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Where to Buy Playing Cards in Chiang Mai


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Keep in mind that The Playing Cards Act of 1943 prohibits individuals in Thailand from owning more than 120 playing cards unless they are registered with the Excise Department.




People were arrested in Pattaya last February for playing bridge in violation of the law.



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People sometimes misunderstand the legal situation in Thailand about cards. I have even heard people say they are illegal, which could not be farther from the truth. Cards are a government monopoly in Thailand, because they are subject to a small excise tax. If you buy cards in Thailand from, say, 7/11, they will be legal cards. Each should have a small red stamp. You can legally possess as many such Excise Dept. printed cards as you like. You do not need to be registered with the Excise Dept, because the red stamp is proof you paid tax.


The prohibition is about having more than 120 cards (not decks) which were not printed by the Excise Dept. printing house. So the problem arises if you bring in cards from outside. This is what happened to the bridge club in Jomtien. They had been bringing in cards and therefore possessed many more than 120 cards. At that time the government printing house was only producing poker size cards, which are unsuitable for playing bridge, so the club had little choice. Thanks to the Contract Bridge League of Thailand, the Excise Dept. is now printing bridge size cards. I am currently expecting my latest order of 280 such decks for the Bridge Club of Chiang Mai.

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