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Homesitting Agents?


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I am available as a House Sitter around Thailand. Have tried Googling this subject but can find only International Agents that supposedly cater for every country in the World. They require an upfront annual subscription but I have no idea my profile would get many views.

Anyway, the thrust of my post is to ask if anyone knows of local Agents/ organisations to whom I can submit/register myself as a House Sitter.


Thank you for any advice.



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On ‎22‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 6:42 AM, NanLaew said:

Squatting isn't a very big market in LOS. Even the high-end condo's and palatial  homes around Bangkok's western suburbs will have some low-order family member or Isaan servant minding the silverware.


Try LA.

Inferring I might be a Squatter smacks more of bigotry and sarcasm than helpful advice. My motives and intentions for wanting to help people are honourable.


By the way, there is no such thing as a Squatters market but there IS a House Sitters market

Edited by ChrisKC
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I would think it would be very difficult for a farang to find a way to house sit in Thailand but you never know,  l would say you will have no choice other than to register with a company

Maybe register as someone who wants a sitter and ask the sitters.


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2 hours ago, ChrisKC said:

Inferring I might be a Squatter smacks more of bigotry and sarcasm than helpful advice. My motives and intentions for wanting to help people are honourable.


By the way, there is no such thing as a Squatters market but there IS a House Sitters market

Dear ChrisKC,


Perceived bigotry and sarcasm aside. my subsequent advice (re-stated below) was also posted with the same wish to be helpful so sorry if your sensitivities were easily crushed when I jokingly called it squatting.


The concept of house sitting is an unknown concept in Thailand but squatting is and it is doubtful the average Somchai could tell the difference. As I said earlier, the locals will either find some relative or friend to watch over their vacant property rather than go to any agency in the hope of their having a complete stranger on their books who will stay for free. Even with a growing foreign home ownership, it's just not done in Thailand yet, sorry. If they don't have a relative, friend, maid or gardener to look after the place, chances are it will be left empty.


Now there's nothing to stop your starting up Thailand's very first house sitting agency and good luck with it too if you do.

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53 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Dear ChrisKC,


Perceived bigotry and sarcasm aside. my subsequent advice (re-stated below) was also posted with the same wish to be helpful so sorry if your sensitivities were easily crushed when I jokingly called it squatting.


The concept of house sitting is an unknown concept in Thailand but squatting is and it is doubtful the average Somchai could tell the difference. As I said earlier, the locals will either find some relative or friend to watch over their vacant property rather than go to any agency in the hope of their having a complete stranger on their books who will stay for free. Even with a growing foreign home ownership, it's just not done in Thailand yet, sorry. If they don't have a relative, friend, maid or gardener to look after the place, chances are it will be left empty.


Now there's nothing to stop your starting up Thailand's very first house sitting agency and good luck with it too if you do.


Thank you for your reply. It's true, I am sensitive but also able to see a "joke" when I know it is one!

My house sitting is nothing to do with Thai people nor is it to do with me looking for somewhere to doss down for free.  It is to do with the many farang who frequently leave their properties unattended for weeks and even months for many differing reasons. Usually, they ask a friend or a neighbour to keep an eye on things while they are away but in many cases this is not enough or can possibly lead to problems that a really responsible person permanently on site to oversee all matters relating to their home could manage better.

There are often situations where pets are involved and in this I am particularly qualified, not only as carer but completely reliable.

I care about everything and everyone, particularly those to whom I owe due responsibility, having made commitments and promises to them I would fully intend to keep.


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I would also check some something like HomeAway or Air BnB.  Maybe there are people going to be gone for a long time who are advertizing for renters, but maybe would accept a nominal (or free) fee for someone to stay for a long time.  Just a thought.


I guess the problem with this idea is there are many many listing that you would have to look through.

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10 hours ago, taiwangirl said:

I would also check some something like HomeAway or Air BnB.  Maybe there are people going to be gone for a long time who are advertizing for renters, but maybe would accept a nominal (or free) fee for someone to stay for a long time.  Just a thought.


I guess the problem with this idea is there are many many listing that you would have to look through.

Thank you for taking the time to make a useful suggestion that I will follow up.

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Yes I can see the advantages of having someone sit your house if you have pets. However there still needs to be some kind of trust of garantee. Same applies when renting your house out with Air BnB. If the "guest" trashes your house or steals.. hard to get compensated. Still its a nice option. 

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You can watch my house.  Package deal, just add some monopoly money and stir gently.  Comes with a complimentary wife, SUV, pick up truck, motorbike, MIL, 4 lovely dogs, 2 fish ponds, chickens, a cat, Wifi and hot water.   It could be heaven or it could be hell.  You can check out anytime you like.... but you can never leave! :guitar:



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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Yes I can see the advantages of having someone sit your house if you have pets. However there still needs to be some kind of trust of garantee. Same applies when renting your house out with Air BnB. If the "guest" trashes your house or steals.. hard to get compensated. Still its a nice option. 


41 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

You can watch my house.  Package deal, just add some monopoly money and stir gently.  Comes with a complimentary wife, SUV, pick up truck, motorbike, MIL, 4 lovely dogs, 2 fish ponds, chickens, a cat, Wifi and hot water.   It could be heaven or it could be hell.  You can check out anytime you like.... but you can never leave! :guitar:



And where will you go?

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Just now, ChrisKC said:


And where will you go?


1 hour ago, robblok said:

Yes I can see the advantages of having someone sit your house if you have pets. However there still needs to be some kind of trust of garantee. Same applies when renting your house out with Air BnB. If the "guest" trashes your house or steals.. hard to get compensated. Still its a nice option. 

Yes, of course, trust has to be established and that cannot be guaranteed - except that I know myself and WOULD give promises and guarantees sincerely. I have pride, integrity and passion for fulfilling my responsibilities.

In any relationship one should aspire to mutual benefit.

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4 minutes ago, ChrisKC said:


Yes, of course, trust has to be established and that cannot be guaranteed - except that I know myself and WOULD give promises and guarantees sincerely. I have pride, integrity and passion for fulfilling my responsibilities.

In any relationship one should aspire to mutual benefit.


Its quite clear you think you have those qualities (not saying you don't have them) but you will have to convince the potential other party of it. I think that is the hardest part.


I personally do see the benefits as I am a dog owner and every year when I go on a holiday i have to let him stay somewhere else (to be looked after) while I am gone. It always goes well but for the dog staying in the home might have been less stressful. 

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13 hours ago, ChrisKC said:

I don't need a work permit because I am not doing a job of any kind either paid or otherwise!


I suspect that house sitting could indeed be included in the Thai definition of "work" as it relates to farangs. This would especially apply if you are registered or if you advertise. So you should probably be a bit careful.


Personally I would not let anyone in my Thai condo if I wasnt there, regardless of nationality.

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18 hours ago, ChrisKC said:


Thank you for your reply. It's true, I am sensitive but also able to see a "joke" when I know it is one!

My house sitting is nothing to do with Thai people nor is it to do with me looking for somewhere to doss down for free.  It is to do with the many farang who frequently leave their properties unattended for weeks and even months for many differing reasons. Usually, they ask a friend or a neighbour to keep an eye on things while they are away but in many cases this is not enough or can possibly lead to problems that a really responsible person permanently on site to oversee all matters relating to their home could manage better.

There are often situations where pets are involved and in this I am particularly qualified, not only as carer but completely reliable.

I care about everything and everyone, particularly those to whom I owe due responsibility, having made commitments and promises to them I would fully intend to keep.


There's no doubt that you see yourself as honest and trustworthy with additional skills in looking after pets. Once again, the concept of house sitting is not embraced in Thailand. Since you are focused only on the minority foreign home-owner in Thailand, I would suggest that the majority of foreigners with a property that requires watching over will be in some form of relationship where a relative of their partner or a friend of standing will be entrusted with holding the fort. The concept of maid services took off here over 20 years ago and the best and most reliable companies quickly realized that the only way to establish trust with a client and honesty with the employee was to use bonded employees, the same as maid services have to do in western countries. Would you disagree with the owner of a property requiring some sort of refundable financial bond for your services while he is away?


Your OP infers that you want to shy away from any business that needs a paid subscription which seems agreeably cautious since there's no guarantee of placement, especially in Thailand where once again, the whole concept is unknown. If such a service existed in Thailand, would you be willing to pay for a local agency to find house sitting placements for you? A finders fee?

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12 hours ago, taiwangirl said:

I would also check some something like HomeAway or Air BnB.  Maybe there are people going to be gone for a long time who are advertizing for renters, but maybe would accept a nominal (or free) fee for someone to stay for a long time.  Just a thought.


I guess the problem with this idea is there are many many listing that you would have to look through.

People who place their properties on Air BnB are looking for fast, tax-free INCOME. They are unlikely to accept someone staying for free when there's a mortgage  or rental payments to be made.

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I would like to be a house sitter too ,


I can offer 2 suitcases full of  food  from the USA ,


all I ask is an economy class RT ticket ,  Ohhh and I do not wash windows :)


I can also make sure your car gets  started and used carefully so the tires do not develop flat spots ,


And I will not Air BnB  your place for pocket money ,  you can even have a WiFi camera to check up on me  !


But must be within walking distance od BTS - MRT and 7-11 ......





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6 hours ago, KittenKong said:


I suspect that house sitting could indeed be included in the Thai definition of "work" as it relates to farangs. This would especially apply if you are registered or if you advertise. So you should probably be a bit careful.


Personally I would not let anyone in my Thai condo if I wasnt there, regardless of nationality.

You can suspect anything you like. The only "sitting" I am doing is here at my computer! And if I was sitting as any kind of job the business of obtaining a work permit would then be relevant.

If and when I operate any kind of business I am only interested in those customers who want my product or service and not concerned about those who don't.

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6 hours ago, NanLaew said:

There's no doubt that you see yourself as honest and trustworthy with additional skills in looking after pets. Once again, the concept of house sitting is not embraced in Thailand. Since you are focused only on the minority foreign home-owner in Thailand, I would suggest that the majority of foreigners with a property that requires watching over will be in some form of relationship where a relative of their partner or a friend of standing will be entrusted with holding the fort. The concept of maid services took off here over 20 years ago and the best and most reliable companies quickly realized that the only way to establish trust with a client and honesty with the employee was to use bonded employees, the same as maid services have to do in western countries. Would you disagree with the owner of a property requiring some sort of refundable financial bond for your services while he is away?


Your OP infers that you want to shy away from any business that needs a paid subscription which seems agreeably cautious since there's no guarantee of placement, especially in Thailand where once again, the whole concept is unknown. If such a service existed in Thailand, would you be willing to pay for a local agency to find house sitting placements for you? A finders fee?


By asking for advice on this forum that might include people's experience of any kind, I can only be accused of doing my homework before embarking on anything. In any event I thank you for your input that together with many other comments on this thread that have lead me to the conclusion that being available to provide a service with no demand, is also of no use.

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9 hours ago, ChrisKC said:

You can suspect anything you like. The only "sitting" I am doing is here at my computer! And if I was sitting as any kind of job the business of obtaining a work permit would then be relevant.

If and when I operate any kind of business I am only interested in those customers who want my product or service and not concerned about those who don't.



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