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Thai monk upgrades to millionaire by winning THB6 million from lottery


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Seems a lot of posts are again judging and comparing Buddhism with their, no doubt well read Old Testimony of the Bible, Jewish/Christian/Muslim indoctrination, or mear imaginations. Maybe even having visions of Charlton Heston holding the two tablets containing the Ten Commandments in one hand and a rifle in the other. Buddhist monks are not Catholic monks. From what I gather he has done little wrong relative to HIS faith, especially if he uses the money as per his quote.

But when ignorance is bliss, you'd be folly to be wise.

Edited by mankondang
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Until I read the now defunct Thai constitution of Thailand of 2007 I always thought that Buddhism was a philosophy, not  a religion. I guess it is easier to make money with a religion than with a philosophy.




Section 79. The State shall patronise and protect Buddhism as the religion observed by most Thais for a long period of time...



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5 hours ago, Mook23 said:



29 minutes ago, Puccini said:

Until I read the now defunct Thai constitution of Thailand of 2007 I always thought that Buddhism was a philosophy, not  a religion. I guess it is easier to make money with a religion than with a philosophy.




Agree. Buddhism is not  religion, or shouldn't be, in fact Buddha himself cautioned not to worship him. Thai (Theeravada) Buddhism is a mish-mash of Buddhism, Hinduism and traces of Zoroastrianism (now Sunni Islam). A convenient and so typically Thai buggers muddle, though all religions have some things in common. Being largely mythological and syncretic is one of them.


Still, someimes opium for the masses has a purpose, and through it, the feudal barons of Thailand can channel their instructions for the dim and superstitious people. For a price of course, just ask the Sangha what privileges providing that channel has provided them with over time.



Edited by Winniedapu
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25 minutes ago, ableguy said:

What a crock of BS, never did have any faith or trust in the men in orange, not all scam artists but most seem to be materialistic minded, never yet met one who I would trust with my daughter.

A fathers trust is imposible to get anyway.At least in this part of the world where lies is a everyday thing.

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It's all smoke and mirrors in the land of smiles. What you see and what is true is very far from the truth. To stay in Thailand you have to just be blind and let them play their games because as soon as you pull them up on their BS they soon start trying to find ways to pull the farang not understand out culture <deleted>

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