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The "Great" things our Wives/GF's do


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Well I have been having a bit of a laugh (gentle) at all the posts.  I think you all sound rather pets and it is a great change from many of the slob posts that one gets accustomed to here.  Keep it up boys!!

Edited by Gillyflower
I I thought maybe I hadn't done something right. I notice that I don't get a "like" tag.
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34 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Well, not bad, it seems some of you do have good relationships. So, why can't so many others find that too?


From what I have seen, it is mostly a problem with the initial search patterns... like i.e. age difference

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29 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Well, not bad, it seems some of you do have good relationships. So, why can't so many others find that too?

You know that's a good question Smotherb. I have read so many horror and scam stories on this site over my membership time, I always wondered how? How can't men meet good women? After being here now for nearly 10 years there are likely a host of answers and probably some common characteristics a few being, how they met, when they met and where they met. I don't want the thread to derail but to say that there are many incredibly wonderful women out there. My wife's circle are friends are all exceptionally nice established women.

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8 minutes ago, manfredtillmann said:

?, please.

Not talking "general", but the limited people around me with failed relations, mostly sitting and whining in bars:


Too many think that every Thai woman should be grateful to find a 20-40y elder farang for a relationship and do all and everything for him all life long.. anf then they wonder where their money has gone...


Or let me say it this way: why do so many men forget, that a relationship is about 2 people working together to make it last? Why do so many men think that THEY don't need to contribute to a healthy relationship?


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2 minutes ago, Swiss1960 said:

Not talking "general", but the limited people around me with failed relations, mostly sitting and whining in bars:


Too many think that every Thai woman should be grateful to find a 20-40y elder farang for a relationship and do all and everything for him all life long.. anf then they wonder where their money has gone...


Or let me say it this way: why do so many men forget, that a relationship is about 2 people working together to make it last? Why do so many men think that THEY don't need to contribute to a healthy relationship?


and that is your answer to me questioning a post that mentions 'age difference'? my thai wife and i have the (almost to the day) exact age difference as her thai father and laos mother. other than depriving your children of a father in their later age - what is the problem?

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Yeah thanks guys. Im moving back to Thailand next month to get married and boy haveI had cold feet. This thread makes me feel much better.


The greatest thing my gf/soon-to-be-wife does is cheer me up. Not that I am depressed but she can tell when somethings bothering me and always makes the effort to put a positive spin on things.

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The question of why can't others find good women.....food for thought on that one. For me my wife's humor and intelligence are the best thing she gives me. If you can find a Thai women with those qualities you have pretty much won in my book. And when she comes over to me and just kisses me for no reason......money in the bank. Very lucky and very blessed.

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On 4/9/2559 at 7:37 AM, Peterw42 said:

One hundred little things everyday. Same as the OPs list. Its hard to explain without sounding chauvinistic, but its the oldschool things. 


Does she ask you to find your Super Girl Profile for real; and bring her to bed ?

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Cooking. She is a gourmet chef (with a gourmet body)! Inquisitive and driven. Works 4 days a week and goes to university the other 3. Likes outdoor activities, nature, playing video games and red wine. I can take care of my own personal hygiene, but these shared interests are what's important to me. 

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Over the years I've had many "companions" in Thailand but 18 months ago I met one who really stands out. In that 18 months we've had 4 short holidays to Phuket and she came and lived with me for 3 months in UK. We have at least one video call every day that we're not together and I receive a steady stream of messages every day. Partly due to negative attitudes and pressure from some of my friends and family who still have never met her, I'm a little cynical and don't allow myself to believe that this will last but at the moment it is bliss. I limited the UK visit to 3 months because I didn't know how it would turn out but after 3 months I was tempted to change her return flight to take full advantage of the 6 month visa.
She's 37 and I'm a healthy and fit 58.
After 15 years of visiting Thailand, mostly for a fortnight each year, I'm now coming out to stay for 8 months. This thread is very encouraging and makes me think that we are quite likely to still be very happy together after 8 months. Who knows what may follow.
The one negative is that she has little knowledge or interest in world affairs. She didn't know what Olympic Games are and didn't even show much interest when I drew her attention to a Thai medal winner. I can live with that.
I believe that her affection for me is genuine. We laugh a lot together and like to care for each other. She always wants to do things for me such as the nail clipping etc mentioned by others and I am aware of the danger of me becoming lazy so make an effort not to depend on this too much. I often remind her that I won't marry her and do not want a new family. Her family ( 8 year old son and her parents) have a nice house with 50" TV and most mod cons in Khon Kaen. They have a small construction business and are also farming and trading crayfish. They don't need me but are very friendly towards me.
Yes, I have sent her some money on occasions but probably not more than I would spend on my normal weekend entertainment (playing sport and drinking beer) and she hasn't asked for that.
At the moment, I would just like our relationship to continue as it is and see no reason why it shouldn't.
If it does go pear-shaped - I will try to remember that there are plenty more fish in the sea.
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Well, I'll jump in on this one. Mine reads like a novel so I'll try and only do part of it.


Almost two years ago my then gf and I were hit by a taxi van on my motorcycle one morning. I was busted up from head to toe and she, fortunately, was only bruised with nothing broken. They wanted to admit her though, for observation, but she said no because she knew she had to quarterback all the insurance issues so I could get all my surgeries started.


I was unconscious and in CCU. I needed immediate surgery to stop me from bleeding out (and dying). My Thai insurance company didn't cover everything at that point and the hospital said point blank, either my gf got them some money or they would not do the surgery (and let me die). She drained her bank account, got cash advances on four credit cards and gave them that. They said they would do the first round of surgeries but that is all until we got them even more money after that. She got some money from the taxi company insurance but it wasn't enough.


About 24 hours after they stopped my internal bleeding and also temporarily put my pelvis back together, I woke up, somewhat, to find steel rods drilled into my hips, connected to each other with other titanium rods etc. in front of my stomach area. Not knowing what happened, she explained to me that we were in an accident and in the hospital.


I needed reconstructive surgery to put my face/jaw/teeth and pelvis back together as much as they could and then the next round of fundraising began. I told her where I kept my emergency money back in my condo (over 500,000 baht) and she went and got the envelope and it was unsealed when she returned (she didn't know how much was inside until after) and she used Facebook to reach my friends back home, to contact my family so they could wire more money to the hospital. That was a novel all by itself.


BTW, we were only dating for four months at the time. She could have skated with the half million baht and I would not have been able to find her.


Anyway, they had to ship in my blood type because, of course, I have a type that is not common in Thailand. They also had to bring in the surgeons from Bangkok to rebuild my head.


They also had to do another surgery on my pelvis to finish putting back together. In all, the first week alone they did six surgeries. I was about half way done. After the first week, when I woke up in a step down unit, my gf told me she wouldn't leave my side until I walked again. There was some doubt if I would ever be able to.


She quit her job, and flattened out the lazyboy chair in my hospital room, put some blankets on it, and slept next to me until I was discharged. She only left to go get us food. My mouth was too busted up to eat solid food so she'd get me those gelatin foil packs at 7-11 that the kids drink.


She helped feed and clean me in the hospital and at home, she was my 24/7 nurse. I was bed ridden for months. Eventually I was able to get up in a wheelchair....then crutches. Finally, I tried walking and eventually built up enough strength to walk. I can't do much else now, (20 months later) as the damaged soft tissue in my core/hips/legs are still healing but I'm working on it.


I paid her back all the money she lost from taking all those months off of work, her bank account, and credit cards. I paid my family back as well.


I had to go back home for more surgeries as my insurance there covered the remaining surgeries, physical therapy, and medicines.


I proposed to my gf on Valentine's Day of this year. I'll never find someone who I can trust like her and she literally saved my life.


Our journey is not over and it was tremendously difficult up until now. Most couples don't make it through this much trauma and drama. I don't know how we did either.


She did so much more than I'm writing about here, but you get the point.

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17 minutes ago, Global Guy said:

Well, I'll jump in on this one. Mine reads like a novel so I'll try and only do part of it.


Almost two years ago my then gf and I were hit by a taxi van on my motorcycle one morning. I was busted up from head to toe and she, fortunately, was only bruised with nothing broken. They wanted to admit her though, for observation, but she said no because she knew she had to quarterback all the insurance issues so I could get all my surgeries started.


I was unconscious and in CCU. I needed immediate surgery to stop me from bleeding out (and dying). My Thai insurance company didn't cover everything at that point and the hospital said point blank, either my gf got them some money or they would not do the surgery (and let me die). She drained her bank account, got cash advances on four credit cards and gave them that. They said they would do the first round of surgeries but that is all until we got them even more money after that. She got some money from the taxi company insurance but it wasn't enough.


About 24 hours after they stopped my internal bleeding and also temporarily put my pelvis back together, I woke up, somewhat, to find steel rods drilled into my hips, connected to each other with other titanium rods etc. in front of my stomach area. Not knowing what happened, she explained to me that we were in an accident and in the hospital.


I needed reconstructive surgery to put my face/jaw/teeth and pelvis back together as much as they could and then the next round of fundraising began. I told her where I kept my emergency money back in my condo (over 500,000 baht) and she went and got the envelope and it was unsealed when she returned (she didn't know how much was inside until after) and she used Facebook to reach my friends back home, to contact my family so they could wire more money to the hospital. That was a novel all by itself.


BTW, we were only dating for four months at the time. She could have skated with the half million baht and I would not have been able to find her.


Anyway, they had to ship in my blood type because, of course, I have a type that is not common in Thailand. They also had to bring in the surgeons from Bangkok to rebuild my head.


They also had to do another surgery on my pelvis to finish putting back together. In all, the first week alone they did six surgeries. I was about half way done. After the first week, when I woke up in a step down unit, my gf told me she wouldn't leave my side until I walked again. There was some doubt if I would ever be able to.


She quit her job, and flattened out the lazyboy chair in my hospital room, put some blankets on it, and slept next to me until I was discharged. She only left to go get us food. My mouth was too busted up to eat solid food so she'd get me those gelatin foil packs at 7-11 that the kids drink.


She helped feed and clean me in the hospital and at home, she was my 24/7 nurse. I was bed ridden for months. Eventually I was able to get up in a wheelchair....then crutches. Finally, I tried walking and eventually built up enough strength to walk. I can't do much else now, (20 months later) as the damaged soft tissue in my core/hips/legs are still healing but I'm working on it.


I paid her back all the money she lost from taking all those months off of work, her bank account, and credit cards. I paid my family back as well.


I had to go back home for more surgeries as my insurance there covered the remaining surgeries, physical therapy, and medicines.


I proposed to my gf on Valentine's Day of this year. I'll never find someone who I can trust like her and she literally saved my life.


Our journey is not over and it was tremendously difficult up until now. Most couples don't make it through this much trauma and drama. I don't know how we did either.


She did so much more than I'm writing about here, but you get the point.


What a great story

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46 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:


What a great story


1 hour ago, Global Guy said:

Well, I'll jump in on this one. Mine reads like a novel so I'll try and only do part of it.


Almost two years ago my then gf and I were hit by a taxi van on my motorcycle one morning. I was busted up from head to toe and she, fortunately, was only bruised with nothing broken. They wanted to admit her though, for observation, but she said no because she knew she had to quarterback all the insurance issues so I could get all my surgeries started.


I was unconscious and in CCU. I needed immediate surgery to stop me from bleeding out (and dying). My Thai insurance company didn't cover everything at that point and the hospital said point blank, either my gf got them some money or they would not do the surgery (and let me die). She drained her bank account, got cash advances on four credit cards and gave them that. They said they would do the first round of surgeries but that is all until we got them even more money after that. She got some money from the taxi company insurance but it wasn't enough.


About 24 hours after they stopped my internal bleeding and also temporarily put my pelvis back together, I woke up, somewhat, to find steel rods drilled into my hips, connected to each other with other titanium rods etc. in front of my stomach area. Not knowing what happened, she explained to me that we were in an accident and in the hospital.


I needed reconstructive surgery to put my face/jaw/teeth and pelvis back together as much as they could and then the next round of fundraising began. I told her where I kept my emergency money back in my condo (over 500,000 baht) and she went and got the envelope and it was unsealed when she returned (she didn't know how much was inside until after) and she used Facebook to reach my friends back home, to contact my family so they could wire more money to the hospital. That was a novel all by itself.


BTW, we were only dating for four months at the time. She could have skated with the half million baht and I would not have been able to find her.


Anyway, they had to ship in my blood type because, of course, I have a type that is not common in Thailand. They also had to bring in the surgeons from Bangkok to rebuild my head.


They also had to do another surgery on my pelvis to finish putting back together. In all, the first week alone they did six surgeries. I was about half way done. After the first week, when I woke up in a step down unit, my gf told me she wouldn't leave my side until I walked again. There was some doubt if I would ever be able to.


She quit her job, and flattened out the lazyboy chair in my hospital room, put some blankets on it, and slept next to me until I was discharged. She only left to go get us food. My mouth was too busted up to eat solid food so she'd get me those gelatin foil packs at 7-11 that the kids drink.


She helped feed and clean me in the hospital and at home, she was my 24/7 nurse. I was bed ridden for months. Eventually I was able to get up in a wheelchair....then crutches. Finally, I tried walking and eventually built up enough strength to walk. I can't do much else now, (20 months later) as the damaged soft tissue in my core/hips/legs are still healing but I'm working on it.


I paid her back all the money she lost from taking all those months off of work, her bank account, and credit cards. I paid my family back as well.


I had to go back home for more surgeries as my insurance there covered the remaining surgeries, physical therapy, and medicines.


I proposed to my gf on Valentine's Day of this year. I'll never find someone who I can trust like her and she literally saved my life.


Our journey is not over and it was tremendously difficult up until now. Most couples don't make it through this much trauma and drama. I don't know how we did either.


She did so much more than I'm writing about here, but you get the point.

Ops, I meant to write the envelope was "unopened" not unsealed. She never opened it.

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3 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:


From what I have seen, it is mostly a problem with the initial search patterns... like i.e. age difference

Not sure age is the key. Most farangs in bad relationships I know here have hooked-up with women 25-40 and they are 35-50; so not so bad--but as I say, I do not and have not existed in retiree communities. I think the problem is a one-sided affair; the woman just wants an ATM to support her gambling, extended family or Thai bf/husband. So the farang is simply a long-time customer.

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When my parents were both deep in dementia, each day a step further into tragedy and the situations truly horror, on what was an awful day, my wife seemed to know how upset I was though I tried never to let it show. And she left me alone in my office but came in at bedtime. She knew there was nothing that she could do to help and nothing that could be said. And so. She rolled out a mat and went to sleep on the floor behind me. Just letting me know she was there and she cared. 

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3 hours ago, JAFO said:

You know that's a good question Smotherb. I have read so many horror and scam stories on this site over my membership time, I always wondered how? How can't men meet good women? After being here now for nearly 10 years there are likely a host of answers and probably some common characteristics a few being, how they met, when they met and where they met. I don't want the thread to derail but to say that there are many incredibly wonderful women out there. My wife's circle are friends are all exceptionally nice established women.

I have to agree about there being plenty of good women out there--and some of them even come from the bars. However, some of the money-grubbers come from nice-girl backgrounds too. Being aware of the intentions of your partner is key to having a good relationship. The feeling has to be mutual or someone gets the short end of it--not having common interests or not being able to fully communicate with your partner can be detrimental to any lasting bond. 

Note how many of the posters state the nice things their partner does for them, without even asking. That, of course can be faked, but if it is constant and wide-ranging, it shows the partner cares about you and how you feel. Money usually comes up; I guess because so many of the relationships are based on “rich” farang and “poor” Thai, but that too doesn’t have to happen. There are many Thai women with good jobs, or from financially secure backgrounds.

I think a large part of the problem stems from men who may never have been good with women and they find young pretty women, types of women they could not score in their home countries, are available to them here—then the little brain takes over.  Remember, you have to have something to offer the women; if money is all you have, well, there you are.

All you who have good wives, be good to them.

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Looks after me so well. Cooks, cleans, washes my clothes, golf gear. Very affectionate. We joke a lot.

What I find wonderful is when I'm horny and she's not, she has no problem with getting down to business. It's her gift to me.

Of course, when she is horny as well, it's pretty special.:D

Edited by bazza40
spelling error
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On Saturday, September 03, 2016 at 11:59 PM, Rc2702 said:

Nice positive one. Very odd the lack of response thus far.


1. Mrs thinks she's a doctor whenever I get bit by mosquitos. Applies ointments.

2. Mrs insists on clipping my nails twice a month.

3. Mrs will stand in freezing cold shower and wash me when I would rather get in and get out ASAP. Need to fix shower asap!

4. Mrs will always check a food bill before we pay ( awkward sometimes)

5. Mrs is overly prudent where monies concerned. 

6. Mrs is just downright bloody good at most thing she turns her hand to and is continually solving everyday problems one at a time.







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29 minutes ago, smotherb said:

I have to agree about there being plenty of good women out there--and some of them even come from the bars. However, some of the money-grubbers come from nice-girl backgrounds too. Being aware of the intentions of your partner is key to having a good relationship. The feeling has to be mutual or someone gets the short end of it--not having common interests or not being able to fully communicate with your partner can be detrimental to any lasting bond. 

Note how many of the posters state the nice things their partner does for them, without even asking. That, of course can be faked, but if it is constant and wide-ranging, it shows the partner cares about you and how you feel. Money usually comes up; I guess because so many of the relationships are based on “rich” farang and “poor” Thai, but that too doesn’t have to happen. There are many Thai women with good jobs, or from financially secure backgrounds.

I think a large part of the problem stems from men who may never have been good with women and they find young pretty women, types of women they could not score in their home countries, are available to them here—then the little brain takes over.  Remember, you have to have something to offer the women; if money is all you have, well, there you are.

All you who have good wives, be good to them.


All of your points are true. There are good women from every walk of life here or anywhere in the world for that matter. Additionally to your point, knowing the girl you are dating or planning on marrying is paramount. In my particular case my wife didn't need me, she was self sufficient and doing quite well. She wasn't rich but was what I called middle class. Just working to get ahead like most of all do. But together we have enhanced each others position in life.


And to another posters comments, I personally believe you have to have a partner that has a sense of humor, It adds balance. My wife can make me laugh virtually anytime (And does). She can be a comedian or a smart ass


But back to my OP as another example,  today my wife pings and sends a pic of some cookies from the US I seldom ever see here. She  sent a picture to me, said "Thinking of you, I know you like these so I bought them for you" again this is just another thing she does. It might sound silly but it's all the little things all the time. 



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On 9/3/2016 at 11:59 PM, Rc2702 said:

Nice positive one. Very odd the lack of response thus far.


1. Mrs thinks she's a doctor whenever I get bit by mosquitos. Applies ointments.

2. Mrs insists on clipping my nails twice a month.

3. Mrs will stand in freezing cold shower and wash me when I would rather get in and get out ASAP. Need to fix shower asap!

4. Mrs will always check a food bill before we pay ( awkward sometimes)

5. Mrs is overly prudent where monies concerned. 

6. Mrs is just downright bloody good at most thing she turns her hand to and is continually solving everyday problems one at a time.






So just WHEN will the Mrs. get around to fixing the shower?


.....ONLY KIDDING! Yes, we are very, very lucky having wives like these !

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