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Cabinet approves 12th national economic and social development plan


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Cabinet approves 12th national economic and social development plan


BANGKOK, 14 September 2016 (NNT) - The Cabinet approved the 12th national economic and social development plan which focuses on promoting the country’s growth through regional and national cooperation. 

The 12th national economic and social development plan will replace the current one which will expire at the end of this month. The Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) which is the developer said the new plan will get every sector of the Thai society, including occupational groups and other relevant agencies both on regional and national levels, to come together and work towards national growth. 

The plan, which will be implemented between 2017 and 2021, is in line with the country’s 20-year strategic plan. Both plans focus on raising household incomes for Thais by at least 15% each year, promoting an average of 5% economic growth on a yearly basis and increasing investment and research budgets by 1.5% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). 

Meanwhile, the Cabinet also approved the appointment of a tourism human resource development committee. The committee's task is to enhance the skills of tourism personnel in Thailand.

-- nnt 2016-09-14
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In fact, with a 15% increase each year for the next 4 years, someone currently earning 10000 bahts per month will be on 17500 p.m  at the end of the 4th year.  If, as the article suggests, this wonderful plan will also apply for the whole 20 years, the same person will be earning 163600 p.m.at the end of that period.  Has anyone in the NESDB actually done the maths?  Many of my friends will be delighted to hear this news!

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How many plans  are there is the intriguing question. There seem to be umpteen plans.


20 year plans, 4 year plans, 1 year plans and all plans seem to fit within all other plans. Does anyone in the Thai government know how these plans are coordinated or is it a case of someone just dreaming up some plan to justify their existence.


Then there are plans to stop illegal forestry, encroachment, corruption (20 year wait), tourism safety; you name it there is a plan for everything in Thailand. And when there isn't a plan Section 44 comes out of the hat.


As someone once said ...  “Life is what happens to us while we are making plans.” 

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