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Brit arrested on child pornography charges in Chiang Mai given suspended sentence

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6 hours ago, Asiantravel said:


I just can't stop thinking about the astonishing inconsistency of this sentence? it doesn't make any sense at all .


I mean even without the sexual offences surely " holding a child against their will " is surely tantamount to kidnapping ?The penalties in USA for just that alone are huge?


what I keep wondering.could he have information about someone else which must remain buried:ph34r:.


This isn't the USA so why bring that up? Why? The accused isn't even American. Bizarre comment.

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1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:


This isn't the USA so why bring that up? Why? The accused isn't even American. Bizarre comment.


You talk about my comment being bizarre what is bizarre is a seemingly huge divergence in sentencing standards between Thailand and USA regarding the penalty of holding somebody against their will. Even in the UK under the Child Abduction Act 1984 you can get up to 7 years in jail.

I’m sure the Americans won't be happy because Glandford was actually arrested after a tip by US Homeland Security investigators to the DSI last November .

7 hours ago, colinneil said:

Who does he know in the Thai justice department??????

dont have to know anyone. his lawyer negotiates how big the brown envelope will be to make sure the sentence will be suspended. guy got off light compared to western penalties. the fact he get to continue living with kids is concerning.

5 hours ago, WinnieTheKhwai said:

All of the commenters must know exactly what happened and have studied the courtroom transcripts. :rolleyes: 


When he was arrested it already seemed based on iffy evidence, so it may even be that these sentences are relatively harsh;  you just can't tell based on the information available.   (Or is anyone psychic?)

<deleted> are you talking about? The man was convicted and sentenced. Obviously the judge found the evidence compelling. As to the suspension of the sentences. Just mindboggling and disgusting! One can only assume his time as a monk played in his favour or a fat brown paper bag went under the table. 

2 hours ago, WinnieTheKhwai said:


There were news articlleic here in this forum in January of this year.   If there is solid evidence they tend to name the (number of) kids and the ages, but it didn't go beyond lewd images found on his computer.

That said, I don't know any more than you do.


Then, that said, please do not even attempt to defend the indifencable.

Much has been said, on this forum about who gets the harsher treatment, Thais or farangs. For the life long damage made to children, be it only as you minimize it, by stating, "but it didn't go beyond lewd images found on his computer", then I would like to think that anyone, of any race, who betrays the trust put on them by innocent children, then they all equally deserve a far more harsher sentance than the one handed down here.

5 hours ago, denkiblue555 said:


Yes...I think Andy needs to get a hold of this guy's lawyer.

No, Andy has not learned that if you do something good and selfless but it pisses off some powerful person, 4 years with some suspended is considered very lenient.


Whereas, if your victim is relatively voiceless and not connected to someone powerful, a suspended sentence is just the right fit.

3 hours ago, Asiantravel said:


You talk about my comment being bizarre what is bizarre is a seemingly huge divergence in sentencing standards between Thailand and USA regarding the penalty of holding somebody against their will. Even in the UK under the Child Abduction Act 1984 you can get up to 7 years in jail.

I’m sure the Americans won't be happy because Glandford was actually arrested after a tip by US Homeland Security investigators to the DSI last November .


I'm sure there is a huge divergence in sentencing standards between Thailand and countless other countries. Germany, Sweden, Australia, South Africa, Spain, Italy, Canada...... That's why your comment was weird, just mentioning the USA. Of course, you might be American and believe that everyone should adopt your standards rather than Germany, Sweden......... But they do have good systems too.


He lived in Thailand for many years , he speaks fluent Thai , he is also a buddhist and probably know people high up on the ladder.  He should have been deported.  


His youtube channel were full of videos , in one of them he touched a young girl between her legs , I really hope someone will teach him a lesson when he gets out,  



Well I dunno if i should be putting my neck out here, but, this guy was once a vague friend on face book some years ago.


Initially when he was a monk and appeared to be doing good things to help the kids up in the mountain regions. His landscape and daily life photography was of a very high quality, though a friend back in the UK , I vaguely recall did once mention a few doubts as to what he was up to and at the time, to which I responded, I wasn't to sure either  and was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt at the time. 


Then at some point a few years ago, I recall him being removed from Face book for a while before reappearing some time later, saying his removal had something to do with pics of him with the kids at the time.  I never saw anything unto wards in the pics at the time he was posting the various landscape and village life pics at the time.  To be honest until I read this news report today I had completely forgotten about him as I had seen no more posts for a long time, and it was only today that i now understand why. 


It seems to me , given the lenient sentence reported here, that this guy, who I have never had any other contact with, other then that stated above, may be the victim of something far less obvious than the report suggests, given that he had had some problems previously with people complaining about what, at the time as I saw them then , appeared to be a series of  fairly innocuous pics with kids and local village life.  


That is not to say he didn't maybe venture to the dark side later on, and maybe that is what this is all about now, I don't know, but I do know that he seemed to be doing good for the kids at the time we sort of distantly  and briefly knew each other through a Buddhist linked website when he was a monk.  


I must admit I feel very saddened for these kids, if this is what has transpired since, but also just a little concerned that maybe we are not seeing the whole story here..  


Of course i do understand that I may be totally  wrong in my assumptions.  But I am not gonna jump on the perv/ paedo band wagon on this one.  


On another point, after once watching Buddha;s lost Children", where a Thai monk rescues orphans and children form drug addicted families, some of whom often want their kids back to do the farm labouring, one might ask, if the child abduction was not a case filed by such a family that Blandford felt would be against the welfare of the kid.  Who knows ?  Perhaps the authorities had their hands tied, but had to be seen to do something , hence the relatively light sentence?????


So if that , pisses anyone on here off, then tough Shaite, because news reporting and justice , as we all know in Thailand, rarely go hand in hand.  But, if he did do it and is as it seems has categorically committed  paedo offences, then fair enough, the sentence was too light.

5 hours ago, Asiantravel said:


I’m sure the Americans won't be happy because Glandford was actually arrested after a tip by US Homeland Security investigators to the DSI last November .


This. That the Americans are tracking and providing world wide tips of any kind on citizens of other countries is the chilling element in play here. Not content to peer into every nook and cranny of the lives of there own citizens, they've gone global. Not withstanding this chaps crimes and any deserved punishments, I can assure you the last thing you want is more surveillance from the USA. 

10 hours ago, Jimbo2014 said:

The only thing that should be suspended is this guys neck from the highest yardarm!

I agree with you.   Many pedos think they can come to Thailand and have a field day (a day at the candy store) with kids!    He should be prosecuted, and put in the Bangkok Hilton Prison!  and keep pulling money from HIS families bank accounts in THEIR own countries!


Quote : Blandford, a fluent Thai speaker, had reportedly spent time as a Buddhist monk and had taught English to school children in Fang.




A remarkably lenient verdict indeed ... so lenient that one might need to read again the above quote from the article in order to understand the leniency ... Some expats obviously know how to handle their problems the local way ...


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A little crowd-funding exercise to help the victims hire a lawyer to take a private lawsuit might be in order? I'll contribute mightily if someone knows how to put it all together

5 hours ago, lonewolf99 said:

The Monkhood thing.....does that swing it for you and you get let off ?


I guess that has something to do with it. Don't want to bring the monkhood into disrepute by having one of their own convicted of child abuse.


According to the Huffington Post US Homeland Security was expecting him to get 7 years in the Bangkok Hilton.


I think this case is far more serious than when we first heard about it in January . He used the kids as sex slaves and shared the images online. According to the court. Good enough for me to throw the key away for good. 



On 20/09/2016 at 9:49 AM, elgordo38 said:

Me thinks the fine was far far north of 83,000. Methinks he was given a piece of paper and a pencil and told to write a figure on it. My gosh the price was right.


    Whatever the fine; the guys now a figure of hate and if he returns to UK he can expect to have the book thrown at him!


I did know Fred. I first met him when he was a monk in Fang and I went to the same temple to be a monk for a very short while, about 6 years ago. 


I kept in touch with Fred but as an acquaintance rather than a friend. I did, however, send him a PM on Facebook once, after he had disrobed, telling him that I was concerned about some of the pictures of children that he was posting on FB. My point to him was that some of the images featured kids who were naked or semi-naked and the images might be used inappropriately by someone. It just didn't 'feel' right to me and my gut feeling was telling me that something worse might be going on. I suppressed my intuition, however, and didn't take any further action as I had no real proof of any real wrong-doing and I've previously seen innocent men's lives being destroyed by speculation and paranoia. I didn't want to be responsible for the same thing maybe happening to Fred.


My point is simply this; I observed Fred posting images of semi-naked and naked kids on Facebook that I deemed to be 'inappropriate'. FACT.

12 hours ago, Xircal said:

This shows how he was caught.  Congrats to those who turned him in!



He had been targeted following a tip-off from the USA’s Department of Homeland Security, said prosecutors.


American investigators had found horrific paedophile images sent to a US suspect from an IP address used by Blandford, the court was told.




You have to admit ...if you understand Thailand ...in my opinion ...that this man is getting away with this to such an extent (besides the brown envelopes and all of that) is that the victims are all hill tribes!! 

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