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PM calls on Thais to overcome hatred


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14 hours ago, jamesbrock said:


Oh! It's the public's fault! And here I was thinking it was the government, military, police, and public officials' fault... Silly me. :facepalm:


Who is it that pays the corrupt officials? Who pays the ฿200 bribe to avoid the ฿500 fine for the traffic offense? If the member of the public doesn't offer fhe bribe and is prepared to pay the fine, or the businessman who wants the contract doesn't pay the guy who can grant it, I would call that "active participation by the public". Incentives to encourage the public to expose corruption might also be a step in the right direction.

Hardly likely it will happen though!

I'm not saying the corruption shouldn't be agressively tackled from the inside; but without upping salaries and making the job worthwhile without the extras, which they buy their way in for in the first place, it's unlikely to stop.

Edited by JayBeeee
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17 hours ago, jamesbrock said:


Yes, my wife (whom I share frequent open and frank discussions regarding the politics of Thailand, and agrees with the majority of my views) is also concerned that my comments here are being noted... "Be careful darling" has been uttered many a time while I'm tapping away at the keyboard.


I follow a particular Scottish journalist of Facebook and Twitter, and am very cautious to never 'Like', comment or otherwise endorse anything posted by him, or, indeed, post anything on Facebook that may break any Thai laws (no matter what I think of them).


Perhaps, you should look into VPN options such as StrongVPN or other free ones, and consider using Kproxy and TOR.


On the plus side, you are to be commended for not wanting to unnecessarily risk the reputation and well-being of local family members.

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3 hours ago, JayBeeee said:


Who is it that pays the corrupt officials? Who pays the ฿200 bribe to avoid the ฿500 fine for the traffic offense? If the member of the public doesn't offer fhe bribe and is prepared to pay the fine, or the businessman who wants the contract doesn't pay the guy who can grant it, I would call that "active participation by the public". Incentives to encourage the public to expose corruption might also be a step in the right direction.

Hardly likely it will happen though!

I'm not saying the corruption shouldn't be agressively tackled from the inside; but without upping salaries and making the job worthwhile without the extras, which they buy their way in for in the first place, it's unlikely to stop.


It is deeply embedded in the culture that corruption is power that is to be admired and respected. Attacking corruption from the inside is naive because whoever is charged with eradicating corruption will immediately set a price for those wishing to be ignored. And the population in general will see this as normal and admirable.

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Whenever I read what Farangs wrote about Thailand social justice and politics I think they missed something. First and foremost the ruling elite and their super rich business supporters are not going (or even consider)making any changes to make lives easier for the poor or working class.

Any changes for better means they are going to bear the costs or they will receive less the share of the cake. Imagine a factory to give the workers better wages, and also protection from exploitation in regards to working hours, overtime, etc., Who is going to bear the cost? Next legal justice? You can forget about this. Waste of time talking about it. OK?

Very few Thais will read what farangs are complaining on the internet (the only open channel to air their alleged anguish when they see injustice in Thailand) because those Thais who are able to understand well what they read on the internet are most probably the sons and daughters of the rich businessmen or the ruling elite, they went to expensive schools overseas and there are not so many of them. The others may be able to read but have difficulties following your line of thoughts because of the limit of their English language.

So like what someone in this forum wrote, The PM of thailand couldn't care less what you wrote on the internet because very few Thais will read it or understand it well if they read it, so he thinks you Farangs are making a lot of noise like the pigs in the pigpen snorting away, nobody gives a damn. I believe that is more or less true. Shall we say "Pigs wallowing in the mud thinking about social justice"


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Of course, he calls himself PM but he was never elected by the people. When is this glorious "PM" going to speak in the poor parts of Thailand with the local people there. By the way, what has he done for them? he's tossing around billion upon billions and nothing really for the rural people.


In our district, in the last decade they got 20 million baht to build a second study building for the kids. It would be four stories high and a typical Thai school building with classrooms, nothing special. That was a big deal 20 million. Prayuth's regime last week said it was going to pay for 8 billion baht worth of modifications to the building near the airports to soundproof them. 8 billion baht. That's equal to 400 4-story 20 classroom school buildings. This is just one odd project of this regime. They've been throwing money for endless projects in Bangkok and vicinity and HuaHin and Phuket. All for the rich and powerful so they can live comfortable lives because they have it so so bad. It's only abuse. And he spouts words about hate? Does he have dementia? Is he aware of what he's done to the poorest people in Thailand, the vast majority of the Thai people?

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On 9/18/2016 at 2:04 AM, ScotBkk said:

Wouldn't surprise me if we're all being monitored.

However, If you're monitoring every single thing that goes on in a given culture and if you have all the information that is there, then that is the equivalent of having SFA.

How are you going to process that amount of information?


If they are monitoring everyone they'd likely be using filters to separate the chiff from the chaff so to speak. So using certain words will result in them taking a closer look at you.


Edited by Xircal
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Personally, I do hate Prayuth and many Thais have told me they feel the same. Being forced to live in silence and fear is probably what creates the hate. If people could speak the truth without fear, they wouldn't hate Prayuth as they do now, they'd think of him in softer terms like an idiot or fool.

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