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Why do foreigners still assume Thai girls are easy?

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2 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Yes, I agree with this, I have the looks and in good shape, but I certainly never had any girls approach me with phone numbers, in fact, I have never had any girls, apart from hookers ever

approach me at all, I would look for any signs that they may be interested before I would approach them.

I have the same results :D, or should I say experience. (I don't like to brag about looks or shape, but I think I'm OK in that department).


In 10 years of cruising around Pattaya I've never been approached apart from bar girls in the red zone and obvious working girls and ladyboys on the prowl in other areas. If you don't make the initial contact, they will leave you alone.


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18 minutes ago, tropo said:

So those "very nice younger women suggest we get together" wanted to get together with you just because they liked you? They weren't interested in easy money? They just wanted to be with a much older guy for love?


I'm not quite 63 (getting close), but I certainly don't think "very nice younger women" would be interested in anything else from a much older guy.


Most older guys get attention from "very nice younger women", but it shouldn't be boosting their egos.



Are you man kindling me , if a older man has fun with a young lady who cares as long as he dose not do his balls over her .

Two winners him and her , I get sick of reading shit from the so called younger man on here who have a go at the older man ,one thing all those so called younger man do is get to a older age .

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5 hours ago, blackcab said:

When I look at my wife's friends there are many the same age as her that are single. They don't have children, they are financially independent and they speak very good English (and some speak a third language). They have good jobs and are very pleasant to look at. They have all studied and/or travelled abroad and while they are Thai they are also open minded about other countries and cultures. Most of them would like to date a good guy (Thai or otherwise), but they have difficulty finding anyone.


There is definitely opportunity for good quality guys who mix in the right circles.


Shit, its too late, they have caught the western woman syndrome...............

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In Thailand getting a good partner is the the same as getting a good job. By referral. 

That's why the posters here claim it must be easy because they are approached by wife's friends to find them a good hubby. A Thai woman doesn't trust her own instinct, so will prefer the judgment of her peers. 

If you get approached by an unknown female she is a working girl or desperate. If you approach an unknown good woman your chances are slim. Become friends with her friends and it'll be much easier. 

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5 hours ago, blackcab said:

When I look at my wife's friends there are many the same age as her that are single. They don't have children, they are financially independent and they speak very good English (and some speak a third language). They have good jobs and are very pleasant to look at. They have all studied and/or travelled abroad and while they are Thai they are also open minded about other countries and cultures. Most of them would like to date a good guy (Thai or otherwise), but they have difficulty finding anyone.


There is definitely opportunity for good quality guys who mix in the right circles.

Maybe they set their standard to high.  :wai2:

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5 hours ago, HooHaa said:


so you are saying its you.


I find it is amusing that you are differentiating between the men, yet using "thai women" as an all encompassing term. 


perhaps that is a part of your problem.


I don't think drronie is saying that at all actually.


Some men regardless of their outward appearance are naturally shy. I agree with him wholeheartedly in that respect.

7 hours ago, georgemandm said:

Are you joking, I don't date bar woman in thailand at all and I have find thai woman are the easiest woman to pick up and date .


Well here's what you said last year in the "Am back in Thailand" thread.



I was in Soi cowboy to night and still the same but not a lot of punters at all that could be because of the thai bht . The woman are still great looking .

But love coming back here and having fun not like back home in Australia at my age not good .


Sounds to me like you do date bar women

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4 hours ago, manfredtillmann said:

just another so enlightening post from our oz ambassador.

at least, this time, he did not post:' are you joking me...'

i enjoy reading his 'posts :cheesy:', reminds me every time why i don't want to live in oz any more.

life can be so good.


You are raising the bar there (Oz ambassador), are you joking me.......


I left that shit hole behind, only to be constantly reminded by him that if it wasn't for Australia, I wouldn't be here, that, and I am full of bs..., you have to give him some credit when he deserves it, so far he has ZERO credit

4 hours ago, mike1967 said:

Read into this what you will. 

I have signed up to a thai dating website. I received lots of interest and messages but got fed up with too many conversations surrounding the conversation of money. One particular girl was looking for "true love" but also wanted 5,000,000 baht from a westerner for the entitlement to marry her. She had already been married to a Thai man and had children. 

I changed my profile adding, "please do not talk or ask about money". Guess what? The interest in me has dropped by 95 percent.

I'm not making any judgements but what does this tell you?


Hmmm, that Thai girls are like most women in that regard ? 

36 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:


Well here's what you said last year in the "Am back in Thailand" thread.

Sounds to me like you do date bar women

Probably just confusion as to the meaning of "date". In fact NO men date bar women.

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5 hours ago, HerbalEd said:

Yes, and those women are not at all interested in farang men who aren't well scrubbed and well dressed. You don't need a suit and tie, but at least non-wrinkled shirt and pants (not shorts), real shoes, shaved, non-shaggy hair, etc. The bar girls will tolerate shorts, tank tops, flip flops and a scruffy look, the well educated and professional ladies definitely will not. 


I don't even wear crap like that back "home". I wear shorts unless too cold and hardly ever wear proper shoes.


I am highly educated, very successful and own my own businesses where I set the rules.


Do you honestly think I would accept being told "how to dress" by anyone ?


If you like me then you like me and if you don't then fine but I cannot be stereotyped.

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Being the handsome man around town, I always carry a stick to fight off all the Thai chicks asking for my number or a date.....some days I just stay inside my condo....don't want or need the hassles.....lol...??


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6 hours ago, mike1967 said:

Read into this what you will. 

I have signed up to a thai dating website. I received lots of interest and messages but got fed up with too many conversations surrounding the conversation of money. One particular girl was looking for "true love" but also wanted 5,000,000 baht from a westerner for the entitlement to marry her. She had already been married to a Thai man and had children. 

I changed my profile adding, "please do not talk or ask about money". Guess what? The interest in me has dropped by 95 percent.

I'm not making any judgements but what does this tell you?

It tells me the nigerians at the other end of the internet have crossed you off as a target.....


B/c it is. If you can get a Thai girl alone in your room, either on purpose or under any other circumstance, more times than not she will put out, if for no other reason than your genitals are both there.


Although I'd say foreigners are not as popular as they used to be here and it's becoming more of a challenge to get laid. Even five years ago, everyone asked you if you had a girlfriend, and you'd see lovely Thai/farang couples everywhere. Nowadays, I rarely see a foreigner with a girl that doesn't look like she was paid for.


It also depends on what you want out of a sexual partner. Thai women tend to be somewhat childish and lack intellectualism. Over time, one can find em to be a bit boring and will make less of an effort to get them naked.

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8 hours ago, blackcab said:

When I look at my wife's friends there are many the same age as her that are single. They don't have children, they are financially independent and they speak very good English (and some speak a third language). They have good jobs and are very pleasant to look at. They have all studied and/or travelled abroad and while they are Thai they are also open minded about other countries and cultures. Most of them would like to date a good guy (Thai or otherwise), but they have difficulty finding anyone.


There is definitely opportunity for good quality guys who mix in the right circles.


Maybe they're boring.

3 hours ago, Shiver said:

I think the ATM thing is more for the kiddy night clubbers or the older ones that stopped learning once they turned on a TV and remain 6 years old complete with tantrums in a 40,50+ year old body.  I'd stay away from those in the same way as I'd stay away from the 'working' tattoo advertisements

When I met my latest (and hopefully last) she still enjoyed the party scene once in a while, but now that doesn't interest her.  Our age gap ratio was at its greatest then, but when I'm 1000 years old, shell be nearly the same.   She's been forced to grow up through circumstance and although her looks will  fade as the years pass, it doesn't matter really as she is getting better all the time in almost every other way.  


I think for the most part as they get a bit of maturity about them they still want security, and to be able to offer security to their family, but are less inclined to do stupid with your money, as she's as invested in you as you are her.  When you show them your appreciation you can see them glow and are a joy to be with.  It's palpable just being in the same room.  The only thing that I think won't pass I think is our different cultures and beliefs, so we both just let that slide.

OK, so you found a good one. Great! ... but it wasn't the first was it? You're also still uncertain it's your last going on your comment "hopefully my last". You've messed up before - but it's like you've forgotten this and every negative comment about Thai women is all of a sudden myth and nonsense... and you're even insulting guys who fail.

36 minutes ago, chicowoodduck said:

Being the handsome man around town, I always carry a stick to fight off all the Thai chicks asking for my number or a date.....some days I just stay inside my condo....don't want or need the hassles.....lol...??


So beer guts do come in handy.:D


It’s not so much the case that Thai women are easier to date then western women, it’s more the case that many Thai women can find themselves in situations where they have no job, maybe separated or divorced from Thai husbands or Thai boyfriends, in debt for some reasons or heading towards middle age with no future prospects of securing a good future for themselves. Also some have baggage, young children and families in tow. Not all of them of course, only the Thai women that have not already established a good career or some wealth for themselves.


A lot of them, especially the ladies who have some English language skills advertise themselves on dating sites and are especially seeking older Farlangs that they believe will be their ticket for a secure future. If a Farlang is genuinely looking for a Thai girlfriend or wife and he is single not just looking for a short time relationship, a bit on the side or a girlfriend with benefits, then my guess is he could manage to fix himself up with a Thai female partner within 2 weeks or joining an online dating site. I have an Australian friend who uses these sites and says he is spoilt for choice and he is 70 years old getting women in the their 30s interested in him. But the fact is, these old Farlangs are taking on dependants rather than wives, they are not sincere joining of men and women together based on love.


Other then that I would say that Thai women have the same expectations and dating preferences as do the Western women. It is a myth that Thai women will fall for any guys with white skin regardless of age, looks and status.

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2 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

It’s not so much the case that Thai women are easier to date then western women, it’s more the case that many Thai women can find themselves in situations where they have no job, maybe separated or divorced from Thai husbands or Thai boyfriends, in debt for some reasons or heading towards middle age with no future prospects of securing a good future for themselves. Also some have baggage, young children and families in tow. Not all of them of course, only the Thai women that have not already established a good career or some wealth for themselves.


A lot of them, especially the ladies who have some English language skills advertise themselves on dating sites and are especially seeking older Farlangs that they believe will be their ticket for a secure future. If a Farlang is genuinely looking for a Thai girlfriend or wife and he is single not just looking for a short time relationship, a bit on the side or a girlfriend with benefits, then my guess is he could manage to fix himself up with a Thai female partner within 2 weeks or joining an online dating site. I have an Australian friend who uses these sites and says he is spoilt for choice and he is 70 years old getting women in the their 30s interested in him. But the fact is, these old Farlangs are taking on dependants rather than wives, they are not sincere joining of men and women together based on love.


Other then that I would say that Thai women have the same expectations and dating preferences as do the Western women. It is a myth that Thai women will fall for any guys with white skin regardless of age, looks and status.


The old boys are going to crucify you



In the context of the OP;  falangs are but like big moths,


   - continuously zapping themselves on the insect-zapper light...


even when the critters immediately before them - are still crashing and burning, in front of their eyes



lemmings to the slaughter



6 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

 I have an Australian friend who uses these sites and says he is spoilt for choice and he is 70 years old getting women in the their 30s interested in him. But the fact is, these old Farlangs are taking on dependants rather than wives, they are not sincere joining of men and women together based on love.



A 30 plus women is starting to get desperate here. They're a piece of cake to date for most Farang of any age.

12 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

It’s not so much the case that Thai women are easier to date then western women, it’s more the case that many Thai women can find themselves in situations where they have no job, maybe separated or divorced from Thai husbands or Thai boyfriends, in debt for some reasons or heading towards middle age with no future prospects of securing a good future for themselves. Also some have baggage, young children and families in tow. Not all of them of course, only the Thai women that have not already established a good career or some wealth for themselves.


A lot of them, especially the ladies who have some English language skills advertise themselves on dating sites and are especially seeking older Farlangs that they believe will be their ticket for a secure future. If a Farlang is genuinely looking for a Thai girlfriend or wife and he is single not just looking for a short time relationship, a bit on the side or a girlfriend with benefits, then my guess is he could manage to fix himself up with a Thai female partner within 2 weeks or joining an online dating site. I have an Australian friend who uses these sites and says he is spoilt for choice and he is 70 years old getting women in the their 30s interested in him. But the fact is, these old Farlangs are taking on dependants rather than wives, they are not sincere joining of men and women together based on love.


Other then that I would say that Thai women have the same expectations and dating preferences as do the Western women. It is a myth that Thai women will fall for any guys with white skin regardless of age, looks and status.

They may be in their 30's but I'd bet anything they are not good looking, well educated or even remotely sophisticated.  


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3 hours ago, Doc46 said:

Maybe they set their standard to high.  :wai2:


From what I've seen most guys that come here have very low standards.   I've been truly amazed at some of the pigs I've seen Western blokes with.


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