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Protests over latest fatal shootings by US police


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2 hours ago, jesimps said:

I think what he really meant was do as your instructed and you won't be shot, but ignore the warning and you could be shot depending on the police reading of the situation. Bottom line is do as you're told. Seems fair enough to me, but no doubt grossly unfair to the left, who hate to comply. Something to do with infringing their civil rights no doubt.


Unless you advocate living in a police state, which based on your posts is a possibility, the police are not above the law, and never should be.

Officers are hired to protect citizens from criminals by enforcing laws and preventing crime. I'm not American but from what I see, in a country where great pride and importance is placed on civil liberties, rights and freedoms, the police seem to have become disjointed from society. Especially where black people are concerned.


Police rarely get held accountable for what seems a long list of blacks, (and occasionally non blacks) who have been killed in what are odd circumstances which looked totally preventable. 


For a country with an excessive amount of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies and services, the professionalism, training and skills of some seems to leave a lot to be desired. Their communication skills in particular.

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It's the gun culture, everyone's scared to death someone is gonna pull a gun on them. Plus the psychos in the police force . Plus the general perception of black people as Gangstas, a perception which is reinforced by black people themselves (rap music, etc.). Solution - stop glamourising guns, more stringent psychological testing for police officers,  and a turn-around in black popular culture. 

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12 hours ago, SOTIRIOS said:

....gotta wonder why this keeps happening....


Dunno, perhaps because people don't listen to the trigger-happy police over there? Reaching into his car?... anyone would think he wanted to be shot. It's not like it doesn't happen to white people, but I guess it's no big deal when it does.

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10 hours ago, DM07 said:

Sooooo...let me get that straight: you guys gonna concentrate on some few idiots, who use a demonstration (a football game/ a protest march etc) to loot and riot instead of addressing the problem of police- officers, shooting yet another unarmed, innocent man -who happend to be black- and the very justified outrage over that?

Did you see the video?

There were 4 (FOUR!) police- officers and the guys was walking SLOWLY, his hands held HIGH!

You are telling me, there was NO OTHER WAY to resolve that situation, without putting a bullet into him?

 This is insanity!

And you are despicable! 

what you didn't see in the video and what is being told by police is that he was reaching into the car (they assume he was going for a gun) if this is true or not I dont know but that is what they are saying on CNN.


As stated by others if you listen to the police and keep your hands where they tell you (dont go reaching in your car for your wallet, license etc do as told)

then 99% of the time this wont happen, I say 99% of the time because I know police aren't perfect, they never know who has a gun, so they approach everyone assuming that person has a gun. This keeps allot of cops on edge, cops are people they are not perfect, I dont think any officer that killed someone actually wanted to kill that person but they were put in a position they had to make a split second decision and you dont know if the decision is right or wrong as you never know the dead persons intentions. 

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15 hours ago, webfact said:

while Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton described the contents of the video unbearable.

... and had nothing better to do than to tweet immediately:

Another unarmed Black man was shot in a police incident. This should be intolerable. We have so much work to do. #TerenceCrutcher -H
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September 20, 2016


This message was for sure not helpful to calm down the tensions in Charlotte, even if Mrs. Clinton was referring to the shooting in Tulsa.

What I find particularly disgusting is, that

  • if Mr. Trump would have tweeted something like this, the Clinton campaign and all the MSM would have immediately made Mr. Trump directly responsible for the ensuing riots (not "protests") in Charlotte
  • this comes just a few days after the MSM pounced all over the Republican nominee, Mr. Trump, for immediately calling the weekend explosions in NY and NJ the results of a terrorist bombing before it was confirmed by law enforcement. MSM, what a fuckіng bunch of hypocrites.

"We have so much work to do." Yes, I agree with you, Mrs. Clinton, there is very much to do... like you going back to sleep and let others clean up the division and mess you helped to create during the last 30 years. Please, just for once, stop blaming Mr. Trump and his supporters for that.


I feel sorry for all the innocent victims. Maybe some of them wake up in the near future.

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12 hours ago, shirtless said:

Black lives matter all lives matter, Do the crime and suffer i cant understand why an officer would shoot an unarmed man.


Black lives do not matter to "Black Lives Matter"


Facts are racist.....



Edited by Dagnabbit
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16 hours ago, ericthai said:

what you didn't see in the video and what is being told by police is that he was reaching into the car (they assume he was going for a gun) if this is true or not I dont know but that is what they are saying on CNN.


As stated by others if you listen to the police and keep your hands where they tell you (dont go reaching in your car for your wallet, license etc do as told)

then 99% of the time this wont happen, I say 99% of the time because I know police aren't perfect, they never know who has a gun, so they approach everyone assuming that person has a gun. This keeps allot of cops on edge, cops are people they are not perfect, I dont think any officer that killed someone actually wanted to kill that person but they were put in a position they had to make a split second decision and you dont know if the decision is right or wrong as you never know the dead persons intentions. 

I call BS on that on many different levels!

The guy was walking slowly, hands held high and there were 4 (FOUR) officers!

If they assumed, he was walking OVER to the car, to get a gun (assuming nearly with certainty, that he had NONE while he was walking) you are telling me, there was no other way to solve the situation than to watch him closely from 3 meters away and then put in bullet in his head?



I do not give a hoot, about policemen/ women on edge!

They were 4 vs 1 and he did not act agressively!

Still they killed him!

How much "on the edge" are you, if a situation like that makes you so nervous, that you kill someone?

What if the situation is really fishy?

Just kill everyone around?


Training and psychological assistance for cops has to be improved. or we will never see an end to this!

And by the way: Tamir Rice ring a bell?

There was not even a "listen to the police" involved!

He was just shot!


No one says, all policemen are bad!

But all of them are not good by default, either!


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1 hour ago, Ace of Pop said:

Have Police shot someone who did as instructed yet. I get out with hands in air,stand still til told different .Even the Village Idiot to Obama know it's best

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Let me guess: you are white and you have been stopped by police twice in your life so far and you yourself know, that it was deserved!


Or are you one those oh-so-many-white-guys, who did nothing and got stopped 3 times, last month alone?


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On September 23, 2016 at 3:24 AM, DM07 said:

I call BS on that on many different levels!

The guy was walking slowly, hands held high and there were 4 (FOUR) officers!

If they assumed, he was walking OVER to the car, to get a gun (assuming nearly with certainty, that he had NONE while he was walking) you are telling me, there was no other way to solve the situation than to watch him closely from 3 meters away and then put in bullet in his head?



I do not give a hoot, about policemen/ women on edge!

They were 4 vs 1 and he did not act agressively!

Still they killed him!

How much "on the edge" are you, if a situation like that makes you so nervous, that you kill someone?

What if the situation is really fishy?

Just kill everyone around?


Training and psychological assistance for cops has to be improved. or we will never see an end to this!


No one says, all policemen are bad!

But all of them are not good by default, either!



You appear to be confused about the difference of a gun vs a fist fight when you discuss things like 4 vs 1 and allude to it somehow being unfair (in so many words).


Keith Scott's Colt .380 carries 7 rounds of lethal ammunition in the magazine and 1 in the chamber so he had the fire power to shoot each officer twice. 


And multiple police on sight has been shown to dissuade otherwise aggressive suspects from attempting to resist arrest compared to a single officer. 


The police appear to have followed proper training throughout this encounter with Keith Scott. Can you point out what you think is failure to follow training? 


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59 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


You appear to be confused about the difference of a gun vs a fist fight when you discuss things like 4 vs 1 and allude to it somehow being unfair (in so many words).


Keith Scott's Colt .380 carries 7 rounds of lethal ammunition in the magazine and 1 in the chamber so he had the fire power to shoot each officer twice. 


And multiple police on sight has been shown to dissuade otherwise aggressive suspects from attempting to resist arrest compared to a single officer. 


The police appear to have followed proper training throughout this encounter with Keith Scott. Can you point out what you think is failure to follow training? 


He is refering to Terence Crutcher. the other man police murdered in cold blood.

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