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Should erco be banned?  

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Nothing constructive in any way comes from anything he says. He's obviously on the wind-up, but making more a fool out of himself in the process.

True, he's good to laugh at, but when innocent threads get hijacked with his flawed, senseless rhetoric, that is then taken a step further by insulting all Thai’s with this this post, I feel a line should be drawn.

Truth is, if he walked into any bar (never mind the ones he continues to slate) with such an attitude, he'd more than likely end up walking out with eye make-up of the natural kind, and I'd be more than happy to apply it.


Apart from being an obnoxious troll, he sure is a little sad, pathetic, w@nk-spaniel, inbred tw@t. Well, just my view.


It would be better to ignore the arse-piece , he has got infamy through his irrelevant questions , as Johhny Rotten said recently

"It's a parasite , It doesn't contribute"

But betty said I could vote for him.

And his wife.

jay, take it easy on the *changs*. The positive votes go too fast when you have lots of empties. We wouldn't want him to be kicked out too fast, would we? :o

Apart from being an obnoxious troll, he sure is a little sad, pathetic, w@nk-spaniel, inbred tw@t. Well, just my view.

'Bout sums it up, Lovely... :o


I have a picture in my mind of a pathetic, dishevilled, acne covered little guy who even the bar gils shun. His only sexual experiences are with his father and brothers hence his hatred of all women. :o

I have a picture in my mind of a pathetic, dishevilled, acne covered little guy who even the bar gils shun. His only sexual experiences are with his father and brothers hence his hatred of all women. :o

A Tasmanian maybe Bronco. :D


We gain strength through adversity, insight through our detractors. One can always use even the most obnoxious as a 'road sign'. A constant reminder of mentality we must deal with whether curmudgeon or simple pointless flamer.

We gain strength through adversity, insight through our detractors. One can always use even the most obnoxious as a 'road sign'. A constant reminder of mentality we must deal with whether curmudgeon or simple pointless flamer.

So, you're saying he can always serve as a bad example? :o

What do you think, members?

Remember, only one vote per person!

I think, your poll is not a poll, but just a suggestive question ...

I do not like such a *poll*, as there is 3 x yes, 1 x undecided, and no choice to vote for NO

I read Ercos postings and I do not find all of them them so bad, he just writes down HIS opinion..... that some of you do not like that, is another matter...

If you make a poll, then it should be done in a correct way....



Such a poll is more than good enough for that thing.

I fully agree that different opinions should also be listened to carefully in discussions and forums like these. But should be done in a manner that everyone is equal in this world. What this thing has implied was just a different/similar form of racism.

If it can think of people as lowlives(or whatever) just because they are prostitutes who did not harm anyone in any way, we have the right to treat it the same way.

We do not need to behave like a gentleman to deal with someone who isn't a gentleman.


I'm speaking here as a Thai woman who, at least I think, has suffered the most from the bad reputation.

The people that have stuck up for them are pro's themselves or are married to one.
Who wants a farang woman? My god' date=' wake up' date=' attitude and cellulite. They cannot dance and look like beeched whales in ill fitting bikini's.[/quote'']
Davethailand really needs some happy pills' date=' these Pattaya kids really have a chip on shoulder. Must be all those dirty stinking prostitutes they choose to live with and amongst. So many lovely women in Thailand why live with the scumbags?[/quote']
Its not only the helpless fools that scribe here that have taken on one of these hookers as there partner (Wife he he) I would say some of the Admin and Moderators also as they are very protective of the (BG's) Prostitutes to the non <deleted>+*ed up.
So please tell me why a normal educated person would marry a prostitute...


There are so many nice normal girls out there' date=' why settle for [b']inferior goods[/b]???

What gives me the right to pass judgement' date=' what gives you the right to make assumptions, never had the drip (condom) never been burn't, pay the money and kick the slags out, sunshine.

Sunshine its not BG Its Prostititute, OK loser. [/quote']

I see my last post 'The benefits of Marrying a Prostitiute" has had some effect. I have not read the replies as this one with my name on it caught my eye' date=' so I will visit the formentioned next.

[b']I assume all that have replied to this one are eigther Prostitutes or husbands of?[/b]

Boon mee so much hostility' date=' you must have married a BG there I will be nice wont say she is a prostitute, OK, think of all those nights before you, he he.

My girl will be working in her bank, yours is probably on her back. [/quote']

Boon mee

Such knowledge' date=' your BG is obviously well trained.

Georgie Porgie another saddo that married a hooker.

Sour grapes he he. [/quote']

The few have issues like Chonobot' date=' Boon mee, britmaverick and Davethailand plus others, there response is getting boring as its not constructive just abusive. No problem you live the hookers and so have made your bed. Hope it works, my opinion is that you are sad but its my opinion.[/quote']
georgie Porgi

Please be constructive' date=' if you want to talk gibberish then E Mail me, if you are and it sounds as if you are used to Prostitutes then you would'nt even go to the same places as myself and mine let alone talk to her. Different world mate, you go with the saddo's to scummy bars with Prostitutes, I go to sports bars and restuarants.

Davethailand, same advice sonnyboy. [/quote']

I like direct questions' date=' a prostitute is someone who takes money (or a type of reward) in exchange for sex.[/quote']

So, everyone IS a prostitute then. Even your so-called girlfriend that goes to dinner with you after having sex?

Kurgen a new arrival' date=' obviously a saddo that married a Prostitute because of the hostility.[/quote']
You still troll the bars for slags or does your Prostitute wear the trousers' date=' cause you dont. [/quote']
Boon mee

Why not answer the question we dont want to know about what you and your Prostitute get upto.

YES MOST DEFINATELY SIR' date=' these girls and the rest who work hard command and deserve respect' date=' unlike the [b'']Bar Filth[/b].

Again another good set of replies BG sympathisers excluded, they really are getting boring. Perhaps they could start a Losers Forum and wallow in there self pity.


Offer her the usual fewhundred baht and I am sure she will come across' date=' [b']you may have married her but its in her blood, once a hooker always a hooker[/b].

Same for you Boon mee

I see all have wondered off the thread again' date=' you people really need a life, there is more to life than dirty stinking Prostitutes you know.[/quote']
Get to know her folks, the majority only know the Prostitute about 10 days before they purchase gold and a motorcycle, then they purchase a business or build her a house in her home village.

Take her back to your own country and lock the Hooker in your bedsit or best still get her a job off the streets into a massage parlour and make a few bob, thats all they can do anyway. Atleast you wont be a laughing stock like the losers on this forum.

The Thai girls that deserve respect are the ones living honestly and not illegaly' date=' the Prostitutes are at the bottom of the ladder and deserve to be made to wear a brand giving details of there services and charges, then all will know. Once a Prostitute always a Prostitute.[/quote']

Still in denial' date=' the main reason you are here is [b']because the Thai girls are easy stupid and cheap.[/b] The majority are in denial.

The comment regarding Girls not Prostitutes or BG's on this title is fair' date=' BUT THE MAJORITY ON THIS AND OTHER POSTINGS WOULD NEVER MEET A NORMAL THAI GIRL/WOMAN AS THEY WOULD NOT KNOW WHERE THEY GO. [/quote']
All my Postings are sound questions (Oh yeah?!?) and all my answers are to someone who has asked a question.

You bet I am sunshine' date=' Prostitutes should be branded.[/quote']
My Postings are for Discussion (Oh yeah?!?)' date=' have a look again.

I will help you, disregard Davethailand, Chonobot, Georgie Porgie and Boon Mee also Dr Pat Pong and Lovliecutie these are both Admin) to name but a few.


My user name is "LovelyCutie" and I am not either mod or admin, by the way.

I firmly believe that if the Bar Owner and Perhaps the Massage Parlour Owner were responsible and honest then a large conduit for this trade would be extinguished.

This last comment, he has changed the target to bar owners as he knows dave owns a bar.

Please read all above carefully, and tell me, with this such attitude and language, why shouldn't he be banned? I never like our bad reputation. I do not have to slag off all BGs, unless they mess with me first. But this <deleted> has crossed the line, and simply insults everyone who doesn't think alike. Tell me why he should be allowed to do so on here.


Everyone welcome to discussion meemiathai, "You cannot please everyone all the time".

I assume that meemiathai is like the rest of the one liners, as we do not agree with them they feel we should not contribute.

Discussion is is the free world, Democracy Lives.

Everyone welcome to discussion meemiathai, "You cannot please everyone all the time".

I assume that meemiathai is like the rest of the one liners, as we do not agree with them they feel we should not contribute.

Discussion is is the free world, Democracy Lives.

Hey man, I'm with you! Did I step on your foot?

Why have you insulted me? :o

I'm speaking here as a Thai woman who, at least I think, has suffered the most from the bad reputation.
I like direct questions, a prostitute is someone who takes money (or a type of reward) in exchange for sex.

So, everyone IS a prostitute then. Even your so-called girlfriend that goes to dinner with you after having sex?

I firmly believe that if the Bar Owner and Perhaps the Massage Parlour Owner were responsible and honest then a large conduit for this trade would be extinguished.

This last comment, he has changed the target to bar owners as he knows dave owns a bar.

Please read all above carefully, and tell me, with this such attitude and language, why shouldn't he be banned? I never like our bad reputation. I do not have to slag off all BGs, unless they mess with me first. But this <deleted> has crossed the line, and simply insults everyone who doesn't think alike. Tell me why he should be allowed to do so on here.

Some questions:


I was asking, if you call this a poll, if there is 3 x yes, 1 x undecided and 0 x NO.

For me this is not a fair poll, but a suggestive question, and if you are so sure about, that he should be banned, then I ask myself, why it is necessary then for you, to make a poll in such a way.

Are you worried, that the result of a fair poll would be NO?

You will disqualify yourself, as your own postings are becoming increditible by posting such suggestive polls.


I was reading through about 100 postings made of the name of ERCO and all what I can say, is that many of them are not related even to prostitutes at all. Some containing quite general subjects, and of acceptable language.

And then I can say, he despise everybody, man and woman, of any race, of any social status, who is offering or assisting to sell sex for money.


If ERCO is posting using different names, then you should inform and explain the readers of your posting, why you are so sure about that it is the same person, and of course, such names/postings should be banned/erased (like this w@nk-spaniel or whatever name)

So, what names is he using?

To avoid any misunderstandings, I am YOHAN and this is my real name, and I am using only this name .....Please do not mix me up with ERCO......


About w@nk-spaniel (I found something what is true, some is impolite (but maybe true), some is nonsense....)

A good example for extreme opinion, but the replies are also not much better, tying to post his opinion in a rather distorted way.....

For example:

I like direct questions, a prostitute is someone who takes money (or a type of reward) in exchange for sex.
So, everyone IS a prostitute then. Even your so-called girlfriend that goes to dinner with you after having sex?
Hmmmm.....What answer is this? I do not think, both statements are wrong, but I think this is a good example for 2 extreme opinions......of both of you.....

It is a big difference, if you have ALREADY a girl-friend, you have sex with her without any preconditions, and then you go with her for dinner,


If you meet a woman, who as a precondition is requiring from you to pay her this or that solely in return of sexual favours.

Your answer is like to explain me, that white and black are the same colors....

I firmly believe that if the Bar Owner and Perhaps the Massage Parlour Owner were responsible and honest then a large conduit for this trade would be extinguished.

What is wrong with this opinion, for example?



I was asking, if you call this a poll, if there is 3 x yes, 1 x undecided and 0 x NO.

For me this is not a fair poll, but a suggestive question, and if you are so sure about, that he should be banned, then I ask myself, why it is necessary then for you, to make a poll in such a way.

Are you worried, that the result of a fair poll would be NO?

You will disqualify yourself, as your own postings are becoming increditible by posting such suggestive polls.

Come on, Yohan. Don't be that serious. Everyone here is aware of this poll not being a fair one. :o

I was reading through about 100 postings made of the name of ERCO and all what I can say, is that many of them are not related even to prostitutes at all. Some containing quite general subjects, and of acceptable language.

And then I can say, he despise everybody, man and woman, of any race, of any social status, who is offering or assisting to sell sex for money.

For most of us here as far as I can see, will have no discussions with a person who looks down on others for no reason, who has no respect for others, who thinks that himself is of superior to others. And by looking at his attitudes, I think he is either very sick mentally or trying to make a mess here.

Yes I find Erco's drivel wearisome, but I'm not in favour of banning him. It would be easy enough for him to rejoin the forum under another alias and we'd go through the whole process again.

Erco is a wind-up merchant, he knows what buttons to push to get a response, don't ban him, just ignore him.



For Meemiathai:

Please could you comment also about my question 3 and 4.....

or maybe some other might reply?

And about question 2.... can you give me some examples? Written by ERCO?


Talk to you later, Yohan. I am going out for a football match. :o

Enjoy the football game....

Anyway there are very much more important things to do than to post on a forum...

But it is a nice way of correspondence if you are off duty and have a computer nearby.

And of course, there is no obligation at all to post or to reply.



I was asking, if you call this a poll, if there is 3 x yes, 1 x undecided and 0 x NO.

For me this is not a fair poll, but a suggestive question, and if you are so sure about, that he should be banned, then I ask myself, why it is necessary then for you, to make a poll in such a way.

Are you worried, that the result of a fair poll would be NO?

You will disqualify yourself, as your own postings are becoming increditible by posting such suggestive polls.

Indeed, this is a poll (remember bloody erco it's not pole). It's just not a fair one. I happened to be chatting with mandl while he was posting this one. We all can read between the lines what he was saying. So, there is no "No". I have never been worried, and never will be, how many members would vote No. Besides, I didn't create this poll. As for disqualifying myself, I just voted here, I didn't create it. Even if I did create it, I wouldn't be worried about it.


I was reading through about 100 postings made of the name of ERCO and all what I can say, is that many of them are not related even to prostitutes at all. Some containing quite general subjects, and of acceptable language.

And then I can say, he despise everybody, man and woman, of any race, of any social status, who is offering or assisting to sell sex for money.

C'mon. I would have felt so sorry for the UK if this little pure bred <deleted> posted over a hundred messages just to abuse prostitutes. All of my posts were not just for abusing these bitter souls either. I admit he posted quite informative posts in the Hua Hin forum. But in this section, he has been too nasty (I really want to use another word, but trying to refrain from using it). He might hate prostitutes and guys who marry them. But is it necessary to call the girls like.. Bar filth, scumbag, inferior goods? Even though I don't like them much, but no way I will ever call them like that. At least, they are human beings too.

If ERCO is posting using different names, then you should inform and explain the readers of your posting, why you are so sure about that it is the same person, and of course, such names/postings should be banned/erased (like this w@nk-spaniel or whatever name)

So, what names is he using?

To avoid any misunderstandings, I am YOHAN and this is my real name, and I am using only this name .....Please do not mix me up with ERCO......

As far as I'm concerned, he's still using erco only. Even though his mates, goosethai and montana, do sound pretty much the same. I have never thought he has been using more than one username. In fact, I don't give a sh1t. It's his attitudes I don't like. Not how many usernames he is using. Other names, like w@nk-spaniel, tw@t, <deleted>, etc, are from other members. And I am aware that it's you Yohan. Erco has never posted anything this long. I don't believe he can either. Poor pure-bred <deleted>...


About w@nk-spaniel (I found something what is true, some is impolite (but maybe true), some is nonsense....)

A good example for extreme opinion, but the replies are also not much better, tying to post his opinion in a rather distorted way.....

For example:

I like direct questions, a prostitute is someone who takes money (or a type of reward) in exchange for sex.
So, everyone IS a prostitute then. Even your so-called girlfriend that goes to dinner with you after having sex?
Hmmmm.....What answer is this? I do not think, both statements are wrong, but I think this is a good example for 2 extreme opinions......of both of you.....

It is a big difference, if you have ALREADY a girl-friend, you have sex with her without any preconditions, and then you go with her for dinner,

I asked erco that question as his statement implied that. Please read his definition of prostitute again. Multi-quoting makes me dizzy. Of course, my response was pretty extreme and so was his. But be fair a bit here. I wasn't abusing him this bad while he was first trolling. I guess I've just had enough. :D


If you meet a woman, who as a precondition is requiring from you to pay her this or that solely in return of sexual favours.

Your answer is like to explain me, that white and black are the same colors....

Depends on, pay her by what? As from erco's definition, if he paid her by a meal, that'd make her a prostitute too.. as it's "a type of reward". Is it not?
I firmly believe that if the Bar Owner and Perhaps the Massage Parlour Owner were responsible and honest then a large conduit for this trade would be extinguished.

What is wrong with this opinion, for example?

It wouldn't be so wrong if he wasn't trying to pi$$ another member off. But the fact is, he has changed to abuse bar owners instead because at least one member here is a bar's owner. Remember, before this, he accused anyone who didn't think alike of being in denial, being a prostitute, or being married to a prostitute. Every time someone said anything against him, he replied with "So you are married to one and are in denial" cr@p. As for a woman, I guess she was accused of being a prostitute herself. And apparently, I am the only woman who has been abusing erco. That means...?

Have you read all the threads he has been abusing, erm, I mean debating? See how many times he has abused other members. So, now, here comes the conclusion... :D bloody long... OK, so he can abuse others, but I can't abuse him. Why? Because he's an inbred, sorry, pure bred Englishman and I am a Thai-Chinese woman? Doc, raise a flag please, Double Standard Here! :o:D

Or is it because of... this?

Hua Hin / Cha Am General Topics

Hua Hin / Cha Am forum

Forum Led by: erco

Ok.. now, I'm just asking to be booted :D


2nd PRESS RELEASE for immediate dissemination, UPM - Erco has ben declared "Persona Non Grata" in the nation of Michelonia pending a total Psychological Review of him by the Surgeon General. His Citizenship application has been lost and is it anticipated that a Cabinet approval will be required to reverse this decision by the Interim Governor.

OPPS! We do not have a Surgeon General or a Cabinet either.


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