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Trump says Putin 'a leader far more than our president'


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On 9/9/2016 at 3:15 PM, Linzz said:

Every other paragraph is applicable to Hillary and voting for her means voting for the continued status quo and therefore decline of America economically, socially and militarily. Except of course for the personal enrichment Clinton and her ilk. 

Okay, so my comments apply more to Hilary than Trump?   Do you consider Trump more honest than Hillary?   Apparently so.  You hear and see the same thing I do, but we come away with totally different views.   When I see the way Trump talks, I see a nut case.  Others see presidential material.  Do not understand that.


Changing your mind is an attribute?  Can be.  Changing your mind often is not.  Not an attribute you want in a president if they tend to do it often.  Does not instill a lot of confidence.


On 9/9/2016 at 3:15 PM, Linzz said:

, but with Trump he just might make some reforms

You actually believe Trump has the knowledge to come up with reforms?  He only knows how to say crazy off the cuff things that excite the crowd.  He has no knowledge or experience  in politics. 


I am not crazy about Hillary, but this is politics.  You vote for the lesser of two evils.  Our political system is mess up, but then who's to blame.  As I said earlier I believe that "people get the government they deserve".


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The Irony, the Republicans and Trumpeteers are turning into the new American third party, the 'Commies', jeez, your recent forefathers from WW2 and the 50's, 60's and 70's will be turning in their graves. Old Trumpski is turning you all into Commie lovers, and you hate Hillary so much you just accept it. Boy oh boy who would have thought. Can the Trumpeteers all put a new avatar up.





Trumpski has got you defending him calling your own US President less a leader than Putin. Think about that! From patriots to traitors. Your grandfather would have shot him for that and then probably you for agreeing with him. You would have gone to jail in the 60's and 70's in the USA for expressing or agreeing with Trumpski's statement.

Edited by Andaman Al
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In related news a recent poll of North Koreans found that Kim Jong un has a 100% popularity rating amongst anyone wanting to live between the ages of 4 and 115. Trumpski is expected to welcome Kim Jong un's initiative of testing more Nuclear Weapons as it shows greater leadership than Obama. Says Trumpski "I asked the Generals if we have nukes why can't we use them, and I never got an answer,  and here is good old Kim Jong un showing us 'use em or lose em', he's my kinda man".

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:

I trust putin about as much as I trust obama...which is to say not at all. 


It does Trump no advantage with his constituents to speak admirably of putin. 


Well put. I do not understand why Trump keeps bring this up. Putin and Obama both bite!

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On 9/10/2016 at 9:28 AM, Ulysses G. said:


Is this supposed to be a joke? Trump says that Putin is a stronger leader than Obama and you turn it into a right wing conspiracy theory. :lol:


I wonder what Trump would say if he really knew what Putin thought of him....


[People in Putin’s inner circle say that Putin considers Trump a buffoon, easily manipulated by flattery, without a scintilla of knowledge or depth about the world outside his golf courses. Moreover, Trump’s stated willingness to recognize Putin’s annexation of Crimea, to lift sanctions, not to object to the occupation of an area in Ukraine, to withdraw promises of support for NATO allies in the Baltic, and for NATO as a whole, is the Russian dictator’s dream.]




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