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Doctor: Clinton has pneumonia, recovering after 9/11 event


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Doctor: Clinton has pneumonia, recovering after 9/11 event



NEW YORK (AP) — Hillary Clinton abruptly left a 9/11 anniversary ceremony Sunday after feeling "overheated," according to her campaign, and hours later her doctor disclosed that the Democratic presidential nominee had pneumonia.


A video showed Clinton slumping and being held up by three people as she was helped into a van after the event, and her doctor said in a statement that Clinton had become overheated and dehydrated. "I have just examined her and she is now rehydrated and recovering nicely," Dr. Lisa R. Bardack said in a statement.


The physician said Clinton has had an allergy-related cough, and that during a follow-up examination Friday, the candidate was diagnosed with pneumonia, put on antibiotics, advised to rest and modify her schedule.


Less than two months from Election Day, it was an unwanted visual for Clinton as she tries to project the strength and vigor needed for one of the world's most demanding jobs. Republican rival Donald Trump has spent months questioning Clinton's health, saying she doesn't have the stamina to be president.


Clinton's departure from the event was not witnessed by the reporters who travel with her campaign and aides provided no information about why she left or her whereabouts for nearly two hours. Spokesman Nick Merrill eventually said Clinton had gone to her daughter's nearby apartment, but refused to say whether the former secretary of state had required medical attention.


Clinton exited the apartment on her own shortly before noon. She waved to reporters and said, "I'm feeling great. It's a beautiful day in New York."


The video of Clinton posted to social media shows her being held up by aides as a black van pulls up. She stumbles and appears to fall off the curb as she is helped to the vehicle.


After leaving her daughter's, Clinton was driven to her home in Chappaqua, New York, and made no public appearances. She was scheduled to fly to California Monday morning for fundraising and it was unclear whether her schedule would change.


Trump, who attended the same event marking the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, was noticeably restrained. Asked by a reporter about Clinton's health incident, Trump said, "I don't know anything."


The incident compounds an already difficult stretch for Clinton as the presidential race enters its final stretch. Despite Trump's numerous missteps, the race remains close and many Americans view Clinton as dishonest and untrustworthy.


On Friday, Clinton told donors that "half" of rival Donald Trump's supporters are in a "basket of deplorables" — a comment that drew sharp criticism from Republicans. Clinton later said she regretted applying that description to "half" of Trump's backers, but stuck by her assertion that the GOP nominee has given a platform to "hateful views and voices."


Now Clinton is sure to face new questions about whether she's physically fit for the presidency. Trump and his supporters have been hinting at potential health issues for months, questioning Clinton's stamina when she takes routine days off the campaign trail and reviving questions about a concussion she sustained in December 2012 after fainting. Her doctor attributed that episode to a stomach virus and dehydration.


Clinton's doctor reported she is fully recovered from the concussion, which led to temporary double vision and discovery of a blood clot in a vein in the space between her brain and skull. Clinton also has experienced deep vein thrombosis, a clot usually in the leg, and takes the blood thinner Coumadin to prevent new clots.


Clinton spent about 90 minutes at the 9/11 event Sunday, standing alongside numerous other dignitaries, including New York's Democratic senators, Chuck Schumer and Kirstin Gillibrand. The weather was warm and humid in New York on Sunday, and there was a breeze at the crowded memorial plaza during the ceremony.


Rep. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., said he spent time before the ceremony chatting with Clinton and watching her sign autographs and take pictures. He said he was standing behind her during the remembrance and "she did not seem out of the ordinary at all."


"It was stiflingly hot. I was sweating through my shirt," Crowley said. "I had to leave myself. I drank about a gallon of water."


Schumer said he also spoke with Clinton during the event and saw her leave "on her own accord."?


Trump's personal physician has said the Republican presidential nominee is in excellent health both physically and mentally. But the 70-year-old has refused to release his own health records.


Dr. Harold Bornstein's report last December remains the only medical information released so far by the Trump campaign. Bornstein told NBC News he needed just five minutes to write a glowing public assessment of Trump's health as a limousine waited to carry the letter back to Trump.


Pace reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Tom Hays and Michael Balsamo in New York, and AP writer Laurie Kellman in Washington contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-12
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Even the hardiest fan of HRC can now see that she has some serious (and progressively worsening) health issues. Is it too late to let her vp or old Bernie step in and try to save this horrific campaign? 

 On the +ve side it is again good to see her minders have been properly briefed, and they obviously expect her to keel over at any second. With advanced brain/nerve damage like HRC has, you just don't want to be whacking your head on the tarmacadam. 


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10 minutes ago, jaidam said:

Is it too late to let her vp or old Bernie step in and try to save this horrific campaign? 



Let Bernie replace Hillary and John Kasich replace Trump. At least there would be some candidates worth voting for.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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23 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

I believe she has pneumonia - not so sure about the recovering part. It is one health problem after another with this woman.

I think that's the problem, it's not just an isolated episode. There are too many photos and reports already, and this latest video just makes it impossible to ignore. Also, if the diagnosis was made Friday, why wasn't it mentioned earlier?

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Let Bernie replace Hillary and John Kasich replace Trump. At least there would be candidates worth voting for.

I would have no problem voting for either one of them, both good, reasonable , dignified people.


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4 minutes ago, beechguy said:

I think that's the problem, it's not just an isolated episode. There are too many photos and reports already, and this latest video just makes it impossible too ignore. Also, if the diagnosis was made Friday, why wasn't it mentioned earlier?

Not the time to be told to ' rest ' and if someone's seriously ill it's very hard to hide it.

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22 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

I believe she has pneumonia - not so sure about the recovering part. It is one health problem after another with this woman. She is not physically or mentally  up to the job that she is running for.


She definitely looks like she had a Stroke, boys. :blink:

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Hillary Clinton's health re-emerges as issue in '16 campaign 
KEN THOMAS, Associated Press
CATHERINE LUCEY, Associated Press


WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Clinton's stumbles as she left Sunday's 9/11 memorial ceremony in New York put her health at the forefront of a presidential campaign in which the two major party nominees are among the oldest ever and have disclosed limited information about their medical history.


Clinton "became overheated and dehydrated" at the ground zero event, her doctor said. Clinton left after about 90 minutes, and a video of her departure show her appearing to stumble as three staff members hold her up and help her into a van.


The former secretary of state later emerged from her daughter's nearby apartment, saying she was "feeling great," and her doctor said Clinton had recently been diagnosed with pneumonia and was now at home "recovering nicely."


Still, the episode focused attention on the Democratic candidate's health with eight weeks remaining in a contentious election in which Republican Donald Trump has tried to sow doubt about her health and fitness to serve.


The billionaire businessman, who also attended Sunday's memorial, said, "I don't know anything," when asked about Clinton.


Trump has repeatedly questioned Clinton's health, telling supporters last month she "lacks the mental and physical stamina" to serve as president and fight Islamic State militants.


It's an accusation that Clinton has tried to play off as a "wacky strategy" from Trump and evidence he embraces an "alternative reality." She poked fun of the idea during an appearance on ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live" last month, jokingly opening a pickle jar as proof of her vigor.


Despite the intense focus on the Clinton's falling ill, Arthur Caplan, a bioethicist at New York University Langone Medical Center, said the moment told voters little about Clinton's physical fitness.


"There are plenty of people who may stumble around on a hot humid day for lots of reasons," Caplan said. "Without examining, without having the history ... you don't have a basis to say anything."


Hours later, Clinton's campaign provided an explanation, releasing a statement from her doctor, Lisa Bardack, that said Clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday.


"She was put on antibiotics, and advised to rest and modify her schedule," Bardack said in a statement. "While at this morning's event, she became overheated and dehydrated. I have just examined her and she is now rehydrated and recovering nicely."


In 2008, Republican nominee John McCain made public more than a thousand pages of his medical history to show he was cancer-free and fit to serve as president at age 71.


Neither Clinton nor Trump has released anything approaching that level of detail.


Bardack, an internist who has been Clinton's personal doctor since 2001, released a two-page letter in July 2015 that said Clinton was in "excellent physical condition and fit to serve as president of the United States."


Trump's gastroenterologist, Dr. Harold Bornstein, wrote a four-paragraph letter claiming Trump would be "the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency." Bornstein later told NBC News it took him just five minutes to write it.


While Clinton has released more information than Trump, Caplan said neither candidate has offered voters a sufficient record. He said that ideally, presidential nominees should allow an independent panel to assess their health.


"Since we can't get that done for taxes, I don't think we're going to get it done for health," he said, referencing Trump's refusal to match Clinton's release of her personal tax records.


At 69, Ronald Reagan was the oldest person to be elected president when he won in 1980. Trump turned 70 in June, while Clinton will have just turned 69 if she wins the White House.


Aging researcher S. Jay Olshansky, of the University of Illinois at Chicago, said Sunday that age alone shouldn't be a disqualifier for presidential candidates. While people are increasingly vulnerable to illness as they age past 70, there are also better medical treatments than ever before. Our "concept of old," he stressed, has changed.


"I don't think age should be used at all," Olshansky said. "We shouldn't be judging people based on their age, but based on their ideas."


Clinton's health has been a lingering source of speculation among her critics, dating to well before she announced her second White House campaign. Republican strategist Karl Rove called a concussion Clinton sustained in 2012 a "serious health episode" and suggested two years later she may have suffered a brain injury.


Last week, Clinton had an extensive coughing fit during a Labor Day rally in Cleveland, making it difficult for her to speak for about two minutes. She drank water and took a lozenge at the podium, going on to finish her remarks.


She also struggled with a cough during a question-and-answer session with reporters aboard her campaign plane last week. She said she suffers from seasonal allergies and had increased her dosage of antihistamines.


In a campaign podcast last month, Clinton said she does yoga and walks on the treadmill to stay fit. Trump, who famously dines regularly on fast food, has said he gets most of his exercise from playing golf and speaking at a podium during his campaign rallies. He plans to discuss his health regimen this week during an appearance on "The Dr. Oz Show."


Clinton's supporters have dismissed questions about her health by pointing to her globe-trotting schedule as secretary of state and lengthy appearance before Congress investigating the 2012 Benghazi attack, in which she sat for 11 hours.


Asked last week if she was concerned about "conspiracy theories" related to her health, Clinton said she wasn't.


"There are so many of them," she said, "I've lost track of them."


Lucey reported from Des Moines, Iowa.

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-12
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CNN: ‘Secret Service agents helped her into a van’ but law enforcement says ‘they threw her in like she was a side of beef’


The media isn’t refusing to cover Hillary’s collapse today but they are downplaying it. Here’s the headline on CNN’s landing page right now. Is that really the big news here? The subheading says she stumbled and was helped into the van.




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What we know about Hillary Clinton's health

By Jacqueline Howard, CNN


(CNN)As Hillary Clinton fell ill during a 9/11 commemoration ceremony Sunday morning, both Democrats and Republicans alike raised questions of concern about her health.


The Democratic presidential nominee left the ceremony early, after an hour and a half, when she started to feel "overheated," said Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill in a statement. She took some time to recover, about an hour and 45 minutes, at her daughter's apartment. When she re-emerged around noon she waved to passersby, and told reporters she was feeling "great."


The incident occurred just days after Republicans argued that moments whenClinton coughed along the campaign trail were signs of a more serious health issue. Her campaign said she suffered seasonal allergies.


Full story: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/09/11/health/hillary-clinton-health/index.html

-- © Copyright CNN 2016-09-12
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12 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

CNN: ‘Secret Service agents helped her into a van’ but law enforcement says ‘they threw her in like she was a side of beef’


The media isn’t refusing to cover Hillary’s collapse today but they are downplaying it. Here’s the headline on CNN’s landing page right now. Is that really the big news here? The subheading says she stumbled and was helped into the van.




Thanks for that, always interesting to hear different views on the same subject.

Also interesting to read that Secret Service officers supposedly broke their laid down protection protocols. I've no idea what they might be etc but surely actions must be flexible and the people on the ground are the ones to make the judgment call.


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Could it be she's trying to pull an FDR all over again? FDR, a democrat, was seriously ill of polio before

he got elected and somehow managed to run the country for 12 years during it's most tumultuous times...... it's been done before, so why not now?.....

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3 minutes ago, ezzra said:

Could it be she's trying to pull an FDR all over again? FDR, a democrat, was seriously ill

of polio before

he got elected and somehow managed to run the country for 12 years during it's

most tumultuous times...... it's been done before, so why not now?.....


FDR hid it. It is too late for Hillary. FDR died in office. Hillary probably will not get the chance.

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8 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


FDR hid it. It is too late for Hillary. FDR died in office. Hillary probably will not get the chance.

FDR got bad medical advice and didn't have to die.  Surprising a person so important got such lousy advice.  A lot of guys reading this probably have the same problems as FDR - heart condition.  He drank every day and smoked more than a pack.  What did you doctor tell you about drinking and smoking and strokes and heart attacks?  American Presidents don't necessarily get good medical advice and I'd wonder about Hillary's .  I just watched a documentary called "Wheelchair President" - fascinating.  

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:


Hillary Clinton FAINTS At 911 Ceremony CLOSE UP DIFFERENT ANGLE


By the reaction of her security team and the others helping her, this sort of event must happen quite regularly.

Throw the the old bag into the van and find a quiet place for her to sleep it off for a couple of hours type of event.

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I had pneumonia once when I was 43. I had a cough. I had a fever of 103. I was probably a bit wobbly on my feet.


It happens. People recover. I took some antibiotics and a few days later I was at 100 percent. Thirteen years later I am still alive and kicking.


This is just another bullshit story that distracts from more meaningful ones like why Trump won't release his tax returns or a proper medical report. 

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7 minutes ago, charmonman said:

I had pneumonia once when I was 43. I had a cough. I had a fever of 103. I was probably a bit wobbly on my feet.


It happens. People recover. I took some antibiotics and a few days later I was at 100 percent. Thirteen years later I am still alive and kicking.


This is just another bullshit story that distracts from more meaningful ones like why Trump won't release his tax returns or a proper medical report. 


The above is my vote for 'Post of the Day.'  

My throat gets raspy if I visit with friends and talk on and off for hours.  I don't want to imagine how it would be if I had to talk loudly from podiums each day, including traveling non-stop.  I've also been sick once in awhile.  I pull out of it.  Some days I can climb vertical rock hillsides for 2 hours non-stop without tiring.   Re; HRC's set-back:  I can imagine Trump and his fans, in their ever-desperate ways to try to cut her down, will say she's cruising for 'sympathy votes.'   There's nothing too low for Trump, and his fans will lap it up.

The glee from Trump fans - at seeing HRC falter, is palpable.  Reminds of vultures circling.

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23 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


The above is my vote for 'Post of the Day.'  

My throat gets raspy if I visit with friends and talk on and off for hours. 


It is possible that Hillary just has a cold, but there have been serious doubts about her health for months. The terrible caughing fits and feinting spells of the last few weeks, could just be a coincidence, but it would be a very unlikely one.

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