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Pattaya expat snaps ghost of sister following vision from spiritualist

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6 hours ago, Hawk said:

I cannot see the supposed ghost.

With a powerful imagination you can see anything there.

2 hours ago, TKDfella said:

Well, one doesn't have to be religious to believe in 'ghosts' what is important, however, is what one believes 'ghosts' really are. Everything, and I mean everything radiates energy and that's a scientific fact (black body radiation...is one of reasons why CO2 gets trapped easily in Earth's atmosphere because the Earth has a spectrum that peaks close to that of CO2). But of course the smaller the body the more difficult it is to detect. However, life here is basically chemical reactions which has electronic properties and as such will emit EM waves. Call what you will, Spirit, Chi etc we humans undoubtedly have an an EM 'life force' of some kind so what happens to that 'life force' when the body dies...does it just dissipate or does it retain some coherent property/form. These are topics under much research. Don't forget that cameras are built  and adjusted to 'see' what our brain perceives as reality but that doesn't mean that's how things actually are. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that the OP is genuine/not genuine because these topics (paranormal etc) are the playground of hoaxers but there are genuine cases that defy explanation. We still have a lot to learn about the universe we live in.

"Everything, and I mean everything radiates energy and that's a scientific fact" - :cheesy:



"Call what you will, Spirit, Chi etc we humans undoubtedly have an an EM 'life force'" - if it was "energy" - you could measure it - but you CAN"T - QED - doesn't exist.



" but there are genuine cases that defy explanation" - so why try and explain them???

3 hours ago, sanukjim said:

Isn't it normaly "pink elephants" that ones sees when staggering home ?

In one way or the other, it must be some sort of "pink elephant" syndrome.


To the best of my knowledge, I was the only Farang that ever got a work permit from the Dept. of Labor concerning the "taming and training" of pink elephants in Thailand once they start dancing on the ceiling

Regrettably, this Thai work permit is not being honored in India, otherwise I would be a big shot "Mahut", specializing in pink elephants there.:)




I would most certainly feel disconcerted if I thought my sister was following me around and spying on me, particularly in Pattaya!

20 hours ago, jesimps said:

Either I need stronger glasses or he needs a better camera but all I can see is a room with a window and some furniture. Bet my Thai missus can see it really clear.



Maybe need to try it the Thai way.  A Thai friend told me that if you want to see ghosts you need to bend over and look through your legs.

12 hours ago, cumgranosalum said:

"Everything, and I mean everything radiates energy and that's a scientific fact" - :cheesy:



"Call what you will, Spirit, Chi etc we humans undoubtedly have an an EM 'life force'" - if it was "energy" - you could measure it - but you CAN"T - QED - doesn't exist.



" but there are genuine cases that defy explanation" - so why try and explain them???

Well, I knew I would get a lot of flak so why did I post anyway, Ha! Obviously most here don't appreciate that's what scientists do...they ask why? You ought to do more reading or research, that is when you can find the time time to stop laughing at others.

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