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Obama makes trade deal top priority in remaining months


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Obama makes trade deal top priority in remaining months



WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite formidable opposition across the political spectrum, President Barack Obama is using his final months in office to fight for congressional approval of a 12-nation free trade pact called the Trans-Pacific Partnership.


Obama plugged the trade agreement Monday in China, saying it is "indisputable that it would create a better deal for us than the status quo." He said he doesn't have to sell the deal to Asian leaders who were part of the negotiations because "they see this as the right thing to do for their own countries."


At home, presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump bash the agreement and public opinion polls show voters closely divided on its merits.


A survey by the Pew Research Center estimated that 39 percent of registered voters view TPP as a bad thing for the United States and 37 percent consider it a good thing, hardly the kind of numbers that would inspire Congress to heed the president's call.


Where things stand on the agreement and Obama's effort:




It's hard to argue with House Speaker Paul Ryan's assessment that TPP doesn't have the votes to pass. Throw in Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's statement that the Senate would not take up the agreement this year and TPP's prospects look dismal.


Last year, the House barely passed legislation establishing a streamlined process for approving TPP, called "fast-track," but the details of the actual agreement were not made public until November. Since then, about a dozen Republicans who voted for the fast-track process have switched and said they oppose the deal, seemingly eliminating a narrow cushion of support.


That leaves the administration and other TPP supporters with a tough task. The ripest recruiting grounds: 50 GOP lawmakers who voted against fast-track. Many consider themselves free-traders but voted no for separate reasons.


The fight in the Senate could be easier since supporters only need a simple majority for passage rather than the 60 votes usually needed for advancing legislation.


Business groups that want the agreement approved used the August recess to lobby lawmakers and their staffs.


Foes of TPP have been heartened by the dire talk from congressional leaders. But many suspect a vote is looming. Witness the fundraising pitch from the politically active nonprofit launched by Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent who tells potential donors that "we will have a very, very narrow window" to defeat TPP in the lame-duck session after the elections.




The top concern of lawmakers is that the protection of clinical testing data for certain drugs made from living organisms, called biologics, falls short of the 12 years required by U.S. law.


TPP requires countries to provide eight years of data protection, and possibly only five if they take other steps.


Led by Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, the Republican chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, lawmakers want the U.S. standards to prevail. The Obama administration will try to work out some language during September and October that satisfy Hatch's concerns, though any insistence that countries accept a baseline closer to the U.S. standard could prompt other nations to walk.


Hatch also insists that participating countries provide the U.S. with roadmaps for how they intend to implement the agreement. The Obama administration has sent negotiators to begin that work.


Eventually, the administration will send draft legislation to Congress with the changes in U.S. law needed to enact the trade deal. Given the political winds, it probably won't happen until after the election.




The president's case for TPP emphasizes two points: First, he says it's good for the economy because it eliminates thousands of tariffs that will lower the price for American-made goods and services.


Second, it's good for U.S. national security because it demonstrates America's commitment to being a Pacific power. While the administration has been making both cases from the get-go, the closing argument for TPP increasingly has taken a national security emphasis.


Deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said TPP is a "litmus test for whether or not the U.S. has staying power in this region."




It's not obvious how it could survive, given both candidates say they oppose TPP, but history has shown that opposition during the heat of a campaign can turn to support if the right changes are made. Obama said ratifying trade deals in the U.S. is never smooth, but eventually they get done.


In his first presidential campaign, Obama said he opposed a free-trade agreement with South Korea. He said it didn't do enough to require Korea to open its markets to American-made cars, rice and beef. But nearly three years later, Congress passed a trade agreement with South Korea that Obama called "a win for both our countries."


Trump has made his opposition to TPP a hallmark of his campaign. Clinton supported TPP efforts as secretary of state but announced her opposition last October, saying the final agreement failed to meet her test of providing good jobs, raising wages and protecting national security.


Influential advocacy groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the American Farm Bureau and others will try to find a way to pick up the pieces if TPP doesn't make it this year. They've seen the long, winding road that most trade agreements take.


"The interests will persist regardless of who is in the office," said Scott Miller, a former director for global trade policy at Procter & Gamble, now at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-06
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I'd like to be a fly on the wall when Obama and Philippines president Duterte

will meet......

PHILIPPINE President Rodrigo Duterte has called Barack Obama a “son of a wh*re” as he vowed not to be lectured by the US leader on human rights when they meet in Laos.


The acid-tongued Duterte bristled at warnings he would face questioning by the US president over his bloody crackdown on illegal drugs that has claimed more than 2400 lives in just over two months.

“You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a wh*re, I will curse you in that forum,” Duterte told a news conference shortly before flying to Laos to attend the summit. “We will be wallowing in the mud like pigs if you do that to me.”........

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

I'd like to be a fly on the wall when Obama and Philippines president Duterte

will meet......

PHILIPPINE President Rodrigo Duterte has called Barack Obama a “son of a wh*re” as he vowed not to be lectured by the US leader on human rights when they meet in Laos.


The acid-tongued Duterte bristled at warnings he would face questioning by the US president over his bloody crackdown on illegal drugs that has claimed more than 2400 lives in just over two months.

“You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a wh*re, I will curse you in that forum,” Duterte told a news conference shortly before flying to Laos to attend the summit. “We will be wallowing in the mud like pigs if you do that to me.”........

The White House have cancelled the meeting between them. In the shadow of the TPP is all the jobs that have been outsourced by US Companies to all the call centers in the Philippines, India and Eastern Europe where AOL have tech support, this is hundred of thousands jobs that have been moved from the US. Even medical billing jobs are being outsourced now.

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5 hours ago, shirtless said:

Obama seems to really be pushing the TPP , what does he get out of it


He got the Presidency. Now it's payback time to Wall Street and the rest of the financial establishment. Now watch the pressure build on Teresa May to adopt the even more toxic TTIP which he has been trying to foist on the EU.

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15 hours ago, shirtless said:

Obama seems to really be pushing the TPP , what does he get out of it


The same as the Clintons, a lifetime deal that gives him admission, and financial support, to the clubs attended by the top 10% of the 1%.  The TPP has little to do with trade and much to do with allowing the multinationals to thrive independently of sovereign nations and democratically elected officials.  Don't let the actual trade issues obscure the bigger picture, the bigger game here.  As Rabbit boy notes, all these "trade" agreements, TPP and TTIP, are toxic to the public trusts.

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9 hours ago, Johpa said:


The same as the Clintons, a lifetime deal that gives him admission, and financial support, to the clubs attended by the top 10% of the 1%.  The TPP has little to do with trade and much to do with allowing the multinationals to thrive independently of sovereign nations and democratically elected officials.  Don't let the actual trade issues obscure the bigger picture, the bigger game here.  As Rabbit boy notes, all these "trade" agreements, TPP and TTIP, are toxic to the public trusts.

International trade is critical to pretty much every countries growth and future.  But yes, they need to be handled properly.  Not an easy thing to do considering the differences among the partners.


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13 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

International trade is critical to pretty much every countries growth and future.  But yes, they need to be handled properly.  Not an easy thing to do considering the differences among the partners.


I agree.  But that does not require that the actual trade aspects of these agreements be handled in complete secrecy from the public as the TPP and TTIP hace been handled.  And again, the primary goal of these treaties is to allow the major multinationals, and it is their lobbyists who are privy to the details as they are the authors, to be above the rule of independent sovereign nations by setting up their own exclusive private kangaroo court.  And the only reason we even know this is from Wikileaks.

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Not sure he can make this happen but if he does, trump is hard core against and I presume he could kill if elected. Clinton was for it before she was against, but her language is more like it needs some adjustments. Which won't please irrational protectionist populists on the left and right, but IF Obama can manage this, as the odds are heavy that Clinton wins, then it really can be a legacy for him. 

Personally, I'm for it. 

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This and the other secret corporate coups will be the death knell for American industry, what's left of it and what's left of the working/middle class. It benefits no one but the 1%, multinational corporations and plutocrats. There is absolutely nothing good in these corporate coups, not for any working person, those that enjoy the internet, freedom of the press, access to properly priced medicines, safe food, environmental protection, or anything else. Just another of Obama's long list of sell outs to the 1%, Wall Street criminal/banksters and corporations. The original Manchurian President, soon to be followed by one or the other of the corporate liars running for president.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Personally, I'm for it. 


So you think that Phillip Morris is right in suing sovereign nations that require additional and more severe health warnings on cigarette packaging for lost revenue due to the effectiveness of such warning labels? For that is exactly the type of power that the TPP and TTIP will allow the multinationals as they will now have their own private court to sue for such damages.

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53 minutes ago, Johpa said:


So you think that Phillip Morris is right in suing sovereign nations that require additional and more severe health warnings on cigarette packaging for lost revenue due to the effectiveness of such warning labels? For that is exactly the type of power that the TPP and TTIP will allow the multinationals as they will now have their own private court to sue for such damages.

No. But overall I'm pro free trade. Protectionism retards facing reality. The USA needs to compete in the global market. Globalization is a fact. You can't run from it. If the USA backs off from it, the USA will have no input in making the rules. 

Edited by Jingthing
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58 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

This and the other secret corporate coups will be the death knell for American industry, what's left of it and what's left of the working/middle class. It benefits no one but the 1%, multinational corporations and plutocrats. There is absolutely nothing good in these corporate coups, not for any working person, those that enjoy the internet, freedom of the press, access to properly priced medicines, safe food, environmental protection, or anything else. Just another of Obama's long list of sell outs to the 1%, Wall Street criminal/banksters and corporations. The original Manchurian President, soon to be followed by one or the other of the corporate liars running for president.

Manchurian president? :facepalm: Conspiracy theories from the left. Conspiracy theories from the right. It's almost funny. 

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8 hours ago, sgtsabai said:

This and the other secret corporate coups will be the death knell for American industry, what's left of it and what's left of the working/middle class. It benefits no one but the 1%, multinational corporations and plutocrats. There is absolutely nothing good in these corporate coups, not for any working person, those that enjoy the internet, freedom of the press, access to properly priced medicines, safe food, environmental protection, or anything else. Just another of Obama's long list of sell outs to the 1%, Wall Street criminal/banksters and corporations. The original Manchurian President, soon to be followed by one or the other of the corporate liars running for president.

Wow.  Where do you get this stuff from?  Methinks you are reading the wrong publications.  Guaranteed it won't kill American industries and the middle class in the US is doing OK.  Sure, they could do better, but it ain't bad!

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The TPP is a dead duck and will go down as an another failed attempt to try to lock trade in a global setting

I believe the direction will be more bilateral and cut the negotiation time down and more action

The AIIB is poised to do that and will leap over the TPP proposals in no time

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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Wouldn't it be nice if all that enthusiasm to setup his retirement plan went into pushing something that was actually good for the country rather than wealthy companies buying a system that benefits them only.


Remember watching an old Sci-Fi series Firefly where corporations actually ran everything in lieu of government, its taken me a few years to realize that prophesy is probably exactly where we are heading.

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1 hour ago, LawrenceChee said:

The TPP is a dead duck and will go down as an another failed attempt to try to lock trade in a global setting

I believe the direction will be more bilateral and cut the negotiation time down and more action

The AIIB is poised to do that and will leap over the TPP proposals in no time

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

AIIB is a different animal than the TPP.  Apples and oranges.

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On 9/7/2016 at 8:29 PM, Rancid said:

Remember watching an old Sci-Fi series Firefly where corporations actually ran everything in lieu of government, its taken me a few years to realize that prophesy is probably exactly where we are heading.


There is the same scenario in the 1975 film Rollerball, and to a lesser extent Ridley Scott's equally dystopian vision of the future Blade Runner.  Sorry, I am too old to consider Firefly an old series.  But the TTP and the TTIP are both clearly designed to realize these dystopian neo-feudal projections of large corporations escaping regulation and resting control from sovereign independent democratic nations, the ultimate wet dream of the globalists.

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On 9/7/2016 at 10:10 PM, Johpa said:


I agree.  But that does not require that the actual trade aspects of these agreements be handled in complete secrecy from the public as the TPP and TTIP hace been handled.  And again, the primary goal of these treaties is to allow the major multinationals, and it is their lobbyists who are privy to the details as they are the authors, to be above the rule of independent sovereign nations by setting up their own exclusive private kangaroo court.  And the only reason we even know this is from Wikileaks.

Agreed.  It should be more out in the open.  But Wikileaks is not the only reason we know this.  Plenty of info out there from more reliable (and legal) sources.  TPP has not been handled well.

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On 9/7/2016 at 11:13 AM, Jingthing said:

Not sure he can make this happen but if he does, trump is hard core against and I presume he could kill if elected. Clinton was for it before she was against, but her language is more like it needs some adjustments. Which won't please irrational protectionist populists on the left and right, but IF Obama can manage this, as the odds are heavy that Clinton wins, then it really can be a legacy for him. 

Personally, I'm for it. 

Nobody really knows what Trump is for.

Trump is for Trump, and anyone who thinks otherwise is sadly mistaken.

He back tracked on his cornerstone policy on immigration, and can very easily backtrack on anything else he said. 

By the way, I am for it also. We are not going back to the way things were, we need to find our place in the way things are.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:



He is for illegal immigration control, putting a stop to ISIS and Islamic terrorism, improving the economy and keeping Hillary from carrying on with Obama's disastrous policies.

And a partridge on a pare tree.

Though I am not sure about the last item . Word in the street is that his new team has suggested to him to stop promising partridges, especially ones on pare trees, It was hurting his standing with the avian crowd. So in a major avian speech next week he will walk back the promise, and instead  promise to replace partridges on pair trees with , a Chicken in every kitchen. 

All the other things you mention , I will concede. He and he along is for illegal immigration control , putting a stop to Isis and Islamic terrorism,   and improving the economy. All other candidates are for expanding ISIS, more Islamic  terrorism, and a weaker economy:coffee1:

And No FN Chicken:bah: 

Personally , I am voting for Trump!! just for the Chicken.:lol:



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