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Doctor: Clinton has pneumonia, recovering after 9/11 event


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3 hours ago, chuckd said:


There is no finer swill than that being spewed forth by Hillary and her camp.


Since you are falling for that hook, line and sinker, may we presume you are an expert at swill?


The longhorns are ornery today. You know what they say down home, if dumb was dirt, he'd cover about an acre. Men making pronouncements on women's health care are that dumb.


Decades of illiberal, divisive and prejudicial policies coming from Republicans have made many of us experts in swill, as well as hogwash and codswallop. Trickle Down Economics. Weapons of Mass Destruction. Voter ID. Birtherism. Intelligent Design. Anchor Babies. Health Care is not a Right. Abstinence only sex non-education. Obama is a Muslim. War on Drugs. War on Terror. An endless list of swill. I'd say many of us are indeed experts on it. Or at it. Or in it. Pick the preposition you like.

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15 hours ago, Usernames said:

You must wonder what both Clintons' life expectancy will be after their loss of this upcoming election.  Power, politics, and money are all they live for.  They've never done anything except be in politics all their lives.  So, they're sure to lose power and politics, both of which enable them to get money.  Not much for them to live for without those things.  It's not as if they have a spiritual side, a contemplative view of the world, or a desire to benefit others.  Everything they have lived for has been about their own greedy little lives.  Out of politics?  I give the both of them six months to a year.


If she loses this election, they can kiss their money laundering operation good bye. Chelsea isn't anywhere near prime time, so they can't pimp her out. Without a promise of payback, they can forget the big foreign donations they've been getting.

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Could Hillary's health problems lead to Bill's third term?


The ongoing debate over Hillary Clinton's health has focused on the nature and extent of her maladies, and (as a longshot) who might replace her on the presidential ticket should she be unable to continue the campaign.

But what if Clinton's health deteriorates after she wins the presidency?

If she were to die, the Constitution calls for her vice president, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, to step in. But what if a President Hillary Clinton merely becomes unwell? Again, the Constitution provides for the ascension of the vice president not only in the case of the president's death, removal or resignation but also in the event that he or she is unable "to discharge the powers and duties" of the presidency. But what if Clinton is rendered unable to perform the duties of the presidency but no one is told about it?


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I don't understand why her health is such a big deal. If she cannot serve because of her health,  her running mate would be a far better president anyways. Because she is a corrupt liar, that should be far more important than her health.

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69 years old, very unhealthy, not trusted by more than 2/3 of voters, a long chain of personal scandals, a husband that screws around, liar, shady business deals, shady foundation, emails, etc etc etc .....
What is going through the heads of the democrats ? Are these people blind ? Having said that, what's going through the heads of the republicans ? The list for Trump is just as long.
I just hope that Hillary drops out and Bernie Sanders is the new nominee and gets elected. He has the highest trust rating of anyone in the senate and is liked by everyone except the corrupt corporate and and wall street gang and their sheep.
God save America and Bernie :)

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2 hours ago, ttthailand said:

69 years old, very unhealthy, not trusted by more than 2/3 of voters, a long chain of personal scandals, a husband that screws around, liar, shady business deals, shady foundation, emails, etc etc etc .....
What is going through the heads of the democrats ? Are these people blind ? Having said that, what's going through the heads of the republicans ? The list for Trump is just as long.
I just hope that Hillary drops out and Bernie Sanders is the new nominee and gets elected. He has the highest trust rating of anyone in the senate and is liked by everyone except the corrupt corporate and and wall street gang and their sheep.
God save America and Bernie :)


Don't worry.  Clinton may have cheated your candidate out of the nomination, but you have alternatives.  Jill Stein.  There's your gal. Go vote.

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2 hours ago, ttthailand said:

69 years old, very unhealthy, not trusted by more than 2/3 of voters, a long chain of personal scandals, a husband that screws around, liar, shady business deals, shady foundation, emails, etc etc etc .....
What is going through the heads of the democrats ? Are these people blind ? Having said that, what's going through the heads of the republicans ? The list for Trump is just as long.
I just hope that Hillary drops out and Bernie Sanders is the new nominee and gets elected. He has the highest trust rating of anyone in the senate and is liked by everyone except the corrupt corporate and and wall street gang and their sheep.
God save America and Bernie :)

Hillary is not going to drop out.

She's back 100 percent.

Powerful speech in D.C. yesterday. 

Early voting starts in weeks.

It's Clinton vs. trump. End of. 


Fight on, Hillary! Onward to the white house!


The RED MEAT starts at 11:34 --



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8 hours ago, hyku1147 said:



"A fallacy is an incorrect argument in logic and rhetoric which undermines an argument's logical validity or more generally an argument's logical soundness"


"Argumentum ad hominem – the evasion of the actual topic by directing an attack at your opponent."




So you could not defend Synnott's waffle either? Why then reference him?


The only fallacy here is your belief that your ad hominem is not a fallacy while believing that mine is. If you have to use Wikipedia to make your case, then you have already folded.


Stick to mansplaining. It requires less brain power.

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19 hours ago, Gary A said:

I don't understand why her health is such a big deal. If she cannot serve because of her health,  her running mate would be a far better president anyways. Because she is a corrupt liar, that should be far more important than her health.


The fact that she is morally bankrupt, totally corrupt and a pathological liar are definitely important points, but her neurological disorder  (be it Parkinsons like many Parkinsons doctors have surmised, or something very much like Parkinsons) is equally important.  You are correct about Tim Kaine , even though he was pretty partisan when he ran the DNC (I guess that goes with the job) he is a very decent fellow and has a genuine set of ethical standards which makes him rare in politics in general and certainly the diametric opposite of Hillary Clinton who is completely void of any ethics whatsoever.  If Hillary passes on or drops out in the next week or so, the Dems are pretty screwed since Kaine on his own would not be able to bring out the vote like Obama did and would have an uphill battle with the younger crowd that Bernie wooed, and Biden (who would have always been a flawed candidate)  wouldn't stand a chance, so it looks like Uncle Bernie waiting in the wings might get the nod :whistling:, that would certainly make the debates interesting! Trump is now ahead in every national poll and comfortably ahead in the two critical swing states of Ohio and Florida and making substantial strides in states that I never thought he had a chance in like Virginia ( 2-3% down when he was 11% down there 2 weeks ago) and Colorado where he is actually 2-4% up depending on the poll.  The 10- 12 % undecided vote (a lot of which I think were always in the anybody but Hillary camp) are starting to break for Trump and so the DNC has some really tough decisions to make over the next week or so.

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23 hours ago, linksman00 said:


The fact that she is morally bankrupt, totally corrupt and a pathological liar are definitely important points, but her neurological disorder  (be it Parkinsons like many Parkinsons doctors have surmised, or something very much like Parkinsons) is equally important.  You are correct about Tim Kaine , even though he was pretty partisan when he ran the DNC (I guess that goes with the job) he is a very decent fellow and has a genuine set of ethical standards which makes him rare in politics in general and certainly the diametric opposite of Hillary Clinton who is completely void of any ethics whatsoever.  If Hillary passes on or drops out in the next week or so, the Dems are pretty screwed since Kaine on his own would not be able to bring out the vote like Obama did and would have an uphill battle with the younger crowd that Bernie wooed, and Biden (who would have always been a flawed candidate)  wouldn't stand a chance, so it looks like Uncle Bernie waiting in the wings might get the nod :whistling:, that would certainly make the debates interesting! Trump is now ahead in every national poll and comfortably ahead in the two critical swing states of Ohio and Florida and making substantial strides in states that I never thought he had a chance in like Virginia ( 2-3% down when he was 11% down there 2 weeks ago) and Colorado where he is actually 2-4% up depending on the poll.  The 10- 12 % undecided vote (a lot of which I think were always in the anybody but Hillary camp) are starting to break for Trump and so the DNC has some really tough decisions to make over the next week or so.

Poll update for 9/18/2016- The latest LA times national tracking poll has Trump up by 7% points now :thumbsup:

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It's a brain power job. It's the kind of job that could be done in a wheelchair the entire time. This bashing Hillary's health is poorly veiled misogyny. 





What People's Obsession With Hillary's 'Health' Says About Them

The old adage that women are expected to do everything men do, "except backward and in high heels," still holds true. While a man might have been applauded or at least ignored for working while ill, Clinton elicited bodily conspiracy theories. What might have been a normal moment for any sick person caused the public to wonder intensely about her body, to watch video of her collapsing and zoom in; to look for evidence in photos that she isn't even real.



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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's a brain power job. It's the kind of job that could be done in a wheelchair the entire time. This bashing Hillary's health is poorly veiled misogyny. 

Wondering about Obama's health would be poorly veiled racism?  Do you see your comment makes no sense?  Of the 100 bad things about Hillary being a woman is not one of them.  That is in fact one of her only redeeming qualities.  Hillary is going to get elected because she is a woman.  Lets get real here.  Remember there is a special place in Hell for women who don't vote for Hillary so even god is on her side.  https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/feb/06/madeleine-albright-campaigns-for-hillary-clinton

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Temple U. is  a great Philly institution. It's diversity is well suited to the Stronger Together agenda of the democrats compared to the divisive racist/xenophobia agenda of the trump deplorables. 


Do you not see the irony in your post?

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9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It's a brain power job. It's the kind of job that could be done in a wheelchair the entire time. This bashing Hillary's health is poorly veiled misogyny. 




Don't call me a misogynist;  I don't hate women any more than women hate other women.

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