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Australian DJ jailed for life in Thailand


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10 minutes ago, MyFrenU said:

Or was it that guy 'Mr Dancer' that always wants a dance-off in the middle of the night,maybe he wasn't pretty?

Good call... ! Him with all his tie-dye and fluorescent stuff... I think I know the guy you're referring to...

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3 minutes ago, hyperdimension said:


This is what actually happens to young people when they take MDMA:




And when you don't?Well,you end up on here whingeing and moaning about everyone that does and generally hating life!

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5 hours ago, autanic said:

Words escape me. What is the content of the ecstasy tablet ?  What other compounds are present ?

How was it made ?  Who made it ?  How do you know it is safe ?  To risk your son's life by preferring he be taking ecstasy rather than binge drinking is a being an irresponsible parent. (Yeah I said it).


You're responding to someone else's post, but I'll respond to yours.  If given some time in a lab and a modest budget, I could prove scientifically that MSG is more harmful than ecstasy.  I could also prove that sugar, nicotine, trans-fats and possibly caffeine are more harmful.  Any objective person would have to agree than alcohol is far more harmful, ....to the individual and to society.  Anyone familiar with pharma drug impacts would have to agree just as assuredly that pharma drugs are many times more harmful than ecstasy.  If in doubt, check out the stats on people dying from pharma drugs in NE USA.  It's epidemic!  When has an ecstasy user beat his wife or crashed a car (?) - things that alcohol users do dozens of times daily.


I saw a video of two young men who popped ecstasy pills and then went to a party and laughed and danced.  Why do Thai officials want to criminalize laughing and dancing?


Thai officials in particular, and SE Asian officials in general are clueless in regard to the actual comparative effects of the drugs they criminalize.  All they have are worst-case scenarios reported by people who themselves haven't used the drugs they're criminalizing.  People residing in the pre-USA 13 colonies thought that tomatoes were poisonous, and burned certain women in public - thinking those women looked odd and/or were putting spells on people.  SE Asian authorities are on par with that.

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6 hours ago, Fookhaht said:

A lot of illegal drug "experts" from personal experience on this thread. Doesn't that set off any alarm bells with anyone?  :blink:

Ye gods, no wonder I have this urge to avoid farangs in Thailand.  :(

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No don't think in that way.


Like many on here- I lived through the late 80's early 90's in a haze of clubbing- it was an amazing time- the drugs were pure ( mostly) a couple of E' s and some speed could keep you going all night ( anyone remember white diamonds? ) 

You lived for the weekend and held down a professional job perfectly well. 


The Gay clubs were the best for music- which is what is was all about, I will never forget those experiences - some a bit weird when the whole club turned into a cruise liner! It was quite normal for people to turn into rather strange monsters- was not scary. 


I would suggest the guys talking about their experiences way back- have moved on- and would not dream of taking drugs in the Kingdom. 


To move across the world to live in another country takes a bit of courage and risk- we were risk takers then. That's perhaps why  you have commented on so many members who have some experience- we are not talking about heroin or crack. 


There are others here who understand how truly extraordinary it was to live through that era- it was electric 

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11 hours ago, jcsmith said:

To Note: Ecstasy is not a hard drug. It is not physically addicting, does not cause violence (quite the opposite), and has anti-addictant properties which make it more or less worthless to do frequently (doing so destroys half of the effect).


I think a lot of experts will disagree with you.  



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12 minutes ago, hyperdimension said:


This is what actually happens to young people when they take MDMA:




Well, that's what you say... But could you stop for a moment and just consider those poor clinicians working at the Family Practice around the corner from wherever this event took place... They're the ones that had to deal with the consequences of nights like these, and I have it on very good authority that those consequences were not pretty... No sir... not pretty at all... <Shudders...>

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11 minutes ago, balo said:

Why can't you just stick to smoking weed , why experiment with all kind of drugs.  Live healthy and drug free. 


I probably do less drugs than you, (no drink, no smoke, no pills except aspirin) but I support an adult doing a mild mind-altering drug which doesn't impact badly on anyone and/or doesn't pollute or harm the environment.  


In contrast, I'm annoyed by people, whether drugged or not, who ruefully annoy/harm others and/or harm the environment.  As you can tell, I have a very different outlook from gov't authorities, who want to severely criminalize people causing for relatively little, if any harm.


I'd rather have some ecstasy takers next door, dancing and singing and staring at flowers, than an alcohol-fueled wife beater.  How often do you hear of an ecstasy user taking a gun and shooting people?  Never.  How often with an alchie? Daily or weekly.  Same for serious car accidents or fights when bars close.    

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i really want an answer to one question only and that is why one of them has been given two life sentences for 61 pills.???


I can only think he had two separate charges but this has not been mentioned in any newspaper reports that I have read. He would not receive two life sentences for just the one charge nor for appealing his original sentence.


I am familiar with court proceedings, sentencing, Thai prisons, Thai courts etc but this has me wondering, I admit I am stumped by this.


is anybody in the know on this?? 

Edited by Scouse123
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1 minute ago, Scouse123 said:



i really only want an answer to one question only and that is why one of them has been given two life sentences for 61 pills.???


I can only think he had two separate charges but this has not been mentioned in any newspaper reports that I have read. He would not receive two life sentences for just the one charge.


I am familiar with court proceedings, sentencing, Thai prisons, Thai courts etc but this has me wondering, I admit I am stumped by this.

The answer is of course because he is a foreigner!

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37 minutes ago, jimmybkk said:

Well, that's what you say... But could you stop for a moment and just consider those poor clinicians working at the Family Practice around the corner from wherever this event took place... They're the ones that had to deal with the consequences of nights like these, and I have it on very good authority that those consequences were not pretty... No sir... not pretty at all... <Shudders...>


What percentage of attendees would have a problem due to their drug consumption?


This is how rave events were back in the old-school days (video below). Just about everyone looks high! I think a lot of those dance moves are likely to be ecstasy-fueled. Even a policeman makes a comment, saying he was quite happy with how it all went.


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44 minutes ago, balo said:

Why can't you just stick to smoking weed , why experiment with all kind of drugs.  




I do not like the effects and the same goes for alcohol. I have been mostly drug free for decades, but might indulge in some opium or cocaine, - every one in a while - if the opportunity presents itself. IMO, very enjoyable drugs.

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26 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

Guys, i really want an answer to one question only and that is why one of them has been given two life sentences for 61 pills.???    I can only think he had two separate charges but this has not been mentioned in any newspaper reports that I have read. He would not receive two life sentences for just the one charge nor for appealing his original sentence.   I am familiar with court proceedings, sentencing, Thai prisons, Thai courts etc but this has me wondering, I admit I am stumped by this. 

is anybody in the know on this?? 


A number of posts ago, I put forth an educated guess why:  The guy didn't play ball with officials.  Thai officials are convinced that all farang can get access to big money.  Cops are always wanting to amass more money.  It sounds like the Aussie isn't playing the bribe game in accordance with the RTP script, hence he's in deep doo doo.

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What you say is accurate.

The police have moved more these days from letting them off completely after receiving a large bribe, to a win win situation for themselves whereby they still prosecute and obtain the conviction; but reduce the amount of drugs alleged to have been captured so the defendant does not spend 20-30 years in prison.

in this case, they two lads did not have enough money or access to it, so the police went for a high profile conviction instead, which is good for " pips on their shoulders " and impresses the public, or they think it does.

That still doesn't explain away two life sentences as opposed to one.


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1 hour ago, balo said:


  12 hours ago, jcsmith said:

To Note: Ecstasy is not a hard drug. It is not physically addicting, does not cause violence (quite the opposite), and has anti-addictant properties which make it more or less worthless to do frequently (doing so destroys half of the effect).




I think a lot of experts will disagree with you.  



Where in that article does it refer to any of the following:

- Ecstasy being a "hard drug"
- Ecstasy being physically addictive

- Ecstasy causing violence

It simply states that ecstasy could cause memory problems. Like lots of legal drugs, not even bothering to mention alcohol - http://www.aarp.org/health/brain-health/info-05-2013/drugs-that-may-cause-memory-loss.html#quest1

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


I probably do less drugs than you, (no drink, no smoke, no pills except aspirin) but I support an adult doing a mild mind-altering drug which doesn't impact badly on anyone and/or doesn't pollute or harm the environment.  


In contrast, I'm annoyed by people, whether drugged or not, who ruefully annoy/harm others and/or harm the environment.  As you can tell, I have a very different outlook from gov't authorities, who want to severely criminalize people causing for relatively little, if any harm.


I'd rather have some ecstasy takers next door, dancing and singing and staring at flowers, than an alcohol-fueled wife beater.  How often do you hear of an ecstasy user taking a gun and shooting people?  Never.  How often with an alchie? Daily or weekly.  Same for serious car accidents or fights when bars close.    

There's no doubt about it - you've got to stay as far away from heavy drinkers and alcoholics as possible. I avoid them like the plague. They can be very dangerous... and that's before they start driving.

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1 hour ago, Scouse123 said:



i really want an answer to one question only and that is why one of them has been given two life sentences for 61 pills.???


I can only think he had two separate charges but this has not been mentioned in any newspaper reports that I have read. He would not receive two life sentences for just the one charge nor for appealing his original sentence.


I am familiar with court proceedings, sentencing, Thai prisons, Thai courts etc but this has me wondering, I admit I am stumped by this.


is anybody in the know on this?? 

The OP report talks "possession". Did he really get 2 x life for possession without any evidence of dealing? Did they just assume he must be dealing due to the number of pills he had on him?

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1 hour ago, Scouse123 said:



i really want an answer to one question only and that is why one of them has been given two life sentences for 61 pills.???


I can only think he had two separate charges but this has not been mentioned in any newspaper reports that I have read. He would not receive two life sentences for just the one charge nor for appealing his original sentence.


I am familiar with court proceedings, sentencing, Thai prisons, Thai courts etc but this has me wondering, I admit I am stumped by this.


is anybody in the know on this?? 

The OP report talks "possession". Did he really get 2 x life for possession without any evidence of dealing? Did they just assume he must be dealing due to the number of pills he had on him?

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It happens all the time,the 60s were about drug-taking with acid,uppers,downers,peyote,mescaline and all the rest then the late 80s and early 90s.
The hypocrites that are telling you "If you remember the 60s you weren't there" are all the whingeing old giffers telling people not to do it now,unbelievable! :facepalm:

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38 minutes ago, tropo said:

The OP report talks "possession". Did he really get 2 x life for possession without any evidence of dealing? Did they just assume he must be dealing due to the number of pills he had on him?

I believe that's how it works with other drugs - it's all about the quantity. I seem to recall reading somewhere that for cocaine the cut-off point is 0.6g. Don't quote me on that figure but I remember thinking it was a really small amount - anything more than that and apparently you're considered a dealer.

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17 hours ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

I grew up in the UK in the 80s and was a teenager in the 90s - MDMA is neither addictive, nor 'hard', it simply needs to be treated responsibly.

As a parent, I'm perfectly happy for my kid to take he when he gets older, as I did and much of my generation did when I was younger. Not in this country though, it's unfortunately backward in terms of drug legislation.


I'd far prefer my son to be taking ecstasy as a teenager than for him to be binge drinking like most kids do.


"binge drinking like most kids do"


What a sublimely ridiculous thing to say.  But when defending drug use, I suppose any old nonsense will suffice.

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This time it was Ecstasy , next time the shit that kills you, is that

how it is supposed to be before these dealers get hanged?

  Drugs were big in the 70s when you could get all of this crap as

well as LSD, hash, MJ, heroin and many others, Stay away from the

drugs, and stay away from jail, that was the simple math back then.

Has that all changed?  I saw a few people in the jail in Chang Mai and

 I gave them a few newspapers, and let them know that they were right

where they deserved to be, jail in a foreign country for being

mixed up with drugs.  No sympathy from me.


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Shame. I used to see lance around pattaya when he was just a young lad, about 18 until I left Thailand, he always said hello. The girls used to love him. Just seemed like a good lad. Sad to see whats happened.

Seen so many good lads lose their way in that city, lost my way a bit myself and could of easily ended up in a similar predicament. Glad I got out when I did.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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19 hours ago, joeyg said:

Deal hard drugs.  Should be executed.  Now before you jump on me.  Think of how you'd feel if one of your children got addicted or died from his drugs.  That's what I thought...


u take out 1 dealer, theres always another one.  always, its a market..


If you do the drugs, you are solely responsible.  you dont blame the messenger/delivery boy.  I don think its right but the truth of it is you have to take responsibility of your own actions.  If u keep blaming people for your own or kids addictions/drink, u will never learn. It will always be available somewhere. only thing that works is education and being responsible for yourself.  

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