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Education Minister says Thai students lack critical thinking and English language skills


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4 hours ago, Scotwight said:

When the Thais sided with Japan instead of the Allies during WWII that was critical thinking and saved hundred of thousands of Thai lives (check causality figures).  When the Thais sided with the Allies during the Vietnam war that was critical thinking = check economies of Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.  When the Thais became the Detroit of Asia by providing the infrastructure to be ranked in the top ten auto manufactures in the world that was critical thinking.  When an 18 year old girl from Issan learns to dance on a pole instead of cutting rice that is critical thinking. When the tanks rumbled through Bangkok to change governments that was an example of critical thinking.  


These may not be critical thinking decisions to your liking but they certainly are examples of critical thinking.  


I think you owe us all an apology and restate your argument that Thailand does not think the way you and the other Bwanas want them to think.  


How laughable.


Let's look at just one line: "When an 18 year old girl from Issan learns to dance on a pole instead of cutting rice that is critical thinking."


This poster doesn't know his history. The Enlightenment appears to have happened after our hunter-gathering period when we switched to growing crops. It seems Enlightenment came out of growing grass stalks in muddy water.


"These may not be critical thinking decisions to your liking but they certainly are examples of critical thinking."


He just makes it up as he goes along.





Critical thinking is not decision making, it's a methodology and cultural.


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26 minutes ago, Squeegee said:


How laughable.


Let's look at just one line: "When an 18 year old girl from Issan learns to dance on a pole instead of cutting rice that is critical thinking."


This poster doesn't know his history. The Enlightenment appears to have happened after our hunter-gathering period when we switched to growing crops. It seems Enlightenment came out of growing grass stalks in muddy water.


"These may not be critical thinking decisions to your liking but they certainly are examples of critical thinking."


He just makes it up as he goes along.





Critical thinking is not decision making, it's a methodology and cultural.



And absent in Thailand.



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In addition to the commendable, self-admitted failings of the Thai MOE, I have a point-of-view, worthy of consideration.  As a U.S. citizen, having maintained a 5-year residency in The Kingdom, I have arrived at the following conclusion:


Based upon my own lifetime experiences, and comparative observations, the vast majority of global societies could benefit greatly, from some schooling,  in the person-to-person “public behavior” mannerisms, seemingly  imprinted, within the general psyche of the Thai people.  Hosting a public safety conscious street-life environment, is a huge credit plus for any nation.


Conversely, the future generational  members of the Thai political-arena, would receive a significant education in “governance” methods, by spending at least one-year of “observational-research” study, of how  they might strategically merge Thai cultural consciousness, with the ways, and the means of the Danish, Norwegian and Swedish Monarchy societies.


The refute podium pedestal is now available, especially to the ever-present know-it-all poster of the forum. Sigh!:coffee1:

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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11 minutes ago, TuskegeeBen said:

In addition to the commendable, self-admitted failings of the Thai MOE, I have a point-of-view, worthy of consideration.  As a U.S. citizen, having maintained a 5-year residency in The Kingdom, I have arrived at the following conclusion:


Based upon my own lifetime experiences, and comparative observations, the vast majority of global societies could benefit greatly, from some schooling,  in the person-to-person “public behavior” mannerisms, seemingly  imprinted, within the general psyche of the Thai people.  Hosting a public safety conscious street-life environment, is a huge credit plus for any nation.


Conversely, the future generational  members of the Thai political-arena, would receive a significant education in “governance” methods, by spending at least one-year of “observational-research” study, of how  they might strategically merge Thai cultural consciousness, with the ways, and the means of the Danish, Norwegian and Swedish Monarchy societies.


The refute podium pedestal is now available, especially to the ever-present know-it-all poster of the forum. Sigh!:coffee1:


I am sure you made some very good points.....I just failed totally in understanding what you were talking about.....bit of a problem methinks.....


I read it again. I am sincerely sorry...I just dont think I am smart enough to get it. I think I need to learn English is reverse...like go and study in with my head up my a** in some Socialist utopia run by Umpalumpahs called 'Kevin'

Edited by 248900_1469958220
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7 minutes ago, 248900_1469958220 said:



I read it again. I am sincerely sorry...I just dont think I am smart enough to get it. I think I need to learn English is reverse...like go and study in with my head up my a** in some Socialist utopia run by Umpalumpahs called 'Kevin'


Classic. Thank you sir, though I spat out most of my tea while trying desperately not to laugh out loud.



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18 minutes ago, TuskegeeBen said:

In addition to the commendable, self-admitted failings of the Thai MOE, I have a point-of-view, worthy of consideration.  As a U.S. citizen, having maintained a 5-year residency in The Kingdom, I have arrived at the following conclusion:


Based upon my own lifetime experiences, and comparative observations, the vast majority of global societies could benefit greatly, from some schooling,  in the person-to-person “public behavior” mannerisms, seemingly  imprinted, within the general psyche of the Thai people.  Hosting a public safety conscious street-life environment, is a huge credit plus for any nation.


Conversely, the future generational  members of the Thai political-arena, would receive a significant education in “governance” methods, by spending at least one-year of “observational-research” study, of how  they might strategically merge Thai cultural consciousness, with the ways, and the means of the Danish, Norwegian and Swedish Monarchy societies.


The refute podium pedestal is now available, especially to the ever-present know-it-all poster of the forum. Sigh!:coffee1:

No doubt you are right, but there are other less desirable elements that would be better left behind.

As for discussions of the highest institution, best left, even here.

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Its NOT giving people jobs based on merit that is holding this place back. Critical thinking be damned! Thai people have to learn to accept that the woman with darker skin....might just be smarter than the one with lighter skin. Its not about skin color or family background its about ABILITY. The overimportance that is placed on paper qualifications over actual REAL WORLD experience is also another factor. Many Thai people cant seem to grasp how in Western (and other) countries people can become influential politicians etc even though they never attended a day at university in their lives. Its the hard yards, the mixing it up with all levels of society, keeping an open mind and being able to put yourself in others shoes that is missing from the Thai educational experience. Its a sad state of affairs here and it NOT for lack of talent. I teach adult classes in the evenings at companies as a part time job. I see so many smart people here that could run rings around the incompetent, paper pusing procrastinators at immigration etc. They just dont get a look in.......NEPOTISIM. 




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5 hours ago, Scotwight said:

You have listed imagined problems.  They are problems in your mind.  Thais don't have any of those problems.  Like I listed before Thailand has full employment, universal health care, fat is a problem not starvation.  Everyone has a job and a cell phone, Thai whiskey is so cheap it's almost free as are the women.  My gosh I'm 70 and I still get propositioned for free.  Where does that happen?  There are millions of school dropouts in the US and UK so kids don't really care about school that much anyway.  It is only revolution in your mind. 



Yeah, you're right. Everything is just pickety-boo. No problems at all.


I can't understand why people near my home pretend to have all those problems though. Probably just malingering.



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3 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:


I am sure you made some very good points.....I just failed totally in understanding what you were talking about.....bit of a problem methinks.....


I read it again. I am sincerely sorry...I just dont think I am smart enough to get it. I think I need to learn English is reverse...like go and study in with my head up my a** in some Socialist utopia run by Umpalumpahs called 'Kevin'


3 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:


I am sure you made some very good points.....I just failed totally in understanding what you were talking about.....bit of a problem methinks.....


I read it again. I am sincerely sorry...I just dont think I am smart enough to get it. I think I need to learn English is reverse...like go and study in with my head up my a** in some Socialist utopia run by Umpalumpahs called 'Kevin'

Change your profile photo. You're an insult to the memory of that chap!

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15 minutes ago, michaellee said:

Always had been and always will be lack of thinking in every aspect not just languages.... Thai's mentality " I like I do" "Upto me" 

People take their cultures (themselves) everywhere they go. Compared to huge majority of home-bred Americans (Blacks, Latinos and Whites), the very large community of Thais, in Houston, Texas, are very well-behaved people.


So, if their Thai mentality is "I like I do" and "Up to me" is as bad, as it will ever get, then I'll take a boatload of Thais, over many home-bred Americans, Brits, and a few other western ethnic groups, that I've met.

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3 hours ago, TuskegeeBen said:


Change your profile photo. You're an insult to the memory of that chap!

After reading your post #105, perhaps I was too harshly judgemental of you. My regrets in that regard. Kindly ignore  that post. Thanks!

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13 hours ago, Scotwight said:

When the Thais sided with Japan instead of the Allies during WWII that was critical thinking and saved hundred of thousands of Thai lives (check causality figures).  When the Thais sided with the Allies during the Vietnam war that was critical thinking = check economies of Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.  When the Thais became the Detroit of Asia by providing the infrastructure to be ranked in the top ten auto manufactures in the world that was critical thinking.  When an 18 year old girl from Issan learns to dance on a pole instead of cutting rice that is critical thinking. When the tanks rumbled through Bangkok to change governments that was an example of critical thinking.  


These may not be critical thinking decisions to your liking but they certainly are examples of critical thinking.  


I think you owe us all an apology and restate your argument that Thailand does not think the way you and the other Bwanas want them to think.  


This is complete bs. The unique situation of Thailand during colonial times was 95% luck and 5% governance.  Siding with the Japanese was the Thai cowardly way to get back at the colonial powers who took some territory from them in neighbouring countries.  Nothing more nothing less.  Saving the Thai serfs was not the goal and many Thai did suffer under the Japanese nevertheless.  Your other  arguments or examples are bs too but I'm too tired now to explain u. If you want me too I can do it tomorrow... Yawn 

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21 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

EVery education ministers from previous governments said the same obvious thing. Question is what you going to do about it. Education is so important to the nation progress and an Education Reform Act must be seriously considered. Singapore has aspect of education acts that brought sweeping changes to the teaching, learning & ciriculum. 


I would dare say the education minister (and all those before him/her) has absolutely no degree(s) in education. How then can they even pretend to know how to alter such a dismal show of (loosely termed) education.  I would also venture to believe they acquired their positions the way many - if not most - govt. workers have i.e. bought or gift from another blood relative. 

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18 hours ago, sweatalot said:


looks like they have to chose between scylla and charybdis:


  • lose big econimical against other ASEAN countries because of their much better English skills
  • or get an awakened  people 

Oh well. Considering the country's elite and others CLAIM to be Buddhists (apparently not really following the teachings) could this be an example of karma i.e. cause/effect? 

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Thais are brought up to be lazy and, if born into the 'right' family, privileged. Until equality becomes part of the culture it will never change as Thailand is 50 years + behind  developed nations.


The Thais in the USA, and other Thais who travel, of course have a broader education and outlook and cannot be compared to Somchai here who is fed the 'Thailand is great you don't need farang education' mantra

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18 hours ago, Winniedapu said:


I don't agree. Nor do I agree that the Thai education is as bad as it is by accident. There's too much evidence that it has suited the purposes of a small and very select group of people for it to have been accidental.


It is also far too consistent with other exploitations of the Thai people, which are known not to be accidental. It cannot be possible that a small group of people at the very top of the Thai pyramid have become obscenely wealthy while the rest have been kept obscenely un-wealthy by accident. ...



Oh how I agree. No accident, but rather devised by a criminal master-mind - probably more than one however. As I observe the Thai system/ beliefs "cast system" (lol) it's closer to genius than accident. The "owners" have " all their bases covered. " 

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19 hours ago, Scotwight said:

When the Thais sided with Japan instead of the Allies during WWII that was critical thinking and saved hundred of thousands of Thai lives (check causality figures).  When the Thais sided with the Allies during the Vietnam war that was critical thinking = check economies of Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.  When the Thais became the Detroit of Asia by providing the infrastructure to be ranked in the top ten auto manufactures in the world that was critical thinking.  When an 18 year old girl from Issan learns to dance on a pole instead of cutting rice that is critical thinking. When the tanks rumbled through Bangkok to change governments that was an example of critical thinking.  


These may not be critical thinking decisions to your liking but they certainly are examples of critical thinking.  


I think you owe us all an apology and restate your argument that Thailand does not think the way you and the other Bwanas want them to think.  

Is there a difference between making a decision and critical thinking? 

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Well l will only answer the topic as l see it,  it has been said over many years the teaching English situation is a bit of a joke and only a money making machine for a majority of schools.

l tried to contribute teaching at one time with kids about 11, 12 & 13 in what l would say is predominately a poor area and I might as well slept during the class period. 

All l learnt was l'm a lousy teacher when trying to teach to older Thai kids the English language never mind skills and critical thinking.

Why ministers bubble on about things like this I have no idea apart from they have to look from time to time to be saying something.

If Thailand wants more than just rich kids learning English it's not rocket science it has to start from the beginning with the babies and very young,  how that is achieved is educating future parents but with baby having babies still it's gonna be a long time if ever. 

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Last semester I ran project with my M2 students about movies cut a long story short the students had to write and then make an then make their own movie. The results were incredible showing English skills and inventiveness,  I don't think English students of the same age could have done it in French or German.  

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1 minute ago, ajarnglyn said:

Last semester I ran project with my M2 students about movies cut a long story short the students had to write and then make an then make their own movie. The results were incredible showing English skills and inventiveness,  I don't think English students of the same age could have done it in French or German.  


OK then begs the question you teach in a school in East Isaan. :whistling:

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44 minutes ago, ajarnglyn said:

Last semester I ran project with my M2 students about movies cut a long story short the students had to write and then make an then make their own movie. The results were incredible showing English skills and inventiveness,  I don't think English students of the same age could have done it in French or German.  


are you a qualified teacher in England?  to compare?  I have direct experience of thai students doing everything they can to cheat and shortcut and plagiarism is seen as a 'norm'  madness to suggest thai students (outside the private system) in anyway compare

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Thailand's education system reminds me of when I first was able to go out and have a Saturday night beer and then try and walk home. They have the same approach of 1 step forward, 2 steps back. They honestly do not want the new generation or any generation to be critical thinkers as this goes against the norm that is Thai culture. Could you imagine if a boss who was telling his younger workers to do something and they questioned his or her idea, it would be pandemonium as this breaks the mold of how Thailand has operated for centuries.

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