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Why a trip to your 7-11 could result in your violent and tortuous death from rabies


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Just now, ncc1701d said:

Perhaps some enterprising chap or chapette could make a buck out of taking care of them one way or the other. Shop owner next to mine seems to genuinely care for the dogs outside her shop, but I'm going to have to try and explain to her that to truly "look after" them they need injections and treatment for mange and god only knows what else.


One poster previously said that giving a dog food while leaving it to look like one of the dogs from the resident evil series and letting them roam around likeΒ movie "the howling" is not worthy of "merit"


does anyone know who to contact within a district or area even if I was to pay for it myself?

find a local vet. Vets are cheap in Thailand. Β My wifeΒ takes out dogs to the vet and it always only a 100-200 baht for the injections.Β 

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4 hours ago, Jano22 said:

Should concern the TAT as much as the bombs.

What bombs? Your first post on TV could get you in trouble for tarnishing the country's reputation as a safe No.1 tourist destination. Kobkarn's law you know?

Edited by Lupatria
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The dogs don't necessarily need injections. Oral vaccines can be provided in food/bait. This is practiced in Canada, for instance, and has been shown to be very effective in reducing rabies in wild animal populations (even raccoons living in urban areas). Perhaps some sort of solution can be found in this approach...

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Thailand should follow the Malaysian method

After many years of being a rabies free country this happened

July 2015 rabid dog / dogsΒ cross into Malaysia from ThailandΒ 

Three northern states affected as rabid dogs spread

Rabies had reached Penang Island in just a few weeks

Decisive action was taken by state governments resulting in approx final figures of

11000 + Β vaccinations given to pet dogs

4000+ stray dogs culled

39Β infected dogs detected in the culled dogs

500+ dog bites reported in three northern states no human rabies infections

Cull stopped after third three week incubation period produced no more infected animals

I for one applaud the action taken to protect human life in Malaysia as did most of the population at large

Not everybody though supported this action animal rights groups for one

Two years now need to pass since the last infected animal before Malaysia can declare itself free of rabies


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1 hour ago, mic59 said:

I got a scratch off a dog when I was taking my shoes off to go into a temple. Luckily there were two ladies there who were selling caged birds for tourists to release and they cleaned up the scratch and pointed me to the nearest hospital. The hospital checked it and the ladies had done a good job. I also had it checked when I got home, it seems the first aid was enough. It's a good idea to have a small first aid kit to clean wounds, you might not be able to bring one on a plane, especially if it has small knives so you might have to buy one in Thailand. Shouldn't cost too much, from a few 100 baht for some antiseptic and bandages to a few thousand for a proper kit.Β 

I sincerely hope you are not offering that post up as sensible advice where rabies could be involved

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2 hours ago, joboss said:

Quote from the article β€œSince January 1st of this year until September 8th of 579 animals tested 276 were found to have rabies - very nearly half of all animals tested.”


I imagine that the teachers at your school tried hard but your lack of comprehension was an impossible barrier.Β  I suggest you try reading slower.


I have read those numbers very very slowly and I cant find them anything but deeply depressing and frighteningΒ 


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Well folks, as a matter of fact, just the other day , Wednesday to be exact at around 9:00 AM in the morning at the 7 /11 store, near to where I work, where I enter every morning, I did my part to reduce the likelihood of someone being bitten by a dog.

There, lying right in the way of theΒ entrance, is a somewhat mangy looking but not too mangy looking dog blocking the entrance whileΒ cooling itself off.

Like everyone else I also had to maneuver around the dog so after entering the store I had a closer look at the dog and figured that dog looks healthy enough but parking itself right there, smack in the middle of entrance way, isΒ "another" dog and one of many dogs I have seen hanging around the entrance on any given day.

So...I asked the one store clerk girl, who recognizes me, if the manager of the store is present and she says not here but coming soon.

So, I went onΒ to tell her that there is a problem with stray dogs hanging around the entrance of public stores and often seen doing so at 7 /11 stores while I asked her if she knew about the recent incident at another store where a child was bitten on the face by a dog, just like that one...the one blocking the entrance of the her store.

I suggested thatΒ her and her coworkersΒ chase the dog(s) off when they see them lying about in front of the store while suggesting that a trigger type spray bottle full of water usually works well.

I also added that if someone gets bitten by that dog or other dogs then maybe they will hold "you" responsible.


Anyhow, Β I did my part.....but now I fear the local stray dogs will conspire to gang up on me and chase me out of their territory...lol.....

I think they know......



Edited by gemguy
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many years ago i was walking into a shop near pattaya and a dog was laying near the door. he looked up at me and then put his head back down so i didn't think he would do anything, but as i walked into the shop he but the back of my calf. luckily the dog was owned by the shop and they paid for my rabies shots. don't take your eyes off any dog you have to walk by!

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Useless hate campaign. why don't people just stick to facts, and simply compares how many foreigners have lost their life, because of a dog, and how many because of a local? A cull it's never the right answer, evenΒ if someone must have thought that was ok for the farangs.....Β 

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5 hours ago, nuakmuaynina said:

All Soi dogs should get neutered for starters. Β 


One of the first things my (thai ) ex said on coming to the UK was, 'why are there no dogs on the street here' Β I did explain there are but its not the same.


Something needs to get done. I stopped jogging outside because I was having too many near misses with aggressive dogs.Β 


Why is that so many posts refer to Western countries ? Where billions are spent on policing, the rule of law and this case animal welfare- in the UK there are even free Β vets for the underprivileged who cannot look after their Pitt Bull .


its not relevant .


I go out of my development- I know all the Soi dogs by sight.


My view is that these dogs do not ask to be born- many are friendly beautiful animals - over thousands of years they have been bred to live amongst humans - maybe it's payback time for that genetic manipulation .Β 


So support the charities who take care of these animals .


Rule of thumb - those who really care about the welfare of animals - also care about their Β fellow humans . Β 

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6 hours ago, SurinBeach said:

I had a couple of dogs come snarling upto to me and my twoΒ young kids the other night walking a couple of hundred yards back home, I was carrying my 6 year old at the time and she was extremely scared. I shoo'd them off but I reckon they could well have taken a bite if I hadn't been aggressive back to them.Β We live in a housing estate of about 100 houses. Can we contact the Tessa Bahn or someone else to get stray dogs removed ?


When that dog bit me i was wearing slippers, he was very lucky with that. He also wasn't agressive to me at all, just bit me hand while i lowered it a bit so it could smell me. Β No grunting or barking nothing.Β 


That's why i wear sneakers now and i don't care to get bitten again, in that case the dog is dead and if the owner has issues with that i call my free international lawyers to sue them as well....I'm really Β fed up with Thai and their "love" for dogs. Selfish lazy idiots they are.


Now we have a soidog in our moobaan, the same color bang-kaew as bit me and some idiot here put a collar around it's neck. It's always on the streets and has no owner, only the guards feed it.

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Put the problem in perspective, in 2015Β there were 3Β human rabies cases in Thailand. 3 people died from rabies. 3.



2013 and 2014 there were 7. Β 

Hardly seems like aΒ dangerous epidemic.Β 

Compare that to the number of people dying in traffic.Β 

As for the "new deadlier rabies strain" that killed a man in Pathum Thani within one day of being bitten by a dog he was giving food to.Β Never heard of rabies that kill you in 24h. Dont think that exists anywhere in the world, and I bet itΒ does not exist in Thailand either.Β Β 

Anyone who feeds a hungry animal is never in the wrong. Neuter and release is even better. The faultΒ is notΒ the people who help the animals but those that throw away their animals after they get tired of them etc, contributing to the rise in strays.Β Β Β 

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It really is a primitive situation, isn't it?Β  One can imagine early pre-civilization human tribes with semi-domesticated wolves living on the outskirts of their camps without any human taking responsibility for the beasts. Β That seems to match the situation in Thailand pretty well. Β The pre-civilization aspect doesn't onlyΒ apply to the statusΒ of Β the animals. Β It could also be applied to other aspects of existence in Thailand. Β Is there any solution to this?

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I always carry a rock or two.


Rabies is no big deal when its properly treated.


Rabies shots include:

  • A fast-acting shot (rabies immune globulin) to prevent the virus from infecting you. Part of this injection is given near the area where the animal bit you if possible, as soon as possible after the bite.
  • A series of rabies vaccines to help your body learn to identify and fight the rabies virus. Rabies vaccines are given as injections in your arm. You receive four injections over 14 days.



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5 hours ago, peterb17 said:


Why is that so many posts refer to Western countries ? Where billions are spent on policing, the rule of law and this case animal welfare- in the UK there are even free Β vets for the underprivileged who cannot look after their Pitt Bull .


its not relevant .


I go out of my development- I know all the Soi dogs by sight.


What a pathetic reply "these dogs don't ask to be born" well I have news for you, people don't ask to be bitten!

5 hours ago, peterb17 said:


My view is that these dogs do not ask to be born- many are friendly beautiful animals - over thousands of years they have been bred to live amongst humans - maybe it's payback time for that genetic manipulation .Β 


So support the charities who take care of these animals .


Rule of thumb - those who really care about the welfare of animals - also care about their Β fellow humans . Β 


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4 minutes ago, vogie said:


What a pathetic reply "these dogs don't ask to be born" well I have news for you, people don't ask to be bitten!



Haha, I didn't ask to be born yet here I am.


What surprises me most is that if you come across a rabid dog and killed it you would be arrested if caught due to recent changes in the law.

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I have had the rabies vaccinations ( series of three needles each one month apart). Β They do not cost very much, one comment stated 10K Baht (not true) but even after the injections a person must have a booster if bitten. Β In western countries, if a person is bitten the animal is usually put into isolation and observed for a period of three weeks to determine if rabies is present. Β Alternatively, if the animal is suspected to be rabid, it is killed and the head sent to a veterinary department at a university where it is tested for rabies. Β Annually, Thailand has many persons who are bitten but Thais are clueless regarding what they should do. Β It needs people to be educated and be made aware of the dangers, the prevention of rabies and the treatment. Β Some hope, though in this country. Β In Thailand, if a person contracts rabies and dies, it is then put down as fate.

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14 hours ago, robertthesculptor said:

i truly question the validity of the claim that 50% of dogs and cats have rabies...

though I have a friend going through them now because of a spoild little dog Ina resort he was staying at...and there too the owner refused any help...Β 

I believe the story said that half those tested had rabies, not half of the total in LOS

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Never had problems with soi dogsΒ  in Thailand.


Cycled 30,000kms around the country on my bicycle.


Adopted 2 soi dogsΒ  that visited up at our properly... best dogs I've ever had.


Helped several dogs be adopted overseas.


Saved a soi dog that was outside a 7/11 that smashed by a car and had a bone sticking out of his front leg.


Agree that Thai people (private and public) need to get of their asses and desex ALL the dogs.

As for the rest of the comment int he thread, amazing at how many people go around scared in their lives, very sad.


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16 hours ago, Thian said:

I don't go to shops with many soidogs anymore, even not to shops who have their own guarddog.Β 


I was bitten by a dog in a shop and told the owner i lost 10K baht for injections but she didn't seem to care. The dog had vaccination she said but i told her my wife insisted me to go to the hospital and get injections.Β 


That dog still runs around in/out her shop at Kanchana phisek road.

I was bitten by a dog, went to the police, and and in the end theyΒ basically told me that IΒ had no problem as I had not hurt the dog!

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15 hours ago, bark said:

The percentage of infected dogs dog not make sense.

Don't all dogs who are infected with Rabies; eventually go to the stage; where they will start foaming at the mouth ?

I don't know the answer ?

But I have never seen a soi dog foaming at the mouth.

And if a dog is tried or over heated they can bite. If they are in packs of 4-5 dogs, and you walk by at the wrong time;

they will attack. But it doesn't mean they have rabies, does it. Aggressive dog, does not mean Rabid, all the time.

Anyway, the doctor is correct, that the soi dogs are a problem.



Those percentages are absolute rubbish.Β  In one case what they actually mean is that about half of the dogs which were thought to have rabies actually did.Β  I would guess 99% or moreΒ  would not be thought to have rabies.

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16 hours ago, robertthesculptor said:

i truly question the validity of the claim that 50% of dogs and cats have rabies...

though I have a friend going through them now because of a spoild little dog Ina resort he was staying at...and there too the owner refused any help...Β 

An animal with rabies has obvious symptoms. They would be unmistakeable, so I find that 50% figure dubious. Probably exaggerated for impact. And are we supposed to believe that feeding the dogs gives them rabies? They get it from being bittenΒ by other infected animals. Now 7-11 is going to lose a lot of business from this negative publicity based on exaggeration.Β 

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