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... a bunch of stuff ..

Not bad.

As far as trolling goes it was mildly entertaining. The strategic lack of punctuation and a few other grammatical devices was refreshing but over all the Trollometer gives you a 4.5

Perhaps the beta version will produce more interesting crap.

Presumably you are an English teacher?

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Coming down off the nova somewhere near the boiled egg that is the Royal Albert Hall, we watch Paul’s sun crossed with John’s star and hold ice cream hands. Someone slipped on a cassette as the one you wanted left with someone else but somehow it was cool because as the music filled the shadows, you heard a sound that was a million miles away from fakery and a step away from your heart.

Just like it always did, this sound puts the swagger back into your step, the rush into your blood but somehow, and I don’t know how, they had become deeper, wider, soulful, better at their craft, inspired by so many things like a wold that is tilting who knows where and the applause they always knew was theirs but waited so impatiently to receive. Words cut you from all angles, backed up by a monumental sound that rises high, high, and high to crash against your rocks and then changes, majestically and magically to sooth the wounds inside.

As you are dragged inside this trip abandon, you hear a council estate singing it’s heart out, you hear the clink of loose change that is never enough to buy what you need, boredom and poverty, hours spend with a burnt out guitar, dirty pubs and cracked pavements, violence and love, all rolled into one and now this.

At the end flip over and start again because now you are not so isolated. They have gone to work so that you can go home. High above the day turns pink and you feel your feet lift above the ground as new roads open up in front of you. In this town the jury is always rigged but the people know. The always know the truth. Believe. Belief. Beyond. Their morning glory.

P.H. Summer 95

If you have never grown up in the working class of the UK you can never understand it.


... a bunch of stuff ..

Not bad.

As far as trolling goes it was mildly entertaining. The strategic lack of punctuation and a few other grammatical devices was refreshing but over all the Trollometer gives you a 4.5

Perhaps the beta version will produce more interesting crap.

Presumably you are an English teacher?

No its Tim Nice but Dim :o:D:D

The rather heated response to my post, not to mention the fractured syntax and eccentric grammar one associates with the lower orders, only serves to prove my point that class is a very sensitive issue with Brits but also a source of gentle amusement.Actually, I meant no offence in my use of the terms "lower class" or "lower middle class", and I'm sorry if this upset anyone though I can't really see why it should.I could equally have used the terms working class or upper working class, or even the socioeconomic categories used by advertising men - A, B, C etc. My own background is lower middle class so I am hardly putting on airs and graces.By the way the definition of lower middle class is someone who like John Major tucks his shirt into his underpants.

Nevertheless it is quite obvious to an unbiased observer that the social background of most Brits in Thailand, and probably other European nationalities, is very far from being top drawer however you like to define it.Pattaya for example is almost exclusively a destination for the farang lower classes, and the chemistry of the mixture with Isaan farm girls produces an eclectic and I think rather charming mixture.

The reality is that while there are obvious exceptions the English upper classes tend to gravitate to places like Umbria, Tuscany and Provence rather than, for example Thai Visa pissups in Pattaya,Bangkok....or Birmingham where I very much doubt one would hear anyone speaking what I think is technically called received English.

What is your excuse for being here then, as you have so eloquently told us the reason we're all here? black sheep or poofter? please gravitate the f##k off! :o



Posted it already so what the hel_l, aint got a prob with rippin in to a guy, but I'm assuming your female so soz for that (kinda)



Posted it already so what the hel_l, aint got a prob with rippin in to a guy, but I'm assuming your female so soz for that (kinda)

Don't wory about it, i find it quite amusing coming from a close to forty year old guy with minimal education, looking to be an educator in Pattaya because they have fallen for some young bint. :o

All power to you, just don't bang your head too hard :D



Posted it already so what the hel_l, aint got a prob with rippin in to a guy, but I'm assuming your female so soz for that (kinda)

Don't wory about it, i find it quite amusing coming from a close to forty year old guy with minimal education, looking to be an educator in Pattaya because they have fallen for some young bint. :o

All power to you, just don't bang your head too hard :D

Like I say stick to what your best at, bitter and innacurate as usual.



Posted it already so what the hel_l, aint got a prob with rippin in to a guy, but I'm assuming your female so soz for that (kinda)

Don't wory about it, i find it quite amusing coming from a close to forty year old guy with minimal education, looking to be an educator in Pattaya because they have fallen for some young bint. :D

All power to you, just don't bang your head too hard :D

Like I say stick to what your best at, bitter and innacurate as usual.

What was innacurate about my post? :o


Firstly the derogatory tone you generally use in your posts makes me think you are fairly young and shallow.

I don't have a problem with who I am, or where I'm going in life, there is much more to it than I would expect you to know or wish to share with you, but Mrs Robski isn't 'some young bint'. or a BG for that matter.

What does come accross very clearly in your posts is that you are bitter as regards to men and thai women, age, Thailand et al, and you are very critical of others whist not really offering anything of your own personality into the debate. You want an answer there it is.


While I have some sympathy with the Brits here who protest to being referred to as 'lower class', I think they are missing the point if they go further and object to having their class being considered a factor in their behavior.

Class is almost the single biggest issue in deciding almost all our behavior. As someone pointed out 'Advertising Men' identify people according to a categorization of ‘Socio-Economic Class. The categorization has come from 'Sociology' and has been transferred into 'Advertising' by the Sociologists and Psychologists who work in that industry, it is used by the Advertising industry because they understand and make use of the relationship between Class and Behavior.

The comparison I have made is that the Brits who choose to move to Pattaya Thailand are by and large a different Class group than those that might, say move to Tuscany here in Italy.

There is no great mystery why that is so. The attractions of a Thai beer bar are somewhat different than the attractions of Tuscany and consequently attracts a different kind of clientele.

What is of note is things are getting worse. Twenty years ago it was rare, if ever, to see young Brits in Thailand. Most Brits I met in my early years in Thailand where retired or semi retired people who saved all year for a few winter months in the sun. That, or like myself professional expats.

Cheap flights, and I believe the news of Thailand spread in the British tabloid press have changed things tremendously. Thailand, in particular Pattaya, is now a well known destination for gangs of lads on the ‘Raz’.

My guess is if you had gone into a British Pub twenty years ago and told your friends you had just come from Thailand, they might and I mean might have made some remark about BKK. These days they’d be well versed in a string of stories about Thailand. It’s those stories together with cheap flights that attract the larger swilling louts for which Britain is rightly renowned.

Now I’d make another distinction about changes in Class. The idea that ‘Working Class’ is itself somehow linked to lower class behavior is actually false. Real British Working Class values are something to be admired; hard work, community, family respect and respectful behavior.

The yobs pishing it up in British town centers and now more frequently seen in Thailand with their foul language, disrespectful behavior and total disregard for those around them are not Working Class in the traditional sense of the term.

They are and underclass of their own making, excluded by their behavior from the vast majority of British society but also excluded by welfare and laws protecting their ‘rights’ from the consequences of their own actions.

The reason we read about them in Thailand is because all of a sudden they are no longer protected when caught fighting, or abusing the privileges that come with having money in your pocket.

Don’t go thinking it is going to get better. Cheap flights and more news of Thailand in the British Press is going to attract more of these people.

I would add, there are of course middle and upper middle class Brits visiting Thailand, but they are by and large Backpacking graduates and young professionals on a years out – A very rare sight in Pattaya. (and I might add a frequent target of abuse on TV).

Finally, I doubt very much that many, if any, of the yobs heading to Thailand are members of Thai visa, this is a community and it is my contention that ‘Community’ is not something the products of British Yob Culture recognize.

So brace yourself, unless there is a sudden collapse of the British economy, it is not going to get better. The Spanish experience suggests it is going to get a lot lot worse.

The issue will then not be class, but nationality, if you are British you will be judged with the Yobs.


Amused observers are wondering when the first headbutts might fly. :o:D

Headbutts are a Scottish speciality :D:D

thought it was a "liverpool kiss"

I thought it was a 'Geordie kiss'.

glasgow kiss i believe. :D

Amused observers are wondering when the first headbutts might fly. :o:D

I was thinking exactly the same thing. :D

Can you imagine what it would be like if all the British posters in this thread were in the one bar at the same time, having this discussion.

After a few warm ales, :D they would be starting to scratch each other's eyes out.

We Aussies would be sitting back with our icy cold beers and laughing our heads off. :D:D

What a bunch of old sheilas you lot are. :D No wonder they call it "Mother England". :D


Amused observers are wondering when the first headbutts might fly. :o:D

Headbutts are a Scottish speciality :D:D

thought it was a "liverpool kiss"

I thought it was a 'Geordie kiss'.

glasgow kiss i believe. :D

I second that


Amused observers are wondering when the first headbutts might fly. :o:D

I was thinking exactly the same thing. :D

Can you imagine what it would be like if all the British posters in this thread were in the one bar at the same time, having this discussion.

After a few warm ales, :D they would be starting to scratch each other's eyes out.

We Aussies would be sitting back with our icy cold beers and laughing our heads off. :D:D

What a bunch of old sheilas you lot are. :D No wonder they call it "Mother England". :D

:D that's it - it's warm beer all the way in the UK.

I boil mine in the kettle. :D


Amused observers are wondering when the first headbutts might fly. :o:D

I was thinking exactly the same thing.

Can you imagine what it would be like if all the British posters in this thread were in the one bar at the same time, having this discussion.

After a few warm ales, :D they would be starting to scratch each other's eyes out.

We Aussies would be sitting back with our icy cold beers and laughing our heads off. :D:D

What a bunch of old sheilas you lot are. :D No wonder they call it "Mother England". :D

that's it - it's warm beer all the way in the UK.

I boil mine in the kettle. :D

After I've boiled mine in the kettle I store it in a thermos flask. Keeps warm for weeks! :D:D


that's it - it's warm beer all the way in the UK.

I boil mine in the kettle. :D

After I've boiled mine in the kettle I store it in a thermos flask. Keeps warm for weeks! :D:D


Too funny.

The good thing about you Poms, if there is just one thing, British humour is probably the best in the world.

Nevertheless it is quite obvious to an unbiased observer that the social background of most Brits in Thailand, and probably other European nationalities, is very far from being top drawer however you like to define it.Pattaya for example is almost exclusively a destination for the farang lower classes, and the chemistry of the mixture with Isaan farm girls produces an eclectic and I think rather charming mixture.

The reality is that while there are obvious exceptions the English upper classes tend to gravitate to places like Umbria, Tuscany and Provence rather than, for example Thai Visa pissups in Pattaya,Bangkok....or Birmingham where I very much doubt one would hear anyone speaking what I think is technically called received English.

True to a degree but it doesn't just apply to the British and Europeans. I doubt you would see too many middle to upper class North Americans in Pattaya either, so I would guess that the US and Canadian elite also find other places to go (or stay in their home country).


The upper middle class and upper class tend not to settle in Thailand unless black sheep or more often gay.

One of my best buddies here is very wealthy and went to the same school in England as the Prince of Thailand and he idolizes other upper-class F___-ups like Lord Lucan.

A Black Sheep for sure!

Do you hang around with people who idolize murders?

thats a bit fcuked up mate.

Lots of people are interested in Lord Lucan.

He is the ultimate upper-class, British black sheep and he has his own website! :o


YANKS (think that is the correct slang term).


Yes, your correct, I'm a YANK, at least by your criteria. "oh wad a gift he gee us. To see ourselves as other see us". Robert Burns. An approprite quote for EVERYONE (all nationalities). Peace!


The upper middle class and upper class tend not to settle in Thailand unless black sheep or more often gay.

One of my best buddies here is very wealthy and went to the same school in England as the Prince of Thailand and he idolizes other upper-class F___-ups like Lord Lucan.

A Black Sheep for sure!

Do you hang around with people who idolize murders?

thats a bit fcuked up mate.

Lots of people are interested in Lord Lucan.

He is the ultimate upper-class, British black sheep and he has his own website! :D


I've heard he's been seen driving tuk tuks on Patong beach ..... :o


Amused observers are wondering when the first headbutts might fly. :o:D

I was thinking exactly the same thing. :D

Can you imagine what it would be like if all the British posters in this thread were in the one bar at the same time, having this discussion.

After a few warm ales, :D they would be starting to scratch each other's eyes out.

We Aussies would be sitting back with our icy cold beers and laughing our heads off. :D:D

What a bunch of old sheilas you lot are. :D No wonder they call it "Mother England". :D


will you ever become civilised? instead of drunken,loud mouthed farting whingers. now thats what i call common ! delighted you are at the ends of the earth. is it true you shag sheep and kangaroo,s.?

Edited the worst bits out


Yes please... light hearted, I would hate for this thread to prove the very thing I was trying to take a stand on.

Don't worry the colonies will always have their back up when it comes to the mother country!! :o


Is the coast clear? I shouldn't get on TV when I've had a few beers, I've slept since then. are we still Brit bashing or have we moved on to Aussie bashing?

Guesthouse your are a very wise old bird, of that there is no doubt, but I feel your view on English society has been shaded by time.

Class boundaries are much less defined than they used to be, thugs and louts can have repectable jobs too. Anti social behaviour is not confined to the lowest class of people, but saying that there is a major underclass in England now and I guess they represent a lot of what is bad about UK society.

Generally though they don't resent the rich, they'd like to have some of it sure, but on the whole they're more concerned about their immediate needs to look at the bigger picture, can they pay the council tax, can they get a beer, can they score, can they get home without getting a beating, can they scrape enough together for a week on the piss in Benidorm to get away from it all.

Socialism or class values and identity are dead. There is no cohesion in society. they read the papers and follow the lead of those in power who say it's all about what you can get away with.

They get abroad and do what they do back home.

Guesthouse your are a very wise old bird, of that there is no doubt, but I feel your view on English society has been shaded by time.

Interesting, I read GH's post about class and he definitely has a point but since I have lived out of UK for the last 20yrs I can see massive changes which go along the lines of Robski's post.

About 20 yrs ago I would say the class distinction was much more obvious, although sometimes what you see on the surface is not always what you assume it to be.

Now when I go back to the UK I see more of a get rich quick, cash culture. One of the offshoots of this is the TV/reality show/fame in a day phenomena. It seems the salaries of people in the media or certain sections of it are way off the scale. And you can see quite upper class people doing really weird things (for the money of course). Things they wouldn't have been caught dead doing 20yrs ago! Everything from TV chefs and gardeners to swallowing worms in the Sahara.

To sum it up in the words of one of my best friends. I went back recently and said to her. Well how are things in the UK?

" Huh, the lunatics are running the asylum."

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