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Trump tells black churchgoers in Detroit visit is 'to learn'


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Trump tells black churchgoers in Detroit visit is 'to learn' 

JILL COLVIN, Associated Press
COREY WILLIAMS, Associated Press


DETROIT (AP) — Donald Trump swayed to songs of worship, read scripture, and donned a Jewish prayer shawl Saturday during a visit to a predominantly black church in Detroit, where he called for a "civil rights agenda of our time" and vowed to fix the "many wrongs" facing African-Americans.


"I am here to listen to you," Trump told the congregation at the Great Faith Ministries International. "I'm here today to learn."


Trump has stepped up his outreach to minority voters in recent weeks as he tries to expand his appeal beyond his GOP base. The visit was Trump's first to a black church — a rare appearance in front of a largely-minority audience for the candidate who typically attracts overwhelmingly white crowds.


Trump was introduced by Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, who warned that he was in for something different. "This is the first African-American church he's been in, y'all! Now it's a little different from a Presbyterian church," he said.


While protesters were a vocal presence outside, Trump made a pitch inside for support from an electorate strongly aligned with Democrat Hillary Clinton.


"Our nation is too divided," said Trump, who is known for making contentious remarks. "We talk past each other, not to each other. And those who seek office do not do enough to step into the community and learn what is going on."


Striking a rare unifying tone, he said, "I'm here today to learn so that we can together remedy injustice in any form."


Trump also praised the black church as "the conscience of our country" and said the nation needs "a civil rights agenda of our time" that includes the right to a quality education, safe neighborhoods and good jobs.


"I fully understand that the African-American community has suffered from discrimination and that there are many wrongs that must still be made right," Trump said.


Before he left, he was presented with a prayer shawl, which Jackson draped over Trump'sshoulders, and a Jewish Heritage Studies bible. Trump also met with a smaller group of church members and recorded an interview with the pastor.


Trump's efforts thus far to attract greater support from minority groups have largely fallen flat. Polls show Clinton with overwhelmingly more support from blacks and Hispanics. African-American community leaders, in particular, have railed against Trump's dire depictions of minority life and dismissed his message as intended more to reassure white voters that he's not racist than to help communities of color.


Outside the church, several separate protests swelled into a throng of about 400 people denouncing Trump. At one point, the protesters tried to push through a barrier to the parking lot but were stopped by church security and police.


Rev. Lawrence Glass, one of the clergy denouncing Trump's visit, said Trump represents the "politics of fear and hate," and "minorities of all kinds have much to lose taking a chance on someone like" Trump.


Emery Northington, 42, who works in auto sales, said that Trump "doesn't have my best interest in hand."


Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan also issued a statement saying that, "Mr. Trump ran a campaign through the nomination process of bigotry."


But inside, churchgoers who chose to attend Trump's speech speak said they thought it was important to hear directly from the Republican nominee as they weigh their options.


"I'm here to hear what he has to say," said Milton Lewis, 46, who works as a minister at another church.


"I have a very open mind," echoed Pierre Curtis, 69, a Great Faith Ministries International congregation member for more than 20 years.


After the church visit, Trump made a brief stop at the southwest Detroit childhood home of Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who ran against Trump in the primaries and is now advising the campaign.


Surrounded by security and a swarm of reporters, Trump spoke briefly with the home's current owner, Felicia Reese.


"Your house is worth a lot of money," he told her, thanks to the Carson connection.


Carson told The Associated Press before the trip that it would serve as an opportunity forTrump to see the challenges residents face as he refines his policy plans.


"It always makes much more of an impression, I think, when you see things firsthand," Carson said.


Detroit is about 80 percent black, and many are struggling. Nearly 40 percent of residents are impoverished, compared with about 15 percent of Americans overall. Detroit's median household income is just over $26,000 — not even half the median for the nation, according to the census.


Meanwhile Trump's running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence's, went virtually unnoticed during a stop at Ohio State University on the opening day of football season.


In an interview with NBC's "Meet The Press" Saturday, Pence said he plans to release his tax returns next week, and said Trump's long-awaited tax returns are also coming. He echoedTrump's promise that he will release his taxes upon the completion of an ongoing audit.


-- © Associated Press 2016-09-04
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It's not difficult to give a speech full of nice-sounding sound bites. I could do it. You could probably do it.   What counts is actions.   


Trump looked somewhat diplomatic when he visited with the Mexican prez, less than a week ago.  Then, a day later, Trump gave a searing put-down of Mexicans in a speech that would have made Mussolini wince with incredulity.   Trump is a master of saying sugar-coated words one day, and then breathing fire and brimstone on the same topic, a day or week later. 


In the salesman business, for which Trump is the poster boy, it's called 'bait and switch.' 

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Politicians, they will say and do anything to get elected, what they really do when they get elected is another story, and history is full of those PM and presidents that talked big and delivered little, Trump is no different, yesterday he hates Muslims, and if needs be, he will embrace them just as quickly if it's suited him....

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3 minutes ago, Caveat Emptor said:

Lovely news footage of Trump in the church swaying to the music and trying to look as if he was in the moment but actually looking do false and out of place.   The white man just behind him looked even worse.


What a racist thing to say.

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21 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


What a racist thing to say.


Don't recall the movie "Blues Brothers" garnered racist criticism when Jake & Elwood visited a Black church in Chicago.

Goes to show more Democrat hypocrisy in full bloom...:thumbsup:

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Trump kind of reminds me of the expression "The many faces of Dr. <deleted> Manchu". He is now trying to be all things to all people. He is now learning the ropes of lying cheating politicians from the past. Will the real Donald Trump please stand up. 

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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

It's not difficult to give a speech full of nice-sounding sound bites. I could do it. You could probably do it.   What counts is actions.   



Ain't that the truth…..talk is all obama has given the blacks….forget about any real progress….let's talk about The Audacity of Hope…what a muppet.

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6 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


Ain't that the truth…..talk is all obama has given the blacks….forget about any real progress….let's talk about The Audacity of Hope…what a muppet.


Why is its that POTUS has to give anything to ' blacks' ? i thought he had to give to the 'American people'. I think Obama has been working through eyes that don't distinguish colour. The problem is that Trump, through his language and actions has positively excluded 'blacks'. He has lots of ground to make up and a scripted interview with the 'Bishop' of the black church does not cut it.


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36 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Trump kind of reminds me of the expression "The many faces of Dr. <deleted> Manchu". He is now trying to be all things to all people. He is now learning the ropes of lying cheating politicians from the past. Will the real Donald Trump please stand up. 

Standing up for trump wil be verry difficult, because he shoots him self in his feet everytime he opens up his mouth.

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I wonder how fast he threw his two new gifts, the prayer shawl and bible in the garbage? Another question, where did he hide his Klu Klux Klan white hat? He's an idiot.


Its true the democrats have been in power (executive office) the last 7 1/2 years and the blacks are still repressed, but so are many other people after Bush got done with the economy. The Congress and the Senate have been Republican for a long time and before Obama we had Bush for 8 years.  In my opinion, none of the politicians have any idea of what the average American is about including blacks, American Indians, Hispanics and Whites. 

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46 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

"wolf in sheep's clothing" came to mind

Precisely.  He goes to Mexico, says a few ok-sounding words, then 6 hrs later gives a shouting red-faced speech that would make Mussolini blush, saying all sorts of bad things about Mexicans.


What will he say after speaking at black folks in a church?  The mind reels. He can be all smarmy sugar daddy one minute, and then jam a cactus up your anus the next.  He's got zero principles.  Zero moral compass.  He spouts out lies and aspersions as easily as a whale spouting snot out his blowhole.

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He's doesn't actually expect to get the black vote. If he did, why is his party still working overtime to deny poor and minority voters the right to vote in the first place? This is ALL about trying to make it OK for college educated whites to vote for him because right now most of them think correctly that his toxic dangerous cult-like political movement is deeply infected with racism and xenophobia. Will it work? Probably a little, but not enough. 


That's the group that will decide this election. College educated whites in swing states like Florida. He's doing HORRIBLY with them now He needs to do MUCH BETTER to have the slightest chance of winning. Not rocket science. 

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

It is impressive that they were willing to listen to Trump with an open mind. They could teach some far left liberals a valuable lesson.

This demographic typically are the far left, that's why he went there to try and win the votes he knows he doesn't have. So at least you have indirectly recognized that the far left are open minded and can listen.


Can you say the same about the far right and the FOX news brigade? How open minded have they shown themselves to be?

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Yes, I'm here to learn...and pander. 


What black person in their right :whistling: mind would ever vote for a Republican candidate...especially cheeto jesus? 


Although I do know there are some self hating black people (stand up Justice Clarence Thomas) out there who are Republican (although statistically negligible). 


This is weird. Black people are NEVER going to vote for this goof. It's like campaigning in Connecticut. It makes no sense. Last week it was Mexicans, this week it's blacks. What next, an appearance at Planned Parenthood? Loser. 

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6 minutes ago, smotherb said:

It appears to me Trump is simply looking for more support--he already has the ignorant rednecks, now he is going after the ignorant black necks.


Yes, Trump is going after more votes.


You are a genius.


Any chance you are a retired rocket scientist ?

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If we elect Hillary, we have 100% chance of getting the same thing.


If Trumps' elected, at least there is a chance of change.  Maybe good, maybe horrific.


I'm no fan of the guy, but Americans (and the world) can't take another 2008 style collapse.  Which is exactly where we're headed as banks and financial institutions get even bigger and bolder after none of them went to jail for 2008.  (Edit: and they've built up quite a favor pool with Hillary at $500K+ per speech)


We just don't know what black swan event is going to take down the markets this time.  Lots of choices building up, just like sub-prime leading up to 2007/2008.

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