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Clinton, Trump: He's a national security danger; no she is


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13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Most people going for the fascist clown  trump are going on emotion


You are so totally wrong.


It's because there is no other option. "Anyone but the lying, corrupt Hillary" is why I would vote for him.


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Perhaps Trump's mysterious spokesman can sort out Trump's many flip flops.  You remember; John Miller?  ....the guy who sounds and speaks exactly like Trump, who Trump claimed was his spokesman.  Later, Trump claimed in court that 'John Miller' was actually himself.  Yet later, Trump asserted that he'd never heard of anyone named John Miller, and it all must be a gotcha ruse by leftist media.  


That's who rightists want in the most powerful position in the world:  a man who invents a spokesman for himself who is himself (and is a flaming braggart, of course).  The same man admits he invented the spokesman, and then later pretends he doesn't know anything.  


Here are some more Trumpisms:


Several years ago he gave strong opinions about David Duke.  More recently he said he didn't know anything about Duke.   He also said "I have a very good brain."


Just after meeting with the Mexican prez, Trump told everyone they didn't mention anything about who will pay for the wall.  The Mexican prez said they did, and Nieto made it crystal clear Mexico would not pay one peso for the wall.   Who you gonna believe, Trump or Nieto?  Even die-hard Trump fans would believe Nieto over Trump.  And more damning: several hours after acting and talking decent in Mexico, Trump goes on a long tirade against Mexicans.  Great play, Shakespeare. Your popularity among Latinos just went from very low to nearly zilch.

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On 2016-09-07 at 1:33 PM, 348GTS said:

Anyone who thinks Trump is a "buffoon" or a "clown" or "dangerous" or whatever other nonsensical buzzword the Dem funded left wing dishonest media commentators come up with on the day, is just part of the problem. Make no mistake, Trump is a very smart man. Don't be so easy to sip from the Hillary Koolaid people. Having political experience is irrelevent, or do you think the POTUS is a dictator or king and rules alone and without accountability? He is a leader and will surround himself with the right people just as any good manager or CEO would do, and what he has already done. I respect the opinin of people like Guliani and Gingrich more than the brainwashed sycophants that support Clinton. Just because an airhead soccer mom supports Trump means nothing. Even a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day. Kinda like Hillary and the truth actually  ;)

Lefties! lefties! lefties! Sigh!!! So if you don´t support Trump you´r a leftie? So the republicans not woting for Trump has turned lefties? Sigh again.

Edited by Skywalker69
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25 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:


Nothing but silly liberal spin from a silly liberal hit piece. Trump had a perfectly legitimate point:


"Hillary and her top aides told the FBI and others related in the lawsuits that they couldn’t recall or remember -- can't remember anything!" Trump said. "By the way, if she really can't remember, she can't be president! She doesn't remember anything! She doesn't even remember whether or not she was instructed on how to use emails. 'Were you instructed on how to use?' 'I can't remember.'"

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1 hour ago, Skywalker69 said:

Lefties! lefties! lefties! Sigh!!! So if you don´t support Trump you´r a leftie? So the republicans not woting for Trump has turned lefties? Sigh again.


Sigh all you like Luke. I don't recall branding all non-supporters of Trump lefties, but branding anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with them by using silly "-ism/-ist" buzzwords whilst failing to offer any factual based counter argument is a leftie trait. But hey, if the cap fits...... Being anti Trump is one thing, but being pro Clinton is something quite different altogether.

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8 hours ago, 348GTS said:


Hillary and her doddering old codger of a husband are so crooked it is a miracle they can stand up straight. Oh wait, she's having trouble even doing that  ..... :whistling:


8 hours ago, 348GTS said:


Hillary and her doddering old codger of a husband are so crooked it is a miracle they can stand up straight. Oh wait, she's having trouble even doing that  ..... :whistling:


8 hours ago, 348GTS said:


Hillary and her doddering old codger of a husband are so crooked it is a miracle they can stand up straight. Oh wait, she's having trouble even doing that  ..... :whistling:


A post so good, worthy of being posted three times. Twice, okay a mistake. Third time's a...nevermind.


The wingnuts are coming out of the woodwork. 60 days out and they're getting squirrely. 


8 hours ago, 348GTS said:


Hillary and her doddering old codger of a husband are so crooked it is a miracle they can stand up straight. Oh wait, she's having trouble even doing that  ..... :whistling:


Very good! When you're as far down as Trump is, and has a day like he just had, it's good to have your peeps are still in line, swilling the koolaid. 


Okay, forward hoa...right off the cliff, here we gooooooooooooooooooooooo....   (sound of watermelon hitting pavement from 100 feet.)


"Madam President," get use to it. :coffee1:


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52 minutes ago, Pinot said:


"Madam President," get use to it.



This continual baiting sounds more and more like desperation and wishful thinking. Hillary is running into lots of problems right now and it is going to get worse. ;)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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2 hours ago, Pinot said:




A post so good, worthy of being posted three times. Twice, okay a mistake. Third time's a...nevermind.


The wingnuts are coming out of the woodwork. 60 days out and they're getting squirrely. 



Very good! When you're as far down as Trump is, and has a day like he just had, it's good to have your peeps are still in line, swilling the koolaid. 


Okay, forward hoa...right off the cliff, here we gooooooooooooooooooooooo....   (sound of watermelon hitting pavement from 100 feet.)


"Madam President," get use to it. :coffee1:



Haha, touche. Not sure what happened with the site/connection earlier, I think it's brain must have suffered some type of "short circuit" or something... :w00t:  But seriously, it's hard to believe the polls when Trump is talking to 20 thousand crowds and Hillary struggling to fill school halls. Something  dodgy going on there... the real powers that be must really want her in there. Madam President indeed....

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348GTS opines: "Make no mistake, Trump is a very smart man."


How does a Trump fan define 'very smart' ?


Is "very smart' not knowing the Russkies entered Ukraine?


Is 'very smart' declaring bankruptcy five times?


Perhaps 'very smart' is waiting until work is done and not paying the contractors - instead shouting, "go ahead and sue me, suckers. I can postpone court proceedings until your grandchildren are gray-bearded or until you run out of money to pay lawyers! ha ha ha."


Maybe 'smart' is declaring the wall will cost $2 billion.  Then a week later; $5 billion,  then a week later; $9 billion, then a week later $12 billion, then a week later, "15 million, but no higher", then a week later, "no more than twenty billion, believe me folks."   People who know about construction estimate the wall will cost about $33 billion and that doesn't count maintenance which will exceed that amount.   That's about $200 for each American man woman and child.   When are you going to send $200 for you and each member of your family to Trump for his wall?  Oh, sorry, almost forgot, Mexico is going to pay for it.   And it's going to be twice as tall as Trump originally promised, because Mr. Vicente Fox said something non-flattering about Trump. 


Note:  most Mexican over-stayers legally entered the US by road or plane, so even a $100 billion wall wouldn't do any good.  ....and the people who want to climb over the wall can do so with a rope ladder.  Also: Twice as many Canadians enter the US and overstay, than Mexicans.  Trump is like Micky Mouse in Fantasia, trying to stop a flood with a little broom.  The wet broom is his brain.    



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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Yep. He did it strategically. He made a lot of money off the deal.

Back to the imbecilic left wing talking points.


What a perverted opinion, defending "strategically" bankruptcy for making money. It's a pity that you haven't been a looser within Trump's strategical bankruptcy.




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10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


This continual baiting sounds more and more like desperation and wishful thinking. Hillary is running into lots of problems right now and it is going to get worse. ;)


I disagree, it's the usual baseless bullshit. They're just ratcheting it up as election day gets closer. 


It's over as Trump keeps spewing his nonsense. 

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It certainly does appear that Trump is considered better at National Security based upon his rise in the polls.

To wit:


Donald Trump is up three points on Crooked Hillery in the lastest Suffolk University poll.
But the news is even worse for poor Hillary — The Suffolk people oversampled Democrats by 9 points.






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On 2016-09-09 at 4:13 AM, Ulysses G. said:


Yep. He did it strategically. He made a lot of money off the deal.

Back to the imbecilic left wing talking points.

The Trump campaign built a large policy shop in Washington that has now largely melted away because of neglect, mismanagement and promises of pay that were never honored. Many of the team’s former members say the campaign leadership never took the Washington office seriously and let it wither away after squeezing it dry.



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8 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

It certainly does appear that Trump is considered better at National Security based upon his rise in the polls.

To wit:


Donald Trump is up three points on Crooked Hillery in the lastest Suffolk University poll.
But the news is even worse for poor Hillary — The Suffolk people oversampled Democrats by 9 points.







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On 9/9/2016 at 9:13 AM, Ulysses G. said:

Yep. He did it strategically. He made a lot of money off the deal.

Back to the imbecilic left wing talking points.


I could strategically' sit outside your property in a shaded place, wait until you (and your family) leave to go shopping, then strategically slip in through the back door and strategically rob your valuables.  


When Trump declared bankruptcy in Atlantic City (several times) and ran out of town with his tail between his legs, he had a bunch of money.  But guess what, there were losers.  Many.  There were many investors who trusted his promises (just as there are many voters who trust the promises Trump spouts daily).  There were thousands of workers and contractors who got shafted - particularly on their closing payments.  I was a general contractor in California (# 375685).  Usually, a contractor's final payment for a job is his profit.  Most or all of the money he's been paid up until then, usually covers materials and wages to his helpers.  Trump is famous for ripping off contractors of their final payment due. I'm glad I didn't do any work for Trump.


Is that what you call 'strategic' ?    Perhaps you'd also like Trump's strategic plans for the US economy which, of course, he doesn't/can't articulate about.   All he says are sweeping statements that any 5 year old could say, "EVERYTHING WILL BE BETTER WITH ME!"  "YOU'LL LOVE ME AS YOUR PRESIDENT, BELIEVE ME"  "95% OF BLACKS WILL VOTE FOR ME IN 2020, BELIEVE ME" .....and other such hollow shyster talk.

Edited by boomerangutang
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20 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


I could strategically' sit outside your property in a shaded place, wait until you (and your family) leave to go shopping, then strategically slip in through the back door and strategically rob your valuables.


That would be illegal and quite stupid. You would end up in jail. Trump made a lot of money legally. NOT a good comparison at all. :gigglem:

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


That would be illegal and quite stupid. You would end up in jail. Trump made a lot of money legally. NOT a good comparison at all. :gigglem:


I was using that hypothetical as a commentary on your use of the word 'strategic' ....as it relates to getting rich.


Maybe Trump made some money legally, but he habitually cheats on taxes, and cheated on getting kick-backs/subsidies from NYC (rent subsidies and other things).  He cheated on bank loans and ripped off investors.  He cheated workers and contractors out of payments they earned.  A large portion of the money that's gone into Trump's bank accounts has come from either; his daddy, from bank loans, or from investors (which he shafted).   


You're under the false impression that Trump makes his money legitimately.   You used the word 'strategically.'   I've seen evidence that flushes those assumptions down the toilet.   If he becomes prez, he will shaft the American people like he's shafted his unhappy workers and investors.  He will borrow astronomically like he's borrowed for each of his businesses, and he will avoid paying back, like he's famous for. 

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Looks like folks are beginning to realize Clinton is more of a security danger than Trump:


UPI/CVoter poll: Donald Trump widens lead over Hillary Clinton to 3 points


The UPI/CVoter daily presidential tracking poll released Monday shows Donald Trump leading Hillary Clinton by about 3 percentage points.

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