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US first lady Michelle Obama hits campaign trail for Clinton


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On 9/18/2016 at 1:05 PM, lifeincnx said:

I guess you don't get out much. So, for your complete enjoyment here are a just handful of President Obama's accomplishments:

Biggest job growth in manufacturing since the '90s
Unemployment cut in half
Longest streak of private-sector job creation in history with more than 14 million new jobs
Auto industry bailout, which revitalized (saved) the industry and making it profitable again
Stock market tripled
Clean energy production doubled
Affordable Care Act - more Americans getting health insurance coverage

Legalization of same-sex marriage

U.S. - Cuba relations

...and he did it all of it while facing EIGHT dragging YEARS of 'Just Say No'  Republican obstructionism.

Heck, I didn't even bring up First Lady Michelle Obama's  accomplishments, but she is not in an official capacity.

Now, that your current affairs interest has been piqued, here is a list of 396 accomplishments to date (WITH CITATIONS - never see those on Breitbart or Infowars, right?). Just imagine, what great things he can do in the next two months.


Oh come on you are using facts. You forget that most of the Trump supporters are angry that their is a black man in the WHITE house.

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It seems that the Clinton campaign wants to hire Michelle Obama for a few more times.

Mrs. Clinton takes a few well deserved days off before her first debate with Mr. Trump. TIRED? After today, Hillary has nothing on public calendar until debate — in 6 days

I guess, this also means still no press conference for this year; Maybe at least one or two interviews or statements by phone?

After all, her supporters' enthusiasm is on a record shattering high, so no additional efforts needed from her side.

Take your time, Mrs. Clinton, relax. Your supporters and volunteers do the good work for you. Hillary has NO ground game or Volunteers in Delaware Ohio


Edit: Typo

Edited by Andreas2
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21 minutes ago, Nasrullah said:

yes.....not for the better stevenL

Does not matter if you like it or not. Times are changing, ever faster, and what we once had is not coming back. You have to adjust and prepare for the future, and trying to bring the past back is not going to work.

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26 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Does not matter if you like it or not. Times are changing, ever faster, and what we once had is not coming back. You have to adjust and prepare for the future, and trying to bring the past back is not going to work.

We once had a concept called capitalism.Where you rise and fall on your own sword.This has been replaced with too big to fail.  We are ruled by crooked politicians who do the bidding for the bankers and corporate run media!  It actually worked well for 60 years (1930's>>>2000) until the greedy bankers got themselves into trouble by lending out irresponsibly....Then the politicians stepped in and saved them with QE123,low interest rates,and every other conceivable plan they could think of.


Why can't we let those bankrupt banks fail?.....start over with a somewhat clean slate and give the youth of today a chance at prosperity instead of crappy jobs and handouts.


Yes times are changing. But  to say what worked in the past with the adjustments you speak of, cannot work in cohesion is a denial that the industrial revolution never happened....It did and many prospered....We are what we are today because of it!


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> > Three Siblings and Their Father: 

> A father told his 3 children when he sent them to college: "I > feel it's my duty to provide 
> you with the best possible education, and you do
> not owe me anything for that. However, I want you to appreciate
> it.  As a token, please each put $1,000 into my coffin when I
> die.” 
> And so it happened,  one 
> became a doctor, one a lawyer, and one a 
> financial planner, each very financially successful. When their
> father's time had come, and they saw their father in the coffin, they
> remembered his wish.

> First, it was the  doctor > who put 10 newly printed, crisp $100 bills onto
> the chest of the deceased.   
> Then, came the financial 
> planner, who also placed $1,000 in cash 

 Finally, it was the  heartbroken lawyer's turn. She dipped into her
> purse, took out her checkbook,  wrote a check for  $3,000, placed it into her  father's
> coffin, and took the $2,000 cash.
> She is now running
> for > President of the United 
> States!

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On 9/20/2016 at 5:12 PM, sirmud63 said:

yep ,thats desperation right there . wasnt long ago she was saying publicly that hillary wasnt fit for the job .


Don't think there's much love between the Obama's and the Clintons but she's desperate to preserve her husband's legacy.

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On 9/18/2016 at 6:05 PM, lifeincnx said:

I guess you don't get out much. So, for your complete enjoyment here are a just handful of President Obama's accomplishments:

Biggest job growth in manufacturing since the '90s
Unemployment cut in half
Longest streak of private-sector job creation in history with more than 14 million new jobs
Auto industry bailout, which revitalized (saved) the industry and making it profitable again
Stock market tripled
Clean energy production doubled
Affordable Care Act - more Americans getting health insurance coverage

Legalization of same-sex marriage

U.S. - Cuba relations

...and he did it all of it while facing EIGHT dragging YEARS of 'Just Say No'  Republican obstructionism.

Heck, I didn't even bring up First Lady Michelle Obama's  accomplishments, but she is not in an official capacity.

Now, that your current affairs interest has been piqued, here is a list of 396 accomplishments to date (WITH CITATIONS - never see those on Breitbart or Infowars, right?). Just imagine, what great things he can do in the next two months.



Lovely white wash painted by a Left Wing Progressive publication so bound to be selective. At the end of the day it depends where you stand politically determines what you want to highlight. So for balance you can go online and get the opposite selective narrative too:


$10 Trillion national debt

IRS targets Obama’s enemies


Spying on the Associated Press

The ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme

The General Services Administration Las Vegas Spending Spree.

Veterans Affairs in Disney World and neglecting vets


New Black Panthers Voter Intimidation

Obama’s lies about the Affordable Care Act 

Failure of Obamacare,

“I’ll Pass My Own Laws”

NSA Spying on American People

Lack of solidarity with Israel

Disaster with the Arab Spring


Leaving Iraq too soon and letting ISIS take over

Handling of Syrian Red Line

Failing to Recognize ISIS as a Radical (or Devout) Muslim Movement

Signing a Disastrous Nuclear Deal with the Mullahs of Iran

 Paid $5 Billion & Released 5 Taliban Prisoners For Deserter Bergdahl

Waging war by attacking Libya without Congressional approval

Allowed the building of Chinese bases in the South China Sea and off the coast of Somalia at the entrance to the gulf of Aden

Paying ransom to Iranian for hostages- and using foreign currency in unmarked plane

Lying about paying ransom (which media ignored!)



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