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British Colonial Co: Outrage in Australia over theme restaurant


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49 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Many years ago,i read "The decline and fall of the British Empire" It took me almost a year to get through it.I am British,but what i read,made me realise that we were a brutal,arrogant,greedy,and violent race.We murdered our own foreign forces and swept through the countries that we wanted like the plague.We attempted to starve the irish and we dominated the known world.Of this there is no question.It was only after i read this book and visited the far East and with spoke to people from all parts of the world,that i realised how hated the British are.From running hoards of prostitutes in India,to the Opium trade in Hong kong.

It was a long time ago now,And some of our brothers in arms have stood shoulder with us in wars of later times.

No is no way history can be changed,and to keep making arguememnts about who wqs righta nd who was wrong,and who did what to who,is pointless.Iwas shocked to find out that Lord Baden Powell,a man i admired in my youth,was a complete shit.

As i gotlder and visited countires all over the world,i was grateful hear the English language spoken and i didnt care in what accent.And now in the far East,the second language here is English,of which i am truly grateful.I dont know many other countries that speak Russian or Turkish or pharsie,Greek,italian.English is a language that has spread all over the world(some may say like the pox)and i am glad of that.


Who wrote "The decline and fall of the British Empire'. Piers Brendon.


He  studied at Cambridge University just as had McLean, Burgess, Philby and Blunt known at the time as the Cambridge Spies. Among that crowd it was trendy to knock the British empire and anything associated with it. It was awash with left wing self haters, wealthy layabouts and many leading members of the British Communist Party. None of 'em had ever done a days real work in their privileged lives.

Edited by yogi100
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44 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Famines are just that, famines. Potato Blight was a disease that affected Europe at the time. We did not cause famines, they are the result of weather conditions, plagues, drought, agricultural diseases, animal infectious afflictions, pests like locusts and various other predatory insects and/or inability or laziness on the behalf of the local people. And where on earth did you get all these millions from!


Barbary pirates were raiding settlements in the South of England and Ireland as well as the rest of Europe for centuries for plunder and slaves. The inhabitants of one entire Cornish village disappeared one night and were never heard from again. But to mention such events is not acceptable as it is considered 'racist' to do so.


African slaves were sold into slavery by other Africans and Arabians.



Britain allowed the Irish and Bengali people to starve. Potato blight happened throughout Europe but governments responded and helped the victims to  avoid famine. In Ireland the government .(ie Britain) allowed the people to starve. The population went from almost 8 million to under 5 million. The current population of Ireland is still only 4.5 million. In 1943 Churchill refused to aid the starving people in India as it would affect military funding for the British forces. Millions died...


Yes. African slaves were sold by other slaves but the ships were British. Your attitude is a clear example of the deliberate miseducation of the masses to mask former crimes of Empire. Your arrogance is startling....


Its a historical fact that over one million people died in the Irish potato famine. Millions died in The Bengal famines too.. 


Governments can control the impact of famine...or ignore it... Britain chose to ignore them...

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37 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Who wrote "The decline and fall of the British Empire'. Piers Brendon.


He  studied at Cambridge University just as had McLean, Burgess, Philby and Blunt known at the time as the Cambridge Spies. Among that crowd it was trendy to knock the British empire and anything associated with it. It was awash with left wing self haters, wealthy layabouts and many leading members of the British Communist Party. None of 'em had ever done a days real work in their privileged lives.


Are you suggesting that none of the above is true? That it was fashionable to knock the Empire so Historians made stuff up??? Or are you suggesting they highlighted facts that they should have ignored, in order to cover up the harsh reality of Empire? Are you suggesting that the empire didn't contribute to millions of deaths? Are you delusional?

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23 hours ago, Enoon said:


But it did much more to exploit and suppress those "natives" in order to enrich the centre of empire.


The Industrial Revolution was funded by profits from the British expansion of the Atlantic slave trade, to supply the Carribbean and North American slave plantations, which themselves provided even greater wealth to the centre.


The Irish population of the US are there because the Empire sat back and watched Ireland starve under it's "benevloent" gaze.  Britain gained control of Ireland only to suppress what it saw as a Catholic threat, it contributed little wealth to the centre so the suffering could be ignored.


Exploitation and suppression and are what empires are for.  There's no purpose in having one unless you do that.  Taking more than giving.


You're an American , you should know that and, I'm sure, would not "argue".




And America made vast amounts of profit from WW1 and WW2; ruthlessly exploited slaves, and arguable still treats blacks as second class citizens; colonized the Philippines and made a great job out of invading Viet Nam and bombing neutral Laos. The Middle East - Another American 'success" story. 


So all those crappy fast food, pretentious coffee shops and overpriced eateries should be boycotted then? Good idea.

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43 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Who wrote "The decline and fall of the British Empire'. Piers Brendon.


He  studied at Cambridge University just as had McLean, Burgess, Philby and Blunt known at the time as the Cambridge Spies. Among that crowd it was trendy to knock the British empire and anything associated with it. It was awash with left wing self haters, wealthy layabouts and many leading members of the British Communist Party. None of 'em had ever done a days real work in their privileged lives.


To suggest that because Piers Brendon attended Cambridge University he is ipso facto associated with the PBM group is very silly. However, after reading The New Criterion book review, Piers Brendon doesn't appear to exactly come up smelling of roses. http://www.newcriterion.com/articles.cfm/The-anti-historian-3946


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23 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

oooh British people did lots of bad things, back 200 years ago. So only British people did bad things, and the rest of the world were all holding hands and being nice to each other. What a load of s-h-i-t-e!

your wrong doesn't make my wrong right

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27 minutes ago, claffey said:


Britain allowed the Irish and Bengali people to starve. Potato blight happened throughout Europe but governments responded and helped the victims to  avoid famine. In Ireland the government .(ie Britain) allowed the people to starve. The population went from almost 8 million to under 5 million. The current population of Ireland is still only 4.5 million. In 1943 Churchill refused to aid the starving people in India as it would affect military funding for the British forces. Millions died...


Yes. African slaves were sold by other slaves but the ships were British. Your attitude is a clear example of the deliberate miseducation of the masses to mask former crimes of Empire. Your arrogance is startling....


Its a historical fact that over one million people died in the Irish potato famine. Millions died in The Bengal famines too.. 


Governments can control the impact of famine...or ignore it... Britain chose to ignore them...

That Churchill refused to help the starving in India is no surprise, he once said of the Indians, ''They are a beastly people with a beastly religion''. Liverpool made a fortune from slave trading

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6 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Aah, C,mon, Less of the Ozzie bashing. Australians are a great bunch of people, it,s them white guys who came later that let the show down !



ah goodie!!...back in subject re: british colonials vs Aussies...



ummm, an ozzie would realise that this is all about the aussies bashing the Empire - that brought in the visitors...



Aussies are extremely capable of taking the ps out of others,


and this should only done if one can handle the ps being taken out of themselves - even when it's done by themselves.





we give plenty of: tongue in cheek


we are be capable of: turning the other cheek


and - yeah! whateverrrrr - like water off a duck's back


   in one ear and out the other


   hit me in the Right arm - and I'll rub the Left arm in spite of it,

(in response, that's if I want to display any contempt for someone else's doings)





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On 20/09/2016 at 3:19 PM, Alive said:

This story after the Thai students dressed as nazis story. There is a connection. Certainly many died and suffered under the Brits. These people feel as much pain as any who were murdered and abused anywhere by anyone.

Folks folks! Look around, what language are you speaking, what Legal system is the most used around the world, what political system is the one touted as the best in the world? While you can scoff at the British empire at least it released its colonies with as little bloodshed as possible, you can't say that for the French or the Spanish? And what about the US and their interference in Sth America and their protectorates in the Philippines and Cuba, their continued overloardship of Porto Rico? 


It all happened over 100 years ago, it's history! Moaning grizzling whinging small c*cks, grow up, grow a pair, get on with or better still get a life! :passifier::post-4641-1156693976::wai:

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On ‎9‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 9:18 AM, Enoon said:


But it did much more to exploit and suppress those "natives" in order to enrich the centre of empire.


The Industrial Revolution was funded by profits from the British expansion of the Atlantic slave trade, to supply the Carribbean and North American slave plantations, which themselves provided even greater wealth to the centre.


The Irish population of the US are there because the Empire sat back and watched Ireland starve under it's "benevloent" gaze.  Britain gained control of Ireland only to suppress what it saw as a Catholic threat, it contributed little wealth to the centre so the suffering could be ignored.


Exploitation and suppression and are what empires are for.  There's no purpose in having one unless you do that.  Taking more than giving.


You're an American , you should know that and, I'm sure, would not "argue".




Pretty much spot on.  far more to be ashamed of than celebrate.  Thankfully it wouldn't happen today, the world has grown up a lot since then

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9 minutes ago, TPI said:

Folks folks! Look around, what language are you speaking, what Legal system is the most used around the world, what political system is the one touted as the best in the world? While you can scoff at the British empire at least it released its colonies with as little bloodshed as possible, you can't say that for the French or the Spanish? And what about the US and their interference in Sth America and their protectorates in the Philippines and Cuba, their continued overloardship of Porto Rico? 


It all happened over 100 years ago, it's history! Moaning grizzling whinging small c*cks, grow up, grow a pair, get on with or better still get a life! :passifier::post-4641-1156693976::wai:

You wrote, "at the British empire at least it released its colonies with as little bloodshed as possible" 217,000 causalities American civil war.  India - millions.  

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Wow this thread has certainly rattled a few cages!.  We are all guilty.  The French, the Spanish, the Portuguese, the Brits, the Americans etc etc.  probably none more so than the damn missionaries.


We have all influenced the world and exploited the poor for our own gain.  No point in going over it, just make sure it doesn't happen again

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35 minutes ago, Scotwight said:


Thailand gave me a visa.  The British gave the Australian Aborigines a rule of law.  Colonial powers give civilization to the backward nations they colonize. 


Ever visited or lived in Oz? If so you should know the Aborigines will not thank you for the imposition of the UK Rule of Law.

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1 hour ago, Scotwight said:

I gave my ex wife my house.  Spain gave the USA the Philippines.  

Thailand gave me a visa.  The British gave the Australian Aborigines a rule of law.  Colonial powers give civilization to the backward nations they colonize. 


It is now up to the Australian people to apologize for the actions of the colonial Masters for their benevolence in imposing their will on a civilization that extended back in time tens of thousands of years, with a highly structured society, well developed laws and customs that suited the way their culture and society operated and trade links that stretched the length and breadth of the country. Australian Aboriginals may have lived in a neolithic culture but they were by no means unruly, unsophisticated or requiring of 'civilization'.


26 May is now Sorry Day in Australia. The name has been changed to National Day of Reconciliation. The former right wing PM Howard refused point blank to entertain the idea of saying sorry to the Aboriginal people. That little turd was flushed down the crapper last century and wiser heads have prevailed.


So what is Australia sorry about? The atrocities committed by the English in the 19th when they invaded the country and dispossessed many Aboriginal people of their lands are too far back in history for people to fully appreciate. However, it was not necessary to go that far back because the Australian government, formed through Federation in 1901 decided to further endow the benefits of English civilization on  the Aboriginal population. They took the view, so consistent with your admirably expressed view about civilizing the backward natives, that the Aboriginal people would benefit from having their children removed an brought up by white families. The objective of this forced assimilation was not really to turn the stolen Aboriginal children into White Fellas but to provide them with enough education and training to become the servants of the Anglophilic Australian new masters.


This is what is now known as the Stolen Generation. It was not stopped until 1969


Sorry Day and the Stolen Generations



That is an official Australian government website. Plenty more information out there.


Australia has been trying to find its place in the World since 1975 when it finally acknowledged the wrongs of its history and passed the Racial Discrimination Act and finally acknowledged its geographic position in Asia and the need to establish cultural and economic ties.


The right wing, outdated and discredited view of civilizing the natives is now dismissed by Australia and most Australians. More and more Australians are now have Asian heritages to contribute to Australian culture, adding to the huge influence provided by the immigration of Southern Europeans and Eastern Mediterranean populations after WWII. Many Australians also understand that the country and people will benefit from immigrants of the Muslim faith currently seeking asylum from war and civil conflict in places like Syria and Afghnistan.


Glib observations and gross over-generalisatons may have their place in some conversations but if one is to make such remarks, it would be better to have sufficient knowledge to know when the line is crossed into real and painful and life altering actions that are the consequence of arrogance, a self appointed sense of superiority and a self delusion that one knows better than others just because they wipe their arse with paper and not with the leaves of gum trees. So perhaps go away and do some reading then come back and tell Australians the benefits of colonization.

Edited by PTC
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15 minutes ago, PTC said:


It is now up to the Australian people to apologize for the actions of the colonial Masters for their benevolence in giving a civilization that extended back in time tens of thousands of years, with a highly structured society, well developed laws and customs that suited the way their culture and society operated and trade links that stretched the length and breadth of the country. Australian Aboriginals may have lived in a neolithic culture but they were by no means unruly, unsophisticated or requiring of 'civilization'.


26 May is now Sorry Day in Australia. The name has been changed to National Day of Reconciliation. The former right wing PM Howard refused point blank to entertain the idea of saying sorry to the Aboriginal people. That little turd was flushed down the crapper last century and wiser heads have prevailed.


So what is Australia sorry about? The atrocities committed by the English in the 19th when they invaded the country and dispossessed many Aboriginal people of their lands are too far back in history for people to fully appreciate. However, it was not necessary to go that far back because the Australian government, formed through Federation in 1901 decided to further endow the benefits of English civilization on  the Aboriginal population. They took the view, so consistent with your admirably expressed view about civilizing the backward natives, that the Aboriginal people would benefit from having their children removed an brought up by white families. The objective of this forced assimilation was not really to turn the stolen Aboriginal children into White Fellas but to provide them with enough education and training to become the servants of the Anglophilic Australian new masters.


This is what is now known as the Stolen Generation. It was not stopped until 1969


Sorry Day and the Stolen Generations



That is an official Australian government website. Plenty more information out there.


Australia has been trying to find its place in the World since 1975 when it finally acknowledged the wrongs of its history and passed the Racial Discrimination Act and finally acknowledged its geographic position in Asia and the need to establish cultural and economic ties.


The right wing, outdated and discredited view of civilizing the natives is now dismissed by Australia and most Australians. More and more Australians are now have Asian heritages to contribute to Australian culture, adding to the huge influence provided by the immigration of Southern Europeans and Eastern Mediterranean populations after WWII. Many Australians also understand that the country and people will benefit from immigrants of the Muslim faith currently seeking asylum from war and civil conflict in places like Syria and Afghnistan.


Glib observations and gross over-generalisatons may have their place in some conversations but if one is to make such remarks, it would be better to have sufficient knowledge to know when the line is crossed into real and painful and life altering actions that are the consequence of arrogance, a self appointed sense of superiority and a self delusion that one knows better than others just because they wipe their arse with paper and not with the leaves of gum trees. So perhaps go away and do some reading then come back and tell Australians the benefits of colonization.


Dont be so ungrateful. 


The best thing about Australia is its British roots.


We even gave you something to moan about.


Anyway, you're doing jolly well. Keep it up!

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How as this turned into Australia bashing?  Jesus there are a lot of pent up emotions with the TV crowd!


Admittedly the Australians are pretty much rubbish when it comes to cricket and rugby but those hats with the corks hanging off of them are pretty cool!  Anyway I won't have people mocking our Australian cousins.  Some of my friends are known to have drunk Fosters when nothing else is available!

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5 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I dont see how history can be changed.Its happened and unless you have a time machine,it cant be done.However if you think that its hog wash please explain to one who is not aware of how you can carry out such a feat.

Thank you.

I think the point is one doesn't see a lot of cities in Germany named Hitlersville as opposed to cities in the West named after colonial masters which are actually just as inappropriate.   

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Thats simply name changing.We had a road called Bearing road where i used to live.The name after the guy who owned the bank that Nick leeson screwed.It was and still is Bearing road.bearing was one of the foremost families in the slave trade,thats how his money was made.And as far as i know its still Bearing road.


You stated that history is changing all the time.Please advise,

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7 hours ago, claffey said:

Prior to abolishing slavery Britain was at the heart of Triangular Trade and responsible for transporting hundreds of thousands of Africans to the Caribbean. But the History books in UK concentrate on Wilburforce. The same with every other atrocity caused by Empire. The Bengal Famines, Irish famine, Boer Concentration Camps, Armistrar massacre, Mau Mau massacre, Malay Concentration camps in the 1950's etc etc etc... Just face it. The British empire was responsible for millions of deaths around the world. Do the benefits of the industrial revolution outweigh millions of innocent lives?????


Don't forget the forced wholesale export of opium (1st and 2nd Opium Wars) to systematically poison millions.

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