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I spend far too much of my sad miserable life scouring these forums... But, at least, I have a vested interest in Thailand and genuinely enjoy my time and life here.

What I would REALLY like to know is why it is you force your daily diatribe on people who actually like to take part in Thailand and this forum? Do you really believe that your experience in this country (if indeed you are actually here!) is the only example of the perfect life - and all others are (like me of course :o ) only sad misguided individuals???

Awaiting your reply...



i think he enjoys winding people up and he is very successful at it.

its obvious he will never agree with any of his detractors who spend too much time insulting him.

he thrives on the oxygen of notoriety that board members so willingly supply him with.

ignore him and he will go away.


:o LegalAlien

My God a direct question.

You say "and all others are (like me of course ) only sad misguided individuals???' is this an addmission to marrying a Prostitute?

Firstly I am not forcing anything on anyone, if you read the Postings the majority who are obviously "sad misguided individuals???' as all they do is insult the messenger (me).

All my Postings are sound questions and all my answers are to someone who has asked a question.

I am here and have been for 4 years, totally legal by the way. I do not work here but have a thriving business in England. I have a Non Immigrant "O" visa as I am too young for retirement so therefore leave the country every 90 days, usually to Sri Lanka or Australia and Malaysia when the GP is being held and for about 14 days.

Ask away.


Hmm... Erco,

I did ask a question! What is it exactly that you like about Thailand?

But on top of that;

If you find this forum offensive, why continue to read it???

Instead of abuse to other members for there possible reasons (or actions) for being in Thailand, why not put give little reason for your absolute revultion?


Hmm... Erco,

I did ask a question! What is it exactly that you like about Thailand?

But on top of that;

If you find this forum offensive, why continue to read it???

Instead of abuse to other members for there possible reasons (or actions) for being in Thailand, why not put give little reason for your absolute revultion?


Exactly...been asking the question of why such revulsion for ALL prostitutes? There are goods and there are bads and the bads are not just restricted to prosititutes.

BTW, I am a human sympathizer … be it prostitutes or otherwise.



Sorry, I forgot to answer your questions...

1. Did I marry a prostitute.

Answer. No, I was married, Now getting divorced - perhaps she just found someone better (I hope so... It's probably not too hard!)

2. Not a question, but I will fill in my own situation. Been coming here since '96, lived here since 2000. Legal, Work permit, Got the medals etc, from meeting various dignatories, and enjoying it. New girlfriend (not Thai), Don't short time (nothing against it - just not really for me!)...

Now what about the reason as to why you stay - In Thailand or even better, in this Forum when the views are obviously against what you agree with???



:o LegalAlien

If you did not marry a Prostitiute why do you put yourself in the sad misguided individual category????

I have no problem with people going with prostitutes, its Why Marry one????

This Forum is not a YES we agree Forum so we are all happy, its a discussion Forum, thats what the majority cannot deal with.

My Postings are for Discussion, have a look again. Filter the negative answers and disregard the one line insults and you will see some good discussion.

I will help you, disregard Davethailand, Chonobot, Georgie Porgie and Boon Mee also Dr Pat Pong and Lovliecutie these are both Admin) to name but a few.

What do I like about Thailand, Lovely Coast (Diving and Jetski), Great Food, Great Weather and is about as third world as I would like.

Ask Away.



I would put myself in the "sad misguided individual category" simply because it was not the choice of many of the ladies to do that line of work, and therefore I have NO malice towards them (unlike you!). And even if it were their choice - SO <deleted>*KING WHAT! Yet, you choose to deride the people that decide to (hopefully) lead these ladies to a "better" life. In some cases it works, in some it doe's not... But WHY spend your time calling (mostly) men sad loosers when they are actually caring for/in love with/marrying a lady that had sex with another man for money in the past??? (PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME YOUR WIFE WAS A VIRGIN!!!!)

Am I misguided?

Am I wrong?

Am I sad?



Ooooh the discussion is opening...

Good points on both sides, i'm eager for this discussion to continue in a calm, well thought out and insightful manner...

Wannabe Trolls.. butt out




The point is this Prostitution is Lawfully and Morally wrong. When a person Male or Female sells their body then they are also selling their self respect. Once you have taken the "Judas" shilling you are a lost soul. Once you have sold your body what else have you.

I will help you, disregard Davethailand, Chonobot, Georgie Porgie and Boon Mee also Dr Pat Pong and Lovliecutie these are both Admin) to name but a few.


Admittedly, I have very little time for people who like to post one word/sentence comments (e.g. "good one", "funny", "w*nker", "tw$t", etc)... But many (read MOST) of the people you mention often actually have valid comments - and are not just trying to increase their post count!

As for your comment about "Judas"... I think you should recheck your bible!!! Judas didn't sell his body (Perhaps I misunderstood!)???????




Perhaps you have a point, I did not mean Judas had sold his body, the term is a well known term "taking the Judas Shilling". Please dont split hairs.

Was a good topic but I think you are going into the insult mode now so I am off for a meal and a few beers.

Absolutely disagree with the statement valid comments. perhaps if I can be bothered I will cut and paste some for you and you can explain the valid comment.


I'm no bible expert, but i was told once that there is mention of prostitution in the bible.. i dont think it had anything to do with Judus though.

I've definately heard that its "the oldest profession in the book"

Right or wrong...

Moral or Imorral (by biblical standards)

Thailand was a buddist nation last time i looked...

(and i claim to know very little about that as well)

So using the bible as justification isnt really a valid point. In my humble opinion.



I too will leave this forum until tomorrow! It will be interesting to see the comments added in my absence.

As for going into "insult mode", I find that frankly insulting! Please take the time to look through ALL of my previous posts. In none you shall find insults!

As for splitting hairs... You stated that prostitution is "lawfully and morally wrong". That statement is - IMHO - incorrect! As wolfie said,"the oldest profession in the book". Maybe not right, but definately not wrong. And even if it were, we should not look down upon the people who practice it, or try to take those who used too away from it!!!

Enjoy your beers,

I will mine,

Until tomorrow...





Wolfie I have not brought the Bible into the argument, its just a saying, ignore it if it helps, Jesus.

Boon Mee Posted on Fri 2004-04-23, 08:16:28

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What was the most oft-repeated expression from erco's mom when she was growing up?

"Get off me daddy, you're crushing my cigerettes!"


"Lege Labris Volumen Inguinale Mihi"

LovelyCutie Posted on Fri 2004-04-23, 12:27:05

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QUOTE (Wolfie @ Fri 2004-04-23, 14:33:44)

You wouldnt meet a masterbating person like Erco in London, Idiots like that never leave their grotty little social security bedsits, they eat pot-noodles, drink coke and jerk off to pictures of britney spears

Not Kylie Minogue?


"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names"

John F. Kennedy

kurgen Posted on Fri 2004-04-23, 14:28:35

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It's a shame &lt;deleted&gt; wasn't an option,that would have definately got my vote.

Erco is a &lt;deleted&gt;

mbkudu Posted on Fri 2004-04-23, 14:31:12

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Hey, at least he can claim that he's not BAD, 0%.


I pasted this from the Bar Owner Thread. Maybe more appropriately placed here?

Prostitutes/concubines/ second wives/mistresses have been around since the beginning of recorded history, and probably before.

If all these girls disappeared tomorrow the world would nor become a happier more moralistic or more peaceful place.

You have ignored it when I said it the last two times but I will try one last time.

Christ protected the prostitues on more than one occassion and whipped the religeous leaders in their own temple for misusing the house of God.

He saved the life of Mary Magdalane as the crowd prepared to stone her to death.

He said, " let he who is without sin amoung you cast the first stone."

I guess that would be you, without sin that is.

I respond to your post reluctantly. I do not want to add fuel to your nonsense.

You are blinded by hatred and are completely without compassion or mercy.

If you think the world would be a very different place with a stronger moral without these woman, sadly you are dellusional.

People would still be rushing headlong forward, inflicting pain, suffering and devising new ways of mass murder.

Losers? Remember oh moral one "judge not lest yee be judged."


"Freedom 's just another word for nothin' left to loose"


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