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Thailand 'supports' China's efforts to maintain maritime peace


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Thailand 'supports' China's efforts to maintain maritime peace


VIENTIANE: -- Thailand said on Wednesday said it "supports China's efforts" to maintain maritime peace amid a regional dispute over the South China Sea.


The comment from Thailand, which has historically maintained a neutral stance on the South China Sea, came hours after the Philippines released pictures showing what it said were Chinese boats near a disputed shoal in the sea.


"Promoting peace and stability in the ocean is important to all parties and Thailand supports China's efforts in this regard. 


Full story: http://www.reuters.com/article/asean-summit-southchinasea-thailand-idUSL3N1BJ27A

-- © Copyright Reuters 2016-09-07
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well that goes to show how much under the thumb they are, pretty pathetic stance by Thailand, china is pushing sh*t uphill by claiming all the south china sea, wonder how long before the US has the balls to step in and stop them

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2 hours ago, seajae said:

well that goes to show how much under the thumb they are, pretty pathetic stance by Thailand, china is pushing sh*t uphill by claiming all the south china sea, wonder how long before the US has the balls to step in and stop them


I think President Trump will do nothing. He has made very clear his view on Foreigners.   Don't by from them. Don't let them in. Don't give them anything.


In fact if he is able to reduce the amount of Chinese Imports in to the USA, which he has claimed, then that will do far more damage to China, than posturing in the South China Sea.

Trump will be unlike no other President, the USA has ever elected (should that come to pass). This is what makes him so attractive to the voters and the rest of the World needs to tread very carefully with him or they too could find themselves EXCLUDED.


If Thailand as it seems, want to buddy up with China then this is a clear indication, that Thailand is facing more Eastward, than towards the west.  We will have vote with our feet if that happens.  I pity to the smucks who invested in property in Thailand, they will be living there for an awfully long time.

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10 minutes ago, autanic said:


I think President Trump will do nothing. He has made very clear his view on Foreigners.   Don't by from them. Don't let them in. Don't give them anything.


In fact if he is able to reduce the amount of Chinese Imports in to the USA, which he has claimed, then that will do far more damage to China, than posturing in the South China Sea.

Trump will be unlike no other President, the USA has ever elected (should that come to pass). This is what makes him so attractive to the voters and the rest of the World needs to tread very carefully with him or they too could find themselves EXCLUDED.


If Thailand as it seems, want to buddy up with China then this is a clear indication, that Thailand is facing more Eastward, than towards the west.  We will have vote with our feet if that happens.  I pity to the smucks who invested in property in Thailand, they will be living there for an awfully long time.

OP Not really linked to Trump, and you seem to forget that without foreigntrade USA is pretty f!c!ked up : the prices will rise, import/export taxes as well, the economy will slow down...every country which tried that ended with poor economy...

If Trump is elected President and try to EXCLUDE foreign countries, then the one who will suffer the most will be USA, not the rest of the world

Edited by Burps
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2 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

"supports China's efforts" to maintain maritime peace" :blink:

This will not go home very well with your ASEAN partners Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia.   


But then they're not the ones you're trying to hit on to modernise your Army, Navy and railway system are they?

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20 minutes ago, Burps said:

OP Not really linked to Trump, and you seem to forget that without foreigntrade USA is pretty f!c!ked up : the prices will rise, import/export taxes as well, the economy will slow down...every country which tried that ended with poor economy...

If Trump is elected President and try to EXCLUDE foreign countries, then the one who will suffer the most will be USA, not the rest of the world


Trump is all about America.


American Jobs, America made.  


I am not an advocate for him or his views/policies he does that all himself.  He is very inward looking and I suspect will NOT have much truck with the Chinese, except to arms race with them.


You mean like oil ?  Since the USA (The world largest consumer of oil) began fracking the price of oil has plummeted and the need to invade Countries to get oil is no longer, well required.

As China slows down, from lack of exports to the USA, the less it needs Countries like Thailand or the investments in Rail Networks.


So linking back in.  Trump has a indirect influence of Thailand's economic prosperity.

Edited by autanic
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The number of big projects being planned means Thailand has to borrow to finance them.  Maybe there are deals being done to make sure Thailand gets a good deal on the funds they borrow........nah, not going to happen!


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3 hours ago, JAG said:


Hawaii's government was overthrown on Jan. 17, 1893, by a relatively small group of men, most of them American by birth or heritage, who seized control of the Islands with the backing of American troops sent ashore from a warship in Honolulu Harbor. To this "superior force of the United States of America," Queen Lili`uokalani yielded her throne, under protest, in order to avoid bloodshed, trusting that the United States government would right the wrong that had been done to her and the Hawaiian people.

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1 hour ago, BSJ said:

The number of big projects being planned means Thailand has to borrow to finance them.  Maybe there are deals being done to make sure Thailand gets a good deal on the funds they borrow........nah, not going to happen!



As I have looked out over the Bangkok Skyline it looks remarkably like the opening scene of Blade Runner. Except of course for the flying cars. 

Sky trains, underground projects, nice airport link. Buildings that are made of glass and steel and are brand new. Its all very modern, especially to think how far Thailand has come since the 1970s.


Thailand has a lot of new infra structure projects and is spending money on Capital Projects to keep the economy going. 


Like everything is has a cost. A dollar amount that must be paid.  Government borrowing is fine and dandy when the economy is doing well or even alright.  The problem comes paying back everything you have borrowed in the lean years.


Thailand hasn't had any lean years since the late 1990's. It is due and on the cards, a slowdown or correct could be catastrophic if the they have to pay money servicing debts.


China would make a seriously bad creditor. The Thais in my opinion have walked into a trap, now they are defending the trappers.

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9 minutes ago, ThailandLOS said:

Hawaii's government was overthrown on Jan. 17, 1893, by a relatively small group of men, most of them American by birth or heritage, who seized control of the Islands with the backing of American troops sent ashore from a warship in Honolulu Harbor. To this "superior force of the United States of America," Queen Lili`uokalani yielded her throne, under protest, in order to avoid bloodshed, trusting that the United States government would right the wrong that had been done to her and the Hawaiian people.

Still waiting huh

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well you can discuss this all day all night - you can talk about US politics or whatever - but the reality is from a diplomatic perspective - these "official" comments are infantile and not worthy of any sort of diplomatic recognition............it is however not a surprise, the main thing is that nobody actually takes it seriously



Thailand needs to stay clear of that whole south china sea dispute......they are not involved and should remain so


I'll end this rant/post with the word - stupid................most will get it

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9 hours ago, autanic said:


I think President Trump will do nothing. He has made very clear his view on Foreigners.   Don't by from them. Don't let them in. Don't give them anything.


In fact if he is able to reduce the amount of Chinese Imports in to the USA, which he has claimed, then that will do far more damage to China, than posturing in the South China Sea.

Trump will be unlike no other President, the USA has ever elected (should that come to pass). This is what makes him so attractive to the voters and the rest of the World needs to tread very carefully with him or they too could find themselves EXCLUDED.


If Thailand as it seems, want to buddy up with China then this is a clear indication, that Thailand is facing more Eastward, than towards the west.  We will have vote with our feet if that happens.  I pity to the smucks who invested in property in Thailand, they will be living there for an awfully long time.


The only thing Donald Trump is good at is telling people what they want to hear.  


I forget the exact phrasing but Obama once said something to the effect, "It's amazing how different the world looks from a primary rally in Iowa than it does sitting behind the desk of the president in the White House."  


In other words, every problem seems simple when you don't know all of the facts.  


Trump works really well within that realm.  Build a wall.  Stop trading with them.  Do this.  Do that.  


If you were a US congress person, Republican or Democrat, doesn't matter, how much are you going to make Trump pay to build that wall?  Remember, the US congress authorizes spending.  No money, no wall  He's hung so much of his candidacy on that issue that any self-serving politician will surely extract a high price from Trump for their support for funding.  What will Trump have to promise members in congress to get the money?  


Trump plays checkers.  Real politicians play chess.  


Likewise, if he were elected, someone would sit him down and show him what would happen if the US got into a trade war with China and he'll suddenly realize that it's a lot more complicated than he thought.  



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4 hours ago, autanic said:


As I have looked out over the Bangkok Skyline it looks remarkably like the opening scene of Blade Runner. Except of course for the flying cars. 

Sky trains, underground projects, nice airport link. Buildings that are made of glass and steel and are brand new. Its all very modern, especially to think how far Thailand has come since the 1970s.


Thailand has a lot of new infra structure projects and is spending money on Capital Projects to keep the economy going. 


Like everything is has a cost. A dollar amount that must be paid.  Government borrowing is fine and dandy when the economy is doing well or even alright.  The problem comes paying back everything you have borrowed in the lean years.


Thailand hasn't had any lean years since the late 1990's. It is due and on the cards, a slowdown or correct could be catastrophic if the they have to pay money servicing debts.


China would make a seriously bad creditor. The Thais in my opinion have walked into a trap, now they are defending the trappers.


Depends on what you mean by lean.  3% growth in SEA is pretty lean when 7% - 10% are the norm.  


Bottom line is that for 30 or 40 years the western world sort of put up with Thailand because there were few other options.  Now Myanmar, Vietnam, and Cambodia are all looking like promising business partners in the region and many western countries have put their foot down with Thailand and said that they need to get their act together.  


Thailand didn't like the sudden shift in attitude and, at first, cozied up to China hoping the US and the rest of the world would panic and rush in to support the junta and sponsor a few public projects in order to keep the economic wheels moving.  


But that didn't happen.  Instead the US and many western countries reached out to Vietnam instead which left Thailand with nowhere to turn except to try to bargirl some money out of China.  Except China is no stupid farang.  China is a pimp.  And the pimp just told Thailand to she better be out there on the streets working for daddy.  


Ever notice how all these big infrastructure deals they announce with China at first are positioned as a major win for Thailand and then everything suddenly gets hung up in negotiations?  China says, "Oh sure, we'll build a railway with you," and Thailand proudly announces China is going to pay to build a rail line.  Then China starts layout out the terms and suddenly Thailand realizes that China's figured out how to stick Thailand with the bill.  


China:  Oh, sure we'll finance that at 2%.  


Thailand:  Wait, we can finance it at 1.8% in the Thai markets.  


China:  No, no, no.  You borrow from us at 2%.  


The statements about the south china sea are basically the cost of getting some concession elsewhere.  



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14 hours ago, smedly said:

what diplomatic intellectual genius blurted out this gem 

Reuters - 2 star Major General Weerachon Sukondhapatipak

He's a military spokesman which doesn't require diplomacy nor intellect - just obediance to Prayut's NCPO.

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12 hours ago, autanic said:


Even better, the UK claiming land 12,978 km (Falkland Islands) away in the South Atlantic.

When The Falklands was first settled, Argentina didn't want them. Now the Argies decide that they want them but the islanders themselves want to remain British. It isn't a land grab or a desire to make the SAO British, it's a humanitarian decision based on the islanders wishes. I suspect that deep down the British govt would like to be shut of them. It's not even slightly similar to the situation with China and the South China Sea.


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17 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

"supports China's efforts" to maintain maritime peace" :blink:

This will not go home very well with your ASEAN partners Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia.   

Since China's expansionist aggression is responsible for all the hassle in the South China Sea, it seems naive, to say the least, for Thailand to "support its efforts to maintain maritime peace"

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Ohhhhhh,,,  I had it all wrong then, China is trying to maintain peace in the South China Sea and Thailand is supporting China's peaceful moves.  So it's the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei are the ones stirring up trouble with it's claiming territorial waters, Islands, Sholes, and atolls are being annexed by China.  

Some people think China's picking fight it will regret and can't win just as Japan did in WW 2 and Thailand backed the wrong side then as well, and when things tured against Japan the Thai's do what they do best, turncoat and back the winning side.

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