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Brit Bashing


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3 amigos eh terry ...? :D

absolutely dave. :D

how you feeling today. :D

Well Terry ...

My achievement of the day is .... yes.. another hangover ... :D:o

Thankyou ... :D

im going to bed early tonight dave and it might be a good idea for you to do the same. :D

save your energy for wedensday night. :D

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3 amigos eh terry ...? :D

absolutely dave. :D

how you feeling today. :D

Well Terry ...

My achievement of the day is .... yes.. another hangover ... :D:o

Thankyou ... :D

im going to bed early tonight dave and it might be a good idea for you to do the same. :D

save your energy for wedensday night. :D

Ha ha .. Ive got Sunday night at Suan lum night market planned ... we're going to get stuck into those lovely dark German ales .... :D

Just goes to show that some Brits and Aussies can drink together in perfect harmony .... :D

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[wolf, you're not right there IMHO, since all the Aussies I know have always told me that they'll stick together in thick & thin! Just NOT the "british" way?!

And how about YOU getting a life, sitting and writing on the internet AS MUCH as you is harmful to your health....go outside and take a walk and chat with people you can see in the eyes; This isn't mean't for you alone, but all the repeaters (usual suspects) on this thread and bedlam in general; GO PLAY now, children.



Well I have had a very productive day been outside for most of it !! and had time for a work out but as a famous English man said: Prick us do we not bleed,

Tickle us do we not laugh,

Prick us shall we not revenge!!

I have a fantastic life, my health is wonderfull and I don't wear glasses !! I am only replying to other posts that are trying to belittle my country, just take the time to read all the posts on this thread and you will see that the vast majority of name calling and racism has come from the 'other side' if you do not like my posts that your loss, but at least I can be civilised :o

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SamuiJens is always so uptight, maybe he doesn't have a sense of humour, he certainly doesn't seem to understand that some people just love a bit of banter. I think he needs to get laid once in a while, or maybe he's German in which case there is no hope. :o

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SamuiJens is always so uptight, maybe he doesn't have a sense of humour, he certainly doesn't seem to understand that some people just love a bit of banter. I think he needs to get laid once in a while, or maybe he's German in which case there is no hope. :o

If he is German this thread could go on for months :D

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SamuiJens is always so uptight, maybe he doesn't have a sense of humour, he certainly doesn't seem to understand that some people just love a bit of banter. I think he needs to get laid once in a while, or maybe he's German in which case there is no hope. :o

If he is German this thread could go on for months :D

Just don't mention the ......... NO NO ...!!! :D

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There seems to be 2 distinctly different types of Brits.

There's the tattooed-lager-lout-pissed-idiot loser, and then there's the types that are the complete opposite and quite pleasant people. I'd say the latter are in the majority.

All of them seem to be a bit disillusioned with their home country, and from what I've heard, for good reason.

Sorry I cant be assed t read through 41 pages of replies, and anyway you've hit the nail on the head. P1ssed up, tattoo'd, shaven headed tw@ts who chant 'enn-gurrr-land' at anyone and anything that moves, and those of us with more than 1 brain cell, a bit of intelligence, manners and are on the whole nice people. I'm hoping I fall into the latter :o

And yes, I can confirm that the majority of us brits are very disillusioned with the place, hence a lot of us either in, or trying to get into the LOS :D

Dont get me wrong, Im immensely patriotic and proud of my roots etc, but it breaks my heart seeing this country be dragged into the gutter by all manner of things. I'm 29 and my father is 69 and often says he wishes he was my age to see what happens in years to come. I simply tell him his father would turn in his grave if he saw the state of the UK today, and chances are I'll see things in my later years that I certainly wouldnt want my father to see

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SamuiJens is always so uptight, maybe he doesn't have a sense of humour, he certainly doesn't seem to understand that some people just love a bit of banter. I think he needs to get laid once in a while, or maybe he's German in which case there is no hope. :o

If he is German this thread could go on for months :D

Just don't mention the ......... NO NO ...!!! :D

go on go on !!! :D

The STEAM ENGINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

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"Cricketing authorities in Australia have announced a new zero-tolerance policy towards racism in the stands.

They have threatened offenders with lifetime bans from their grounds.

But Cricket Australia has said that the term "pom" can still be used against the English, who arrive in Australia to defend the Ashes in November.

Like cricket itself, "pom bashing" is something of a national sport - performed with particularly vehement enthusiasm when the Ashes are at stake." (Source: BBC)

The following article is a must read for all those thin skinned Pommie bastards who want this thread to be closed.

No worries mate

The fierce pom-bashing reported in the media recently amounts to little more than friendly rivalry ... and a healthy show of Australian identity, writes David Fickling.

Tuesday November 18, 2003

Guardian Unlimited

Friends in Britain seem united in commiseration for me at the approach of Saturday's rugby world cup final between England and Australia. Oz, they agree, is no place to be a pom right now.

Pom-bashing is a time-honoured Aussie tradition, wheeled out as a demonstration sport every time a major international event lands on Australian shores.

Sporting antagonism between the two nations runs so deep that, with some sports, it forms the backdrop to their very histories. The humiliation of being beaten by a bunch of upstart colonials inspired the England cricket team to create the game's greatest prize, the Ashes.

The scandal over England's aggressive bodyline bowling during the 1932-33 Australia cricket tour caused such a stir downunder that historians soberly class it as a pivotal moment in the young country's evolving sense of nationhood.

Article continues

Such a lot of hype now surrounds this phenomenon that some seem to think Sydney is now a city under siege, patrolled by marauding bands of gold-shirted Aussie thugs, thirsty for English blood.

It all seems a little ridiculous. In 15 months here, I can count just one instance in which an Australian has turned against me because of my manifest pom-dom. An Irish friend who was with me at the time said she got the cold shoulder from a Brit within a few weeks of arriving in London.

What there is, in buckets, is piss-taking. During the disastrous opening to the England cricket tour last December, even punctilious government press officers took the opportunity to mock the performance of the England team.

The most sensitive spirits may find themselves bruised by such talk, but it seems incredible that two nations so proud of their ability to give and take mockery should be as shocked and offended at each other's remarks.

The spirit of all this is a little like the turbulent relationship between close friends. One side oversteps the boundaries by making a perceived slight. The other takes against it, and gives back in kind. After a while, both are entrenched in bitterly opposed positions.

If England win Saturday's match, the depression that will settle over Australia will be just as profound as that which settled over New Zealand after Australia knocked them out of the semi-finals. If the poms lose, the elation will be even greater.

Some British commentators seem baffled by this, as if England ought to be seen as the same class of rival as New Zealand. But, naturally, they are not. They represent the former colonial master, and defeating them carries a special delight. Anyone who has watched the 2001 film Lagaan should understand this emotion.

In the film, a 19th-century Indian village defeats the British in a game of cricket, thus freeing itself from an oppressive land tax. To defeat the supercilious overlord is pleasure enough, but to defeat him at his own game is paradise itself.

The same feelings attend rugby in Australia. The game was invented at an English public school, one of those institutions used by the Victorians as recruiting-grounds for the imperial service. One notable feature of the Australian commentary during the world cup has been the way the England team have morphed into caricatures of colonial administrators. They are criticised for being arrogant and distant, and castigated for keeping a splendid isolation away from the media scrum. Gradually, Aussie journalists have turned them into a caste of nabobs.

If the England team have been aloof in Australia, it may well have as much to do with their own prickliness about public criticism as anything else. But it is the nature of these things that the decision has only made Australians more sensitive. If any other nation behaved in such a way, it would have attracted little comment. When England does it, Aussie journalists feel humiliated, and cry pommy paranoia.

Get yourself away from the sports pages and down the pubs and bars of Sydney, and a different atmosphere emerges. English fans say that Australians have been an overwhelmingly welcoming bunch, quick of tongue but nonetheless friendly. In the past few days, as sections of the British press have predicted an onslaught of pom-bashing bile, a mood of grudging respect has even overtaken the Australian media.

The Daily Telegraph, a Sydney tabloid newspaper which has been among the most vocal in its sledging of the English, is printing a daily section for England fans to keep up with affairs back home, complete with details about the latest episodes of EastEnders and Corrie which would be wholly meaningless to the paper's local readership.

And it has to be said that, in even the most fanatically loyal of Aussie pubs, an England fan would still likely have an easier time of it than an Aboriginal Australian.

In the long run, all this pom-bashing is probably a good thing. Australia spent far too long living in Britain's shadow and yearning to become more like it. The regressive policies of the current government are built on a desire to return to just such an Anglocentric vision of the country.

If a few snide comments are the birth-pangs of a more mature, tolerant and independent Australia, then bring them on.

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and Mighty MOUSE why do you have to swear?


I wish I could claim ownership of the phrase "Pommie bastard" but sadly it's not mine.

Actually the word "bloody" should be before 'Pommie'.

Here is an interesting snippet from the future king of England:

Last night during a speech at the exclusive Geelong Grammar School Prince Charles said he fondly remembered his time there as the resident "Pommy bastard". The heir to the throne said one of his duties at the school's Timbertop campus had been to turn out the lights. "All I could hear were cries of 'Pommy bastard'," Prince Charles said at the school's anniversary dinner.

Charles bound for Sydney, News.com.au, 4 March 2005

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All those warm relations fostered (no pun intended) between our nations over the years by Aussie heroes and cultural ambassadors like Rolf Harris and sir Les Patterson.

And "Neighbours". And "Home & Away?" :D

"The Saints" were a top band though. :o

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[i wish I could claim ownership of the phrase "Pommie bastard" but sadly it's not mine.

Actually the word "bloody" should be before 'Pommie'.

Here is an interesting snippet from the future king of England:

Last night during a speech at the exclusive Geelong Grammar School Prince Charles said he fondly remembered his time there as the resident "Pommy bastard". The heir to the throne said one of his duties at the school's Timbertop campus had been to turn out the lights. "All I could hear were cries of 'Pommy bastard'," Prince Charles said at the school's anniversary dinner.

Charles bound for Sydney, News.com.au, 4 March 2005

Unfortunately it is considered by the PC brigade in the UK today at best 'bad form' and at worse 'offensive' to describe a race by using a degrading remark ie we cannot (openly) call a Scotsman a 'jock' or an Irishman a 'paddy' the only use of discrimination that can be used is by the public services to 'encourage' more ethnic minorities to join (but thats a subject for another thread)

but I think I am right in saying that in all these posts there has not been one Englishman that has objected to the use of the word 'pom or pommie' our skins are a lot thicker than you think, personaly I do not care what you call me, as long as you do not call me late for dinner :D (sorry English humour) but I can understand your need to vent your anger and frustration, my God look at where your from !!! :o

If you do have a problem understanding the plot from Eastenders or Coronation Street, let me know , it is very simple and I can help you, even though I have not seen either of them for several years the theme is repeated every every year so it will not take long for me to catch up !!

OK I have been accused of not 'getting out enough' so I'm off to do some work in the garden, but isn't this fun :D

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[wolf, you're not right there IMHO, since all the Aussies I know have always told me that they'll stick together in thick & thin! Just NOT the "british" way?!

And how about YOU getting a life, sitting and writing on the internet AS MUCH as you is harmful to your health....go outside and take a walk and chat with people you can see in the eyes; This isn't mean't for you alone, but all the repeaters (usual suspects) on this thread and bedlam in general; GO PLAY now, children.



Well I have had a very productive day been outside for most of it !! and had time for a work out but as a famous English man said: Prick us do we not bleed,

Tickle us do we not laugh,

Prick us shall we not revenge!!

I have a fantastic life, my health is wonderfull and I don't wear glasses !! I am only replying to other posts that are trying to belittle my country, just take the time to read all the posts on this thread and you will see that the vast majority of name calling and racism has come from the 'other side' if you do not like my posts that your loss, but at least I can be civilised :o

Wolf, my british friend, I didn't mean you as much as the repeated names you see on this thread (sorry about that!) And I thought I was being civilised, and some of your posts are OK, have a good evening, and don't drink too much! Glad to hear your health is good, we must keep it that way, since too many people are growing roots on the internet and not thinking of there health, especially in LOS, I never go on-line, maybe once a week to check me e-mail and stocks!

Keep on truckin' wolf.

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Aussies racist against their honourtable and honest brethren??? NEVER.

C'mon, you have to laugh. It is all in good fun and I for one enjoy the banter from our crim friends down under. :o


I quote 'But Cricket Australia has said that the term "pom" can still be used against the English, who arrive in Australia to defend the Ashes in November.'

No I'm afraid your very wrong Cricket Australia, the English arrived in Australia 200 years ago to offload all the criminals we didnt want in Blighty

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SamuiJens is always so uptight, maybe he doesn't have a sense of humour, he certainly doesn't seem to understand that some people just love a bit of banter. I think he needs to get laid once in a while, or maybe he's German in which case there is no hope. :o

If he is German this thread could go on for months :D

Just don't mention the ......... NO NO ...!!! :D

...war?, why not? Some learn from it some don't....and the punch line is Im soo sorry to tell you that Im not a Germ-an!

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SamuiJens is always so uptight, maybe he doesn't have a sense of humour, he certainly doesn't seem to understand that some people just love a bit of banter. I think he needs to get laid once in a while, or maybe he's German in which case there is no hope. :o

If he is German this thread could go on for months :D

Just don't mention the ......... NO NO ...!!! :D

...war?, why not? Some learn from it some don't....and the punch line is Im soo sorry to tell you that Im not a Germ-an!

Ha ha ... Well that makes those last 3 comments before pretty meaningless then ...... where are you from then Jens ... is it Dennark ?

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Ok, I've changed my mind. Today, I hate all British People. Except Fergie. Fergie is the cat's meow.

Oh well we win some, we lose some, it was nice to have you onboard even if it was for such a short time.

But Fergie is considered by most Englishmen to be a cats arse !!!!

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All those warm relations fostered (no pun intended) between our nations over the years by Aussie heroes and cultural ambassadors like Rolf Harris and sir Les Patterson.

And "Neighbours". And "Home & Away?" :D

"The Saints" were a top band though. :o

there;s a blast from the past mate. the frigging "saints" and i liked them as well.

i can still picture those dudes and the lead singer name was chris. :D

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Some poor Aussie on the Visa Forum has asked for help as his Consulate has refused to give him a supporting letter for his proof of income.

Well the answer is obvious, but I thought I'd share it with our Antipodean pals on this thread first.....................................................

All he needs is a letter of endorsement from his Probation Officer...................you've all got one after all :o ?

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