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Trump supporters struggle to sideline 'birther' issue


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Being a die-hard Trump fan is like blind devotion to a guru.  He's right regardless of whether he's wrong or whether he flip-flops like a flag on a windy day.  Similar to his dumb-ass boast "I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue, and wouldn't lose any fans", he can also say anything, no matter how ridiculous or self-contradicting, and his fans would still be by his side, fingering their firearms.


So let's see, two days ago, he steadfastly believed Obama was born outside the US, so ALL Trump fans had to believe the same.   Then yesterday he announces Obama was born in the USA.  So now ALL Trump fans must believe that.  Do Trump fans have abilities to think individually?  


Actually, it's not much different than Scientology.  Scary to think an L. Ron Hubbard-type blohard may use his lies and flip-flopping to take charge of the most powerful military in world history.

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The Obama Birther issue means next to nothing in the overall.  Trump supporters do not care what Trump said one way or the other... Most Trump supporters have their own minds made up on the Obama's birth issue ... and Obama is leaving office... Clinton supporters could well be confused - -Just how does stirring up this controversy help elect Hillary? ... Most of the liberals and leftists supporting Hillary do not care either one way or the other what Trump or his followers think about Obama -- they are trying to get Hillary elected - Obama is leaving office.   What the issue does do is to take the light off of Hillary going into a catatonic state - stiff as a board and fall face forward into her campaign van -- with the aides nearly losing her.   So - defusing the 24-48 hour news cycle to distract from Hillary's health issues I guess is worth all the pot stirring ... In the overall - it means nothing ...  Hillary is in and out of reality and Trump is getting tens of thousands to attend a PAID ticket rally all over the USA... While Hillary hides hoping to get out of the debates where she might seize up again into catatonia... 

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34 minutes ago, tomwct said:

If your trying to put out garbage on Trump your too late! President Trump takes office in January and Hillary will be heading to prison along with Bill in 2018!


I just want to compliment you on the use of the underline. Here is another fun one.


21 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

The Obama Birther issue means next to nothing in the overall.  Trump supporters do not care what Trump said one way or the other... Most Trump supporters have their own minds made up on the Obama's birth issue ... and Obama is leaving office... Clinton supporters could well be confused - -Just how does stirring up this controversy help elect Hillary? ... Most of the liberals and leftists supporting Hillary do not care either one way or the other what Trump or his followers think about Obama -- they are trying to get Hillary elected - Obama is leaving office.   What the issue does do is to take the light off of Hillary going into a catatonic state - stiff as a board and fall face forward into her campaign van -- with the aides nearly losing her.   So - defusing the 24-48 hour news cycle to distract from Hillary's health issues I guess is worth all the pot stirring ... In the overall - it means nothing ...  Hillary is in and out of reality and Trump is getting tens of thousands to attend a PAID ticket rally all over the USA... While Hillary hides hoping to get out of the debates where she might seize up again into catatonia... 


Okay, we're back to the HRC is dying nonsense. Trump is a lying scumbag...but carry on. 

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On 9/20/2016 at 0:33 AM, Publicus said:


Let's just say then the WaPo started it and Donald Trump as he said finished it. He thinks he's finished it. No, not after the past several years of it, consistently.


It's good to see the campaign turn around back in favor of the Force against the Dark Side. The Birther madness from Trump has in fact finished him. Finally at long last, the issue that does in Trump. 


Wouldn't it just be so fitting? Hoisted on his own petard. That delicious schadenfreude. 


I hope so Publicus. I hope so. 

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1 hour ago, JDGRUEN said:

The Obama Birther issue means next to nothing in the overall.  Trump supporters do not care what Trump said one way or the other... 


The first sentence, above, is off base.  Here's what it means:  It's yet more proof, if any were needed, that Trump is a loser.  He tried so hard, for years, while perpetrating mean-spirited baseless lies, to peg the African Muslim label on Obama.  We thinking people knew Trump had been failing all along.  Now, even Trump admits it - though his mean-spirited fan club will probably keep clinging to the witch hunt mentality, even tho their guru has admitted defeat on the matter.


It's about character.  There are still millions of Americans who think HRC's character is lower than Trump's.  That's why the birther issue matters.   It's yet another indication of how bereft Trump is of any decency - and hopefully some of his fans will see the light, and vote against him in November.

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Nuts to the birthed issue.  I want to know more about Benghazi.  The emails. The hidden cash. The affairs. The catheter. The stroke. The lies about pretty much everything.  I don't care about Barry changing his name and immigration status to qualify for student loans. 

What's Sandy Hook?

Where are those emails.?

What does C mean? On govt docs.

How about a neither option.

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Nuts to the birthed issue.  I want to know more about Benghazi.  The emails. The hidden cash. The affairs. The catheter. The stroke. The lies about pretty much everything.  I don't care about Barry changing his name and immigration status to qualify for student loans. 

What's Sandy Hook?

Where are those emails.?

What does C mean? On govt docs.

How about a neither option.

This topic is about trump's birther issue and all the lies he's told about it. For Benghazi see fox noose.
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1 hour ago, Pinot said:


Wouldn't it just be so fitting? Hoisted on his own petard. That delicious schadenfreude. 


I hope so Publicus. I hope so. 

There are three Presidential debates and the birther issue is not on the agenda.  There are no Latin moderators and the first debate will focus on American security.  Good luck with your petards.  


How important are the debates?  


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3 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

The Obama Birther issue means next to nothing in the overall.  Trump supporters do not care what Trump said one way or the other... Most Trump supporters have their own minds made up on the Obama's birth issue ... and Obama is leaving office... Clinton supporters could well be confused - -Just how does stirring up this controversy help elect Hillary? ... Most of the liberals and leftists supporting Hillary do not care either one way or the other what Trump or his followers think about Obama -- they are trying to get Hillary elected - Obama is leaving office.   What the issue does do is to take the light off of Hillary going into a catatonic state - stiff as a board and fall face forward into her campaign van -- with the aides nearly losing her.   So - defusing the 24-48 hour news cycle to distract from Hillary's health issues I guess is worth all the pot stirring ... In the overall - it means nothing ...  Hillary is in and out of reality and Trump is getting tens of thousands to attend a PAID ticket rally all over the USA... While Hillary hides hoping to get out of the debates where she might seize up again into catatonia... 


It's called the Obama Coalition. Remember. It is not just whites who are eligible to vote any more.


The bitter, twisted old men who missed the free sex and drugs of the Age of Aquarius are getting their juices flowing by play acting the resurrection of the Sons of Liberty. The Obama Coalition will shut that nonsense down in a flash. Doesn't matter how many tickets are sold to see the Clown Show put on by the Pretend Patriot. Trumps disrespect of minorities will be a determining factor in the election.


I really can't see Kelly Anne Conway hiring you any time soon. She is dangerous. Not stupid.

Edited by PTC
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4 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

The Obama Birther issue means next to nothing in the overall.  Trump supporters do not care what Trump said one way or the other... Most Trump supporters have their own minds made up on the Obama's birth issue ... and Obama is leaving office... Clinton supporters could well be confused - -Just how does stirring up this controversy help elect Hillary? ... Most of the liberals and leftists supporting Hillary do not care either one way or the other what Trump or his followers think about Obama -- they are trying to get Hillary elected - Obama is leaving office.   What the issue does do is to take the light off of Hillary going into a catatonic state - stiff as a board and fall face forward into her campaign van -- with the aides nearly losing her.   So - defusing the 24-48 hour news cycle to distract from Hillary's health issues I guess is worth all the pot stirring ... In the overall - it means nothing ...  Hillary is in and out of reality and Trump is getting tens of thousands to attend a PAID ticket rally all over the USA... While Hillary hides hoping to get out of the debates where she might seize up again into catatonia... 


Trump supporters do not care what Trump said one way or the other... Most Trump supporters have their own minds made up on the Obama's birth issue ..


Suburban Republicans in the key states across the country have their minds made up too. They won't vote for Trump. The  Republican party is for the first time since 1952 losing the educated white suburban voters - married Republican women especially and in particular. (This demographic first began to be identified and polled in that year by Dr. Gallup.)


Given that elections for several decades are decided in the nation's burbs, this is bad news for Trump and the Republican party of 2016. The rural yahoos across the country always vote big time for the Republican so that is nothing new.


Moreover, structurally, Trump is running behind where a Republican should be in this election cycle, and where the Republican nominee needs to be....


The Trump Electoral Vote Tax Penalty


“An election forecast built by Vox and a team of political scientists projects that a generic Republican should win 50.9 percent of the two-party vote in 2016. But Donald Trump isn’t a generic Republican — and he is polling at 47.7 percent of the two-party vote, according to the Huffington Post Pollster. The difference between those numbers — 3.2 points, as of today — is what we’re calling the Trump Tax: the electoral penalty Republicans appear to be paying for nominating Trump.”


“What we appear to be seeing is a remarkable example of a major political party blowing a totally winnable national election.”




The two-party vote and its proportion decides elections, not Independents. Independents went big for Barack Obama in 2008 and narrowly went for Romney in 2012. Independent voters neither forecast nor predict nothing. The reason is that they are not independent. They lean either way and they are out at the extreme of each major party more often than in between the two parties.


The extreme right cannot succeed in trying to play down or to dismiss the several years of Trump Birther bombast. It's killing him as no other issue no matter how crazy it is has not turned the key elements of the general electorate.  This is the one single issue that as caught Trump flatfooted. It is Trump's high visibility and well known Achilles heel.


Trump needs every Republican party voter and then some. He's not getting it. Nor will Trump get 'em. Hillary will have to shoot someone on 5th Avenue for Trump to win it in the end. She ain't even talking any such insanity.

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3 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

This video shows the mental quality on Trump supporters! 




I think what it shows is the media bias.  I watched Trump get called names last night on TV and my wife said boy the media is getting worried about the debates.  I don't think the American people are stupid enough to believe all the media hype because it's being overdone.  66% of Trump backers think Obama is a Muslim.  20% of Americans think Barrak Hussein Obama is Foreign born (it's the name).  Women vote and I still don't think Hillary loses unless she really comes across as a buffoon in the debates.   

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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


That was delivered in person to the Investigative Editor.


Where's the quote from the "Investigative Editor" that supports and confirms your claim.


Produce it. You are saying it so you must have seen the quote, read it somewhere.


Certainly one would not make a statement on the basis of being a mindreader, from the hard core dogmatic fringe right especially. (Nevermind an evasive comment on the poster -- reply directly to the demand, i.e., produce the quote that supports your claim.)

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5 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Where's the quote from the "Investigative Editor" that supports and confirms your claim.


It has been posted on this forum numerous times already. Editor Peter Asher of McClatchy heard Sidney Bloomenthal say it.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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14 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Where's the quote from the "Investigative Editor" that supports and confirms your claim.


Produce it. You are saying it so you must have seen the quote, read it somewhere.


Certainly one would not make a statement on the basis of being a mindreader, from the hard core dogmatic fringe right especially. (Nevermind an evasive comment on the poster -- reply directly to the demand, i.e., produce the quote that supports your claim.)

"Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy, where he and I met in my office. During that conversation and in subsequent communications, we discussed a number of matters related to Obama. He encouraged McClatchy to do stories related to Obama and his connections to Kenya.”


He also cited an email Monday from Bengali, who wrote: “What I remember is that you told me to look into everything about Obama’s family in Kenya. I can’t recall if we specifically discussed the birther claim, but I’m sure that was part of what I researched.”



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On 9/19/2016 at 8:23 AM, Scotwight said:

(Number 1)  “During the 2008 Democratic primary, Sid Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy Co.,” Asher said in an email Friday to McClatchy, noting that he was at the time the investigative editor and in charge of Africa coverage.

“During that meeting, Mr. Blumenthal and I met together in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama’s birth, which he suggested was in Kenya." 



One more time. Get to denying it. It is inevitable. :whistling:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Just now, Scotwight said:

"Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy, where he and I met in my office. During that conversation and in subsequent communications, we discussed a number of matters related to Obama. He encouraged McClatchy to do stories related to Obama and his connections to Kenya.”


He also cited an email Monday from Bengali, who wrote: “What I remember is that you told me to look into everything about Obama’s family in Kenya. I can’t recall if we specifically discussed the birther claim, but I’m sure that was part of what I researched.”




That is not specific.


It is your inference from a statement that says "I can't recall if we discussed the birther claim..."


The Birther claim had existed already, so all the "Investigative editor" said is that he included it in his research. The "Investigative Editor" does not say Blumenthal said anything the Birther Trump would say or had said, or anything like it.


The desperation of the right continues on this inference which is the only thing they think they have.  Trump has been bombastic about his Birtherism over several years. There is no question who the perp in this is, and remains. Donald Trump.


This is the issue that breaks Trump's political back. It is not going away. The attempts by the Trump fanboyz to counter it with this are feeble and ineffective, insignificant and pathetic.


Keep up the great work thx.

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6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



And Barack Obama was not born in Kenya, was he. Donald Trump has said exactly otherwise loudly and bombastically for years on end. Trump has now retracted his long held blaring Birtherism.


I reiterate, no respectable or self-respecting Republican will vote for Donald Trump to be Potus. You're sunk.

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1 minute ago, Publicus said:


That is not specific.



Wrong quote. The EDITOR wrote: "During that meeting, Mr Bloomenthal met in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama's birth, which he suggested was in Kenya".


Can't get any clearer than that. Your clue to call him a liar.

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Just now, Srikcir said:

The source Sid specifically denies it in a documented email vs hearsay.




The man that lied over and over again about being a soldier in Vietnam? Most people would take the word of an editor of a major publication over that of a proven liar. :whistling:

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10 hours ago, NickJ said:

Nuts to the birthed issue.  I want to know more about Benghazi.  The emails. The hidden cash. The affairs. The catheter. The stroke. The lies about pretty much everything.  I don't care about Barry changing his name and immigration status to qualify for student loans. 

What's Sandy Hook?

Where are those emails.?

What does C mean? On govt docs.

How about a neither option.


We get it.  You want the news to continue to dig dig dig, trying to find shit on HRC.  Sorry if you're disappointed there's scant dirt to be found.  But Republican Attack Machine are experts at seeing tempests in teapots.  How 'bout comparing policy proposals between the two candidates?  Oh sorry, that probably sounds naive and silly.  Much more fun to wallow in the mud.


32 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


The man that lied over and over again about being a soldier in Vietnam? Most people would take the word of an editor of a major publication over that of a proven liar. :whistling:

......grasping at shadows of straws.

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This link needs to be re-posted.  In case there was any doubt that Trump supporters have their brains on stand-by.


I'm somewhat familiar with screwy thinking.  My elder brother was a nut case.  He was a Bible-thumper who has 8 ex-wives and has sired a dozen kids to which he sends zero support.  He's abandoned responsibilities as easily as he's abandoned common sense.  He gets a life-long military pension which he cheated to qualify for.  He also cheated SS for benefits.  No surprise that he's a die-hard Trump supporter.  When he gets angry at someone, he shouts "the blood of the lambs will be upon your door!"    Another guy, an elder American friend, is also a Trump supporter.  He thinks AIDS is a hoax and even though he's a millionaire, he doesn't want to give any support (indirectly or otherwise) to disadvantaged people, ever.   Both men mentioned believe Trump may be a Kenyan Muslim.  Their thinking may have been changed a bit by Trump's recent announcement (that Obama was born in the USA) but I don't know.  I haven't spoken to either one recently.  Stupid ideas are hard to dislodge from stuck-in-the-mud brains.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Wrong quote. The EDITOR wrote: "During that meeting, Mr Bloomenthal met in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama's birth, which he suggested was in Kenya".


Can't get any clearer than that. Your clue to call him a liar.




Never called Bloomenthal or the McClatchy editor guy Asher a liar.


Asher said he had a reporter check out the birth thing in Kenya. Found it to be false. Said so in the newspaper which many on the right praise for its professionalism, its model of journalism, its fairness and its objectivity. McClatchy's many prestigious journalism awards.


Yet Trump paid no mind (which he hasn't anyway) or attention to the McClatchy well published finding the Kenya Birther lie of the lunar right is and always has been exactly that -- a lie. Trump ran with the Birther garbage for several years afterward. Trump went with it loudly and with a consistent bombast.


HRC meanwhile has said nothing of it. There isn't a single Clinton quote of it. There must be 101 direct Trump quotes of the lie. Bombastic quotes by Trump the Birther. The liar. The widleman Trump.

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