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Watch out for fake £20 notes in southern Thailand - and watch out for this guy!


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2 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

Passport for changing 100 pounds? Not needed and shouldn't be needed for such a small amount. It is as the news article says, if shops want to exchange money get a machine to check the bank notes.


This is hardly the crime of the century and not really news worthy.


I aways have to show my passport, which is then copied to change money. Every single note is checked including blue light check. 

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14 minutes ago, Mansell said:

I changed $4,000 here in Phuket in July.....no I.D. Of any kind and no check of the money. In and out in three mins.

I bet the clerk who did the change did not own the business.   Suicide!!!!!!  News like your gets around and they do tests first to find out who are soft touches. 

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1 minute ago, The Deerhunter said:

I bet the clerk who did the change did not own the business.   Suicide!!!!!!  News like your gets around and they do tests first to find out who are soft touches. 

It wasn't one of those Mom and Pop places, it was a nationwide company, I got their name on TV.....probably four people working there.

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3 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

This guy definitely does not look British, more like middle eastern where such crimes are par for the course :) Call me racially prejudiced if you wish, but I would never trust an indian, a somali, or a nigerian :) One of the basic laws of survival !


If you think you can tell a nationality, especially one so ethnically diverse as British, by their racial appearance then you can be called a racist before you even get to your points about trust based on race.

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4 hours ago, NextStationBangkok said:

Sad that she must have lost at least 2 days income. British government should take responsibility to replace her fake money. I know many of these travel agents gets only 100-150 baht per ticket sold.


These kind of petty scammers should be punished at the Airport while returning.


Please tell me you are joking? Why on earth should the British tax payer pay for him passing fake notes in Thailand?


Did you even read the OP? What tickets sold?

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4 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

This guy definitely does not look British, more like middle eastern where such crimes are par for the course :) Call me racially prejudiced if you wish, but I would never trust an indian, a somali, or a nigerian :) One of the basic laws of survival !

55,and there are no Poms in jail,is there.

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6 hours ago, NextStationBangkok said:

Sad that she must have lost at least 2 days income. British government should take responsibility to replace her fake money. I know many of these travel agents gets only 100-150 baht per ticket sold.


These kind of petty scammers should be punished at the Airport while returning.


What a load of nonsense. 


Would you take responsibility if I said I was you and stole something? 

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14 hours ago, NextStationBangkok said:

Sad that she must have lost at least 2 days income. British government should take responsibility to replace her fake money. I know many of these travel agents gets only 100-150 baht per ticket sold.


These kind of petty scammers should be punished at the Airport while returning.

Not sure why it is the responsibility of the British Government, can't even be sure the 'scammer' is British. 

British government is 6000 miles away and the Embassy staff are busy moving.

Perhaps she needs to be more careful if she is going into this business.  A cheap UV light is normally used plus there is a type of marker pen.

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18 hours ago, NextStationBangkok said:

Sad that she must have lost at least 2 days income. British government should take responsibility to replace her fake money. I know many of these travel agents gets only 100-150 baht per ticket sold.


These kind of petty scammers should be punished at the Airport while returning.

You think the British Government should compensate for every forger especially when the business owner cuts corners .

Get real !!! A nonsense post  

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