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Video: Pattaya police drugs arrest in broad daylight

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24 minutes ago, Dexlowe said:


Grow up. This really was an example of poor training, and that should be a concern to everyone because the next time these clowns employ their bush baby tactics, someone could get killed. There was zero discipline, just a bunch of Walking Street thugs playing "look at me, I'm a hero". Appalling police work.


So would prefer the American way, shoot 1st ask questions later, if they survive.


You are too judgemental, what has happened here, is two sets of mothers and fathers do not have to bury their sons, do the crime, do the time, as the saying goes. 


Sure there is a lot of adrenaline running as I am sure some cops like to show off too, just look at some of those school teachers with their whistles directing traffic with their chests out each time they blow....lol


Congrates to the cops, no one was harmed, the facts show they got them, no one died, or any standing by got injured, you and me would have taken cover, and the guys will do "proper time' in a proper cell. 

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4 minutes ago, alofthailand said:

time wasting nonsense. waste of police resources. dangerous behaviour by authority figures - total sham


Oh well then, now that you put it that way, might as well have just let them go..

Seems like the Thai cops are damned if they do, damned if they dont by so many of you posters

9 minutes ago, alofthailand said:

time wasting nonsense. waste of police resources. dangerous behaviour by authority figures - total sham

At least some TV members have common sense! The war on drugs is a waste of time that does more harm to society than drugs.


9 minutes ago, alofthailand said:

time wasting nonsense. waste of police resources. dangerous behaviour by authority figures - total sham

At least some TV members have common sense! The war on drugs is a waste of time that does more harm to society than drugs.

do you feel  a free for all  will be a better situation rather than trying to control the drug menace. maybe a more coordinated effort is needed but drugs have to be controlled.

14 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

I have to go against the grain on this one, yes it looks crazy, and unprofessional, however as opposed to the recent US police shootings on blacks, e.g. killings of innocent blacks, shoot first ask questions later. I think no lose of life has worked out well in this instance, 2 alleged drug dealers caught, if they were not drug dealers, why wouldn't they be opening the doors ?


Congrates to the cops, and Bruce ...?

i agree with you. it was the only way to bust them.

35 minutes ago, Dexlowe said:


Grow up. This really was an example of poor training, and that should be a concern to everyone because the next time these clowns employ their bush baby tactics, someone could get killed. There was zero discipline, just a bunch of Walking Street thugs playing "look at me, I'm a hero". Appalling police work.

I would suggest you do the same and grow up. You be no expert behind a key board why not say great two drug dealing scum bags off the streets!!!! No its much more fun for you to big it up thai bashing. 

28 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


So would prefer the American way, shoot 1st ask questions later, if they survive.


You are too judgemental, what has happened here, is two sets of mothers and fathers do not have to bury their sons, do the crime, do the time, as the saying goes. 


Sure there is a lot of adrenaline running as I am sure some cops like to show off too, just look at some of those school teachers with their whistles directing traffic with their chests out each time they blow....lol


Congrates to the cops, no one was harmed, the facts show they got them, no one died, or any standing by got injured, you and me would have taken cover, and the guys will do "proper time' in a proper cell. 



Why refer to America? There are plenty of other police forces in the world to which we can look for examples of good policing. The bottom line is professional standards - I'm sure there are thousands of examples of fully professional police work in the US each day which are conveniently overlooked - not the ill-discipline shown by those guys in the video. Kung f.u. kicking a car door and window in thongs? Shooting at the door while just 3 feet away? Not a single back-up officer forcing onlookers to move away or take cover? There's so much to criticize, including the frenzied attitude of the officers (which screams ill-discipline).

22 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

I would suggest you do the same and grow up. You be no expert behind a key board why not say great two drug dealing scum bags off the streets!!!! No its much more fun for you to big it up thai bashing. 


So, you feel confident in the capabilities of the Thai police force as displayed here? 


And .. stop with the "Thai bashing" nonsense. The word "Thai" has not been mentioned in my postings - only "police" Thank you.


And, and ... for your edification: I'm GLAD two scumbags are OFF the streets. Happy now?


Really unprofessional and scary.  Note how the cops are pointing guns at the car when they are on opposing sides so that there is a chance they could shoot each other!

1 hour ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

sometimes the bullets go straight through with nasty consequences. very few police forces in the world would risk shooting out tires let alone car windows. in the western world cops are only allowed to used firearms if lives are at risk. 


I guess the USA is not included in the "western world."  In the States, they would have been riddled with bullets at the first sign of non-compliance; even 'mouthing off' or 'looking scary' is, essentially, a capital offense, resulting in summary execution, and no aid as the 'perp' lies on the ground, bleeding to death.


I have seen Thai cops in action on a few occasions, and found their actions far more professional and humane than in my home country.


Two more drug pushers off the streets, I don't care how they did it, the result is what matters. Hopefully they will name their suppliers and a few more can get banged up. Well done chaps :jap:

1 hour ago, Dexlowe said:

So, you feel confident in the capabilities of the Thai police force as displayed here? 


And .. stop with the "Thai bashing" nonsense. The word "Thai" has not been mentioned in my postings - only "police" Thank you.


And, and ... for your edification: I'm GLAD two scumbags are OFF the streets. Happy now?


Yes I feel comfortable  with there efforts they are not experts but did the job. Not thai bashing nonsense the video is about thai police so your criticism is about Thai police so therefore it's Thai police bashing therefore Thai bashing.

Why couldn't you just day we'll done to the Thai police them.

3 hours ago, mr_lob said:

That orrificer seemed to be showing off to the other children with his kungfu styles


He's known as KungFu Panda at the station... :shock1:



1 minute ago, Deepinthailand said:

they are not experts


Dear me. Sorry mate, but that is exactly what we expect them to be. Professional. And once again, not Thai bashing - police bashing, which you seem reluctant to understand. I make no bones about hating the local police - over 3 decades I've had a bit to do with them, so it's not something that occurred to me just yesterday - I didn't wake up and decide after 3 decades that I suddenly hate Thais and Thai police. Come on.

18 minutes ago, Dexlowe said:


Dear me. Sorry mate, but that is exactly what we expect them to be. Professional. And once again, not Thai bashing - police bashing, which you seem reluctant to understand. I make no bones about hating the local police - over 3 decades I've had a bit to do with them, so it's not something that occurred to me just yesterday - I didn't wake up and decide after 3 decades that I suddenly hate Thais and Thai police. Come on.

easy to pull a few words out of a post to make it look completely  different to what i said. again is thai bashing  a point you seem unable to understand as explained in the rest you forgot to quote. had to get the i have  been her x amount of time in  that explains  everything!!!!!!. oh and one very last point to you I am not and never will be your MATE. 

39 minutes ago, JackThompson said:


I guess the USA is not included in the "western world."  In the States, they would have been riddled with bullets at the first sign of non-compliance; even 'mouthing off' or 'looking scary' is, essentially, a capital offense, resulting in summary execution, and no aid as the 'perp' lies on the ground, bleeding to death.


I have seen Thai cops in action on a few occasions, and found their actions far more professional and humane than in my home country.

pretty sure if a cop gets caught on camera using deadly force without a good reason they would be out of a job fairly quickly. i sympathies with the cops in the state with so many guns floating around. would make me nervous as well.


Well done for arresting those two, although it did look a little like headless chickens. That one cop was certainly agile. Hate to be involved a fight against him. 

40 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

Yes I feel comfortable  with there efforts they are not experts but did the job.


OK, so here's your full quote (the rest of that post is about Thai bashing). The point of your comment in that sentence is that they are not experts but did the job. If you're happy with that, then so be it. I doubt many others are - second-best and haphazard are not acceptable.


Oh, and look up the definition of "mate" and its usage - sometimes we use it to soften criticism, make it less harsh. Not be so antagonistic. I hope you can understand that. This is an argument, not an attack.

3 hours ago, carlyai said:

Yeah...real hard to break...need a lead battern.


yeah... the copper had how many of them on hand ?


in the end the bullet did the job though

1 minute ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

pretty sure if a cop gets caught on camera using deadly force without a good reason they would be out of a job fairly quickly.


If only that were true.  In California, they tortured and murdered a homeless man with the entire process caught on camera.  Literally beat and tasered an unarmed man to death - a grown man driven to the point he was crying for 'daddy' to save him, near the end.  None of the cops was found guilty.   This type of thing has been repeated many, many times before and since.



An incident that amazed me here in Thailand; a couple was having an argument that looked like it might go violent during a street-festivity.  The police approached from 3 sides, one step at a time, slowly, until their presence has been noted by the couple, who took it down a couple notches, and walked away (in opposite directions).  De-escalation at its finest. 


This is the exact opposite of what US-cops are trained to do - maximize tickets, arrests, and rack up charges - to fill the coffers of lawyers, pay for those massive court-systems, and fill up the for-profit prisons.


1 minute ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

i sympathies with the cops in the state with so many guns floating around. would make me nervous as well.


Good guys with guns aren't a problem.  They don't pull guns on cops.  The bad guys get guns whether illegal or not.  The cities in the USA with the most strict gun laws are the most dangerous because the criminals can run wild.  The mass-shootings one hears about are almost always carried out in "gun free zones," because the victims are sitting ducks.


The nice thing about SE Asia, in general, is the street safety.  I've never felt the need to be armed over here.  One reason is the no-holds-barred actions of the police against predatory individuals and groups.  Capturing them alive, and exposing the whole network, is a much wiser tactic than creating dead-bodies who cannot tell an investigator anything.


2 hours ago, Dexlowe said:



Why refer to America? There are plenty of other police forces in the world to which we can look for examples of good policing. The bottom line is professional standards - I'm sure there are thousands of examples of fully professional police work in the US each day which are conveniently overlooked - not the ill-discipline shown by those guys in the video. Kung f.u. kicking a car door and window in thongs? Shooting at the door while just 3 feet away? Not a single back-up officer forcing onlookers to move away or take cover? There's so much to criticize, including the frenzied attitude of the officers (which screams ill-discipline).


America was the 1st country that come to mind.


Yes the karate was over the top, I have to admit.


Shooting at the door I thought was better than shooting at the glass window, aim low, hit them in the leg Vs aim high hit them in the head, I assumed the gun shot came from within the car, me, personally, if I had a gun in hand and heard the shot, it would have been the window, why should I risk my life as a cop for two drug dealers in a car with tinted windows, with guns, or not knowing if they had guns.


At the end of the day, it wouldn't be easy in any event, sure the cops didn't look as professional as in the movies, or the Lindt Cafe in Sydney whereby the could have acted and saved lives, but chose not too, and when they did act, one innocent mother was shot dead.


I suppose being your damned if you are, or if your not, personally wouldn't do that job for all the money in the world, my life is far more valuable than that, "one life"


I suppose at the end of the day, they can polish up on their acting skills, and show less karate;, unless they are not holding a gun.

1 hour ago, JackThompson said:


If only that were true.  In California, they tortured and murdered a homeless man with the entire process caught on camera.  Literally beat and tasered an unarmed man to death - a grown man driven to the point he was crying for 'daddy' to save him, near the end.  None of the cops was found guilty.   This type of thing has been repeated many, many times before and since.



An incident that amazed me here in Thailand; a couple was having an argument that looked like it might go violent during a street-festivity.  The police approached from 3 sides, one step at a time, slowly, until their presence has been noted by the couple, who took it down a couple notches, and walked away (in opposite directions).  De-escalation at its finest. 


This is the exact opposite of what US-cops are trained to do - maximize tickets, arrests, and rack up charges - to fill the coffers of lawyers, pay for those massive court-systems, and fill up the for-profit prisons.



Good guys with guns aren't a problem.  They don't pull guns on cops.  The bad guys get guns whether illegal or not.  The cities in the USA with the most strict gun laws are the most dangerous because the criminals can run wild.  The mass-shootings one hears about are almost always carried out in "gun free zones," because the victims are sitting ducks.


The nice thing about SE Asia, in general, is the street safety.  I've never felt the need to be armed over here.  One reason is the no-holds-barred actions of the police against predatory individuals and groups.  Capturing them alive, and exposing the whole network, is a much wiser tactic than creating dead-bodies who cannot tell an investigator anything.


sad to hear this. america leads the way and the rest of the world tends to follow it, glad my home country nz is a couple decades behind. luved my time in the states in the 90s.

2 hours ago, Dexlowe said:


OK, so here's your full quote (the rest of that post is about Thai bashing). The point of your comment in that sentence is that they are not experts but did the job. If you're happy with that, then so be it. I doubt many others are - second-best and haphazard are not acceptable.


Oh, and look up the definition of "mate" and its usage - sometimes we use it to soften criticism, make it less harsh. Not be so antagonistic. I hope you can understand that. This is an argument, not an attack.

Sorry did someone say something!!!!

I have to go against the grain on this one, yes it looks crazy, and unprofessional, however as opposed to the recent US police shootings on blacks, e.g. killings of innocent blacks, shoot first ask questions later. I think no lose of life has worked out well in this instance, 2 alleged drug dealers caught, if they were not drug dealers, why wouldn't they be opening the doors ?


Congrates to the cops, and Bruce ...?


You mean they would have phoned them relentlessly until they surrendered. default_smile.png 

Yes, I agree with you.

Most responders just know what to do here as they saw it on TV.

I was the first car at a red light intersection on the Sunshine Coast in Australia when 2 plain cars came from the other direction, across the concrete curb and hemmed in another car, on the other side of the lights.

There were about 5 cops who surrounded the car, guns and tazers drawn. There was one woman driver in the car. Don't know what she had done, but one of the cops was jumping at the driver car window trying to break it, and it didn't. Then another cop came with his club and broke the drivers door window all over the driver.

Looked like in the Thai video.

Real time....it's not like the movies.

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk

4 hours ago, Chris Cardiff said:

To all the people suggesting shoot the windscreen out, you do realise it's quite hard to reach through a bullet sized hole to open the door. Also there could be innocents inside. 

They could always wait for them to step out and put their hands up then taser and shoot them as in civilised countries. 

Try to realise Hollywood is not an educational establishment

It is rainy season; why wait 2-3 hours for them to come out. And what if they also had a gun.

End it quickly. And if drug dealers; they are not innocent. How many people do drugs kill.


Good attempt for your first reply. But Thai Visa members; do not think logically.  Good luck and keep posting.

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