called Andaman Al's bluff on his reported annual income and that was a big mistake on my part. 


Al has actually been trusting and kind enough to send me proof and I am left eating a very large slice of humble pie...more like the entire pie. 


Sorry about that Al.






Yeah, don't feel bad about it. You're not alone. I've challenged Andaman Al about all manner of things and he's showed me time and again that his is always larger. He's a gentleman about it though. Ask him about the photograph he says he has of Melania - it's a shocker.

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Look at him, look at her. Look at him when he met her and her when she met him. It's blindingly obvious to everyone not in a mental miasma and believing that 10's love to couple with 2's. So, if she wasn't a worker before she met Donald J Trump, she sure as hell was after she coupled with him. Over and over again. Still, even though it's not uncommon that a client will father a child with the worker, it is uncommon that he will raise it. So good on you Donald, you're a stand up guy. That they have named him Barron, puts them right up there with American Royalty like Michael Jackson. 


I've always thought that Margaret Thatcher would have done better had she procured an East European model for herself.  Denis just didn't do it for me. 

Edited by Neurath
her for she and Dennis and Jackson
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