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Clinton: 'Deplorables' comment was "grossly generalistic"


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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

"To just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it," she said, before stressing that other Trump supporters are frustrated and need sympathy.


It seems to me she hit the nail on the head. You can see the representative statements echoed in Trump's own speeches.


Racist - Claimed Mexican judge was biased.

Sexist - "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever."

Homophobic - Consistent opponent of marriage equality.

Xenophobic - Build a wall. Kick all the illegals out. Special screening process. Deportation squads.

Islamaphobic - Ban Muslims from entering the country.

You Name it - "Tell me again why we can't use nuclear weapons?" "Obama was the founder of ISIS" Obama birther movement.


The whole "Build a wall" chant covers at least half of the Trump supports alone!


One should not apologize for shining a light in the dark places. Way to go Hillary!

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1 hour ago, TEFLKrabi said:

To all the Americans on TV: Are Trump and Clinton really the best you have to offer for running the most powerful country in the world? 


To all the America-haters on TV:   did somebody say they were?   Are other countries being run by "their best"?   Who exactly is the "we" that YOU think are offering Trump and Clinton as "the best"?  OK - I'm in the mood for a good laugh:  how would YOU choose who's "best"?


Here's a clue:  jump OFF the bandwagon and try standing on your own two feet.


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Most of Trump's supporters are decent people who believe that the US Government ceased to serve their interests decades ago.  They are correct in this, the US Government has served the interests of the global elite (people like Trump) for quite some time.  I think that they are mistaken if Trump will change this in any significant or effective way.


However, Trump's frequent retweeting of posts from groups #whitegenocide and vice versa clearly show the kind of people who SOME of his followers are.  Groups like the KKK and Stormfront have clearly said that they only refrain from openly endorsing him because they know that their endorsement would tend to drive away the majority of Trumps non-racist supporters.

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24 minutes ago, otherstuff1957 said:

Groups like the KKK and Stormfront have clearly said that they only refrain from openly endorsing him because they know that their endorsement would tend to drive away the majority of Trumps non-racist supporters.

The KKK endorses Hillary.




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24 minutes ago, otherstuff1957 said:


  Groups like the KKK and Stormfront have clearly said that they only refrain from openly endorsing him because they know that their endorsement would tend to drive away the majority of Trumps non-racist supporters.


They are tiny minority of people who support Trump and every candidate has some lunatics that vote for them.

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5 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

This "Deplorables" is Clinton's 47% remark that will resonate throughout the rest of the election.


All these razor sharp comments you offer. They come to you naturally? http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/09/09/hillary-clintons-47-percent-moment-calls-trump-supporters-racist-sexist-homophobic-xenophobic-islamaphobic/


Always fun getting the view from the fringe dwellers parroted so faithfully.

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At the LGBT fundraising event where Hillary made the deplorable comment, good old BABS (Streisand) sung some spot on parody lyrics about dangerous donald, the fascist orange CLOWN:






"Is he that rich, maybe he's poor, 'til he reveals his returns, who can be sure?"

"Something's amiss, I don't approve, if he were running the free world, where would we move?"

"And if by chance he gets to heaven, even up there, he'll declare chapter 11.

This sad, vulgar clown. You're fired, you clown."



Edited by Jingthing
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1 minute ago, Thailand said:

This pair are as bad as one another and these are the best the USA can propose as leader of the most dangerous country in the world, or certainly the potential to be with either of these with their finger on the button,scary!  1508537.GIF

They aren't the best we have, that's a fact, but that's the choice now and it's clear the Hillary Clinton is the much more rational choice than dangerous donald trump. 

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2 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

For once Hillary took  break from lying and spoke the truth.


This is what the Clinton's really think of ordinary hard working people who want a better life.



What are you on about?

The deplorables comment wasn't about those people.


I realize many people see the event as a gathering of liberal elitists. Yes, it was. I much prefer liberal elitists to a populist movement infected with fascists.


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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

What are you on about?

The deplorables comment wasn't about those people.


I realize many people see the event as a gathering of liberal elitists. Yes, it was. I much prefer liberal elitists to a populist movement infected with fascists.



She made a gross generalisation and egregious misstatement on mr trumps voters….trying to shame them into voting for her.


The shrew is revealing her ugliness by the minute…she's out of ideas….she's trying to emulate the trump style of attack but fails miserably….she should stick to just lying and pretending to care about people and the world. All she cares about is carrying on funding  her corrupt way of brokering favours at great expense to the common people who she clearly regards as filth.

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24 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


She made a gross generalisation and egregious misstatement on mr trumps voters….trying to shame them into voting for her.


The shrew is revealing her ugliness by the minute…she's out of ideas….she's trying to emulate the trump style of attack but fails miserably….she should stick to just lying and pretending to care about people and the world. All she cares about is carrying on funding  her corrupt way of brokering favours at great expense to the common people who she clearly regards as filth.


Your ex must have really done a number on you. Another member of one of the foreign chapters of the Deplorables who really don't like women out of the kitchen or bedroom.


This whole litany of alleged corruption can be countered easily by two words - Trump Universityhttp://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/07/opinion/pay-to-play-donald-trump.html?_r=0 It appears that Trump paid off the Florida AG to make their investigation go away. Who'd have thought, eh?

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1 hour ago, hawker9000 said:


To all the America-haters on TV:   did somebody say they were?   Are other countries being run by "their best"?   Who exactly is the "we" that YOU think are offering Trump and Clinton as "the best"?  OK - I'm in the mood for a good laugh:  how would YOU choose who's "best"?


Here's a clue:  jump OFF the bandwagon and try standing on your own two feet.



It's not only the USA: party systems worldwide rarely throw up the best talent ( eg Jeremy Corbyn, Tony Abbott, Francois Hollande, Julia Gillard). Sometimes it works: Angela Merkel, Pierre Trudeau, Kevin Rudd, Obama, Eisenhower, John Major.

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54 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

They aren't the best we have, that's a fact, but that's the choice now and it's clear the Hillary Clinton is the much more rational choice than dangerous donald trump. 

It's unlikely that being rational will come into it. To call Trumps followers "deplorables" is suicide for her. As in the UK, attacking those who do not believe in things the way you do by insinuating they are less intelligent is bourgeoise  arrogance at its very worst, and the people will not respond to it kindly. They will dig their heels in even more, and those wavering will now firmly move over to Trump in their thousands. A big, big, mistake.

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8 minutes ago, ourmanflint said:

It's unlikely that being rational will come into it. To call Trumps followers "deplorables" is suicide for her. As in the UK, attacking those who do not believe in things the way you do by insinuating they are less intelligent is bourgeoise  arrogance at its very worst, and the people will not respond to it kindly. They will dig their heels in even more, and those wavering will now firmly move over to Trump in their thousands. A big, big, mistake.

I don't think so.

We'll see.



“Trump has insulted and degraded everybody he has talked about during this campaign -- from our generals in the military to a gold star family to a judge who has devoted years to serving the public, for his heritage,” senior campaign strategist Joel Benenson said in an interview. “Nothing compares to that. We will not stop talking about the bigoted remarks he’s made, or the white supremacists he retweets. He doesn’t deserve a pass on any of those comments.”


"[T]his is a fight we're eager to have,” Clinton campaign chair John Podesta said in a statement that reinforced her own. "We will never stop calling out Trump’s bigotry and racist rhetoric, because we know our country is better than this."






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Some speculation out there that this so-called "gaff" is something to take the heat off the more serious email scandal.

Good reason to try and paint Donald Trump a total monster and the kind of people that vote for him.


" Obama’s bitter-clinger comments in April 2008 were a five-alarm fire in conservative media (and pro-Hillary liberal media) for days. He won the election in a landslide seven months later because, after the financial crisis, nobody cared. "



We shall see...:)

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7 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Some speculation out there that this so-called "gaff" is something to take the heat off the more serious email scandal.

Good reason to try and paint Donald Trump a total monster and the kind of people that vote for him.


" Obama’s bitter-clinger comments in April 2008 were a five-alarm fire in conservative media (and pro-Hillary liberal media) for days. He won the election in a landslide seven months later because, after the financial crisis, nobody cared. "



We shall see...:)


Maybe the National Enquirer is going to reveal the truth about Hillary's alien baby. Can't wait for your repost of that one. What a game changer than will be.


Hillary's Alien Baby And 7 Other Out-of-This-World Tabloid Tales


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I don't get it, she should be praised for her kindness.

She was being kind when she said that only half of them were deplorable. 

  1. deserving strong condemnation.
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7 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

She used a rather colorful litany of words castigating the American working man:





Trump' deplorables  are Not Misogynistic at all,  but a woman running for President sounds shrill to them:whistling:

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