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British Colonial Co: Outrage in Australia over theme restaurant


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6 hours ago, claffey said:


Britain allowed the Irish and Bengali people to starve. Potato blight happened throughout Europe but governments responded and helped the victims to  avoid famine. In Ireland the government .(ie Britain) allowed the people to starve. The population went from almost 8 million to under 5 million. The current population of Ireland is still only 4.5 million. In 1943 Churchill refused to aid the starving people in India as it would affect military funding for the British forces. Millions died...


Yes. African slaves were sold by other slaves but the ships were British. Your attitude is a clear example of the deliberate miseducation of the masses to mask former crimes of Empire. Your arrogance is startling....


Its a historical fact that over one million people died in the Irish potato famine. Millions died in The Bengal famines too.. 


Governments can control the impact of famine...or ignore it... Britain chose to ignore them...


As I've already pointed out.the British did no such thing. It was the British parliament,made up by members of the so-called elite ( voted in by their fellow elite) who ignored the tragedy that was taking place in Ireland. The majority of the British population were unaware of the events taking place across the sea, remember this was before mass communication,and those who did know were probably to busy working down the mines with their 5yr old children, trying to fight off starvation themselves.

 Also  as I've pointed out even the Irish experts at the National Museum of Ireland,who presumably after spending years studying the Famine and its causes,and therefore know the full and unbigoted history of these tragic events, have stated that not all the blame can be placed on the Parliament in London,never mind the general British public. They mentioned that a number of Irish people also ignored the suffering of their fellow citizens,even when it was all around them.

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Lots of Grauniad readers posting today with their distortion of history especially the dumbing down of the slave trade. Haters gonna hate as the saying goes.


Made my way around the world owing to the former Empire legacies and feel absolutely no guilt about it.


Whilst the famine in Ireland was terrible the average British citizen knew sweet f all about it.


The Indian famine being just as awful was a wartime decision. If it made a difference in getting rid of Hitler then I would hope history judges it more kindly than a blind hatred of those not white and therefore non deserving of life.


Some great comments in this thread. Long may it continue.

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2 hours ago, Scotwight said:

I think the point is one doesn't see a lot of cities in Germany named Hitlersville as opposed to cities in the West named after colonial masters which are actually just as inappropriate.   


Then they can change them.  Happens all the time, St Petersburg for example.

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32 minutes ago, DerringDo said:

Lots of Grauniad readers posting today with their distortion of history especially the dumbing down of the slave trade. Haters gonna hate as the saying goes.


Made my way around the world owing to the former Empire legacies and feel absolutely no guilt about it.


Whilst the famine in Ireland was terrible the average British citizen knew sweet f all about it.


The Indian famine being just as awful was a wartime decision. If it made a difference in getting rid of Hitler then I would hope history judges it more kindly than a blind hatred of those not white and therefore non deserving of life.


Some great comments in this thread. Long may it continue.

The Bengali Famine that killed 10 million 1770 was that during what war?

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On 21/09/2016 at 0:26 PM, yogi100 said:


As a child in London our home had no bathroom, just the traditional tin bath kept on a nail in the yard and an outside privy, albeit a flushing one. Some families shared toilets. We all washed at the kitchen sink.


Many was the freezing cold hour I spent in that outside toilet with a paraffin heater, a coat around my shoulders, a candle, a jam sandwich, a thermos of tea if the thermos lining wasn't broke, the Beano or Dandy to read and an old newspaper to wipe your arse on.


I still can't shit today unless I've a Sudoko puzzle to do or a book to read at the same time. They say old habits die hard.


But they were good old times even though we never qualified for a council house or a much coveted prefab (a small prefabricated bungalow intended to be a temporary home for bombed out Londoners but with a bathroom and indoor toilet, some of which are still in use today 75 years on) I even knew one or two old folk who'd been inmates of the workhouse (they'd call 'em clients today) who swore they were some of the best days of their lives.


We had rationing into the 1950s, coppers that we feared, strict discipline in the schools enforced by the cane, the rope and the birch, very few benefits nor immigrants. If you turned down a job they stopped your dole money.


But we were happy and never complained.


Where did it all go wrong!

A candle and a jam sandwich? You were lucky! 

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On September 21, 2016 at 6:04 AM, Scotwight said:

You wrote, "at the British empire at least it released its colonies with as little bloodshed as possible" 217,000 causalities American civil war.  India - millions.  


The Civil War was not anything to do with Britain releasing the American colony.


Are you possibly thinking of the Revolutionary War? 

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You will find find without exception that those seemingly most irate about the growth of capitalism and imperialism in the C17-C19 do so as a cover for their capitulation to each and every C20 and C21 horror going. As long as the regime or movement in question declares itself anti-imperialist they are either on-board or turning a blind eye. The ant-West bias of several of the above contributors fits the accusation to a T.

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On 9/20/2016 at 3:41 PM, worgeordie said:

If Thailand had been colonised,it would have had a decent

rail system today,if they had maintained it.

regards Worgeordie


They were, and all they got out of it was a rickety bridge in the middle of nowhere.

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