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Sturgeon warns Scotland will decide its European future independently


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Sturgeon warns Scotland will decide its European future independently




EDINBURGH: -- The people of Scotland have made two recent choices in referendum votes. One, entirely theirs, saw them vote to narrowly stay part of the United Kingdom. But now the UK has dragged Scotland out of the EU, the Scots want another crack at independence so they can remain.


“To ensure that all options are open to us, this programme for government makes clear that we will consult on the draft referendum bill so it is ready for immediate introduction if we conclude that independence is the best or only way to protect Scotland’s interests,” said Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon on Tuesday.


Sturgeon has been busy working out her Brexit response over the Summer break and that policy announcement at the start of a new parliamentary session spells potential trouble for Prime Minister Theresa May in London, who is likely to reject any such initiative.


Former Scottish nationalist leader Alex Salmond, who saw Scotland vote 55-45% to stay in the UK last year, said after the loss that it would be a “once in a generation” vote.


But one of the entirely predictable, and predicted results of the Brexit vote was renewed urgency for Scots to consider a life divorced from the Brussels counterweight to London, and decide they wanted no part of it.


Victory in a second independence referendum would be the only way of possibly retaining membership as an independent member state. And this is exactly what has happened. Increasingly it looks more like a question of when, rather than if a new vote will take place in Scotland.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-07
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2 hours ago, NanLaew said:

"... Scottish economy has gone to shit...' How so?


Because we foolishly stuck with the union,  and even though we issued another fundamental rejection of the naked greed of conservatism, the bigger union elected another tory government - so we are stuck with the disastrous economic policies of a party that has one single MP in our country. That is why the economy has gone to shit.

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48 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

People are getting bored of shortbread, tartan and overpriced single malt and the bit of oil that is left ain't selling well. :P


Good - if we can ferment some more of that poorly informed, childish opinion amongst more of your countrymen, maybe next time they will spend less time trying to get involved in my country's future through the dissemination of lies and threats.

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56 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Put a sock in it you old coot. No-one cares, least of all the rest of the UK and the people of the EU. Do something useful and contribute (put in, don't keep taking) rather than waste taxpayers money. If I was a jock I'd be embarrassed.


Why should Scots give a flying one for the rest of the UK's cares or otherwise? 


As for the EU, I disagree. It cares very much - they see the foolishness of the Brexit vote and recognise the perils that lie ahead as a result of it. Brexit is yet another reason to be profoundly embarrassed by being part of the UK.

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1 hour ago, Caps said:

let them go and they can pay a quarter of the National deficit on their way out, then we can get some money back for the free prescriptions and uni places.  :thumbsup:


Instead of complaining about how our government decides to spend our cash allocation, why not complain about how Westminster spends yours? Or even better, stop electing tory governments!


Quarter of the national deficit? Based upon what, exactly? 

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Just now, RuamRudy said:


Instead of complaining about how our government decides to spend our cash allocation, why not complain about how Westminster spends yours? Or even better, stop electing tory governments!


Quarter of the national deficit? Based upon what, exactly? 

You have been spending it all these years just the same as everyone else, so therefore you should pay before you leave, or was you expecting a free pass? 

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4 minutes ago, Caps said:

You have been spending it all these years just the same as everyone else, so therefore you should pay before you leave, or was you expecting a free pass? 


Nobody ever said that, but I was querying the quarter - is there rationale there or just pettiness?

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No not pettiness

England, Wales, Scotland and NI, and not matter who's fault it is free prescriptions etc cost the UK tax payer a lot of money so I think a quarter is fair.  

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7 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


Instead of complaining about how our government decides to spend our cash allocation, why not complain about how Westminster spends yours? Or even better, stop electing tory governments!


Quarter of the national deficit? Based upon what, exactly? 

And what is the alternative, Jeremy Corbyn. :cheesy:

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5 minutes ago, Caps said:

No not pettiness

England, Wales, Scotland and NI, and not matter who's fault it is free prescriptions etc cost the UK tax payer a lot of money so I think a quarter is fair.  


Then you don't understand how the Scottish budget allocation is calculated.


Free prescriptions are entirely possible in England too - you just don't elect governments that see it as important. I wish you had them also, least of all because it would do away with all this nonsense that somehow England is paying for Scottish prescriptions. 

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2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


Then you don't understand how the Scottish budget allocation is calculated.


Free prescriptions are entirely possible in England too - you just don't elect governments that see it as important. I wish you had them also, least of all because it would do away with all this nonsense that somehow England is paying for Scottish prescriptions. 

I aint really interested to be honest, but if Scotland wants to leave then crack on.  I never said England pays, I said it costs the UK tax payer...that includes Scotland at the moment!

I don't think it will be as rosie as people are trying to say it will be because you will be deeper in the EU then you ever were as part of the UK, I think it will be part of the deal.  But hey if it works it works.

What I do find strange is that NS is not even willing to see what will happen in the future as Brexit happens, I hope she aint cutting of her nose to spite her face (or that of the Scots)

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5 minutes ago, Caps said:


What I do find strange is that NS is not even willing to see what will happen in the future as Brexit happens, I hope she aint cutting of her nose to spite her face (or that of the Scots)


She leads the main party of independence so she would be failing in her remit if she did not pursue all opportunities to achieve that. She, like her predescesor, has also been given an overwhelming mandate to lead our country. Our country has shown its desire to remain in the EU. Why should we wait and see what might happen from something we clearly don't want? We get enough of that from repeated tory governments.

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7 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


She leads the main party of independence so she would be failing in her remit if she did not pursue all opportunities to achieve that. She, like her predescesor, has also been given an overwhelming mandate to lead our country. Our country has shown its desire to remain in the EU. Why should we wait and see what might happen from something we clearly don't want? We get enough of that from repeated tory governments.

There is no point getting all Braveheart on us with your country this and that, you are still part of the UK till you leave, if you leave.  As I have said go for it, I hope the EU does not take you for every penny you have

Besides, home, work, jobs etc can't be that great otherwise you wouldn't be in Manila:thumbsup:

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I was pro-independence. However, the vote was to stay, as such they had their choice and made it. As such to now argue that Scotland are more in favour of staying in the EU is absurd, and it is completely irrelevant. It is the total vote that counts in a referendum not the regional, boring political grandstanding.

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15 minutes ago, Caps said:

There is no point getting all Braveheart on us with your country this and that, you are still part of the UK till you leave, if you leave.  As I have said go for it, I hope the EU does not take you for every penny you have

Besides, home, work, jobs etc can't be that great otherwise you wouldn't be in Manila:thumbsup:


I am not sure that my personal circumstances are relevant here - did you also comment on the number of Pattaya residents who were so supportive of Brexit?

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1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:


I am not sure that my personal circumstances are relevant here - did you also comment on the number of Pattaya residents who were so supportive of Brexit?

I was just teasing, hence the :thumbsup:, but never mind

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19 minutes ago, Rancid said:

I was pro-independence. However, the vote was to stay, as such they had their choice and made it. As such to now argue that Scotland are more in favour of staying in the EU is absurd, and it is completely irrelevant. It is the total vote that counts in a referendum not the regional, boring political grandstanding.


Scotland is not a region. It is a country within a union of countries, a union that is dominated by the wishes of the major bloc. 


If you recall one of the main scare tactics of the independence referendum was that the only way Scotland could remain in the EU was to remain in the UK? Just look how that one turned out.

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She's a clown, and an embarrassment to the Scottish. She clearly doesn't understand the democratic process. She had her referendum for independence and that was decided by the majority. As for being in the EU, that has also been decided by the majority of the UK, for which Scotland democratically voted to stay part of the Union. There is no more for discussion, as the decision has already been made. 

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