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Prior to moving to Thailand from America 6 years ago I was an avid Anglophile and did not have much contact with British nationals, except for a few vacation visits.

However I now find that most of them I have encountered in Thailand are boorish, loud, aggressive, abusive YOBS (think that is the correct slang term). There are exceptions, of course, who behave and dress like gentlemen.

In all fairness, I assume, by their accent, British Nationality. I cannot distinguish between British, Australian, NZ whatever, but lump them all together as Brits. This is no doubt unfair and perhaps Brits are getting a bad rap from the behavior of others.




only an american could write a load of bollicks like that and every other punter on this forum knows exactly what i mean. :D

of you go and have a nice sleep. :o

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Prior to moving to Thailand from America 6 years ago I was an avid Anglophile and did not have much contact with British nationals, except for a few vacation visits.

However I now find that most of them I have encountered in Thailand are boorish, loud, aggressive, abusive YOBS (think that is the correct slang term). There are exceptions, of course, who behave and dress like gentlemen.

In all fairness, I assume, by their accent, British Nationality. I cannot distinguish between British, Australian, NZ whatever, but lump them all together as Brits. This is no doubt unfair and perhaps Brits are getting a bad rap from the behavior of others.




only an american could write a load of bollicks like that and every other punter on this forum knows exactly what i mean. :D

of you go and have a nice sleep. :o

He can't even tell if they are British, yet he is moaning about them.

PLEASE tell me he's Canadian! :D

I ran a guest house in Pattaya for many years, most of my guests were brits and very nice guys.

Had one who was a white collar worker who had lived and worked in OZ, when he arrived said to the lads "So eh calls you all Pommie Bastards!" being as I'm OZ..

I never said a word the lads all said "that's the first time we've heard that and it came from an English man"..

I agree with most of the posters..

There's good and bad everywhere..

I've met some obnoxious Aussies I'm sad to say.. :o

not me mr G,

and i like you more now as you got a big baton and a stable full of girlfriends. :D

urr. umm,

just to stay on topic mr G's girlfriends aint british. :D

However I now find that most of them I have encountered in Thailand are boorish, loud, aggressive, abusive YOBS (think that is the correct slang term).

YANKS (think that is the correct slang term).


Sing_Sing I stand corrected I mean Anglo Saxons , Saxons etc, I think there is a large amount of Americans that can trace there roots to this background also.

Not a problem. The three main groups are, I believe, German, Brit, Irish.

Sing_Sing I stand corrected I mean Anglo Saxons , Saxons etc, I think there is a large amount of Americans that can trace there roots to this background also.

Not a problem. The three main groups are, I believe, German, Brit, Irish.

German, English NOT Irish


German, English NOT Irish

Not Irish ?????????????????


Saxons were Germanic people who invaded Btitain . Later joined by Angles and became Anglo Saxons. The Welsh, Irish and Highland Scots were and are not considered Saxons by origin


It’s a lot of rubbish, I lived in many countries and spend seven years backpacking around the globe and there is no difference between Brits or other European. Talk to some guesthouse owners in Thailand and they tell you they don’t like Israeli others say Germans, etc. One on Koh Chang told me that the best customers are Brits, much more polite. So take you pick. On the whole some youngsters are wild, the older generation lot more sensible .Does not really matter where they are from.



German, English NOT Irish

Not Irish ?????????????????


Saxons were Germanic people who invaded Btitain . Later joined by Angles and became Anglo Saxons. The Welsh, Irish and Highland Scots were and are not considered Saxons by origin

You're missing the discussion by one post.

We had established that Germans are not and Yanks are not automatically Anglos. The next point was that the three main immigrant groups were German, Irsih and British.

Saxons were Germanic people who invaded Btitain . Later joined by Angles and became Anglo Saxons. The Welsh, Irish and Highland Scots were and are not considered Saxons by origin

Correct I think the Irish Scots etc consider themselves celts by origin

I thought we were talking about the make up of Americans who in many cases, there forefathers were German, English, Irish



German, English NOT Irish

Not Irish ?????????????????


Saxons were Germanic people who invaded Btitain . Later joined by Angles and became Anglo Saxons. The Welsh, Irish and Highland Scots were and are not considered Saxons by origin

You're missing the discussion by one post.

We had established that Germans are not and Yanks are not automatically Anglos. The next point was that the three main immigrant groups were German, Irsih and British.

The original post I was responding to said 'Anglo Saxons and Saxons'

Germans fall into the latter category. Irish fall into neither. Hope that clears it up[ :o


Saxons were Germanic people who invaded Btitain . Later joined by Angles and became Anglo Saxons. The Welsh, Irish and Highland Scots were and are not considered Saxons by origin

Correct I think the Irish Scots etc consider themselves celts by origin

I thought we were talking about the make up of Americans who in many cases, there forefathers were German, English, Irish


We were. I think we've caught up now - I doubt anyone would call the Irish and the Scots Anglo.


Saxons were Germanic people who invaded Btitain . Later joined by Angles and became Anglo Saxons. The Welsh, Irish and Highland Scots were and are not considered Saxons by origin

Correct I think the Irish Scots etc consider themselves celts by origin

I thought we were talking about the make up of Americans who in many cases, there forefathers were German, English, Irish


We were. I think we've caught up now - I doubt anyone would call the Irish and the Scots Anglo.

Or Saxons :o

I'm not born British but I spent a large part of my childhood there and so had quite a good chance to see Britain from the eyes of an outsider/insider.

It is my belief that the underlying problem with people in Britain is the very one they try to deny exists. Class.

Britain is a class ridden society, very many Britons deny this, claiming that old class rules have broken down. I don't agree, I think the class rules remain, simply under a different guise. There are not, as has been observed here, two types of Brits, there are very many and beyond the superficial level they do not mix.

Drinking, violence, abusiveness are not new aspects of British society, they have always existed. Read some of the accounts of drinking and violence in late Victorian Britain. Parts of major British Cities where no go areas. The restrictive alcohol licensing laws came in, not because it was to stop war workers drinking and keep up war production. But because with more money in their pockets, war workers where heading to the pubs and bingeing - The law was a reaction to binge drinking, not a preventative law incase binge drinking occured.

Then there is welfare (don't get me started).

And then there is something that I regard as the worst trait in British society, a broad band of spite and envy running right through the whole of the nation. Britons hate other Britons to get on in life, my belief is it goes back to the class thing. Getting above one's station, 'counter jumping'.

Finally, to put this back into the context of Thailand, I don't believe the British people who move to Thailand are a representative cross section of British society. They are in general a completely different type of people than, for example, those who move over here to live in Tuscany or perhaps buy a home in France. And yes, neither are those people a representative sample of Britons, they are simply a different class.

Guesthouse, you have correctly identified that Britain is still a highly class conscious society and I reluctantly concede these barriers have not really broken down as much as one would wish.As I think Bernard Shaw remarked every Englishman is branded on the tongue.It seems strange in such a small island that it is possible to tell so much about a person's background after only a few sentences.

In Thailand the vast proportion of British expatriates are lower or lower middle class, and this is reflected in forum membership.The upper middle class and upper class tend not to settle in Thailand unless black sheep or more often gay.Having said that I believe the majority of Brits in Thailand are decent if a little short on polish, and of course those who point out Brits' troubled relationship with alcohol are absolutely right.

Why don't you Brits just admit it.....you can't handle your grog.

You need lessons from an Aussie. :o

Mouse yer probably right, but at least we got good beer (real ale) that p.ss you drink is awful ! LOL


I have never had a problem with any farang in Thailand, save for 2 Brits. Neither was a "Lager Lout". What they shared in common was a sense of entitlement and an air of condescension towards everyone; farang and Thai alike. I had the sense they thought the empire might still be intact.


I'm not born British but I spent a large part of my childhood there and so had quite a good chance to see Britain from the eyes of an outsider/insider.

It is my belief that the underlying problem with people in Britain is the very one they try to deny exists. Class.

Britain is a class ridden society, very many Britons deny this, claiming that old class rules have broken down. I don't agree, I think the class rules remain, simply under a different guise. There are not, as has been observed here, two types of Brits, there are very many and beyond the superficial level they do not mix.

Drinking, violence, abusiveness are not new aspects of British society, they have always existed. Read some of the accounts of drinking and violence in late Victorian Britain. Parts of major British Cities where no go areas. The restrictive alcohol licensing laws came in, not because it was to stop war workers drinking and keep up war production. But because with more money in their pockets, war workers where heading to the pubs and bingeing - The law was a reaction to binge drinking, not a preventative law incase binge drinking occured.

Then there is welfare (don't get me started).

And then there is something that I regard as the worst trait in British society, a broad band of spite and envy running right through the whole of the nation. Britons hate other Britons to get on in life, my belief is it goes back to the class thing. Getting above one's station, 'counter jumping'.

Finally, to put this back into the context of Thailand, I don't believe the British people who move to Thailand are a representative cross section of British society. They are in general a completely different type of people than, for example, those who move over here to live in Tuscany or perhaps buy a home in France. And yes, neither are those people a representative sample of Britons, they are simply a different class.

Guesthouse, you have correctly identified that Britain is still a highly class conscious society and I reluctantly concede these barriers have not really broken down as much as one would wish.As I think Bernard Shaw remarked every Englishman is branded on the tongue.It seems strange in such a small island that it is possible to tell so much about a person's background after only a few sentences.

In Thailand the vast proportion of British expatriates are lower or lower middle class, and this is reflected in forum membership.The upper middle class and upper class tend not to settle in Thailand unless black sheep or more often gay.Having said that I believe the majority of Brits in Thailand are decent if a little short on polish, and of course those who point out Brits' troubled relationship with alcohol are absolutely right.

I'm sorry. I do not mind a bit of banter, but when Baldrick here comes in making his holier than thou statements which are not backed up by hard facts, it really p#sses me off.

"a little short on polish'?, upper and middle classes only settling here if they are gay or black sheep?

Younghusband you have either been sniffing the glue pot AGAIN or you are reading some unintelligible comic/magazine

In Thailand the vast proportion of British expatriates are lower or lower middle class, and this is reflected in forum membership.

How do British members of thiis forum feel about being described as lower class or lower middle class and a little short on polish?


The British class system runs working-middle-upper not lower-middle-upper.

Young husband seems to think it runs

Lower class, lower middle class, middlle class upper middle class, upper class



In Thailand the vast proportion of British expatriates are lower or lower middle class, and this is reflected in forum membership.

How do British members of thiis forum feel about being described as lower class or lower middle class?


The fact it has been said by Baldrick, a self opinionated, wannabe intellectual.

What is it they say about ignorance? :o


In Thailand the vast proportion of British expatriates are lower or lower middle class, and this is reflected in forum membership.

How do British members of thiis forum feel about being described as lower class or lower middle class and a little short on polish?


They probally feel it's a promotation :D:o:D:D

Sing_Sing I stand corrected I mean Anglo Saxons , Saxons etc, I think there is a large amount of Americans that can trace there roots to this background also.

Not a problem. The three main groups are, I believe, German, Brit, Irish.

Is there any Mick's in Thailand.


In Thailand the vast proportion of British expatriates are lower or lower middle class, and this is reflected in forum membership.

How do British members of thiis forum feel about being described as lower class or lower middle class and a little short on polish?


They probally feel it's a promotation :D:D:D:D

Whats one of those? :o


However I now find that most of them I have encountered in Thailand are boorish, loud, aggressive, abusive YOBS (think that is the correct slang term).

YANKS (think that is the correct slang term).


100% yanks.


In Thailand the vast proportion of British expatriates are lower or lower middle class, and this is reflected in forum membership.

How do British members of thiis forum feel about being described as lower class or lower middle class and a little short on polish?


They probally feel it's a promotation :D:D:D:D

Did you mean P R O M O T I O N?

If you are going to come on here and try and take the rip out of us Brits, at least learn OUR language first please :o


I wouldn't say lower class, I'd say working class, but then some people might say that to be working class would depend on if there was any work.

The upper middle class and upper class tend not to settle in Thailand unless black sheep or more often gay.

One of my best buddies here is very wealthy and went to the same school in England as the Prince of Thailand and he idolizes other upper-class F___-ups like Lord Lucan.

A Black Sheep for sure!

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