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I agree that the British Empire did have a lot to be proud of, but it also has a lot to be ashamed of in the way it treated some of the countries & people it ruled. As I'm sure you know, the first concentration camps were not the ones used by the Germans in WWII, they were implemented by the British in South Africa during the Boer war. We (yes, I'm British) have created as many (or more) problems as we've solved in most countries we've colonised. A lot of our sea-faring & trading history is based on the slave trade & the import/export of drugs, such as opium, very helpful in subduing the masses!

Having said that, show me one country that hasn't committed any (for want of a better word) atrocities in it's history. I can't think of any :o Unfortunately, it's human nature. I'd like to think we've progressed since then, but who am I to judge either my own countrymen or those from other countries?

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I agree that the British Empire did have a lot to be proud of, but it also has a lot to be ashamed of in the way it treated some of the countries & people it ruled. As I'm sure you know, the first concentration camps were not the ones used by the Germans in WWII, they were implemented by the British in South Africa during the Boer war. We (yes, I'm British) have created as many (or more) problems as we've solved in most countries we've colonised. A lot of our sea-faring & trading history is based on the slave trade & the import/export of drugs, such as opium, very helpful in subduing the masses!

Having said that, show me one country that hasn't committed any (for want of a better word) atrocities in it's history. I can't think of any :o Unfortunately, it's human nature. I'd like to think we've progressed since then, but who am I to judge either my own countrymen or those from other countries?

I agree on the whole, but I think you should read "Empire" by Niall Ferguson it gives a brilliant insight throughout the rise and fall of the British Empire along with all its faults, but at the end you realise that given the choices at the time, it was probably the best thing that could have possibly happened, as our empire as it was, was by far the lesser evil when compared to what the Dutch, German and Belgian empires were doing. And there is a major difference in our use of concenration camps and those used by the Nazis tested first in Namibia and only then in Germany. It's definitely worth reading to find out.

Wow, what happened to the light hearted banter of a few pages back?

Ha ha .. its like a pet pit bull puppy sbk .. can change its mood in an instant ... always be on your guard ... :o


I agree that the British Empire did have a lot to be proud of, but it also has a lot to be ashamed of in the way it treated some of the countries & people it ruled. As I'm sure you know, the first concentration camps were not the ones used by the Germans in WWII, they were implemented by the British in South Africa during the Boer war. We (yes, I'm British) have created as many (or more) problems as we've solved in most countries we've colonised. A lot of our sea-faring & trading history is based on the slave trade & the import/export of drugs, such as opium, very helpful in subduing the masses!

Having said that, show me one country that hasn't committed any (for want of a better word) atrocities in it's history. I can't think of any :o Unfortunately, it's human nature. I'd like to think we've progressed since then, but who am I to judge either my own countrymen or those from other countries?

I agree on the whole, but I think you should read "Empire" by Niall Ferguson it gives a brilliant insight throughout the rise and fall of the British Empire along with all its faults, but at the end you realise that given the choices at the time, it was probably the best thing that could have possibly happened, as our empire as it was, was by far the lesser evil when compared to what the Dutch, German and Belgian empires were doing. And there is a major difference in our use of concenration camps and those used by the Nazis tested first in Namibia and only then in Germany. It's definitely worth reading to find out.

Thats a good reference to an excellent book. I get weary of people trying to point out how terrible our colonial past was,.... It was a sight better than most other nation's sea-faring conquests; Spain; Belgium; Holland; Japan (!!!! Anybody want to bash the Japs about their recent colonial adventures? Do it now before they re-write another history book!)



Thats a good reference to an excellent book. I get weary of people trying to point out how terrible our colonial past was,.... It was a sight better than most other nation's sea-faring conquests; Spain; Belgium; Holland; Japan (!!!! Anybody want to bash the Japs about their recent colonial adventures? Do it now before they re-write another history book!)

Well said, I await any replies with interest.

Having said that, show me one country that hasn't committed any (for want of a better word) atrocities in it's history. I can't think of any

Monaco, San Marino, Andorra, Lichstenstein...


I personally like British people. This is a culture that gave us James Herriot, W. Churchill, Fawlty Towers, Chef (one of the funniest comedies of all time), Are you Being Served, James Bond, great beer, great plays (Willy Shakespeare), great big Thatcher hair, Big Ben, London Bridge in Arizona, USA, etc..


your a legend mate,

keep smoking that joint like that and im sure you'll like every punters on gods earth. :D:o:D:D

:D Thanks Fortitude,my geographical origins are clearly Australian, for those who are confused, well let them be so, I stated facts about the British influence in the genocide of Aborigines, take it or leave it.. :D Dukkha

you must be a frigging top , cracking aussie bleeder than mate. :D

cheers. :o

PS its no wonder your coming up with all these really good ideas. :D

I like British people.

thats because your off your trolly all the time mate. :D and there aint nothing wrong with that as i like a bit waccy tabaky also.

but not those big mothers your bogarting mate. :D

they'd frigging kill a horse. :D

anyway, i like the pommies except when the old codgers wear there long socks and sandles together. :D

thats frigging obsene and a very scary sight. :D:o

so give that a miss boys. :D


:o Thanks Fortitude,my geographical origins are clearly Australian, for those who are confused, well let them be so, I stated facts about the British influence in the genocide of Aborigines, take it or leave it.. :D Dukkha

Dukkha... you are without doubt one of the dumbest people I've met here!!

The only way we contributed to the genocide of the Aboriginal peoples was by sending our very worst scum there. It wasn't the "British" that used to go "Abo" hunting for fun it was you lot!!! A practice that only stopped in the 1960's.

So there you have it... Aussies hunting Aboriginals on horseback for a bit of fun... I am sure you're proud of your country now!!

well i must tell you mate,

they where a lot better shot in tasmania as they got them all.

on mainland aussie they wern't to good of a shot and theres still plenty of them running around there collecting there welfare.

but unless you have seen this personally you will never now what is happenning over there.


forget about this subject as its got <deleted> to do with the subject. :D


I worked and drank with many Brits in the Gulf and would have to agree that compared to other nationalities there seemed to be a disprortionate number of loud mouthed aggressive Brits once they had a few drinks under their belt.

I think it is a cultural thing as a few drinks, a spew and a bit of biffo are for many Brits considered a good night out.

Pattaya attracts many of these Brits with its promise of cheap hotels, cheap beer and cheap women. I don't think this is going to change so if you are in Pattaya better to side step these raucous hooligans and find another bar, something that should not present too large a problem in Pattaya.

As for what class these hooligans might be i think it is safe to say that they are in the hard core drunken yobbo class.

anyway, i like the pommies except when the old codgers wear there long socks and sandles together. :D

thats frigging obsene and a very scary sight. :D:o

so give that a miss boys. :D

Have to agree. Its a part of the colonial past that we should really be ashamed of. :D

Nevermind concentration camps; genocide; starving people; etc., long socks c/w sandals should be rounded up by the Taste Police and shot at dawn by firing squads. :D

There seems to be 2 distinctly different types of Brits.

There's the tattooed-lager-lout-pissed-idiot loser, and then there's the types that are the complete opposite and quite pleasant people. I'd say the latter are in the majority.

All of them seem to be a bit disillusioned with their home country, and from what I've heard, for good reason.

First time I've posted on this thread but i think this is the best and most accurate post yet, cheers ol mate and i don't give a stuff where your from. :o


i must be in the third class then - tattooed, good job with big salary and havent had a bar fight in three years (i just take it one day at a time in case of relapse, recovering hooligans can never be fully cured)

i must be in the third class then - tattooed, good job with big salary and havent had a bar fight in three years (i just take it one day at a time in case of relapse, recovering hooligans can never be fully cured)

Leftcross why such a long description when one short word would be enough?

"i must be in the third class then - ####"

i must be in the third class then - tattooed, good job with big salary and havent had a bar fight in three years (i just take it one day at a time in case of relapse, recovering hooligans can never be fully cured)


Why is everybody sterotyping Brits with tattoos? Well, I don't know where I fit - some tattoos, a mum & running a charity (no big salary, in fact no salary :D ) Does that make me in the loser class or the respectable class? Or a class of my own? :D


i must be in the third class then - tattooed, good job with big salary and havent had a bar fight in three years (i just take it one day at a time in case of relapse, recovering hooligans can never be fully cured)

Leftcross why such a long description when one short word would be enough?

"i must be in the third class then - ####"

because four hash signs don't make a word thicko. :o


Hmmmm, once again this brilliant Forum is getting closer to what nanaplaza.com became infamous for.

The personal attacks.




i must be in the third class then - tattooed, good job with big salary and havent had a bar fight in three years (i just take it one day at a time in case of relapse, recovering hooligans can never be fully cured)

Leftcross why such a long description when one short word would be enough?

"i must be in the third class then - ####"

because four hash signs don't make a word thicko. :D

It must have got censored, I'll try again ####, how about you #### ####er, why don't you #### a #### with a #### ok. :o

Americans aren't really affected much by what folks from less productive countries think of us. We're usually too busy doing stuff like going to the moon, pioneering new musical genres, inventing personal computers and the internet, removing evil dictators from power and such to give a flying fork.

We understand that when other folks feel the need to bash us it generally stems from ignorance, jealousy, bitterness, or a combination of all the above.

By and large, Americans may not be the most be the most worldly group of folks, but they're usually quite friendly and aren't known for going out and starting drunken brawls - with a few exceptions of course - unless you go out of your way to piss them off.

Personally I've never had any trouble with a Brit... now Germans, on the other hand... :o

Typical ######ing American there!! The internet wasn't invented by Americans or in Amercia.........

And let's not get onto the dictators........

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