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Briton gets 4,000 baht fine for not staying where he was registered


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The screws are tightening even for those members of the ''TV deluded pillars of society who never break any law or ordinance'  brigade, making the tired old  smug, ludicrous replies like 'the law is law' and 'comply or leave'...

They'll soon be here whining just as loud when they're being made to jump through hoops like a trained poodle by Immigration and they start to realise they are not as vital to Thailand as they like to think in spite of their imagined MBA Thai/Chinese wife, high ranking friends etc....I'm looking forward to that day....

Edited by Merylhighground
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1 hour ago, alocacoc said:

Good Job Immigration fro the 4k THB. Just do everything what is possible to shy away tourists. I think, the best solution could be to to assign to every foreigner an guide, like in North Korea.

One thing you must remember in life a politicians, police tool is to divert attention away from where the actual problem lies. Put up a good front but keep the mordida flowing your way. Magicians call it slight of hand, crooks yea old shell game. 

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3 minutes ago, catman20 said:

people that do not respect the immigration laws and rules of a country allowing them to stay should have heavy fines its the only way to teach people a lesson

Uh shucks.I seem to remember not so long ago telling someone if they were confused like I was about staying more than 24 hours at my daughter in laws house in an adjacent province that instead of worrying it's worth the time to make sure some holy roller doesn't choose to  make an example out of you now for not saying may I.  Your point is well taken.

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15 minutes ago, Breizh said:

As far as I understand it is for the owner of the hotel you stay in or the owner of the house you are renting to fill the TM30 form and bring it to the immigration. So this guy may have been fined for someone's else "mistake".


When you do a 90 day report you are reporting your own address and are responsible for putting down the correct address  so, if he's been fined for not staying at his reported address, I would think he's either moved and not completed a TM28 or given an incorrect address on his TM 47  when doing his report.


It'll have nothing to do with somebody else failing to complete a TM30 to register a foreigner staying somewhere.

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1 hour ago, KhunBENQ said:


Overstay deluxe at Royal Cliff :thumbsup:


He could not go home because his passport was damaged.

Haha, nice try :cheesy:

We don't expect a little problem when going home, don't we :whistling:

Maybe is a silly question:but how they know he was in overstay?Pure causality?

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From the OP article, there's no indication of whether the "registration" they're talking about was the Brit's airport arrival card and its listed address, or, the address he may have been using for 90 day reports.


I'm guessing it's the latter they were checking, not the addresses on the airport cards. But you really can't tell from the OP article.



Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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I remember some years ago, a Dutch couple overstayed their tourist visa in USA. They went straight to jail among rapists and murderers. So guess Thailand isnt that bad with just a fine of 4000bath for being fraudulent for long time.

I just left Thailand only 1 day too late and was fined 500 bath, due to my thinking about the 30 days tourist visa. I was still in Thailand leaving on 31 day, ok my mistake, should have been out on 30 day.

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26 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

If they wanted to make a killing on these fines, maybe do some raids on "short time" hotels. Technically, you are staying there, if only for an hour.....



only until the special Sim cards to enable GPS tracking are eventually issued then they will know every move we make

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1 hour ago, Hooliganzone said:

Many single people come here just on a flight and find a place to stay after they have arrived, so how can you write the name of the place your going to stay on the TM card if you don't know where.:unsure::unsure:


Write "A Hotel, Pattaya" or whatever.

It's not like they read it anyway.

This isn't a tourist, this is probably a long stayer.


Any hotel you check into is required by law to notify the authorities.


So you shouldn't worry about it.

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2 minutes ago, midasthailand said:

My understanding is that the onus is on the hotel to inform Immigration of registered guests not on the guest! I believe it is also the responsibility of the landlord of a rental property to inform Immigration if they have a non-Thai renter.

You are correct - BUT if you read the original post you are off topic...

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1 minute ago, midasthailand said:

My understanding is that the onus is on the hotel to inform Immigration of registered guests not on the guest! I believe it is also the responsibility of the landlord of a rental property to inform Immigration if they have a non-Thai renter.


However, if you move to a friend's property, then you must make a report. TM28? The form for aliens to report their change of address or stay in the province for more than 24 hours.....

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2 hours ago, Basil B said:

Was this for not staying where he stated on a TM landing card one has to fill out on arrival?


If it was because he was not staying where he stated when doing a 90 days reporting then hardly a tourist...


What makes you think he wasn't a tourist? As stated in the article, the police did a check on September 13 and presumably visited the hotel where he mentioned on the TM landing card he would be staying but didn't find him there.


But since we're only on September 25 now, it hardly fits the category of 90 day reporting.


I wonder though whether the police traced his whereabouts using the tracking utility on the SIM cards issued to tourists.

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1 hour ago, Basil B said:

I do not see it as a " constipated rule", I think it only fair that any country can require all persons to register where they live, and if temporary like a hotel or guest house then they should have register.


Wish they would do this in the UK, it would make it more difficult for the illegal immigrants and easier to find wanted people. 


The system requires one address - so what if you have more than one legitimate accommodation, or even a few, and bounce around between them as and when needed.


The system does not cater for realistic modern working and living situations.

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1 hour ago, Ronuk said:

It's not about Thais. It's about foreigners being incapable of complying with the rules. 

Wait and see what is about to develop over the next 12 months for those that fail to comply. Some would say it's about time too.


its about ENFORCEMENT of  rules which should apply to ALL people

Motorbike insurance, helmet  wearing , speeding, sitting in the outside  lane and almost every other  rule you can think of "selectively" enforced...........how about dropping a cigarette  butt? Farang 2000 baht...........Thai...........ignored

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6 minutes ago, BlindMagician said:


The system requires one address - so what if you have more than one legitimate accommodation, or even a few, and bounce around between them as and when needed.


The system does not cater for realistic modern working and living situations.

with  5 properties in Thailand I could  live at any of them monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday

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