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Pattaya AIDS death


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On 10.9.2016 at 11:08 AM, manarak said:

previous posters pointing out Thais' "fatalist" approach to illnesses are right - the number one factor in these deaths are the girls themselves, because first most don't want to take tests to know their status, second when they know they are ill, most don't go seek treatment, although it is available.


Yes, they are afraid to go to the local hospital because all people in their village will know that they are HIV+. Some of them will look for help in another city but most of them just don't take the medicine. It is a very difficult situation because HIV is stigmatized by the society. Most of the people don't know enough about HIV and AIDS and this is the case not only in Thailand. 

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This kind of "collateral damage" has nothing to do with the lack of education. In most cases HIV/AIDS is spread through un-safe actions because the "customer" demands it. 

Some people really spend fortunes in the "industry" just to have unprotected sex and as with many other un-safe actions in Thai society (e.g. traffic, construction, general safety) the Thai generally thinks: "It doesn't happen to me!"


That the family responded in this very inhumane way is probably due to the fact that the daughter told her family that she has a good job in a hotel or a restaurant and as long as the family gets the monthly allowance they don't wonder about the fact that THB 30,000 is quite high for an uneducated hotel-job.


HIV/AIDS is a result of un-safe sex with lots of different partners THAT's what the general Thai thinks and so the daughter must have been a whore......and in fact she was. The loss of face in the small farmer-community up-country is far more important than the daughter's well-being or at least a decent few last days of her life. 

The family is probably more worried about the future monthly allowances than the loss of the daughter. 





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I don"t know how they test nowadays,but about 6 yrs ago,long story,I went to clinic

for a HIV test,he pricked my finger put that on a tiny machine 6 mins later your ok

600bht krap,cleared this with my g/f at the time,threw away the condoms.

what a sham could not believe it but alot of girls did most of her friends used him


when we took over a bar in Pattaya massive bar in one of the drawers there was about 

50 old HIV tags doctors signature ( !!) terrible state of affairs always has been,one of the girls

who previously worked there said lots of girls just copied there mates card. 

Edited by KBsinter
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Thais always try to hide stuff and tell lies. They should be more open . If you have a disease which is so easy to treat today, why hide it ? As if the parents of the girl do not now what she's doing in Pattaya . Of course they know , but will just look the other way when it gets serious. Maybe they have lots of kids and if one die it doesn't matter. Very weird way of thinking. 




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17 minutes ago, KBsinter said:

I don"t know how they test nowadays,but about 6 yrs ago,long story,I went to clinic

for a HIV test,he pricked my finger put that on a tiny machine 6 mins later your ok

600bht krap,cleared this with my g/f at the time,threw away the condoms.

what a sham could not believe it but alot of girls did most of her friends used him


when we took over a bar in Pattaya massive bar in one of the drawers there was about 

50 old HIV tags doctors signature ( !!) terrible state of affairs always has been,one of the girls

who previously worked there said lots of girls just copied there mates card. 


6 years ago they did the test correctly using proper blood samples at the Anonymous Clinic in Bangkok.


Great shame that people are still dying of the disease when medication is available.

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How the hell family taught so much money is coming that they make a big house plus pay for the expenses. I heard from many girls that their parents are old and can't work any longer and she has to support them and when I asked how old they are they said 45 or max 50. I was shocked that they retire so early and expect the daughter to take care of them

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8 hours ago, mrfaroukh said:

How the hell family taught so much money is coming that they make a big house plus pay for the expenses. I heard from many girls that their parents are old and can't work any longer and she has to support them and when I asked how old they are they said 45 or max 50. I was shocked that they retire so early and expect the daughter to take care of them


Yes, peasant-class Thais do seem to 'give up' at the first opportunity. Manual agricultural work in a hot country is hard and not particularly rewarding. It is still possible to live upcountry on virtually next to nothing by supplementing your diet with foraging or stealing other's fruit and veg. Many seem to think of 50 as the magic number at which to "retire". Perhaps if I were in their place, I might do the same.


The "big house" part of the story is very unlikely to be true.

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"Your comments are fairly correct, and I can confirm all required drugs are available for Thais in Thailand,"


Unfortunately many hill-tribe people and other inhabitants in Northern Thailand do not have access to the required drugs because they cannot prove their Thai nationality or for other reasons. I have a friend who works with a Chiang Mai charity helping HIV children whose parents are HIV pos. His charity is always seeking donations to help support these children.


Check out:



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59 minutes ago, Briggsy said:


Yes, peasant-class Thais do seem to 'give up' at the first opportunity. Manual agricultural work in a hot country is hard and not particularly rewarding. It is still possible to live upcountry on virtually next to nothing by supplementing your diet with foraging or stealing other's fruit and veg. Many seem to think of 50 as the magic number at which to "retire". Perhaps if I were in their place, I might do the same.


The "big house" part of the story is very unlikely to be true.

My PILs (73 & 70) are up & out on the farm at 0500 every day, and work away at plants & animals till 1800 (with a siesta in the middle of the day). And most of the many offspring work similarly, the notable exception being my partner (funny that).

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On 8 กันยายน 2559 at 2:26 PM, KittenKong said:


It would be better to teach working girls to save their money and not to give it to anyone else at all, especially their family. Personally I would never rely on anyone in Thailand, regardless of skin colour, to be anything other than greedy and selfish. I think it must be something in the water here.

No way that will happen. It's indoctrinated into them, as I found out the hard way.


As for teaching the bar girls skills to get out of the game, the only skill they need is how to put a condom on the guy. Only 2 ways for a normal person to get HIV- via external bodily fluids or via blood.

If they aren't IV drug users, the onus is on them to ensure condoms are worn and properly lubricated with water soluble lube.


AIDS is probably one of the most easily preventable diseases in the world. It's not like mosquitoes transmit it, or it can be caught off a door knob. Just use a condom.



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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

More likely allowing customers to do it without a condom. Unless they are sex slaves, and it doesn't sound like she was, it's their call.

yes, their call, in theory from the couch.
and it is not an irresponsible act of a customer then, is it.

As indicated in first post, in practice beatings, and I guess accompanied by irresponsible sex, are more common than we like to hear.
Speculatively and remotely I could imagine that one of those fine responsible gentlemen customers has a positive health certificate, and doesn't tell about his infections.  After all, it's just a hooker.

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20 hours ago, KKr said:

yes, their call, in theory from the couch.
and it is not an irresponsible act of a customer then, is it.

As indicated in first post, in practice beatings, and I guess accompanied by irresponsible sex, are more common than we like to hear.
Speculatively and remotely I could imagine that one of those fine responsible gentlemen customers has a positive health certificate, and doesn't tell about his infections.  After all, it's just a hooker.


I have asked bargirls if they ever have a problem with violent customers and always had a negative reply. Obviously it was a very small sample among the thousands of bargirls in Pattaya, but who would have a larger sample without asking every bargirl available? I disregard anything an NGO puts forward because they have a vested interest in the whole "abused bargirl" story.

OF COURSE there are stupid morons that will attempt to have sex with a bar girl without a condom, that goes without saying, which is why the onus is on the bargirl to refuse. After all it's her life at risk.

Yes, bargirls do get beaten up, but IMO it's far, far more likely to be the boyfriend than a customer, and I never met a bargirl that wouldn't have reported a customer to the police if they had done such.


The idea that violent men go all the way to Thailand just to beat up bargirls for sex without condoms is, to me, absurd.


Do we even know if the girl in the OP was involved in the farang scene, or was servicng locals?

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On 9/14/2016 at 1:33 PM, thaibeachlovers said:


I have asked bargirls if they ever have a problem with violent customers and always had a negative reply. Obviously it was a very small sample among the thousands of bargirls in Pattaya, but who would have a larger sample without asking every bargirl available? I disregard anything an NGO puts forward because they have a vested interest in the whole "abused bargirl" story.

OF COURSE there are stupid morons that will attempt to have sex with a bar girl without a condom, that goes without saying, which is why the onus is on the bargirl to refuse. After all it's her life at risk.

Yes, bargirls do get beaten up, but IMO it's far, far more likely to be the boyfriend than a customer, and I never met a bargirl that wouldn't have reported a customer to the police if they had done such.


The idea that violent men go all the way to Thailand just to beat up bargirls for sex without condoms is, to me, absurd.


Do we even know if the girl in the OP was involved in the farang scene, or was servicng locals?


Pattaya, 'servicing' farangs. She was actually married, but estranged from her husband - a Thai alcoholic who used to beat her up. 

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37 minutes ago, lookforzeros said:


Pattaya, 'servicing' farangs. She was actually married, but estranged from her husband - a Thai alcoholic who used to beat her up.

So she serviced farangs but got beaten up by a Thai, unless there is yet more that we do not know. However, I would be surprised if she got beaten up by farangs. However, if she freelanced there is more of a possibility of going with less than desirable characters that trawl the area for the desperate girls, especially by certain nationalities that will not frequent the barbeers or gogos. By working outside the bars, they lose what little protection they have by being in the system.


I don't doubt that many bargirls are married to husbands or have long time boyfriends that "encourage" them to "work" in Pattaya. Thankfully, Thailand does not at the moment have pimps selling the girls, like they used to in the 1970s.

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