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Deputy police chief follows up on Thai police reform


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Deputy police chief follows up on police reform


BANGKOK, 26 September 2016 (NNT) - The Royal Thai Police is urgently reforming its investigation system and law enforcement. One of the reform’s goals is to set up a crime scene investigation team at every police station in the country. 

Deputy Commissioner-General of the Royal Thai Police Pol.Gen. Pongsapat Pongcharoen on Sunday inspected work under the reform policy at the Ratburana Metropolitan Police Station in Bangkok. The station has formed a crime scene investigation team and improved many facilities in order to provide more convenient and faster services for the public. 

Pol.Gen. Pongsapat said police stations nationwide had already completed their investigation system and law enforcement reform. They were preparing to assess the public’s satisfaction, said the deputy police chief. The rest 968 police stations are expected to complete the reform by the end of this year. 

Only two police stations—the Bang Khen and Ratburana Metropolitan Police Stations—currently have crime scene investigation teams. As for provincial police stations, the Office of Forensic Science, has set up a crime scene investigation team at the main police station in each province. 

-- nnt 2016-09-26
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I'd think within the ranks of the BIB they're happy enough with the system as it works just fine, it ain't broke so why fix it ?

It protects and serves exactly as required and no need to confuse the issue by introducing ' the public ' into the equation.

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A country of some 65+ million souls, approximately the size of France,  and 2 out of 968 police stations have "crime scene investigation teams"! 


What do all the highly decorated senior officers do all day?


And the leader claims that they are on the cusp of first world status!



Mind you, they have got an aircraft carrier, and they are getting  some submarines and a high speed rail

network.  That should tip them over the cusp....



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They've been watching too much telly.  CSI is an entertaining programme but not really real life in America however if Thailand wants to attain similar then a massive impossible culture change has to happen, total reform of the whole justice system, an elected government that people can trust, etc etc etc -  unfortunately it just ain't going to happen any time soon

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33 minutes ago, eliotness said:

They've been watching too much telly.  CSI is an entertaining programme but not really real life in America however if Thailand wants to attain similar then a massive impossible culture change has to happen, total reform of the whole justice system, an elected government that people can trust, etc etc etc -  unfortunately it just ain't going to happen any time soon

I watched some of the crime scene activity at one of the recent US shootings and thought how much they could learn from LoS.

They really were taking things slowly and carefully so they could do with an injection of Thai operating procedures where the Erawan bomb scene was examined, cleared, concreted over and back to normal in 17 hours !


The fact that the public and media were finding items of possible evidential value days later was a mere incidental especially as on at least one occasion the BIB refused to accept the item found.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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1 hour ago, JAG said:


What do all the highly decorated senior officers do all day?

You already know the answer to your own rhetorical question.

There is much serious work for the chiefs to do within the police office that cannot be trusted to the everyday plod.

There are brown envelope collection duties to be allocated and the collection rosters administered.

There is a debtors ledger to be maintained for the regular monthly donors to the Policeman's Ball.

There are the collection practices to be arranged for delinquent debtors. (late night raids and shutdowns).

There is the maintenance of the distribution list to ensure seniority priorities and percentages are correct.

There are cashier duties for when traffic police return to hand in their daily collections.

There is auditing needs for the distribution of funds to make sure unauthorised person are not receiving cash payments.

There is the brown envelope register to be kept up-to-date to for the transfers in and out of the station of senior police who are "moved to new posts" for reasons known only to their bosses.


The list could go on and on. Please do not underestimate the amount of work these senior officers are responsible for.

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2 hours ago, JAG said:

A country of some 65+ million souls, approximately the size of France,  and 2 out of 968 police stations have "crime scene investigation teams"! 


What do all the highly decorated senior officers do all day?


And the leader claims that they are on the cusp of first world status!



Mind you, they have got an aircraft carrier, and they are getting  some submarines and a high speed rail

network.  That should tip them over the cusp....



Like arse over tit.... 

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I think that the provincial CSI is enough for 75-90% of Thailand. Larger cities could have CSI units but to place a CSI unit in every district (ampoe) would just be a waste of more money for equipment and personnel that would not bee needed more than maybe a couple of times a month. It's better to spend the money to have larger, state of the art units in each province than to have small and under equipped units in all districts.   

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3 hours ago, JAG said:

A country of some 65+ million souls, approximately the size of France,  and 2 out of 968 police stations have "crime scene investigation teams"! 


What do all the highly decorated senior officers do all day?


And the leader claims that they are on the cusp of first world status!



Mind you, they have got an aircraft carrier, and they are getting  some submarines and a high speed rail

network.  That should tip them over the cusp....




Don't know about mornings but you can probably write them off after the boozy lunches that seem de rigeur for all police, prison officials and senior civil servants.

Watched 3 high up prison officers having lunch recently - a bottle of brandy and several sodas between them washed the food down nicely. Interesting to see which one drove back!

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Top Brass are all elderly pensioners. Been rorting the system for decades. Credits include negotiations of money transfers among a list of non job listed criteria. You are liars and not worth the read.

Recent example 2 supposed bikies forced to pay some Thai amature criminals 150,000 by police. Later to be seen they did not start any fight. Police are as they say money hungry. Serve only themselves.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

As for provincial police stations, the Office of Forensic Science, has set up a crime scene investigation team at the main police station in each province. 

Now that each main station has a CSI team set up with new t-shirts saying: "CSI", we have learned of a major disruption in starting the new service: the crime scene tape, specifically the color of the crime scene tape. Many teams say they want a tape that's different from the ubiquitious yellow and black used in other countries. The tape should be uniquely Thai, some favor black/yellow, inversed from yellow/black, another camp wants "hello-kitty-pink" with "baby-blue". We expect this tape row to continue on for decades and therefore rendering the police's ability to enforce something from 0 to 0, unless the PM decides to expedite the color question and article 44 the issue.

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I'm reminded of this silliness, in response to the Erawan Bombing, for some reason...


Thai PM tells cops investigating bombing to watch 'Blue Bloods'


Thailand Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha has reportedly urged police investigating Monday's fatal Bangkok bombing to watch the U.S. crime drama Blue Bloods to help them crack the case.


"Police investigators, especially the national police chiefs should watch this series. They will get tips, ideas and insights for their case," said Gen. Prayuth, according to the Bangkok Post, which said that the coup leader is "known for his passion for music and film."



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The majority of people have a deep mistrust of the police (or even hatred), and why not? when they see little or no action taken, even when crimes are committed under their noses. Even when officers themselves are caught doing something inappropriate, their superiors will make excuses for them or move them to the infamous 'inactive posts' until the heat dies down.

Until people see a police force even trying to enforce the laws, as they are paid to do (by the very people who despise them), they will never start to get that much needed trust.

When people don't even bother to report crimes because they know (or feel) it's a waste of time, and even the army now has to do some of the work of the police because they are incapable, untrustworthy or just unwilling - you know you have a massive problem and whilst those at the top continue to bask in the luxuries bestowed upon them without any morals or guilt, it's going to take some serious, serious action to bring about the massive change that Thailand wants and deserves. I suspect it won't happen.

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It will never stop.Be you police man,politician or any other person of authority.They are too far down the road of corruption,it is now an addiction.They start off living on their salaries,and by watching others realise there is money to be made,making their already expanding life styles easier.Soon they are living beyond their means and corruption stops being a pass time earner becomes a necessity.Wives want more,mia nois want more,bigger houses,better cars.It becomes so big that they have to find a friendly senior to pay every month,so as to allow them to carry on.It's rather like the scene in 'Scar face' where Pacino justs drops his face into the sea of Cocain on his desk.

Noooo,it will never stop,no matter who is in power.It just makes me wonder when and if the money will one day run out.

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6 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

I'd think within the ranks of the BIB they're happy enough with the system as it works just fine, it ain't broke so why fix it ?

It protects and serves exactly as required and no need to confuse the issue by introducing ' the public ' into the equation.

Do mean that the contributors will hang onto the brown envelopes more tightly?

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1 hour ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

It will never stop.Be you police man,politician or any other person of authority.They are too far down the road of corruption,it is now an addiction.They start off living on their salaries,and by watching others realise there is money to be made,making their already expanding life styles easier.Soon they are living beyond their means and corruption stops being a pass time earner becomes a necessity.Wives want more,mia nois want more,bigger houses,better cars.It becomes so big that they have to find a friendly senior to pay every month,so as to allow them to carry on.It's rather like the scene in 'Scar face' where Pacino justs drops his face into the sea of Cocain on his desk.

Noooo,it will never stop,no matter who is in power.It just makes me wonder when and if the money will one day run out.

And this is why Thailand will remain poor (for most) and backward. 


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